w i i U IP II 1. m J c a M M 9 MOLINA 121) DOROTHY OKAY lrfn cc Uuncrt Da Hp tedus Tuesday, December 11, 1945 RUPERT PEOPLES SI ORE Make sure your Oil Bu order also check yo i o II 1 11 LEXTIILICIC ELIZABETH ARDE.V I1UI1XUT LUCIEX LELOXG These arc now in stock SHOP EARLY FOR LEIGH D R E S S E S F O R Y O U R P L E A S U R E RUPERT PEOPLES STORE BiiaiRBBnaiBBiHnHBiniiIIIIIIIB-a.a- by... VITA RAY CHANEL ADKIEXXE PINAUD BATCHELOR HARRIETT IIUISIIARD AYERS others arriving shortly A GOOD SELECTION es Ltd. 6 C7i? Pioneer Dru.zgists FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service iw Help Re-build Prince Rupert Better . . . lor strong independent action that will embrace the whole community, Vote CLIFF HAM for Alderman This space voluntarily contributed by NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. Your FAVORITE Book Store RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Also Carries CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS Christmas Cards FANCY WRAPPINGS. STICKERS, ETC. Besides Your n g THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 t.?i.a;3..as.3ii3.3.3ta3,al3,,a,3,3.3ias3.3j,,a...3t9ia,a,i,3,,3,a1a,,$ COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Stove and Furnace are In good : Water Pipe insulations. Newspapers - Magazines - Tobaecos - Candy OPPOSITE ORMES DRUO STORE 5 MANY STILL WANT 'PHONES Shrinkage of Population lias Done Little to Relieve Department's- Problems Such shrinkage as there may nave been In Prince Rupert's population during recent months has not eased the problems of the city telephone department In meeting the demand for service.. Indeed, the department has been busier than ever or lare making transfers as a result of much shifting In house tenan cies. People leaving the cltv have wn, to large extent those who had no telephones anyway. There are stii: upwards of 2000 telephones in service and there is yet a long list of ineonle de siring Installations but linn hip to be satisfied. Hotel . . . arrivals Prince Rupert Cpl. G. M. Carnally, Esquimau; A. w. Oempluk, Massett; E. N.. Bolton, Port Essington; Mrs. J. M. McCulloch, Terrace; Mrs. W. J. Eaton and children, Shirley; Mrs. C. Sawyer, Miss Joan Sawyer, Phelan; Mrs. H. K. Beegte, Premier; Rev. A. O. Aasen, city; R. H. Miller, Sunny-side: A. K. Jaccoson, Shirley; O. W. Philllpson, Vancouver; A. P. Gardner, Vancouver; R. Rod-way, Vancouver; A. E. McMillan, Vancouver; Miss D. Young, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. H. McCouver, Claxton. LONDON, ffi rronns.ils Tnr nn International university from which lectures could be broadcast to students all over the world is to be discussed at the United Nations Education "Never fight the newspapers 3 i they go to Dress too often!" was n - the sage advice of ex-Mavnr Jimmy Walker of New York City. Ku:ui BACK ON HIS u Whlfflets RAILWAY JOB rrom ine waterfront X : A A unique marine rendezvous occurred, late yesterday afternoon at Cardcna Bay at the south end of Kennedy Island off the lower entrance to the Skeena River when the Union steamers Catala, Capt. Ernest Shcppard, and Cassiar, Capt. Lgrne Godfrey, made an appointment which saved valuable ment of a lane martv of n.is scngers bound frcm the Queen Charlotte Islands to Vancouver. The Cassiar was coming in from a special voyage to the Islands with some fifty loggers tn the Catala for Vancouver. She became late and would not have atrived until evening whereas the Catala was to leave at 1:30 p.m. The local agent. Frank Skinner, seized on 'the iden of having the two ships meet and effect the transfer. Accordingly the Catala sailed on schedule at 1:30 p.m., reached Cardena Bay and anchored there, smn th Cassiar came along and tied up to the Catala. The plank was run out from deck to deck and passengers and effects transferred with dispatch from one ship to the other. Then the Cassiar cast off and came on into Prince Rupert and the Catala continued on her way .to Vancouver. The Cassiar sailed from here at midnight last night for Vancouver via- lower Queen Charlotte Islands, an even two days behind schedule. Fog which created hazards along the coast yes terday and today caused-a delay! Trustee in the arrival of the steamer! Prince Rupert. She docked here at 1:30 this afternoon with Capt. E. B. Caldwell In. command. LONDON (Reuters) Lt.-Gcn, tfesmond Francis Anderson has, been made a trustee of the Im- perial War Museum in succession ' to Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick Maur i ice who has resigned. VOTE FOR Alderman Nora Arnold DOXT FORGET IT WAS ALDERMAN ARNOLD (1) Who first proposed trying to .get a long-term non-interest loan frcm the Federal Government. (2) Who prevented the City Council granting a free thousand-dollar water line to the Co-operative Association. 3 Who in 1944 alone opposed the raising of the Mayor's salary to $2000 per year. (4) Who has served on more committees than any other Alderman. (5) Who tried to get the garbage cans off the street. VOTE FOR THE INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES AND YOU VOTE FOR MEN AND WOMEN OF INTEGRITY NORA E. ARNOLD. QJ This CHRISTMAS may we suggest a smart pair of Shoes for the appropriate gift. Our Gift Certificate idea solves the problem of style last and fit. 'CALL ME HILL" Vote as you like VISIT WILLIAM F. "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" But VOTE! lxrnc Thomson Served Five Years With Government burin; War MONTREAL, Dec. 12 The return of Lome Cameron Thomson as manager of stores, Canadian National Railways, effective December 1, after more than five years of service with the Cana dian government at Ottawa is announced by D. McK. Ford. time and faiilitated the move- I vice-president of purchases and stores. With his return to thn C.N.R. Mr. Thomson resumes a railway career that began in 1897. In May, 1943, Mr. Thomson was loaned to the staff of the Minister of National Defence, Ottawa, and in August of that year transferred to the Naval department for the purposes of accel erating certain supplies in that department. He became manager of stores, Naval service, In February 1941 and two years later was made director general of Naval stqres, then deputy chief, Naval equipment and supplies, six months later. This was Mr. Thomson's second period of war service to the government as he served as superintendent of . transportation for the Imperial Munition Boarri In the First World War from February 191C to December 1913 during which time he was also engaged in special work for the British war mission in New York. k Let's not talk, let's get to work and fix. the Booth Memorial High School grounds. Vote Mrs. Dorothy Becker for School (It) LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA CHRISTMAS Specials At The 15. C. CLOTII1KRS l ine Assuilmciit of Tics In, very nice patterns. From 50c .1.00 Men's Silk Scarves In very nice pattern's. From 51.25 10 2-00 Men's Pyjamas From s&sos.so Men's Dress Shirts From 82.002.95 .Men's Kluc Overcoats IT" S19-50 Me.i's Waterproof Rain-' coals Priced $7.oo w 9.50 Hoys' Suits From S7.50to$8.50 Boys' Suits Sizes 8 to 34, in fine wool tweeds. From $14.50 to $16-50 Hoys' Pants In cotton mixtures and all wool- $2.5084.50 Roys' Shoes From $3-50 , $3.95 Boys' Sweaters In fine wool. From $1.65 to $3.00 B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street i Patrick Gillis to South America Chief Petty Officer Patrick M. Gillis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gillis, who served in the Navy throughout the war at Newfoundland, in Nova Scotia and on the Atlantic Ocean in rescue barge service, arrived in the city on ithe Prince Rupert today after navlng received his final dis- cnarge In Vancouver. His wife having been here for the past three weeks, they will leave in a few days to visit in Calgary and Winnipeg before prjeeed- ing to Peru in South America where Mr. Gillis has accepted a position. A well-known local 'boy. he was at one time ilocated at Hazelton in charge of an electric plant and enlisted from Trail. Buy more War Wings Stamps OUGHT TO SEE THE DOUGHNUTS MY MOM MAKES WITH AUHT JEMIMA J ) UJC mm mm I 1:00 SHOWS AT - 3;40 - 6:13 - 8:45 I0XB CUT CDSPJMB BanBKflVfllflK.rXlflB a Steamship fcggg Service from' Prince Rupert to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Tommy's Taxi Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Service 77 phone 77 Tommy Chrlstoff,. Proprietor Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 097 PHONE 676 "uiwari NIISON EDDY - " n t J I MACDONAID Iney alwnvt U.:. ,hril1 your heart w . .. 1 IMM0RTAI IN ITS DEAUTY INCOMPARABLE IN ITS ADVENTURE AND ROMANCE... S1GMUND ROMBERG'S Flnit Love Songi -Includtnn . 1 1. ever popular "WILL i tu REMEMBER" ARROW SHOES FOR MEN f I'm.. I C I yuauiy ana dtyiei at Popular Prices Now featured at tht CUT RATE SHOE STORE 1941 DIARIES ... Standard I'ocket Diaries. , Standard Office Diaries CALENDARS 1946 . . . Ideal Calendar Pads, 7i)c and $1.23. Ideal Calendar Stands, SI. 00 and 81.23. "Calendar by Varga," :)5c. "Colorful Canada" Calendar, $1.30. Da t tup iM.fi!i:.TI()N PANfl f iyvi tw " ,. LJ HAM, EVERY FKIB.U w SATURDAY FROM 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT Come along and ensure yourself of a good lime . Special attention glveu to private parties, club dance3 and socials 5tli Avenue East (Across from High School) RECREATION HALL FRED F.RNF.WEW. Mnnaaer PllOUC 8l IIAVK vnim pimTnr.it a pii titpv ricp minutes '""1 .... ... . , lil ine time you pose until you have your picture. inches passport or identification size. "niDivc" a for tw tUKLT J 303 THIRD AVENUE Have your EYES EXAMINED UPSTAIRS ABOVE STONE'S CLOTHING STORE t Office Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or evenings by appointment. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5th St Optometrist Room STONE BLOCK