prince Rupert DaHi J3eU)S - Wednesday, December 12, 1945 ubllsheH fvery afternoon except Sun ay by -Prince Rupert Dally News Jml ted, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. G. A. gTJNTER. Managing Editor. K. - S08SCRIPTION RATES: y City Carrier, per week 15 er Month 65 -Per Year $7.00 ly Malltper month 40 -Per Year $4 00 t ACEMBEB A3.0. Is your mind getting enough to eat? Heajthy human brains, like healthy human bodies, get hungry. Your children's minds as well as their bodies simply must be fed. Your newspaper offers you and your whole family food for thought, mental food for hungry minds. A,Pressing Problem . . . The problem of the youth who enlisted from school and, after serring in the forces, is discharged with" no job to return to and no training for any particular line of work, yet desires and needs employment, is a national responsibility of pressing necessity for immediate action. Had the war gone on indefinitely this boy, as a fighting man; would have been considered worth feeding, lodging, paying, training and honoring. The money would be found by his country for all this and also to arm him and provide him with the equipment for destruction. Today is does not seem tojbe accepted that he is just as mQch an asset to his country as a potentially useful and valuable man inthe pursuits of peace and equally worthy of training and using. If something is not done about providing him with the privilege and his right of making a living and enjoying a normal and honest existence, he is- a potential menace and th$ reflection of the statement would bejon the country whose responsibility he- is. Yes; the case of this young vet-er&n, and all the veterans indeed, isa national problem and the soon-eriit is accepted and acted upon as si&h the better. It is no time for dairying. It 15 not good enough for thlfederal government to demobilize these" young men and dump them on the country with the Micawber-like supposition that ; plscent assumption that industry or bifsjness will absorb him. Industry aril business may have the best of intentions in the matter and may try tl&r best to take care of him. But thFwhole matter is too large to be handled in any such haphazard manner.. Neither the young men themselves nor the people will be inclined tctolerate much longer the attitude o& dalliance which is now apparent ill dealing with the case of the ygung veteran. He is entitled to a Say, Have You Seen Our Showing of SCARVES better deal than he is getting now with almost every community in the whole country having such young men seeking and not finding employment. The least the federal government can do is to devise a national plan for taking care of these young men until they are fit to take their place in industry and business and industry and business are ready to absorb them. There is a situation fast developing which has the possibility, indeed the danger, of getting out of hand. The time for action is now. Time is fleeting and the situation is hourly becoming more serious. We rejoice at the boys returning but we rflso feel concerned about their immediate future. The prospect is far from satisfactory and it is reasonable for every responsible citizen to insist that the obligation be taken up with necessary action by the federal government at once. We have paid tribute to this government's fine record. May that record be continued by an assumption of duty and responsibility now! Support Legion Bylaws . . . Gladly we put in a word of recommendation to the ratepayers at the civic election this week to support the two bylaws providing for the ceding of property to the Canadian Legion for its building extension project on Third Avenue adjoining the present club. We have no doubt the taxpayers will approve by large margin the one bylaw whereby the Legion obtains by the payment of a token fee the lot desired and the other by which it is accorded freedom of general taxation although there is not exemption on this occasion from local improvement taxes. The need of the Legion for greater accommodation is evident through the fact that, to large extent because of the large number of new war veterans now home from the wars, the membership has increased from 250 to 580. It is, indeed, cheap enough appreciation if we can help in a small way to facilitate the Legion functions .and facilities on their behalf. It might also be remembered that the Legion has always been generous and often active itself in the support of worthy local community Here's the answer to "WHAT TO GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS" . . . Something useful, comfortable these chilly days, and will add a dash of color to his wardrobe. WHITES in crepes and pure silks. $2.00 to $5.00 PAISLEY PATTERNS in Ravons cirrVc001 and Rayn . $1.50 to $2.50 SILKS in Assorted Patterns $3.50 to $150 ENGLISH WO YENS in Pure Wool $.5.00 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS It is good citizenship to VOTE IXWORTH THORPE, Suffolk, Eng. O0 Harry Shaw, 78, who has helped gather in 03 harvests, is determined, to keep working. His first job, doing odd Jobs on a farm, brought his 3d. (six cents) a day. LONDON CB A sale of butterflies at Oxford Circus yielded 429 ($1,930). One specimen, a Cardamine butterfly, fetched 22 ($99). NOTICE ALL PROPERTY HOLDERS In order to enable the Canadian Legion to extend their premises to take care of the new Veterans who are- now returning to us, we earnestly request that you make sure that you get out to vote, and that you vote in( favour of the Plebicite which Is being put up for consideration on Thursday next. Show Your Appreciation to the Roys by Voting "YES." CANADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) No. 27 (289) LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ESPERANZA TO .SHIP ORE SOON J Angus Macdonald of the Es- pciuua mine wu& u passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through from Alice Arm to Vancouver where he will remain until after the Christmas and New Year season. A diamond drilling program has been In progress on the well-known old property and Mr. Macdonald says It is expected to ship high grade ore next spring. Two men are employed. Recently Mr. Macdonald purchased the business property of T. W. Falconer in the town of Alice Arm. LETTERBOX THE ItAWO AUCTION Editor, Daily News: Having seen advertising cards and newspaper advertising pertaining to what is called "radio auction, Monday, Dec. 17, Wednesday, Dec. 19, and Saturday, Dec. 22, 1945," I am enlisting the medium of your newspaper to get some explanation as to what thU radio auction is all about. I am hoping that one of your readers or yourself may be able to answer my question. Thanking you for your courtesy, A CITIZEN. CAMBRIDGE, Eng., P Miss Janet Campbell Allen, known as the "Rich Old Lady of Cam bridge, died at 92 leaving more than $126,000. Her servant In herits $13,500. renn Radio Dial tlr l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY PAL 4:00 Victor Symphony Orch 4:30 Music by Sigmund Romberg 5,0C Vocal Varieties 5:30 Remember 5:45piatter Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Kenny Baker 6:30 Music a la Carter 6:45 The Other Island 6:50 Recorded Interlude 6::55 Ideal Hints 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:3C White Empire 8: CO Let's Play Charades 8:30 Norman Harris' Orch. 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 Gypsy Strings 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Favourite Stories 10:30 Tony Pastor's Orch. 1C:45 Organ Reveries 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8: CO CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Paul Whiteman 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:C0 Guy Lombardo 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Morning Visit 11 :C0 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11 ::30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Charles Magnante 12:15 Jack Hilton's Orch. 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:C0 Modern Minstrels 1:15 Musical Memories 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent ' I 'HIS is frankly a patriotic appeal to all who have living quarters for rent in apartment blocks, rooming houses and hotels. You arc asked to give returning veterans and their families, not only an equal chance but a preference, when they enquire about accommodations . . . BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT! They've done plenty for all of us at home, in protecting our country and our homes. Now it's our turn. These typical young Canadians had homes when they went' away. MRS. HOUSEHOLDER 1 You, too, may help by renting unoccupied space in your home. One, two or three rooms made available to a veteran and hit wife, will assist greatly in the veteran's rehabilitation and re-establishment in civilian life. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston) Vancouver ' Bralorne i - 17.50 B. R. Con J. 19 B. R. X : 19 2 Cariboo Quartz 2.95 Dentonla i... .27 '2 Grull Wlhksne .22 Hedley Mascot 1.34 Mlnto .073,4 Pend Oreille 2.80 Pioneer , G.55 Premier Border .08 Premier Gold -.. 2.02 Privateer C8 Reno 08 Salmon Gold : 17 Sheep Creek 1.65 Taylor Bridge 83 Whitewater 04j Vananda 50 Congress 12U, Hedley Amalgamated .... .06 Taylor Windfall 001 Pacific Eeastern 10 Toronto Beattie 1.32 Buffalo Canadian 40 Cons. Smelters . 82.50 Giant Yellowknlfe 8.30 Hardrock 93 Kerr Addison 16.50 Little Long Lac , 2.72 Madsen Red Lake 4.20 Macleod Cockshut 3.30 Donalda 1.23 Moneta 56 Pickle Crow 4.20 Jollet Quebec 65 San Antonio 5.80 Sherrltt Gordon 81 Steep Rock 2.75 Senator Rouyn 1.33 Homer 31 Jacknlfe 31 Bobjo 20 God's Lake 56 Lynx .30 PRAIRIES HAVE COLD WEATHER REGINA Winter his clamp, ed down on the prairies in real earnest. Reglna reports 32 below and Winnipeg, 23 below. LIVERPOOL, Kf The Grand National Steeplechase will be run over the Alntree course next April 5 for the first time since 1940. c r, Ullil.W M I If I I M LANDLORDS There have been great movements of population during die war. Many members of the forces have married since enlisting and face the problem of home-making under new and difficult conditions. Their ambition is to settle down, get to w'ork and establish their homes. GIVE THEM A BREAK! You are not asked to give this accommodation, just to rent it, at rate , approved by the Wartime Prices and J Trade Board. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN HERE I This might have been your home, but for our gallant service men. Nov that they're returning, let's show them and their families every consideration. Kent a part of your home. Give veterans priority! w If you have space which you can make available, list Prices and Trade Board about five months or less it vit!j the Citizens' Rehabilitation Committee, or rental agreements. These are exempt from normal the loco! branch of the Canadian legion; advertise it - Wartime Prices and Trade Board non-eviction regu- the newspapers or list It with a real estate agent. lotions, and five months tenancy will help m;ny Inquire at the nearest Rentals Office of the Wartime veterans through the winter. " U' CHAIRMAN OF THE PRINCE RUPERT REHABILITATION COMMITTEE MR. NORMAN A. WATT, Box 639, Court House PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF VETERANS BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANAD'A STORAGE SPACE AVAII A Din Storage-, or a , chest, piano, ot " -tire furnishing of home-h ' convenient expens e. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are tori " "sung, m0Vn storage and shipping PjlONE GO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORACF. iTn Corner 2nd and Park Avenue ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 2 after 6 o'clock. We will call for them. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAJ. STOKERS n i.-.i Darr&Anaerson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Star Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 125- INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-Ser It. E. iMONTI.MHK 324 2nd Ave Phone ft fiFftPfiF DAWK AUCTIONEEEH and I I T( M "SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 Lumber r ii Dec us for your BUILDING i a NEtUb PHILPOTT, EViTT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 To1r tnl(rnrt. ne 5l"" baths and massage to relieve u itrAst fpplintT. I R. Y. WALKEK firnrlnnte Masseur Reducing, Facial and Genera' Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evening' t nnnnlntment 937 THI1TD AVENUE WEST