Waterfront Whiffs Iibut Ifoats Away mis WccK-ond Opening of Season Looms Live Hcrnnjr ai rorcner isianu uog- sn l.i vers 9 K - t i'l ..l I , ;.. A m ? naiioui. M-usuii uub iu upen in nreas iwo ,t midnight Monday, some local boats have ired port and more are expected to leave These are vessels of the M to Z group s first this year. They will be followed, 1 111 Air ext Thursday, oy tne a to L group which - nt I " aim Ul" '"" hi. mrwnl n. ,. ...willing A3 JUadl:i3 Ul 60 Odd DOais. heaw with eear rrpwmpn wr was a busy place assembling and sharpening the halibut hooks on their long boats cleared today obtained their deepsea clearances. Most of the vessels leaving today and Sunday are heading for the herring grounds at Hunt's Inlet and Myers Pas3 to obtain live bait. All week long the waterfront has been bustling as fishermen loaded gear, fuel and food on their vessels. Friday and today were particularly busy. At ship chandleries and oil wharfs-vessels were taking on supplies, while on some, their decks lines. Amid all this activity some vessels stood aloof with an air of superiority. They were boats which had already been made shipshape and they obviously looked down their sleek bows a bit at their more tardy com-Danlons as t.h - --"-J wwwmw mil ww 'choppy water, Here and there was a Vancouver boat wnicn had come up to Prince Rupert to start with the local fleet. There were several newly-built vessels, looking slightly naked as their owners hurried to get them equipped In time for a reasonably early start In the season. The air of expectancy hanging over the waterfront was almost tinged with gaiety. Good luck, fishermen! Out at Hunt's Inlet at Por-cher Island, McFadden brothers have about 40 tons of live herring in their pound awaiting the halibut boats to call for bait, while at Myers Pass, 135 miles south J. H. Todd and sons of Klemtu have about 500 tons in two pounds. The thriving dogfish liver Industry is taking a fresh spurt this season and, in preparation for handling the vitamin rich livers, the Prince Rupert Fish- The fighting man has his duty to fulfil . . . the most onerous that can be laid upon any man, Hundreds of thousands of young Canadians have taken up the sword for the defence and vindication of all that wc hold to be true and good and valid. And for these things, part of our Christian heritage, they are ready to suffer the lot of the soldier-. . . separation from loved ones . . . the tcdiousncss of training ... the sharp shock of battle. And at all times, the risk of death. At home we too have a duty . . . less exacting, less demanding ... but no less, imperative. In essence DIGBY ISLAND WOLF TERROR Wolves are becoming so numerous and so daring that the people of Digby Island are actually nervous about leaving their young children outside without being carefully watched. Sevfral dogs have disappeared, supposedly the victims of the powerful black canines of the wild which come up to the very doorsteps. The residents of Dodge Cove are talking of staging a campaign to rid the island as far as possible of wolves. ermen's Co-operative and Atlin Fisheries are placing two depot scows at Queen Charlotte Islands bases. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "He Is her Intended husband." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "facile?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Phaze, craze, graze, amaze. 4. What does the word "phantasm" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with "lnd" that means "violating good manners?" Answers 1. Say, "He Is the man o whom she Is engaged." 2. Pronounce fas-lL "a" as In "at," T as In "ill," accent first syllable. 3. Phase. 4. An image formed by the mind. "They be but phantasms or apparitions." -Sir W. i Raleigh. 5. Indecorous. ' ib v??' . dlf ? man than a clear coiisc " sacred duty y of sustaining "i our youth . the t r iw-ic t i.-xm-li spy fr , i&WJ.VSSSa1 '.Iff surely it amounts to nothing more or less than the fighting men who arc laying down their lives that wc might live. Buying Victory Bonds is one way of bringing to them all the help and sustenance wc can muster. This is the flesh and blood of the cold phrase "Buying Victory Bonds". If you have someone 'over there' the knowledge of this fact will already be burned deep inside of you . . . there is nothing more for each of us to do than add "works," to 'Taith" and buy all the Victory Bonds we can. Let us fight the battle according to our conscience . . . our reward will be that in the end the trumpets of victory will surely sound. BUY VICTORY BONDS 1 v-1 NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, April 28, 1945 RETIREMENT OF RAIL VETERAN Chief Engineer for Western Region Relinquishes Office WINNBPEG. April 28 John Porter, one of the veterans of railway service in the west and chief engineer of the Canadian National Railways, western region, retires to private life on April 30, according to an an nouncement hy W. R. Devenlsh, vice-president. Mr. Porter has devoted more than 50 years of his life to railway engineering. Mr. Porter was born In Aber1 deen, Scotland, and served his apprenticeship In the office of the chief engineer of the North of Scotland Railway, now known as the L. St M. E. Railway. In 1902 Mr. Porter came to Canada and started as draughtsman. In 1909 he joined the National Transcontinental as special en gineer and in 1913 was appointed chief engineer of the Hudson Bay Railway. In 1919 Mr. Porter was trans ferred to the Canadian National Railways as special engineer and since that time has been associ ated with various phases of engineer work In western Canada. He was appointed chief engineer of the western region In 1940. Mr. Porter has taken an active Interest In community life and is associated with many engin eering associations on the con tinent. OLD SETTLEMENT The first colonization of Puerto Rico by the Spaniards was in 1508., BIRMINGHAM. Ene.. Pol ice are worried about a crime wave here. In 1944 property ,to the value of 74,415 was stolen as compared with only 21,173 the year before. FACTE THREE Little Things This war is being; fought for the rights of little things the sacred right of little nations to live their lives unmolested. It is being won by millions of little sacrifices, little efforts and millions "doing their bit." Our fluty is to make our "bit" bigger, by buying every Victory Bond we can possibly afford NOW! MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 FOR FREE DELIVERY Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to , Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday 'steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE The date for payment of your 1944 Income Tax has Kaam nvtnnn 4 n ,,.,,. ) 1 tlTVP ...... t r. - must be filed by April 30. . Tax Service by Experts GEORGE RORIE & CO. Besner Block Prince Rupert, B.C. TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there is a man in town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will 'relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments. Is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. RU PERT BRAN D :: SMOKED-BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY .- i ; I Vii