UbV.AKY 99 TZ' n VICTORS' 9 west m the best NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Tides Tomorrow? ,... sp.r.rfaC s for the fnr todav ? Ht- . (Pacific Standard Time) ... ti She Sunday. April 29, 1945 S3 38 High- 2:05 20.9 feet 14:49 183 feet .09 inches Low 8:42 3.1 feet VOL. 20:40 6.6 feet XXXIV, No. 100. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY. APRIL 28, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS wasburg, Marshal pounced tonight. WILL EFFORT fAR EG, April 23 In 1 with the problems miaaians will require fore.iRht: thp sntnp N the same dntprmi. 'uiDcarance as thrv F in dealing with the r1 'r Oovrrnnr-n E"l of Athlone. said vnor-acneral told a 'Ub mppflnn !,.. "Qa ; wartime nerfor- P something of which ?lans could Justifiably 's term ns no. c"plres this smH SUITS -ELST- . K 11ENTS UNDER DIFFICULTIES- Men often had to I deep i n water although some were able to dig up B naddle over to the YMCA car. in forward flooded IUCHENWALD HORROR CAMP i outskirts of flaming addition to Potsdam fnow Marshal Stalin : last night, Potsdam the headauarters of an Army since the Frederick the Great. -tenth of Berlin was be still hi German BV Thorp Is n lnnnnr and eastern front. ocre remain only two German resistance auth Eforr drlvlntr t link i BrltL;!) In iwrthrrn have captured Pase- eyes ns they lay In a dying semi coma. The delegation said In London yesterday that report presented to them by representatives of an, anti-Fasclst committee stated that up to April 1 the number of those who had died or been killed at Buchenwald totalled over 51.000. Films, of Nazi atrocities arc showing in Canadian theatres. These are the films that last week caused Londoners to leave the theatres while they were being shown. ADOLF HITLER NEAR DEATH STOCKHOLM, April 28 (CP) A Swedish newspaper reports that Hitler has suffered a stroke and is near death inside Berlin. The Stockholm" report says this information comes from reliable circles which however, are not identified, however, are not identified. The Stockholm newspaper was the Svenska Dagbladct which nuotcd reliable circles as say ing that Hitler had suffered a cerebral hcinmorrhaRC and was near death. Unemployment Insurance For Loggers Coming LONDON, April 28 Vh The fedcral government has decided to bring the logging Industry under unemployment Insurance H.H..in.tinH n n Tlnrnlur n f Of... uu eved to be his ' tawa, chief Insurance officer or ".rn Canada. the commission, announced here $750,000 $393,450 Russia Gets Three Seats Harmony Being; Achieved at 'Frisco Chairman Question Settled SAN FRANCISCO. April 23 ft- The United .Nations achieved enough harmony at their San Francisco cnnfprpnno to start the rca job of building ja world peace organization. A I compromise has been adopted under which foreLgn secretaries ot Russia, Britain, China and the United States will serve as rotat- i Ing chairmen of plenary sessions The final speaker of the day an was Prime Minister King. Mr. King said that, in n:s words, "Na- illand, when it hove into sight with Its welcome cup !tlon5 cvery'he must unite to Germans were only two miles away and the whole ,c u"u Cive. """""J- , ded and under continual shell fire rung pieagea mai me people oi -- - - -jviinaua are resoivcaao uo au m )W IN HUMAN DtbKADAIlUN world 'Vlll not be engulfed for a third time by a tidal wave of savagery and despotism." Compromises were reached after Stettinius had conferred with, some of the Russian delegates in 0N .April 28 (Cin-The British parliamen-!a"a"empt 10 lron out dlMer' at.ion which inspected the Buchenwald hor- Foreign Minister soomr of chi- p have made a report on what they saw.lna, Foreign commissar Moiotovi .he atrocities committed by the Nazis in the of Russia, Foreign Secretary Tl"1 concentratibn camfs mark the jgdSftSAS euauon 10 wnicn numanity nas yet, cie-iconferericc session Thursday. .iscended. Prime Minister Mackenzie King rf as ine inspecting pariy mov-,of Canada speaks today. i i . ca aDOUi me camp in snocitea VII I disbelief, half-naked victims. untiring pauuuiiy as uiuugii on stilts, managed to smile a 3flrt little. Others watched the U 1 1 1 Britons through half - closed April 28 9i The iiptured Spandau on Italy Escape Routes Severed reached the Swiss border today and cut off all of northwest Italy from exits to Germany, the Milan national- liberation radio said today. MURDERERS ARE NAMED LONDON, April 28 if' Repat riated Royal Air Force prisoners of war have supplied the British government with the names of the commandant and others responsible for the shooting 'of 50 British air officers, including six Canadians, at the notorious German Stalag Luft No. 3 last year. It was reported yesterday. The Foreign Office said that the names of the guilty will be pub lished by the War Crimes Commission when all the evidence against them has been collected. ARMY VICTORY LOAN BOARD IS VANDAL VICTIM The Army's Victory Loan standing bulletin board on the Post Office grounds was the vie tim of vandalism during the nicht. It was ripped , off its stakes but litle damaged. The military authorities were notl ficd this morning and s-tartcd checking up with a view, if pos sible, to locating the vandals The board was discovered lying on the post office lawn at o'clock this morning by Corpor ul A. T. Lashmar of the city police and taken to police head quarters. Mussolini Is Seeking Refuge BERNE, April 28 Premier Benito Mussolini and the former Fascist secretary Farlnaccl arrived Thursday at the north Italian town of Como not far from the Swiss frontier. Mussolini was recognized despite a disguise. The former proud Duce was reported to have fled from Milan which Is said to have been mans, taken over by Italian partisans, ensued, Separate Peace Offer Is Spurned By Churchill HOUDE LEADS QUEBEC PARTY MONTREAL, April 28 P; with United States Secretary of veteran "f Qupber. illti, Mayor t ' State Stettinius chairman of Camlllien Houde of Montreal,! ; steering and executive commit- lhas accepted the co-leadership 1 Nazj Disaster In Italy , tees. i01 the Bloc Popuialre in the June Hie conference agreed to give!11 edcral election campaign. Russia the three votes she asked j The mayor'6 acceptance was for in the proposed world asscm- announced a few hours after P. bly but the question of an in- J- A. Cardln in a radio address) vitation to San Francisco for the confirmed the formation of a Warsaw Polish government has1 new party under the name of been referred to the Big Four, j National Front (Le Front Natlon- Bulletins MORI? FRENCH REFUGEES BERNE, Switzerland Switzerland may soon have more visitors. The French press agency reports that exApre-miers Daladier and Renaud and General Gamelin have crossed from Germany into Switzerland. WASHINGTON CRASH WASHINGTON, D.C- Four-teen-persons were killed at the Washington D.C. airport yesterday when a passenger plane overshot the runway and plunged into a ravine, bursting into flames. NEW STEAMSHIP. SERVICE VANCOUVER Vancouver shipping interests are plan- ROME, April 28 Oi American! ning a new steamship service troops striking across the Po from British Columbia ports to River valley and into tnc Alps, South America. HALIBUT BOATS COMING VANCOUVER A number of Vancouver halibut boats have left to join the Prince Rupert fleet on the first trips 6f the season to the fishing grounds. The season starts next Tues day. PETALN'S REQUEST PARIS Marshal Pclain's first request on entering the room where he. is to be held prisoner pending trial for treason was for a picture of General DrGaulIc which he placed upon the wall. MONTY VISITS CANUCKS PARIS Field Marshal Montgomery visited Canadian troops on the Holland front. He re-rencwed acquaintances with officer and men who served under him in the Eighth Army in Sicily and Italy. NAMED TO COMMISSION OTTAWA Wing Commander E. R. Hopkins will represent Canada on the delegation of members of the United Nations War Crimes Commission which will go to Europe to inspect German horror camps. Wing Commander Hopkins is attached to the Department of External Affairs and is secretary of the Canadian War Crimes Advisory Committee. General Elsenhower requested- that the Commission send twelve of its members to inspect the camps. PATRIOTS STOP FLEEING NAZIS LONDON, April 28 it) A force of German soldiers esU-mated at 1,500 battled Italian patriots near Switzerland's southern frontier throughout Friday night in an attempt to cross into that neutral country, the Swiss radio said today. The Swiss government evacuated residents of the border region when fighting broke out near Chlasso. The Iallan patriots ambushed the fleeing Ger- and an all -night battle ' ROME The Germans are facing disaster in northern Italy as well as inside the battered Reich. American troops hayc entered Genoa and Italian partisans have driven the enemy from Milan and Turin. The Swiss radio told of a pitched battle during the night between patriots who ambushed 1500 Nazis. The Germans tried to creep across the border to the safety of Swiss internment. Japan Is Bombed Again WASHINGTON American warplancs have brought destruction to Japan's home islands once again. A fleet of about 150 B-29's bombed Japan today, the third attack on enemy airfields in two days. Allied planes have been .hitting these southern airdromes regularly since April 16 because they are the take-off points for Japanese raiders who bomb Okinawa. In yesterday's raid, enemy fighter planes tried to break up the superfortress formation by dropping phosphorous bombs at . some of the giant planes. Using "Foolish" Bombs GUAM The Japanese have been using pilo-guldcd rocket bombs in attempts to stem the American advance on Okinawa. The bombs are sixteen feet long and are generally launched from the underside of a bombing plane's fuselage. American forces have named them the "Baka Bomb." "Baka" Is the Japanese word for "foolish." REICH IS CRACKING UP-TR00P5 REVOLT IN MUNICH-ATTEMPT TO FORM NEW GOVERNMENT FAILURE LONDON, April 28 (CP) German soldiers revolted today in Munich, the birthplace of Nazism, and the scene in 1923 of Hitler's beer hall putsch. Anti-Nazi troops attempting to seize the Bavarian government won control of Munich's radio station long enough to broadcast a call to German troops to lay DRY DOCK IN SECOND PLACE One of the-treasured trophies in the possession of the local Dry Dock is the Devenlsh Cup donated by W. R. Devenish, vice-president, western region, Cana dian National Railways for the Seventh Loan campaign. Mr. Devenish has donated another trophy for the Eighth Victory Loan campaign and the Dry Dock Is hopeful of putting this trophy beside the one won In the Seventh Victory Loan campaign. In the first v bulletin 'issued from Winnipeg the Dry Dock was fourth In the competition. In the second bulletin Issued the Dry Dock was second. The rules of the competition arc that one point Is awarded for each percentage of em ployees subscribing and two points for each percentage of money objective obtained. Determined to make as good a showing on the liome front as the forces are doing on the fighting fronts, the employees In the Dry Dock are throwing all their energies and organization into reaching their objective in the Eighth Victory Loan campaign. Organization of the canvas In the yard is hi Uic hands of T J. Boulter, superintendent of maintenance, and R. W. Long Is In charge of records. CANDIDATE OF SOCIAL CREDIT . VANCOUVER, April 28 KM Eric Martin, first v'ce-presldent of the New Veterans Branch or the Canadian Legion here, was nominated Social Credit candidate for Vancouver Centre In the forthcoming federal election, down their arms. The revolt apparently was stifled. A report from the German- Swiss frontier today said that an effort to establish a new German government under the leadership, of Walter Funk, president of the Reichsbank, failed last Tuesday. It was learned reliably to night that heavy fighting be tween German Army troops and SS men was reported in Salz burg, 12 miles north of Ber chtesgaden, and the situation was said to be choatic still. Final Fight For Berlin Nazis Resorting to Every Ruse To Defend Capital MOSCOW, April 28 (CP) Russian troops are battling for the last quarter of Berlin still held by the Nazis. The fighting is bitter,. Soviet dispatches say the Nazi Elite Guards are trying to hide their identity by changing (to civilian clothes but they hatig on to their weapons all the same and con tinue to use them. Nazi propagandists whirl from one alibi to another. They hold out a promise of relief for the Nazi garrison and then in the next breath declare the situation is critical and that Berlin's fate will decide the war. Moscow puts no faith In enemy statements which say Hitler is in the enemy capital. One such rumor says the Fuehrer has suitably set up headquarters in the Berlin zoo. Outside Berlin, Russian columns are slashing west towards the American Ninth Army and northwestward toward British forces fighting for Hamburg. MAY LIQUOR War News Highlights ration same VANCOUVER, April 28 0 The British Columbia liquor ration in May will remain the same as the April ration, W. F. Kennedy, Liquor Board chair man, announced Friday. The ration consists of 26 ounces of spirits or four dozen beer, or two bottles or Imported wine or one gallon of domestic wine. GREAT ADVANCE IN NATIONAL LOAN TOTALS OTTAWA. April 28 Oi A sub. stantial increase in large pur chases boosted Thursday's na tlonal Victory Loan sales to $76,- 243,950 and lifted the cumula tlve total for the first four days of the drive to $279,423,850, Na tional Victory Loan headquarters announced yesterday. Thursday's total compared with 467.650.050 on the fourth day oTihe'severith" loan", and the cumulative total compared with $283,668,600 at the same point in the last campaign. At the end of the fourth day the B.C.-Yukon total stood at $18,964,200, or 30 per cent of quota. For the third consecutive time, Ladysmith, on Vancouver Island, was the first unit in B. C. to go over the top with 103 percent of its $175,000 quota. In the first three days of the campaign, 29,204 Canadian Na tional Railways employees invested $3,365,500 in Victory Bonds. Large purchases included $15,- POO.OOO by the Prudential Life Insurance Company. Complete Surrender Bid Is Made Himmlcr Tells Western Allies Iiiit Not Russia He Wants to Quit LONDON, April 28 (CP) Heinrich Himmler I t 1 1 A was reporteu tociay ip have offered uncondition al surrender to Great Britain and the United States but Prime Minister Wins ton Churchill', in a special statement, declared that only unconditional surrender to all three big powers would be accepted by the Allies. The Prime Minister neither confirmed nor denied reports that surrender had been offered to the two western Allies but riot to Russia. There was no tendency in Lon don to discount the possible authenticity of such reports. In, San Francisco the move i'wis'-.'iakm tasiariaskm imi tcr-a t-- tempt to split the unity of the Big Three. It is understood to have had the backing of the German High Command but not that of Adolf Hitler. Himmler was authoritatively stated here to have informed the western Allies that he is in a position to arrange unconditional surrender ands-he' . himself is in favor of it. ."" LIEUTENANTS PROMOTED Five Second Lieutenants of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation have just been promoted to First Lieutenants. They are Evan L. Bone, Joseph. T. Rubien, William V. Schelberg, Stanley F. J. Straska, and Milton M. Wcinrieb. NEW MARK SET FOR VICTORY LOAN PURCHASES IN RUPERT Prince Rupert Victory Loan purchases set up a new record yesterday. The day's volume of purchases was $146,450 the largest for any single day in any loan to date. Incidentally, it "brought Prince Rupert up to 52 percent of its objective $393,450 on .Ihe quota of $750,000. The local Victory Loan organiza tion Is hopeful that the city-, may go over the top before the end of the second week of the campaign. There is great satisfaction at the response which is being accorded the loan on this occasion. Comparison with the Seventh Victory Loan shows that on the corresponding day last Octdbcr, bond purchases totalled $103,300, and the cumulative five-day total was $360,350." Here are some subscriptions to be acknowledged since yesterday: Ida I. Murray .. $1,000 Carl Frederick McEwen .... 100 iKwong Sang Hlng Co 2,000 Barry Clinton Lashmar .... 50 Roy T. Lashmar 50 Wong Ship Sal - 100 Jang Yuen Shack 100 Lee Yce Kum 300 Mah Key 100 Mali Sun Goo Grand Cafe Wong Tal 50 600 200 Mrs. Ruby Hon 200 Kam Sun Wong 200 Kuc Wong Shee 500 Ronald Strand . 50 Alf. Strand 50 Miss Joyce Strand 50 Hawklnson Laundry Ltd. .. 1,000 Miss Susan Jones 50 Ellen, Chrlstoff 100 creasing Gall W, Bolam 50 cast In S. J. Mellor NAZI MARSHAL'S! TRAIN CAPTURED WITH THE U. S. THIRD ARMY IN AUSTRIA, April 23 ti Field Marshal Kcsselring's private train has been captured in Cham, near the CzecnoSlovak frontier and the commander of south Germany was reported today to be virtually surrounded at Regensburg under the guns of the Third Army. A An officer in charge of the (marshal's 15-car train said that it was en route to Regensbur,g to bring out Kesselrlng, but added that It was not certain if the marshal was sUU there. The Americans captured 53 Mcsserschmltt planes on the big airport near Cham. Weather Forecast Light to moderate winds, cloudy and mild, occasional showers. Suncay: Light to moderate winds, Increasing to fresh In afternoon. Partly cloudy and mild, Increasing to cloudy. In- In afternoon to over-evening. Intermittent 100 light rain towards evening, V