vqiwioo do MaawvHo aoiNnr 5.0 aansnandt i mmm AvasanHi NO 310A puD apud oiciio xno Aojsjoq jou op om yi 00 moa msdn aa tiiav ia3dna 3DNiad uv - w--.- . "V V X - EMPIRE CAFE Fo.icny L.D.) 7l mP I O iTT DAnnnntA1 Ann r' ". 'j tvvtiv m v Redecorated MEALS, LUNCHES il a.m. to 1 a.m. OF MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' WEAR at the STONE BUILDING (Next to W. F. Stone's) . v r Yrnntmnrtf v nli In all kinds of Women's and Girls' CLOTHING A VISIT WII.I. WUI.I, KHl'AY YOU! WATCH THIS SPACE For An Interestng "New Specials Every Day" Announcement Coming Soon MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) ?hones in nH 10 P.O. Box 575 BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works SheetTietal work of all kinds - Air Conditioning Tanks sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Promp. attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor, 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box25 Phone Blue 064 OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Caie AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. Wo specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A il HILL SIXTY IS ACTIVE I.O.D.E. Chapter Meets at Home of Mrs. William McLcod Activities of Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters ol the Empire, were reviewed at the regular monthly meeting held at the home of Mrs. William Mc-Leod, Summit Avenue, on Mon day. The regent, Mrs. D. chard McLcod. presided. Mrs. Rosser was welcomed as a new member. Twelve women's service bags had been made and filled with many useful articles, It was re ported. I YORK GENERAL Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship rhonc Black 126 Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. AN AD' IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS Tne following articles were made by the members and ship ped overseas recently: 11 sets babywear, five ladles' night gowns, 22 children's nightgowns. 10 children's dresses, six chil dren's sweaters, three babies' flannelette jackets, 20 pairs socks. (Total value, $130.75.) The regent, as delegate from Hill 60 Chapter, gave a very In terestlng account of the work of the Women's Co-ordinating Council and It was decided to donate $10. The usual monthly donation of $5 was ordered to the Rup-Itec. For "Empire Study" an article on "Radar Girl" proved Instructive and entertaining. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. E. Moore. A '. A Put a working woman on the i School Board. Vote Mrs. Dorothy A A A A A z n A A a a A A Let the Khatada Girls' Club wrap your Christmas gifts fancy-like. Bring them to the Y.M.C.A. any night between 8:00 51 and A A A A A Becker for School Trustee, (it) SERVICEMEN 10:00 from now until Christmas. (287) NEURALGIA Driving You Mad? A Gel quick, positive relief from the pitiless A ui of Kcuralsia. Take Templctons T-R-C's. Specially compounded to ease A i . ..i... ,n,i th:.rn. stabbing pain. A , i,v thousands (or Neuf ;ia. Sciatica .and Lumbago, for Rheu- A stiffness. 50c. Il-at urussisu. Local News Items A Miss Margaret Johnson has returned to Prince Rupert and reopened the Central Lunch. (287) A Vote the Labor Ticket- Straight, and assure workers Union Wages on all civic projects in 1946. (286) Angus Currie, manager of Claxton cannery, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. A Call Civil Labor Federation Headquarters Phone 570 for Information on Election Day. (286) Hans Langholm and Peter Wold sailed on the Catala yesterday afternoon for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was In regular monthly business session at its weekly luncheon today. President (Dr.) J. J. Gibson was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Nels Gunderson sailed yester day afternoon on the Catala for Belllngham where he will visit with a brother whom he has not seen for 22 years. He will be re turning to the city after the New Year. Bishop Anthony Jordan of the Prince Rupert Apostolic-Vlcarl- ate of the Roman Catholic Church, .-who has been a trip cjf several weens W) eastern uaimau and the interior parishes of his extensive diocese, returned to the city on last night's train. A short circuit which set the air raid siren atop the Besner Block wailing at 11:40 this morning brought back memories of the wartime days when 'it was tested regularly at noon on eace TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Suite, almost complete with brand new furni ture. Renter must purchase furniture. Apply Box 6i, Dally News. in 55 years? Heie's o fight that's lor from over og'oinst tuberculosis, the dread plague that still kills more Canadians between 15 and 45 thon any other disease. Your annual purchase of Christmas Seels since 1500 has helped cut the TB death rote 757! And TB can be wiped out some authorities soy by the year 2000. Vet wartime conditions give TB a new leose o.i life human life. So please, help us bring up the reserves. This year, buy extra Christmas Seals. Re on or'qans member, there con be no peoce treaty with tuberculosis. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS THIS SPACE DONATED BY "WHERE MEN BUY" (293) A, . ' A I 5 ml m' CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS m JCTrnc .) M. V .IkJ l IJltkl S1LEX MANHATTAN (7-cup size) Jl.7. REMINGTON "DUAL" ELECTRIC SHAVERS ... I .!." TABLE LAMPS -s," P CRYSTAL SETS, complete with phones 7.7." CRYSTAL RADIO KITS We carry a complete stock of Heavy Duty and Portable Radio Batteries Expert Radio and Appliance Repairs. Fluorescent Lighting;. Mail Orders shipped same day as received. Rupert Radio & Electric 313 Third Ave. West PHONE (lit Box 1321 A Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) No. 27 regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. A Make it , a Labor Council and School Board on Thursday, thus applying the Worker's Thrift to the Taxpayers' Dollars. (286 A. E. Macmillan, manager of Cassiar Cannery, sailed yester day afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. When you .vote BLACK on El election Day, be sure, it's "James S" (Jimmie), the Carpenter's Business Agent. (286) Sgt. O. L. Hall of the city police was not at his office this morning on account of an Illness that has been troubling him for the last few days JIugh MacDonald, load superintendent for Atlin district, arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday from Stewart for a visit ito department headquarters here on official business. Military Orders 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) C. J. Toombs, MaJ. Commanding Bn. Parade Will be held tonight, Dec. 12, at 19iJ hrs. An Inspection will be held 'by O.C. Officers and N.C.O.'s on Friday night, Dec. 14, at 2003 hrs. ' Notice Special meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary will be held tonight, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock at the Armories on Sixth Avenue West. All ladies please attend. The IDEAL PRESENT for . . . HIM or HER I The Prince Rupert Library Board held Its regular monthly I meeting Tuesday evening. Those I present were Mrs. Arnold, chair man; T. B. Black, secretary; Mrs. Arnold Flaten, Mrs. M. M. Roper and MLss Olive van Coot-en, librarian. Communication received in respect to outstanding books Indicated that efforts to secure the co-operation of borrowers In this respect was not meeting with the response commensurate with the free service rendered by the public library. Trie Ladles' Reading Club has donated .to the library .subscriptions to Home Gardens. Canadian Art and Theatre Arts Bob Herrick returned last night on an American vessel from Ketch(kan where he went Sunday accompanying a shipment of U.S.O. equipment for the service club there. Announcements Eastern Star l ea, Dec. 12, Mrs. C. A. Berner's. P. A. Dance, December 18, Oddfellows' Hall. Bobby Woods Orchestra. Regular Baptist Christmas party, December 20, 8 p.m. Prince Rupert Regiment (MG) Dance, Friday, December 21, 9:30 to 1:30, Armouries. Admission $1. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree, Dec. 22. Legion and Auxiliary members with children 12 and under, please phone Mrs. Morrow, Black 752 before Nov. 30. L.O.B.A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 27. Refreshments. De j Carlo's Orchestra. ! Canadian Legion and Prince j Rupert Regiment (M.G.) New i Year's Eve Party and Dance ' 6th Avenue Armouries. Ad 'mission by invitation only. A FINE NEW -ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFT DHKSSINGS AND CARDS VK HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET (Downstairs) Prince tlupctt Dally J3ctos Wednesday, December 12, 1945 Only 2 Tablespoons of sugar in this MAGIC Orange Shortcake H tip. ult J tbt. horlrnlnit 2 tin. ulnar About fi cup milk 2 cup paltry flour 4 tups. Magic Baking (or 1 i cupa bread flour) Powder Orange aectlona (aklnleaa) Sift dry intredientai cut in ahortenlnit till Terr finet add milk to make aoft doufth. Turn dough onto floured board and ahapa Into round cake about 1" thick. Bake In lightly greaned layrr-cake tin at 425P. for 30-15 minutea. Spilt and butter while hot. Place wholeaectiona of seedleworangea, between layers and top with OR ANOI IAUCI Combine 1 H cupa of orange aectlona halved with about H cup honey. Let atand In refrigerator for U hour or longer before pouring over ahortcake. Serre with whipped cream, II deaired. MADE IN CANADA 'sr jr. NOTE THE NEW TYPE BALLOT . . . and vote thus on Thursday for Responsible Civic Government in 1946: Putting your "X" in front, not behind the name: F' ALDERMAN 2 Year Term- I ' ARNOLD NorLEthel kru James Stephen XHI PLAVrfiV Carpenter Rl ATK Thomas Bennet DLAUlA Superintendent HAM clidG- X MULRONEY J Union Business Agent! T PONDER " HAdd" X RUDDERHAM I GeSl VrillNfi I T Norton I UUIwJ I Business Manager For ALDERMAN 1 Year Term X I FORMAN Petlie I JOHNSTON Syd.SDuglas j f' SCHOOL BOARD RFfKFD Dorothy L. X HOWE 1 House w fe I Y DHDFD Myrtle M. "" A IWI Ll Secretary Inserted by: CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION CUT OUT FOR REFERENCE LET US MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY! Why carry home bulky or heavy parcels when you can leave them at the store for delivery the same day. by " BERT'S TRANSFER. We have made arrangements with city stores to supply this service for a small charge.' Delivery by 4 p.m. of the same day purchases are made. Tell the clerk to "Call Bert's." BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER : 303 THIRD AVENUE WEST We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW PHONE BLUE. 810, PIIONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY if I !li IV'.l m ! 5! ! ! Iff