ORRORS ISCLOSED jlurder, Slavery, arson aim Kidnapping Practised By .Nazis On Slave Labor jjUERNBERO. pcrmany More Mn four million conquered la-,-r were forced Into virtual avcry in Ocrmany by murder, nation, arson and kidnap-in;, Allied prosecutors disclosed xiay at the war crimes trial of Nazi war icaaers. The slave system to provide for German war nlants ' farms was described as ,ild and ruthuus manhunt" nn everywhere. This was the Nazi labor, commissioner's n.nrHs nrpsented as evidence iu I - I nl ihp international mllltarv ... sin l till r 111 I .11 ww 1 ij i i m i i rv i j i . rv Four-year-oid Oerry Jensen ....nn-itr pcMnpn Kprinna innirv a 1 1 u " v ' i . v rtr vpr ii n v.i pn m Dairy light delivery irucic dc- n.fAA tinr Inn p i rl nnn .mw pn iinurr ilia vctiivstv; ao nit the boy's parents Mr. and 4lf TiriKnn 141 TNft.h 1 I IUV -t - -- .- i -AAflitrai Mini nriiicps ! rpieasea irom nossuai .... Hrtii Vtir Tlr T A .. j t l Mnpn pH thit hl in. uries were minor. GHWAY 15 I IIIMIIUI II lllil ini ivv rti JI1V II is wiif Public Works Officials Not Very Hopeful About Eaily Reopening Have Not Vet Reached Shames Bridge Public works department of Mais here do not appear to be I Weather Forecast Prince Rupert-Light to mod-crate, northeast winds, becoming moderate southwest by tonight. Fair today and cloudy tonight. Cold. .nn fcrnipfiil nhnnt nn parlv re- I - . VOL XXXIV. No. . . ? ipciung 01 inc rnnce nups" ! ""e SSr;.,K,y!riTI7FNTAIFNT RRIMfi PRIf.F AT conditions hampering the work Hood conditions several weeks ago, "We have not even been able breach Shames yet," sald.Road Superintendent E. J. Fltzpatrick tins morning. It Is at Shames R!er where tile highway bridge was badly twisted by flood waters and will require partial rebuilding of approaches before It can be used for traffic again. Work has started on the Shames bridge from the Terrace end, however It Is understood There has been a foot of new snow at the summit beyond Rainbow Lake this side of Tycc since the first of the week and three feet of new snow around Salvus further up the Skcena River. To date there has been about three feet of snow In the Rainbow Lake-Tyec area and nwMklt, fit..... nrfllltlH rus. Converted bulldozers arc being used as snow plows, one on this side of Shames and the other Irom the Terrace end. GENERAL STEEL STRIKE CALLED January It Is Utl as Date lor (ireat Walk-out hi Stales HTTSBURGH -At a confer ence of 175 labor leaders here yesterday January 14 was set as the date for a general steel Workers' strike. A $2 per day Incase in wages Is sought but it as pointed out this was open to negotiation. The conference also rejected President Truman'.i iplan for a labor fnrt.flnrilntr hoard ns a mearu of "undermining labor." J D. Dutchle and L. Gelfond "rived In the city today to take Positions In the Canadian Na tional ticket office here. Re Contlu -i i f ., ihp Air HESS READS NOVEL DURING NUREMBERG TRIALS- While his co-defendants listen carefully to the evidence, as heard through translating system headphones, Rudolf Hess, who was once Hitler's heir apparent, reads "Der L 'isl, " by Hanz Fritz, In the prisoner's dock at Nuremberg, Left to right In the group of Nazis are He'rman Goerlng, Hess, Joachim von Rib-bentrop and Gen. Wllhelm Keltel. Hess' counsel asked that the Duke of Hamilton, near whose estate Hess parachuted Into Scotland In 1941. be called as a witness. W I mm mm m mw i r immi i w mw a w JUNIOR CHAMBER'S RADIO AUCTION At least half a dozen Pdnce Rupert people were j surprised today to learn t?at their '..lents have already brought a,prjce on the Junior Chamber of Com-. mercV radio auction. "Friends" have bid in each case SI to hear them perform before the microphone during the first broadcast of the show next Monday night. Any who are dominated by modesty, according to the rules, will have to bid a higher price, say $1.50, for the privilege of not performing. The money will be collected by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and will be turned over to the Salvation Army here to assist In the dispensation of Christinas Cheer locally. 1 Hugo Kraupner, chairman of the Junior chamber's radio auction committee, forecasts that 'the program this year will have as great, or possibly. a greater popularity than It had before the war. It was discontinued during the war years. "We plan to hold the program In the military post office next Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights," he said. "It will be broadcast .for an hour over CFPR on Monday and Wednesday nights and for an hour on Saturday nights." Conducted 'With all the verve of a biz-time radio variety show. the programs will feature such local talent as any eiuenain mcnt-hungry citizen may want to uav to hear, tor initrmce, u G. Birch has bid $1 to hear Dr. J. J.. Gibson ,play a violin selection on Monday night's program. If Dr. Gibson believes that the strain on his virtuosity would bs too great he can relieve himself of the musical chore toy bidding a higher sum not to hear himself play. Eventually, If the bldr dins continues, Dr. Gibson's tal ent, , whether lie piays - or noi, "J IC11U5CU 11UL11 force both were formerly In the may bring the Christmas Cheer c N, ticket office In Vancouver, fund a substantial sum of Ms TO REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME r-VOTE T. Norton Youngs 5. or Mr. Birch's money. In the past, such bidding and performances.have provided Interludes of unblemished entertainment during radio auction week. J. Harry Black, renowned somewhat for his ability to turn out a tunc on the "whistling nose," .has commanded $1 of Walter Smith's money. Mr. Black's proboscular talent has the capacity to charm both an audience and the radio auction cash register. ! Other bids received so far y the committee- arer A. J. Domlnato has bid $1 to hear W. J. Scott and W. F. Stone , sing In duet form "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain." Hugo Kraupner has bid $1 to hear G. R. S. Blackaby recite a short poem. Duncan McRac has bid $1 to hear Bob Eby play the "Hawaiian War Chant' oh'hls flutlna. To hear W.' M. Watts sing "Keep That Bottle Quiet," Ray Allen has offered a dollar. Bill Bremner has bid $1 to hear Jce McKay and Bob Elklns jlng "Show Me the Way to Go Home." The bids are 'being accepted at present by Duncan McRae at McRae Bros, store, and later will be taken at the military post office where a battery of telephones will, be Installed following the civic election. In addition to auctioning off the talents of otherwise harm less citizens, the committee has been donated a ton of coal and a box of kippers which will be put on the block and will go to the highest bidder. Direct wire connections are being made between the military post office and CFPR, over which the program will be carried during the three programs. BEHEAD YANKS; JAPS EXECUTED WASHINGTON, D.C. Six Japanese officers in the Marshall Islands were found guilty by a United States military court of beheading five United States airmen and were sentenced to be handed. Forty Are jConvicted Notorious Darhau Con I centration Trials' Come to Conclusion Tpday DACHAU, i.ermany All forty ilf feiiilants lii the Dachau .. atrocity trial were convicted by a United States military government court today of participation in cmelties which made this one of the Nazis' most notorious concentration camps. The convicted men will be sentenced later. The court deliberated 90 minutes after a twenty-four day trial. The defendants face a maximum penalty of death. Anions the convicted are five doctors, one of whom conducted inhuman malaria bac-tciiological experiments upon humans. r KORTHERN ANO CENTRAL BRITISH .COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER f m most of 1945 geared to Intensive war production, able to give only limited attention to the problems that would be inevitable when .the war ended. That end came more suddenly than Industrialists, In common with others, had anticipated. It came, too, well toward the end of the year at a time when employment normally drops off and that added a further complica tion. The lapse between V-E Day May 8, and V-J Day, August 15, provided a limited cushion In the reconversion of Industry to a peacetime basis. Direct war employment had touched Its peak of 800,000 In September, 1943. By January 1. 1945, It was down to 075,000, after V-E Day the trend turned more sharply downward and from V-J Day on the line became almost vertical until, It was esti mated unofficially, there were fewer than 100,000 in war Jobs at the end of November. Augmenting this flow of war workers on to the labor market are the veterans being dlschar'g ed from the force more than mm REDUCTION OF HOURS Tarring Hruse Workers of Vancouver Would Thereby Help Cclieve Unemployment VANCOUVER O.'--Members of Local 249, International Packing House Workers, went on record yesterday as favoring the reduction of their hours of work from 45 to 40 hours per week in irder to give employment to veterans and help relieve the unemployment situation here. The local Is composed of 300 employees of Burns & Co. Reduction In hours would provide Jobs for 33 veterans. COOL, CLOUDY IS PREDICTION Prince hupert had one NO WORK AT VANCOUVER of the coolest 24-hour periods of the season yesterday when the average temperature was 315 degrees with the maximum being 35 degrees aud the mln it will be cloudy and cold tonight. Col. J. W. Nlcholls, former general manager of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. Ltd., arrived in the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver on a business trip. 1945 In Industry-' HOPE SHARPEST RECONVERSIONS IMPACT IS ABOUT TO BE PASSED Canadian Industry and Workers Look to 1946 For Smooth Shift Back to Peacetime Production By JACK WILLIAM? Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) Canadian industry will cliall down 1SM5 as the year of reconversion headaches. As thn vp:iv ends those headaches are by no means' over but there is at least hope in the minds of both employ ers and employees that the sharpest impact had passed. Admittedly there is a difficult winter ahead. In 400,000 at the end of November. Meantime, production engineers are making .good time In switching plants from war to peacetime products; but there are Inevitable 'lay-offs while equipment Is changed and retooling takes place. Consumer coods new cooking utensils, re frigerators and scores cf small gadgets are beginning to come off production lines. While all this Is .going on the (Continued on Page 4) VANCOUVER -The city coun cil here yesterday appointed a special committee to arrange for advertising of Vancouver s unemployment situation across Canada, advising all persons not to come herr now because no work Is available. At Victoria Mayor George said he will recommend that similar advertising campaign be adopted by Vfctorla, Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1945 First Baby Here 'To British Bride What is oelieved to be the Iflrst baby to be born In Prince Rupert to a British World War ill bride arrived a few days jagu The father Is Cpl, Harold Helgerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E Helgerson, 10GO Eighth Avenue East. The mother Is the former Joyce Weekly of Gruldford, Surrey, England. The couple met while Cpl. Helgerson was scrvhig overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force. They were married November 27. 1943, In London. Just over a year ago they moved to Canada. The baby, a fine, ill, Trudy Krsr. was born at the Prince Rupert General tibial Dricmjer 1. The father is at present stationed at Abbotsford. PRICE FIVE CENTS MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS MAKES STATEMENT ON ROAD TO TERRACE Nothing Can lie Settled About Ownership While C. N. K. Holds Kight-of.Way Two Governments Considering Question of Costly Upkeep VICTORIA (CP) Hon. Herbert Anscomb, minis ter of public works, said today that he had discussed while in Ottawa the question of the province taking over the Prince Rupert-Terrace Highway but nothing was settled about ownership of the road constructed by the Dominion government as a war measure fol lowing Peart Harbor. The province made no offer to accept the road on which mainnancc costs will be high, Mr. Anscomb said. With the Canadian National Railways holding part of the right-of-way of the road, the Dominion was not in a position to put through a deal with the province. The question of upkeep of the road Is under consideration by the two governments. Harrowing Trip Following Wreck VICTORIA tM The British Columbia Police said last night mat Daniel Babicn, 65-year-old Vancouver fisherman, is now In Tofino Hospital on the west coast of Vancouver Island recovering from two days' tramping over rocks and through dense brush after his fish boat Mara cracked up on reefs December 3. tary agreement:;. The Committee now has reached an informal agreement to handle Social Credit opposition to the agreements. SENATE AITKOVKS OTTAWA The government's Emergency Powers Bill has received Senate approval. The measure extends into peacetime some of the government controls which were necessary during the war. NEW SPEED RECORD NEW YORK A new American air transcontinental speed record has been set by the big U-39 bomber the Dreamboat. The plane crossed from Bur-bank, California, to Floyd Ben-net Field, New York, in 5 hours, 27 minutes, 8 seconds. Last November, the Dreamboat made a non-stop flight from Guam to Washington, REPATRIATING JAI'S VANCOUVER The Daily Trovincc says in a special Ot tawa dispatch that most Japanese to be repatriated ftom Canada to Japan will leave this continent via tinned States ports. JAP OFFICERS TO HANG KWAJALEIN, Marshall Islands Six Japanese army officers have been found guilty of the decapitation of five American airmen on the Island of Mili and have been sentenced to he hanged. LEFT WINGERS WITHDRAW ATHENS The Left Wing faction in Greece has withdrawn its support from the government of Premier Thcml-stokles Sophoulis. The Lcft- Wingers claim the Greek government has betrayed its republican mission. ARABS ATTACK STATES CAIRO A committee representing all Arab parties in Palestine has attacked the United Stales intervention in the Palestine question. The Arabs have charged that the United States has shown partiality in support of the Jews in their demand for a national homeland. The Arabs have asserted they arc not willing to accept any decision which docs not give llicm full Independence. Capt. Blrrell, former Canadian Army sports officer here, return-' ed from a trip to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert today. UNRRA GOODS BEING LOADED VANCOUVER 0' Goods pur chased by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration for distribution in China arc being loaded on three freighters here. The goods are being shipped from various points 'across Canada. Boats loading are the Samfeugh, Sam-adre and Samkey. Temoerature .Maximum - 35 Minimum 28 George Nlckerson returned today on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver and Seattle-where he rttended the recent conference of the International Fisheries Commission of which he is chairman. Suite tin A STUDY BUETTON WOODS OTTAWA The Commons Banking Committee today will terim WeaeiJii4HrnnMuwjJtjdv oUhe Biet-nriirf -2JUTe loiiVoWlntcmatlonal Wont pre'dlcty rWrtPmte moderatelf W lew'tcm; ltrte"rrT peraturcs for tonight. The overcast, which yesterday hung so low that It was actually fog In the city's higher levels at times, has raised only slightly today. No rainfall Is predicted for today but the Weather Man says that CANADA'S CITIZEN ARMY HAMILTON, Out. Defence Minister Abbott says Canada's cHl7 army vtU-bft contlnued "' In sbfrie formJ The" defence minister told a Hamilton audience last night that a reorganization is being planned but that the citizen army which formed the backbone of the Canadian Army in two great wars will be retained. YANKS JN CHINA WASHINGTON President 'T- ,. . , . numau saia. ouay mai Am- ; erican Marines would remain In China as long as there were i any Japanese unsurrendered forces there. MILD IN TORONTO TORONTO On the anniversary of the great snowstorm of a year ago, Toronto had 20 above weather today. In the Maritimcs heavy snow has cut off Cape Breton from communication with the Nova Scotia mainland. DETAILS OF MURDF.R AUKICH, Germany Further details of murder and brutal treatment of Canadian prisoners by German troops in Normandy were given leday at' the trial of SS Major Kurt Meyer. mi:i)icim; hat fire MEDICINE HAT Thirty-six orcupants of the Becker Building here had a narrow escape during the night when the building was destroyed by fire. Damage is estimated at $65,-000. The building contained business establishments and suites. BYRNES TO MOSCOW. WASHINGTON Secretary of State James Byrnes took off-this morning for the foreign ministers' conference at Moscow. He will travel by way of Bermuda, the Azores, Paris and Berlin. MUKDEN E..TERI D TIENTSIN Chinese military sources said today that central government troops had entered the great cllyvof Mukden while other forces began landing by plane at the terri torial capital of Changchun. FIGHTING ON JAVA BATAVIA fighting flared at several points in central ana western Java today as British authorities brought fresh reinforcements into the strife-torn Island despite the Indonesian' threats that such action would be followed with a general uprising In which every means of death would be used, Local Tides Thursday, December 13 High 8U6 20:38 Low ' 123 14:22 1945 18.9 feet 17.1 feet 6.5 feet 8.0 feet Union Plan Is Rejected Ford Motor Co. Strike Dispute at Windsor Is Still Unsettled Company Wants.Men Back in Arbitration Workers Idea Is That They Should Remain Out While . Bargaining: Goes On WINDSOR, Ont. Oi The Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. announced today It has rejected the proposal of the United Automobile Workers of America (C.I.O.) to negotiate and arbitrate all differences in the union security strike that shut down the huge plant September 12. The proposal of the Union local 200 asked that arbitration "tc end the strike affecting 10,000 production workers be started on the union security Issue within 24 hours of acceptance of the plan, by the company. It fll$o proposed that the men remain on strike while the issue was under arbitration. ' Ir rejecting the offer the.com-pany said the proposal ts-im practicable and added that It prefers to have the strike end while points In dispute are At Ottawa today Minister ol Labor Humphrey Mitchells-pro posed that another vote of the workers on a strike settlement formula be taken. PATTON IN BAD SHAPE FRANKFURT -Vp$iral George Patlon, partially paralyzed as a result of spinal Injuries suffered In an automobile accident Sunday, had a restless night and showed no improvement. An Army medical 'bulletin Hon was grave although he "was conscious, rational and able to take nourishment. Mrs. Patton arrived at Hcidcl-burg yesterday. "George "has been in such scrapes before," she said hopefully, "and has always pulled through." The general seemed cheered over her arrival. TEST BOAT FOR CHILE VANCOUVER iffi Construction Is progressing here on a British Columbia style fish boat . which will be sent to Chile for a test display of quantity style fishing in that area. William Vivian of the Vivian Engine Works, the builders, said the object df the test was to open a market in South America for fish ne vessels, equipment and engines as well asjfor his firm's products. $1,500 BAIL SET IN THEFT CASE Ball of $1,500 was set by Judge W. E. Fisher in 'County Court Tuesday aftertioolf wv the case of Stanley E. Mockford, when Mockford elected jiijy 'trial on a charge of breaking and' entering with theft. The court would accept two sureties of $750 each, Judge Fisher ruled. Mockford is charged with entering the property of Ling, tailor,, pri Sixth Street and taking" cash register on September 28. T. .W. rown appeared for the Crown and Mockford acted on his. own behalf. y y y w DADDY AND MOMMlE UAvttlt BOU6HT ANY PRESENTS TO HIDE FROM US YET AND ONLY SHOPPING PAYS LEFT UNTIL. CHRISTMAS' 8 y . ..... . nmti t rn s g KAIbN HAKUWAKt g I PHONE i, , A '1;'!' ill