PAGE roup. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 28, 1945 Illness Steps Up Need for Foods To speed up convalescence and avoid the loss ol weight which so often accompanies illness, the Nutrition Division of the Department 0f JfationaUlealth and Welfare recommends feeding patients, fromjthe beginning of an illness, ai'dlet-based on Canada's Food Rulei, unless the doctor advises otherwise. " many cases of illness theiTproteln and caloric needs 6T':patients soar higher than those of hard working laborers," state the nutrlonists. "Extra body-building protein Is required To repair the damage caused by Injury, operation or ill IDEAL JARS Medium, doz $1.39 Gem Zinc Kings, doz 33c Gem Glass Lids, doz 29c .Perfect Seal Lids, doz 29c W.M. Mason Uds, doz. 29c N.M. Mason Uds, doz 19c RERNARDIN No. G3 TWO-riECE CAPS Made to fit salad diessing, peanut butter and Jam jars, etc. Per doz. complete, 39c l'AROVVAX, lb 18c CERTO, per bottle 27c CERTO CRYSTALS, 2 for 27c PHONE i 843 Prince Rupert, BC. up ness. Fever patients use up calories at a terrific rate these niust be supplied by the diet." The most practical way to increase the protein and calories; without making the diet bulky or difficult to digest, Is to supplement meals with egg-nogs and milkshakes, given In mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and at bedtime. The patient will be able to enjoy small amounts of food at frequent Intervals rather than three heavy meals. These are general suggestions, but any spe cific orders of the doctor should be carried out with care. Brazil, more than 3,275,000 sauare miles in size, occupies nearly half of the area of all South America. The Experts Say - - SYRUP FOR FRUIT Even the most skilled home canners sometime overestimate the amount of syrup they need for a certain lot of fruit. With sugar short in supply throughout the world, every ounce of sweetening Is precious and not a speck must be wasted. If the fruit has been simmered in the syrup the surplus syrup makes delicious sauce for desserts like cottage pudding and can also be usgd for sweetening and .flavoring fruit dishes. If 'it can,be used immediately, that's fine', but it moulds within a short time even when kept In the refrigerator. If, it .cannot be used! within a couple of .days, put in a clean hot sealer, adjusting the rubber ring and top and processing with the last batch of fruit. The sealer does not have tc be full, so even as little as part of ai cup. can toe saved for a des-sertjmonths hence. Clear syrup to which, fruit has not been added will keep without processing for a' reasonable length of time in the refrigerator. ! SPINNING OUT MEAT With meat rationing scheduled to start up 4galnin a matter of days to help' out Europeans faced with a'drastic shortage, smart housewives are making the family roast last longer and left-overs go further, Left-over meat takes to stretching especially well wheit an Interesting flavor like curry is used .to give piquancy. The Agriculture .Department Consumer Section, suggests curry patties. To make curry patties, com bine two cups of soft, stale whole wheat bread crumbs, two cups of ground cooked meat, two teaspoons of chopped onion, y2 teaspoons of curry powder, '2 cup of gravy, one egg and salt and pep- Melt two tablespoons fat in fry per to taste. Mix thoroughly, lng pan. Drop mixture Into hot pan by spoonfuls. Flatten slight ly and brown on both sides. This makes six servings. EAT MORE CEREALS Cana dians do not eat enough cereals and cereal foods, says the Nutri tlon Division. We grow our own cereal grains and they are one of the cheapest foods, yet we cheat ourselves by eating too little of them. They are Important because they contain thiamin, the B. vitamin needed for steady nerves and qulpk, accurate thinking. Persons who feel sluggish and listless may lack this vitamin. Tlamin Is best obtained from whole cracked cereals like crack ed wheat, whole wheat bread and oatmeal or rolled oats. The nutri tionists point out that the break fast cereals which require cook ing are better sources of thiamin than the prepared ones. The best way is to start the day with one of these. If cooking is not prolonged beyond 30 minutes the loss of all the B vitamins is insignificant. Certain prepared cereals such as the bran, shredded and nut varieties made of wheat or oats contain some thiamin, while cereals derived mainly from corn and rice contain little. JARS FITTINGS DOMINION WIDE-MOUTH JARS Quarts, doz $1.65 Pints, doz $1.45 KERR ECONOMY JARS Quarts, doz. $1.59 Tints, doz $1.29 IMPROVED GEM Quarts, doz $1.39 FANCY SHORTENING OXYDOL Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers GUIDES HELPED OCCUPIED LANDS LONDON, August 28 (Reuters) The only British personnel al lowed through the EL.A.S. lines in the Greek revolts last winter were members of the Guide International Service, who, in civilian clothes, drove trucks and exchanged British-held hostages with those held by E.L.A.S. troops. One of the guides was Miss M. Jarman who told at a press conference at Girl Guide headquarters here how the first Guide International Service teams acted as intermediaries after their arrival in Greece from Alexandria aboard ships which used to sail the Canadian Great Lakes. Greek Guides and Boy Scouts now are carrying on the relief work. At the same conference Countess Reventlow told how her home In Denmark hecame an ammunition dump for equipment dropped by the R.A.F. ' She said the "Greetings Jo Richard," "Greetings to John," "Greetings to Eric" messages broadcast by the , BBC during the war were, part of a code telling resistance workers where arms would 6e dropped. The code name of the countess' home was "Eric." HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I avoid breaking glassware? A. Crystal glassware or dishes are less liable to break if they are placed on the stove in a nan of cold water and allowed, to come to a boil. Let boil for about ten minutes and then allow to cool In the same water. Q. How can I avoid sticking of starch? A. Starch will not stick if a drop or two of kerosene, or a little lard, is added to a small basin of starch and then al lowed to come to a boil. Q. How can I polish damp shoes? A. When trying to polish damp shoes, or slippers, add a little paraffin to the blacking and it will adhere. IN THE NEWS AGAIN Atoms have been talked about since pre-Socrates times. CANNING BARTLETTS are Now in Season! 50-lb. box $1.10 w,H,M,nn WRAPPED al( box $0 - CEE GRADE PLACE 50-lb. box SjI.O."i Half box $2.0.-1 YOUR ORDER NOW! CANNING PEACHES, per crate PEANUT BUTTER FRESH EGGS PRUNES Domestic, lb Large pkt. .. MYSORE COFFEE SIZE 5 PEAS Squirrel Brand, 24-oz 6rade "A" Pullet, loose, doz Size CO -70 2-lb. pkt. ... 20-oz., 3 tins RUPERT'S LOWEST-PRICED GROCETERIA OVERWAITEA PRICES GOOD WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY $2.2 PEACH PLUMS, per crate $1.95 FRESH VEGETABLES' Prices subject to market changes. Head, Lettuce, 2 for 29c Green Onions, 2 for 15c Celery, crisp, 2 lbs 21c rield Tomatoes, 2 lbs. . .. 29c Large Cucumbers, 2 for 27c Gieen Peppers, lb. 19c 1)111 Cucumbers, lb 10c Green Beans, 2 lbs 29c Cabbage, lb Oc Carrots, lb 5c Cauliflower, lb 18c Yams, ib 17c Hunch Beets, lb 9c Red Peppers, lb 29c ' Dried Onions, 4 lbs 29c Wax Beans, 2 lbs. 29c No. 1 POTATOES, 50 lbs $1.98 SIZE 3 PEAS Aylmer Choice, per tin 17c 19c 23 34c 45c 23c Fresh Ground, Quality Beans, lb. TlX 40c Free Delivery Canned Peaches Easy on Sugar Tested Directions Are Given Peaches are here and In kitchens all over the country women are canning as much as possible for use next winter. Peaches from British Columbia are graded Fancy Quality and No. 2. Today we give tested methods for canning peaches. Yield: One 20 pound crate of peaches yields about 10 quarts of canned fruit. One 6 quart leno (heaped) basket, weighing 10 pounds, yields about 5 quarts of fruit. Quantity of syrup: If peaches are ripe they are quite sweet and require very little sugar. Either a thin or very thin syrup may be used. 20 lb. Crate Thin: 16 cups water to 8 cups sugar. Very Thin: 18 cups water Co 6 cups sugar. G Qt. Leno Basket Thin: 8 cups water to 4 cups sugar. Very Thin: 9 cups wafer to 3 cups sugar. Bring sugar and water to boil ing point, skim. Peaches Hot. Pack' Prepare syrup. Blanch peaches, remove skins, halve and pit; slice if desired. Drop In brine U teaspoon salt to 1 quart cold water) to preserve color. Drain. Simmer 5 minutes In syrup. Pack I.O.D.E. HELPING BRITISH BRIDES Wedding Dresses and Accessories Donated to British Service Women TORONTO, August 28 0) -Eighty-seven long, white, wed ding dresses went overseas last spring as a gift from Canada to British service women doing duty both in Britain and in foreign countries. The gowns, assembled at Tor onto headquarters, Imperial Od der Daughters of the Empire, were sent by members of the various chapters across Canada Together with' wedding veils, gloves, shoes, stockings, lingerie, pearl necklaces, prayer books and fine handkerchiefs, the dresses helped to overcome the severe clothing shortage and to fulfill many a young bride's ambition to be married in white. Some of the articles were new but most of them had been worn at weddings In the Dominion, The dresses were sent from Toronto for the Women's Auxill- I ary Air Force, Women's Royal Naval Service, and the Duchess ' of Northumberland's Comfort Fund for the Auxiliary Territorial Services, England. I Upon arrival In Britain, three costumes were immediately sent by air to Italy where they were emnusiasucauy received, ine cost of clothing in Italy was so high that mosquito netting had been a feature at most wedding ceremonies of British service wo- mgn there. Six others were posted for India where shortage of materials was most acute. One dress, veil and a pair of gloves of the outfits sent to Northern Ireland was worn by a member of the W.A.A.F. at her wedding to a service man In Belfast, June 13. The frocks had a busy but very happy life, travelling from town to town, country to country, being loaned over and over again to many a glowingly beautiful bride so that she might cast off her uniform on her wedding day and wear the traditional "white." Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. In what way can a conversa tion be pleasant and A. It can, if based on subjects of mutual Interest to everyone present. It is rude to discuss some trip or vacation or ex perience, which holds no per sonal interest for the others present. o. What is tne best way lor parents to thank friends who have sent gifts to the new baby? A. It is preferable to send per sonal notes', expressing sincere appreciation. Q. Is it good form to use ruled paper for any social correspon dence? A. No; the paper should be plain, white, unruled, and of good quality. GOTHAM'S NAME After the British seized .New Amsterdam it was named New York for its new master, the Duke of York, (brother of the British king. at once in clean hot jars, halved peaches cut side down. Leave headspace: Vacuum sealers.... Vi in. Screw and spring top sealers V in. Remove bubbles by running a knife down and around inside of container. Partially seal screw and spring top sealers. Seal vacuum sealers. Process (in boiling water bath): Pints 15 minutes. Quarts 20 minutes. Process (In thermostatically controlled oven, 275 degrees F.) : Pints 25 minutes. Quarts 30 minutes. Cool away from draughts. Do not Invert. ... Sugarless Canned Peaches Blanch peaches, remove skins, pit and slice. Drop in brine( 1 teaspoon salt to 1 quart cold water) to preserve color. Drain, Heat slowly in just enough water to prevent sticking, until juice begins to flow, about 3 to 5 min utes. Pack at once in clean hot sealers. Pack down until Juice covers fruit. Leave headspace: Vacuum sealers Vi Inch. Screw and spring top sealers Vi Inch. Remove bubbles by running a knife down and around Inside of container. Partially seal screw and spring top sealers. Seal vacuum sealers. Process (In boiling water bath): Pints 20 minutes. Quarts 25 minutes. Cool away from draughts, not Invert. Do i Timely Tips A Tiehter Tie "Just put your finger on the knot please," you ask, while struggling to fasten that parcel up tightly. Is it still not tight enough? Soak the string well in water, then go through the tying up routine while it is still wet. As the string dries it shrinks and there is your parcel tied as snugly as can be. Presta! Lunch Right after dinner make up a casserole using the left-over meat. Keep in the refrigerator ready to pop In the oven for tomorrow's lunch. You'll have a speedy 'lunch and speedy use of left-overs too! Let It Glider Chromium, whether on toasters or serving dishes can look very smart and modern. Don't dim its glitter by cleaning with an abrasive polish. The coaling wears off easily, so Its much better Just to use a damp cloth or soap and water. Follow that by a gentle rubbing with a soft cloth ! sjnd you will get a high luster. 1 Comes a Holiday Why not stay home this Labor Day? Plan an outdoor picnic for the backyard cr better still a corn roast for the nearby country side. Hitch-hike, bike or motor to your chosen destination but do stay off the trains, leaving them for the boys coming home so they'll get there faster and in greater comfort. WORTHWHILE LUNCH . Gold was discovered near Los Angeles in 1842 by a sheep herder who was trying to dig up a few wild onions for his lunch. For BABY Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best. NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABY Ormes Lid. Jits Pioneer Drtuzfftets THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 To Our Patrons . . . In order that our equipment may be taken south for repairs, this shop will close on Thursday, August 16th and will re-open on Monday, September 10th, 1945. We hope to give you better service upon our return. VIOLET M. MAH Sunrise Beauty Salon Cojner Oth Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 943 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 588 ,r THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 811 Third Ave. Phone 178 EXTRA FINE BREAD! sssW Vv3s-- yeast for more than 70 years. MADE IN CANADA SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR . . . Children's Wearing Apparel and Staples ' QUICK HELP WITH FULL-STRENGTH FRESH YEAST Watch Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast go right ro work help give your bread more delectable flavor, finer smoother texture every time. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Fleischmann's fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable Canada's favorite A New Shipment of Stock in APRONS, BATHROOM SETS TEA TOWELS, ETC. r THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" RUPERT BUTCHERS We serve you nothing but the best Special Red ISranil Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL 11:30 Pit Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pics, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily.- We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel AUCTION SALES . . . By . . . J. H. MAIR EVERY SATURDAY, 2 P.M. at Building opposite Parker's CJarage THIRD AVENUK COW "AY Auction rooms will be open each day fr receiving goods. Transfer must be supplied by owner. Phone Black 984. Obtain receipt from driver. M Reserves. No Advertised Goods Accepted. SPECIAL AUCTIONS BY APPOINTMENT J. H. MAIR FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION ' quality foodstuffs are carried at alHimeS' you want the best, ypu will find it on shelves. You are invited to inspect our st MUSSAILEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) q Phones 18 and 19 p0.