PAQ TWO . THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B.C. Saturday, August 4, 1945 f leisure :: Clothes m f . Tor m 5 SUMMER A. Z FALL WEAR m m m Sore and more rpen are asking &r the comfort tpfd informal a r tn ess 5"' L e i s u r e Slothes. For yle and eom-rt in casual Wear, try a f.W.G. Loafer Xncket $10.00 i- t 'tr-Pt...ia.-',iiT.i Commercial, Industrial and t Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL4 CONTRACTORS ; Electrical Supplies ' Home Wiring and Repairs ItiOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED ;Offlces in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367328 2nd Ave. 2 prescriptions... s 5m "THE MEN'S SHOP" From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ha. 3lus Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Boildinp, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTT t jFeaturing Whites Our white and brown Spectator Pumps are sure to please you . . . ! SEE OUR WHITE BABY DOLL PUMPS !CUT RATE SHOE STORE MiAtiAAAiiiAlAiiiAAAAAAiAAiiiAAAAiiAAAiiAi A A A A Quality Repairs at ) Economy ; Prices fiRINCE RUPERT I SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) I LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA SOMETHING HAS BEEN ADDED We announce the advent jof a new SIMONIZE Wax especially for furniture. It comes !in four colors mahogany, oak, maple and neutral. This wax Igives lasting beauty and protection to furniture, woodwork, : floors and linoleum. Try a Jar, ladles, and see if you don't agree. Motorist-wise Simonlze . . . Housewives Do Likewise I We now have a supply of EVEREADY Flashlight Batteries Also Tire Pumps priced at $ 1 .'jr, - $3.75 S. E. PARKER LIMITED . Ford and Mercury Dealers Phone 83 170 E. Third Ave. Waterfront Whiffs 10,000,000 Pounds of Halibut Landed Here Black Cod Falling Off Salmon Fishing Keeps Good of which 436,000 were Canadian and 164.0CO were American. Canadian landings since May now total 7.325,500 pounds, while American boats have brought in 2,871,500 pounds. Black cod landings this week have been negligible but last week Canadian boats brought in 176,000 pounds from the waters in Hecate Strait. ft However, fishing Is stfll steady and even $30 per day Is not bad going. Latest 'reports are that catches are quite good closer in around Seven-Mile Point Meantime, a migraUon of trolling boats from Queen Charlotte Island waters to Dundas Island and closer to the mainland has commenced. closing of the season for sock- 2C0 cases than in 1941, the week-eye nets has not been set, it was ly bulleUn by the chief super- stated at the Dominion Fisheries visor of Fisheries reveals. The office today. After an almost fabulously heavy run during which there were some remarkably big takes, coho runs started to drop off for sockeye pack of 211,888 cases is the highest since 1940. By far the greatest part of the sockeye pack came from the Naas and Skeena rivers where 89,062 cases have been packed since RUPERT B RAN D : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MEATLESS DAYS BAN HOT DOGS How many sOces In a cnicken. If anybody knows the answer Mrs. F. Barber, who is one of the ladles In charge of the busiest booth at the Carnival the refreshments, would like to knov?. It all comes about this way. Tuesday and Friday are meaUjss Total halibut landings at this port since the start , df and 11111 includes hot dogs. nf tho cMcnn nn fav 1 Wvo ricon tn 10 ftArt fWl nnA i So the hot dog stand at the C"ic Centre Carnival which; ns - ....i, vessels fisnincr in Arpn 1 rri. nrpp rnntinne a in nnm- in 1 . ... 1 -o ... 1 opens iftugusi 0 uirougn 11 will substantial catches to buyers here. Landings at the ' feature xhickenburghers two of port during five days this week have been 313,000 pounds, of which 109,000 were from American vessels. Total for the last two weeks 1 has been an even 600,000 pounds j the t rollers around North Island. the days. Every year these ladles give up their time unstlntingly, put in long hours in fine and foul weather to keep the hungry foik at the fair well fed. They are back on the job again this year with four thousand hot dogs, a .huge pile of chickens and enough' red hot coffee to float a freighter. ! KITCHEN NOTE j If you can't purchase souri cream, use a teaspoon 01 lemon juice or good vinegar to a cup WrigTt Sond:u yTeldln; a ! ""ted mUfc The sockeye run appears to harvest of pinks to. the seiners' be falling off on the Skeena whifh were avprmrinp- inrm nin ! " start of the Season t the River but, if compared with the i per set on Wednesday, accord-!end of June- In addltion to the standards of normal years, is ! ing to reports reaching here. i sockeye P-" on Naas and still very good. The average per Salmon pack on the coast upj5"ea uiere naTe Dcen zs'"' boat yesterday was 73'flsh. Pinks to July 28 was 30626 cases the cases of plnk5, 16,662 cases of are coming up with yesterday's ; highest during any of the last j con0, 5,896 cases chums- 2-077 avpmpf 15ft. Thf rist,. fnr tho 1 r vmk Viinr 0,040. h enmo ! cases springs and 225 cases of O - - j J , "0 b.VMM., MJU. I , steelheads. iDipsa'SMMr if an HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WORKERS MUST REGISTER ii not now Employed in the Construction Industry. By Order of the Minister of Labour, made under National Selective Service Civilian Regulations, certain workers experienced in the construction industry must register on one of the days from the 6th to the 11th of August, 1945. t- - Those required to register include all male persons who: ' (a) are either skilled or unskilled building construction tradesmen or labourers, and who are not now engaged in building construction workaud (b) hat e had a total of at least two years experience, continuous or otherwise, in the construction industry since December 31st, 1936; and (c) have passed their 16th birthday but hate not yet reached their 65th birthday. Workers at present employed on building construction are not required to register under this special registration. Registration shall be made 1. At the nearest Local Employment Office of the National Employment Service; or 2. At the nearest Post Office it a person does not live in a city or town in which a Local Office of the National Employment Service is located, nor within 5 miles of such a city or town. Home construction is vital to the welfare of Canada. Returning veterans must have living accommodation. Experienced building construction workers whether tradesmen or labourers are urgently required. !j you are a construction worker not now working in the construction in-t 7' 1" mmt re&'s,er as here sMed but you should do mare. Yon should offer your services immediately for transfer to the construction industry, so that you may help in providing the homes so urgently needed. Local Employment Oflices will be open Evenings till 9:00 p.m. to take registrations, from Monday, Aug. Bth to Friday, Aug. 10th. A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister of Labour THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Insurance Protects .Guests at Carnival Practically -unknown but nev-I ertheless important to the carnival patron is the fact that liability insurance covers the six nihti of the week of August 6 for anyone getting Injured due I to an accident at the carnival. This, insurance is placed every year as a safeguard to the I people. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DEATHS MORRISON Violet Morrison, born in Hazelton 22 years ago, died at her home, 629 9th Ave. West, August 3, 1945. Was a cannery employee and lived in the city for four years. Survived by her mother, two brothers and a sister Requiem mass will be held on Monday at 9 ajn. .in the Roman Catholic Church, Father Racette officiating. Interment will follow in Falrview ASTHMA DontGasp forUreath a? Sold on Money Hack Guarantee! ORME'S Ltd. eph0s 81 or 82 TTV TTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The Gyro Club j Requests Your Support . For Lillian KNUTS0N Their Charming Little Candidate For QUEEN of the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Remember . . . Every ticket you buy in support of LILLIAN entitles you to a chance on the drawing for $1000, $500 and $250 in Victory Bonds. rickets for LILLIAN KNUTSON are available at many agencies. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 KWONQ SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C, BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 rhone IMUC lit . rAiminu . PAPERHANGINO SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS QUEEH CHARLOTTE liltlllll TIMBERLANDS FOR SALE By virtue of our appointment as Controllers made by the Secretary of .State of Canada, act. ing in his capacity , as Custodian under ul or u -"a..-, -if iL. T..: 1 TJ t, vl virtue oi uie neviseu iveuuuions ICespectin Trading with the Enemy (1943), we are author-ized to offer for sale by public tender the undermentioned timber licences. Twelve licenses situated north of Mosquito Lake on Moresby Island numbered 1952, 1953, 195-1, 1955 2394, 2395, 2G04, 2606, 2607, 2C08, 2609, 2610. Eleven licenses situated at or near Selwyn Inlet on Moresby Island numbered 6177, 6178, 6183, 6184, 6202, 6203, 6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6218. The above timber licenses cover an area ii all of approximately 14,500 acres and are said to contain two hundred and seventy-five million feet of timber, of which about 30fT is Spruce, 45rT Hemlock, 20'f Cedar and 5(f Yelk Cedar, all of fair quality. The controllers offer the sqid assets for salt and tenders will be received by the Controller! at their office up to noon (Pacific Daylight Saving Time) the 27th day of September, 1945, upon the following terms and conditions. (a) Tenders shall be made for the assets as a whole and must be made subject expressly, to the term:, andcoa-diUons herein set out. ( b) A certified cheque to the order of the Controllers for tn per cent (10) of the tender price must accompat; each tender; the balance of the tender price to bt payable to the Controllers on their acceptance ol the tender or on terms acceptable to the Controllers subject to the condition that should the tenderer not fulfill the terms of his offer and the conditions he, set out, the contract may be cancelled by the Controllers and the amount deposited by the tenders forfeited to the Controllers as liquidated damago. Cheques in respect of unaccepted bids will be returai in due course. (c) The assets are offered for sale without any repress-taUon or warranty whatsoever on the part of & Controllers as to surveys, boundaries or area of ft lands, or as to quantity or quality of the assets, ti while the general idea thereof may be obtained ft tVitn o A vartlt.mBm f r-rm IntArtnnlliwi : i t V1 a nffu . 1- rt . .i i. 1 , i ui me uuniruiiers, me suie snau oe inaue mojtn. V. . - i . I- . . i i t: a -f .w successful tenderer, (d) Neither the highest nor any tender will necessarily k accepted. (e) The Purchaser shall pay all transfer dues and tra fer taxes. If any, payable to the Crown. (f) The envelope enclosing offers must be marked 'Teste for Queen Charlotte Timberlarids" and addressed i follows: P. S. ROSS & SON'S. Controllers of Queen Charbui Timber Holding Company Limited. 675 West Hastings Street Vancouver. BC No commission will be paid by the Controllers. The Controllers believe the statements maik in this advertisement to be correct, but assumi no responsibility therefor, and intending pur chasers should make such investigations as thej deem necessary. tlon to the office of tha Controllers. P. S. Ross & Sons, fewest Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. Arrangements ra! also be made to inspect cruise reports affecting the propera DATED at Vancouver, B.C., this 20th day of July 1M5. i c rncc - SONS. Controliers of Queen CharW Convey Your Greetings Timber Holding Compaq Limited. with a COUTT'S CANADIAN CARD For Birthdays, Convalescent, Sympathy, Everyday Gifts, Hirths, Hon Voyage, Anniversary, Friendship, Thank You, and Special Occasions. Every Coutt's Card Is plainly marked with a retail price on the back, Choose your card for that special occasion from n si - w m r i i ( 7y tJ I L ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. The store to buy BABY CARRIAGES BABY CRIBS BABY HIGH CHAIRS PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS-CIRCULATION CP