Weather Forecast prince Rupert Partly cloudy vrith moderate southerly winds. Cool. Queen Charlotte Islands Cloudy with occasional rain, becoming partly cloudy In the afternoon, fresh to strong southwesterly winds. (UNCIL DEFERS Ch" '.'NATION W FOR INDEFIhD h nirniTuii . w 1111:11 111 mil ..,A.ktH4.. f .1.1 - n .... ...!. fill H1LU1 bllC iCUai LlllCllb Ul L. III. iUllU 1, 11 1 llltl titu- ' to the form adopted by know ranee uupcri nas tne world, better than Vancou- " hp sain. " vanrnnvpr money for more urgent re- nmillO. irWmnn T R nlnrlr wns r v in mvnr nr rnnr n pn I L11JII. til' Aillll III' lll IT Ul LUU C1LV S UIII11UI1" A that "without filtration source. I can see no reason the water should not be - some of the slight cpldem- hange In anaapmpnf Of - - ' u f, m f IIJIIIV ancouver Neville Gerraru O v-tv vw. raportant changes in managc-nt pcrsonell of the associated man AO tT tVin T3 ir nnAlrnra Canadian Fish & Cold Stor-Co. arc announced today. . M. Window, assistant gen- 1 manager of the Canadian !i & Cold Storage Co.. is mov- to Vancouver to take over the " . IXlCUOtiS, gVIlflUJ nagcr who Is to be absent for ' remain In Vancouver to weld consolidate the associated inv uuiuiu, who nas ui:i;ii na?er of the B. C. Packers f. nas been appointed rcsl-t manager of the associated inn n t' n 1 1 t. ...111, U HOUSES 11 two raids on suspected n hi 1 1 'fr "uuscs ounaay niguw IKlMtn l I . 1 . 1 1 Ct M . sJft 111LLF lyU3IAUJf - '. later charging two of them ""'"HUB gamDimg csiuo-imnts and the rest with be- ound In a camlntr liousc. Police court yesterday John uu mcnara wciwouu rt remanded until Tuesday on operating gaming The raids took place at ""use at jooi Third Avenue and In the Eagle rooms on lr1 Avenue. 'KilON Wrntitii n VNCOUVi:R.Tlie Cana- giun has w rril Ottawa rn,ns that tlirrp 111:1 v be .,,w if jobs arc not found "c M uatl HI. ion war veterans, is such that must be immediate ac- eniDerature 40 34 ' - - V . 'c water jrination controversy into tne 'uture h an audible sigh of relief after . Athe l nr at a special ineeunir last niimt-xt.'s- if.nH-li n.ntinrr nnimntw amnnnr tho nii.i.w,.Yi lllLLllii, j,-....v...j .w....i, wlc aiuci 1I1CI. 'iHV VVPVP o Inf nt.' -firim Pi., n T7" A iV. . . , liiJU " - 4 11 IVIIL.' iMIVI ' l the city take over the , ics here might have been caused u.tUn nlfinf' Instatlprt Vinrn Lilt.'". I' ' - - ,mlllll In If rmfillUnnt .inn rouncll adoDlcd a mo- by Alderman McKay that stem be cieierreci until the , of acquiring and operating chlorinatlon plant Is avail- I'M Lilt: ah nt vi k vv m; ...nA til o r t 1e imlf nnmn army-installed chlorinatlon 1 . 1 1 n. .11. - H-- iU. .It.. -1 II 1 by bacteria in the drinking water," he said. Alderman Sorenson said: "I have nothing against chlorinatlon but. if it is a matter of expense to the city, I agree with Alderman McKay that we have better ways of spending our money, Alderman Hills approached (ContlnueC on Page 4) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Local Tides mm Wednesday, November 28, 1045 High 9:17 18.4 feet 21:38 16.6 feet Published at Canada's M 4 sftStrategio Pacific Port Low .. .. 2:28 7.2 fept l 15:34 8.9 feet VOL. XXJav, No. 274. PRINCE RUPERT, BfC, TU WfrNOVEMBER- 27rr945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hart States Case for B.C. Aerccs uith Underlying Objectives but Finds Ticsent Formula Inappropriate OTTAWA, Nov. 27 0 The Dominion-provincial conference opened in Ottawa yesterday with representatives of the nine provinces attending. They will discuss proposals advanced last August by the Dominion government. These propasals dealt with distribution of taxation between the provinces and the Dominion, each making certain concessions to the other. Premier John Hart of British Columbia endorsed underlying objectives of the Dominion proposals to the conference bui SutletihA FltKNCI! NATIONALIZATION PARIS The French Rovcrn- menl is expected today to take its first flrp toward nationalizing the banks and power companies of the country. INDONESIAN APPEAL BATAVIA, JAVA The Indonesian national committee has appealed to the peoples of the world to aid the Indonesians in their independence movement. The National Committee urges that the British be restrained from what it terms "converting Indonesia into another Manchuria for the benefit of the Dutch." RUSSIA CKITIZES BRITAIN LONDON The Moscow radio has criticized the British for their activities in Java. A Russian commentator has accused the British of breaking a promise of using troops to crush" a local movement of liberation in Indonesia. AUSTRALIAN STRIKE MELBOURNE Australia faces the possibility of a general strike among the Dominion's coal miners. The northern section of the Miners' Federation has asked the Central Council for a general strike unless Trime 'Minister Chifley intervenes in widespread strikes in New South Wales within (he next forty-eight hours. LONDON STRIKE OVER LONDON Gas Company workers in London arc returning to work. Thus for'the first lime in .three days most Londoners will again be able to enjoy a hot meal. The men have been on strike over pay demands. LEFTISTS (U'T ORLANDO ROME The political left in Italy has withdrawn its support from eighly-fivc-ycar-old Victor Orlando. The switch of the leflwingcrs was announced last night after having virtually assured that the Italian leader of the First Great War would be Italy's next premier. MacARTUR CRITICIZED OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE The Association of Oak Itidge Scientists has criticized the action by General MacArthur in ordering the destruction of Japanese cyclotrons. The Oak Ridge scientists employed in the construction of atom bombs believe the wrecking of the machines used in atomic energy experiments "wanton and stupid to the point of constituting a crime .against mankind." JET PLANES FOR CANADA OTTAWA The Canadian government has. ordered a number of Canadian-buill jet-propelled aircraft for the permanent R.C.A.F. The order has been placed with the A. V. Roe Company of Canada, Limitedthe new owners of the Victory Aircraft plant at Mai-ton, Ontario, Both engines and aircraft will be built at Mal-ton. WASHINGTON PARLEY WASHINGTON The national labor-management conference resumed in Washing-Ion yesterday after a four-day Thanksgiving recess. This will be he fourth, and presumably final, week of the discussions. KING AND TRUMAN WASHINGTON The While House said today that President Truman had received a letter from Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada and would reply to it "probably this afternoon" at which time comments would be made public. There was no comment concerning reports that the letter contained a protest by Mr. King regarding United States cessation of meat rationing. TRANSPORT CRASHES SEATTLE It has been revealed that during the storm early Monday morning a United Stales transput t plane crashed into the sea many miles off the Oregon coast after becoming lost while flying from California to Tacoma. 'ATOMIC REACTIONS - c WASHINGTON The UmTed States State Department has announced that Russia has acknowledged receiving the British - Canadian United States declaration on the atomic bomb. The Russians expressed no views on the declaration. China, on the other hand, has nctified the United States of her entire approval of the declaration. There has been no word from France. Commission's Report CO OPERATIVES SUBJECT TO TAX Future I'oli" to Be Governed On Nature of Government's Implementation CALGARY. Nov. 27 0 -Extent and effect of the Dominion government's legislation implement ing the Royal Commission's report on the taxation of co found the arrangements suggested for carrying them out ' would hot be appropriate." Mr. Hart was the first provin clal premier to make the position of his govermcnt publicly known In detail and lie did so by release of the text cf a brief he said lie proposed to icad at a meeting ol the conference's co-ordinating committee. The British Columbia Premier, nave five conditions which needed to be satisfied In any readjustment of Dominion-Provincial financial relations. 1. Arrangement should be capable of Implementation without amendment to the British North America Act. (This condition Is met by existing proposals.) 2. In any transfer of provincial tax fields to Dominion com pensation should be paid to the province in any year should never be less than the yield which affected provincial taxes would have produced if they had been levied by that province at tax rates in force when the agreement was signed or when the province last collected tax. (On the basis of Mr. Hart's analysis, present proposals do not meet this condition in the case of British Columbia.) 3. Any financial arrangement should provide for thorough review of the agreement and its possible amendment or cancellation, at regular Intervals, say every three or five years. (Pre sent proposals provide for agree ments to xun for,threc.carsJ.rr 4. Where financial tranters from Dominion to provinces arc provided, payments should be determined by objective formula, which may be applied to any and all provinces. (Proposals call for minimum federal subsidy, adjustable on the basis of pop- ulation and gross value of national prodution.) 5. Where financial transfers from Dominion to provinces arc concerned wherevc? necessary FAR-FLUNG WAR TASKS OF R.C.N. ATLANTIC COAST PATROL 'Canadian warships patrolled home, Newfoundland, Labrodor and West Indies waters and escorted hundreds of coastal convoys in North American sea lanes. German attempts to seal off the harbors of Halifax, N.'S., ond St. John's, Nfld., were frustrated. U-boats were attacked in the St. Lawrence 4iiver, off the East Coast and in the Caribbean .Sea. KISKA LANDING The often tedious routine of Pacific coast patrols wos broken for Canadian corvettes when they were called on during the Battle of the Aleutians to help In convoying troops ond supplies to Kiska where a landing was made. The Japanese' had given up hope of holding the island ond 'in PACIFIC PATROL' Before the United States entered the war, Cana operatives will govern the future actlpn which will be taken by the co-operatives, It was suggested here today in Calgary co-operative circles. The commission in its report at Ottawa ' VPstArHn V rnnninmoiiln li n t ation of co-operatives on the samfe basis as other businesses Cordell Hull Is Riled At Inquiry Developing Prince Rupert LOCAL LEADERS AND RAILWAYMEK TALK INDUSTRY AT GET-TOGETHER jMany aspects of possible industrial development of'Trince Rupert which would redound toihe benefit pf the community, the district and the railway line were discussed yesterday afternoon at a session of Uielcouncil of the Prince Runcrt Chamber of Com merce and the local Industrial Development Commit- tee with Brigadicr Robert A.- Wyman, newly appointed Indus-triai?agcnt for the Canadian National Railways. It was a fortul-tousgct-togcther and resulted In unhealthy exchange of views andUdcas which it was felt should culminate in a closer liaison between railway company' and community to the mu tual 'benefit of both. President George C. Mitchell of the Chamber "of Commerce was in 'the chair. Brigadier Wyman, speaking briefly as the meeting opened, said he had been much impressed with the possibilities of Strike End u n ki may oe near Labor Minister Announces Formula Reached Which Is Believed Acceptable trlTAWA. TT2f)K2Sljhr istcr of Labor Humphrey Mitchell announced to the liousc of Commons that formula had been developed in nation at Windsor which the government felt would be acceptable to both .sides. arrangements should be made to compensate for variations in price level and changes in port and hinterland. He was hopeful that thoughts and Ideas for development would lead to speedy action. He described the "tentacles" of the Industrial department of the railway which were designed to bring those who desired to find outlets for capital in contact with indus trial sites and opportunities: It was the function of the depart ment to be in a position to di rect such interests to the best opportunities. Information In regard to availability of natural resources, labor and, working conditions, sites, power, water and sewerage .services and taxa tion was required and local assistance would be welcome. If an effective liaison between the department and the xiity could bo established at this time, he felt that an important step would have been taken. "Spark of Enthusiasm" I would like to assure you." mianB7feadittyma have at least some spark of enthusiasm about the possibilities of developing Prince Rupert." He then put the question to the the Ford Motor Co. strike sit- t local business men assembled: "I mt II tvr H B i. dian auxiliary cruisers steamed thousands of miles through the North and South Pacific In search of German raiders. The search even led 'to remote Eoster Island, far off the coast of Chile. A notable success of the period was the capture of the German merchant hip, Weser, off the American coast. 11 Sailors of Canada's young and vigorous naval service have returned to their homes with memories of visits to distant corners of the world from Murmansk to Sydney, .Australia from the Isles of Greece to Hong Kong. How ships of the Royal Can CONVOYS The Canadian Navy's most important task as far as the outcome of the war wos concerned was escorting the huge trade convoys to the United Kingdom. During the cruciol invasion period, the R.C.N, provided ,100 percent of the close escort for North Atlantic convoys. SOUTH OF FRANCE Canadian infantry landing ships send their landing croft to the rocky shores of the South of France with the first Allied troops to land In that port of the country, The Prince Henry had the unusual distinction at this time of serving as flagship for the American admiral directing the landings. would like to hear from you what industries there are- not here that might be established." T. N. Youngs came forth with the Idea of a pulp mill for the location of which he considered Prince Rupert ideally situated in (Continued on Page 6) ANTI-SUB PATROLS Striking forces of R.C.N, worships roved the mid-Atlontic, scorching for U-boats, attacking them .before they had a chance to approach convoy routes and in many coses destroying the underwater marauders. Frigates ond destroyers were especially suited to this work. INVASION OF GREECE The Germans were already on the run when the infantry landing ships, H.M.C.S. Prince Henry and Prince David sailed into the Adriatic ond Aegean Seas and took part in the landings in Greece. They also corned members of the exiled Greek government back to their homeland. RESENTFULLY DENIES HE TOUCHED OFF PACIFIC WAR WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 27 (CP) Cordell Hull, former United States secretaiy of state, tdday branded as an "infamous charge" the inference in an Army inquiry board's report that tne way he handled the Japanese "peace" ambassadors Novcm-ner 2G, 1941, "touched the button" that started the NORMANDY. INVASION The Canodion navy supported the Invasion of Normandy with 1 09 ships ond 10,000 officers ond men. Before D-Doy Conadian destroyers ond motor torpedo boats drove enemy shipping from the Channel. Conadian minesweepers helped clear the way for troop landings. After D-Doy, R.C.N, worships shielded invosion operations from air and sea attack. HONG KONG The auxiliary cruiser,' H.M.C.S. Prince Robert, escorted Canodion troops to Hong Kong In 1941. After nearly four tragic years, she returned after V-J Doy with medical and other supplies for Allied prisoners there. The new cruiser, Ontario, also went to Hong' Kong to help maintain order in the liberated colony. WAR AGAINST U-BOATS While Canadian warships fought U-boats in the St. Lawrence, off the Cost Coast, in the Caribbean ond Mediterranean, the North Atlantic was the scene of the greatest number of attacks ond successes. R.C.N, ships made 17 definite kill;, helped sink ,10 others, and were credited with several more probable sinkings. Pacific war. The lormer sccre- tifllTAliriM TA testifying before riUmUUrlLKY lU a congressional committee ln-1 A . . L 1 7 1 . quiring Into the Japanese attack VIMI I A N A 1 1 A I on Pearl Harbor, assailed inter- IJII W-inHlM pretatlons made by the Army .,. . .. board. uiiAwa, wovemDer 41 r icia Marshall Sir Bernard Montgomery will visit Canada next spring, probably in May. By that time Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander will be here in his capacity as Governor-General to receive him. Field Marshal Montgomery, in comlnj to Canada, will be accepting an invitation extended to him by Prime-Minister W. L. "Mackenzie King. BREAKDOWN IN STRIKE TALKS CHICAGO, Nov. 27 Oi - An other breakdown in negotiations between the C.I.O. Automobile Workers Union and General Mo tors Corporation and the con llnued work stoppage at Mont gomcry-Ward department stores highlighted the United States labor front today. Nuernberg Trial Relative Strength Estimates on Neither Side VA re Accurate Deep Nazi Plotting NUERNBERG, Nov. 27 Q The German High Command over estimated Allied military Etrength six months before the invasion of Normandy while Al lied leaders underestimated the Reich's defensive strength, It was disclosed today with the Introduction at the war criminals' trial here of a speech madeJn 1943 by Col. Gen. Jodl, chief of German general staff. German intelligence officials The pfeslbHlty rmernlnentfecto vrttrTii intervention in the General Mo-1 sorted, brigades. There probably tors strike wasjseen; following a breakdown in negotiations in the dispute involving 225,000 General Motors employees. The dispute was the biggest factor in keeping the total of workers affected by labor disputes above, the 500,000 mark. Workers of the Montgomery-Ward stores were on a one-week demonstration strike for a 'dosed shop. adian Navy roved about the world during the recent war is portrayed In the accompanying map of the world showing the distant places where the navy played an important part in shaping the final victory. were less than half this number at the time. Jodl said the Germans had 46 divisions waiting for an Allied attack. Allied intelligence in London estimated they were faced with 24 to 30 German divisions. Allied prosecutors disclosed yesterday that 20 top Nazis, including Adolf Hitler and Field Marshal Keitel, plotted In 1938 to assassinate their own German ambassador in Prague to create an "incident" leading to the invasion of Czechoslovakia. It was Indicated last night that Joachim von Rlbbentrop would endeavor to call Foreign Commissar V.' M. Molotov of Russia to give evidence as to Russo-German relations i attthe time of the signing of tlie non-aggression pact In 1939. QUITS WITH CRITICISM ,j Major General J. M. Hurley Does Not Like United States Foreign Policy in Asia WAS1UNGTON, D.C., NoY. 27 Mayor General Hurley today announced his resignation as American ambassador to China and asserted that United States foreign policy had failed ln.Asla. Hurley charted. In a state ment, that the United States had "finished the war In the Far East furnishing lend-lease sup plies and using all our reputa tion to undermine democracy and bolster imperialism and communism." Hurley said he agreed entirely with the outline of foreign pol icy which President Truman made in his Navy Day speech but stated that "professional diplomats in lower echelons were frustrating the attainment of announced policy alms.." Couldn't Take j Vancouver Rain I Barney Mulvaney of Burns Lake arrived In the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide on his way back to Burns Lake after a visit to Vancouver. Barney said that he had intended to winter , a Vancouver, but it rained so much there that ll drove him home.