I PAGE SEC THE DAILY NEW3 Prince Rupert, B.fc. Saturday, Augt 4, 1945 You'll be holding the Right Bag... For BAGS - SCARVES - ACCESSORIES s PEOPLES STORE For children of all ages we have interesting and pleasing articles of play which are sure to please. Soft Cuddly Things Special at 65c Rubber-Tired Wagons $8.75 0 THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer ith Their Feet You will be intern ed : know that there is a man in town who has had a wide experience in the correction ot fallen arches-, and can make Arch Supports that wil relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Your Window Requirements Are Now Here WINDOW SHADES All sizes, cream or green, 36-lnch size $1.10 WINDOW CURTAIN RODS Extend to 48 inches- Each 20 1 ,A fair selection of Window Draperies now on hand. Send in by Man for your Furniture Requirements Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain ChlropracUcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 V. Imhoff A. M. Williams Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 (BO-ME-H! IN FIRST PLACE By tinue of a wis iver the i C.WAC. team the High Schoo. girls took over undisputed first place in ".he ladies' league as I iheir rivais the American girls had an idle night. Ba-Me-Hi. after losing their J first game of the season last Tuesday night, came back last nigh, a: Aigom? Park in a free walk and bit game to defeat the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Drainage of Soldiers' Plot at j Fairview Cemetery SEALED TENDERS for the I construction of ditches adjoin iing the plot and the laying of; ' tile drain will be received by the i undersigned ud to August 8, 1945. Plans and specifications may be seen at the City Hill or by applying to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. A CHEESEMAN, 'Blue 251 Canadian Legion, 312 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Date July 31. 1945. ASTHMA Ulijr Dffrr o trltb Athraa? 7hiMnd zirrr that the mt rtfrrtitr thins they hair found It "IaTl AUhma Krimljr txii" Tor Internal oe. ery effeetlie. 3 neekt tnpplr, $1, lew. than IV a day, at Orme's or MrCatrbeon'f. ECZEMA ITCH iirr bites PORlAM Ak onr drarcM for "tiaiH Prorlttn Cream," the new no-Kreske. no-taln. aolrk-artln; eream. rfit. $1.00. S1.63 per )px. Try It for llabr Ixrema. TOURISTS -SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. Vitamin Enriched Bread The Choice of Many, Who Know the Best I TERRACE BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY Home of Quality Products BOX 206 TERRACE, B.C. In Terrace THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern DeptStore WE- WELCOME TOURISTS TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) p!o. Box 167 TERRACE Today in Sports 'STRANGE AND PORHDWARD DEFEATS NAVY One-Sided .Score in Senior Softball Game In the ;sn:r soi.-Xiil game at Gyro Fa:k Friday night. Port j Edsard Yanks trounced the ' Car.adian Women's Army Corp i Xavy team 23 to 1. Planer al- 27 to 6. I loved :be Sailors only two hits ; The Bo-Mi-Hi had complete I and was one of the Ieadzag bat- confidence for their win at the I :er? bim?lf with four hits on: c: rpieUoo of the third inning as by that time 22 runs bad been scored. In ibe fourth inning the C.WA.C. s earne back with a new richer. Biliie Hendrfckson. bat she too found the going tough as th? Bo-Me-Hi proven batUng abilities were shown. Some fine fielding plays were turned in by Diane Kennedy. Ln Hatchings and Arietta Hamilton while superb baning was shown by Betty Hamilton, Marie Caldwell and Rusty Thain. Score by Irtnings: Bo-M-Hi 1 8 13 1 4 x C WA.C. 0 3 8 2 0 0, 1 Batteries: Bo-Me-Hi Hamilton. Cowie. CWA.C Roberts. Headrkk-scn. McMuUen, MtKnight. Umpire. L-CpL MsWrrinney. Scorer. Vernon Miller. PAINFUL TOO I Frostbite is a form of monifl-' cation due to the action .of cotd ' in cutting off the blood supply from the fingers', toes, nose and ears. Military Orders 1st R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. MG) ;C. J. Toombs. MaJ. Commanding Rehearsal of guard of honor for Carnival Queen Monday 6 Aug. 45. 1930 Hours. All N.C.O.'s and selected personnel to of frre times at bat. Another of th? big gum for (he Yanks was Sonthwcrth. httirg a name run. Battery. Sec re by innings: Port Ed. 210 327 03x 23 25 Navy 001 000 000 1 2 Bafenes Mooseau and Thor-bsm: Piatzer and Thompson. TIPPY LARKIN . SACK IN RING NEW YORK, Aug. 49- The New Jersey welterweight Tippy Larkin returned to big time boxing last night to hammer out a unanimous decision over favored BIRTHS DEATHS SLANEY On August 3. 1945, at the General Hospital. Augustine Slaney, beloved husband of Mrs. G. Slaney. 139 Fourth CARD OF HUNKS- To the many kind friends, whose expressions of sympathy, and kindly tributes and assis:-anc. helped so much in i these sorrowing hours, please accept my most sincere thanes. MRS. . F. MAGULRE. FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano, oil burner range, and 2 baby carriages. 851 9th W. (181) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. Opneral Electric seven - tube radio and record player. Blue' 733. 181) FOR SALE 9-tube Victor combination radio, $75. 1453 Pig- cellent condition. son Street. 621 Thomp- i (181)! FOR SALE New and used fur- high grade all-enamel ranges irom 595; narawooa chairs; mattresses; used beds and springs, $7.00; enamelware, plates, cups, pudding dishes from 7 'Ac; used enamel range iMcClaryi $4730; axes from 95c. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE--Two barber chairs; two big mirrors; National cash register, like new; rings to $1.95; other goods. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Victory Cafe Building. Vacant apartment immediately upon sale of same. See George Ladicos for particulars. (tf) FOR QUICK SALE Five - room house, modern. Seal Cove district: excellent condition. Stove with oil burner included. Baseball Scores National League St Louis 5, Pittsburgh 1. Brooklyn 5-3. Boston 1-5. Chicago 1-1. Cincinnati 5-9; American League New York 4, Philadelphia 1. Detroit 5. Chicago 0. St. Louis 6, Cleveland 5. Boston 7-3. Washington 3-1. International League Toronto 6, Newark 1. Syracuse 13-5. Montreal 10-4. Baltimore 8-5. Rochester 0-4. Jersey City 12-9. Buffalo 3-3. Today's shedule: National League Brooklyn at a doable, and two singles to six Boston, to be preceded by corn-times at bat and scoring six pletion of Jane 17 suspended limes himself. The losj left Navy game; Philadelphia at New still in the cellar with Eleventh ! York; St. Louis at PitUourjh; Chicago at Cincinnati double- header; Detroit at Chicago; Cleveland at St. Louis. International League Toronto at Newark; Montreal at Syracuse; Rochester at Baltimore, -doubleheader; Buffalo at Jersey City, played previous date. WUKe Joyce in 10 rounds at Madison Square Gardens. Larkin is a war plant worker and it is the first time he has fought In New York for over a year. Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit FOR RENT LINDSAY-To Sgt and Mrs. J. H. ROOM FOR RENT Woman Lindsay, Friday. August 3. at only. Call Red 165 between Prince Rupert General Has- 6 and 7 o'clock. '182 nitaL a son. 7 pounds 6 ounces. T James Gordon. , , ,,.,.. , FOR RENT Room for quiet ladv. 221 5th Ave. East. 181 BIRTHS WANTED Avenue East. Also survived by WANTED Baby's crib, mother and brother in New-, Daily News. foundland; 2 sisters in Brooklyn; cousin, Wm. Whiff in. i Prince Rupert. Born In St ; Lawrence, Newfoundland, 1888. Lived in Prince Rupert 25 years. Funeral services will be held at the B.C. Undertakers Chapel, Monday. August 6, at 2:30 p.m.. Father CarroBe officiating. Interment wiH take place at Fairview. tl81 Box 76 '18H WANTED Two furnished rooms or flat, for quiet couple, with one-year-old child. Apply Box 72 Daily News. 181i Y.W.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. WANTED TO RENT Car for trip to Telkwa for three days. Valentin, pnone boy. net; WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, four-room house or apartment, not necessarily close in. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Daily News. WANTED Wall tent. 9x12 or larger. Box 77 Daily News. '182, HELP WANTED HOUSEHOLD MANAGER Preferably woman from 35 to 55 to sleep in. Small house; two school-age children. Parents work from 4 to midnight in own business. No laundry. Call at 617 Fulton, from 2 to 3 pjn. (185) got v lace. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Live FOR SALE 15 hbrsepower 3-j in; good salary. Apply 722 5th cylinder heavy duty marine; Ave West. engine, completely overnauiea. , ,r r,pV See Harry Love, imperial Ma-: . - chine Shop. (184) I FOR SALE Monarch stove, ex- 1 WANTED Woman to care for child in own home, week days. I Write to Box 73 Dally News and give address. '181 WANTED First class butcher to kpw 7-niw.p ohMtPrfieirt $100: ' take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 188. tf EXPERIENCED sheet metal workers. Permanent work. Maximum wages. Fort William area. Railway fare refunded after three months' employment. Apply to nearest Employment & Selective Service Office. Refer to H.O. 2355. 186) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD & BOWLING Supply Co. (Reg'd). 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. LOST AND FOUND I REWARD for return of umbrella lost Friday morning. Urgently i needed. Return to Daily News. (181 $2200. $1000 down, balance aslLOST Black pup, about 6 weeks rent. Immediate occupancy! 0ld. Finder please phone 32 See Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd I Taxi. (182) Ave. l? ! PERSONAL FOR INTERIOR DECORATING, paper hanging and painting. Call Red 236. (185) CHANCE to win $7,800 home for $1. on restricted residential' FOUND Keys in black leather case, on 3rd Ave., near Mousetrap. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying ior tnis SCHOOLS AND' COLLEGES area in Long Branch, consola-1 STEOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL tion prizes announced later, i Send Postal Note for shares at ! $1. each to C. B. Hodgson, Sccty - Treas., Eastwood Villa Box 400, Long Branch, Ontario. Srjonsored hv L.O.L. 2R20 Ine Branch. Proceeds for building! fund. Details on receipt. (186) MAN, 40 years old with steady Job would like to meet widow or woman 30 to 40. Object matrimony. No objection to one ; num. wrue box postal Statir-i "B.- city. '182' CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free Information. M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver B.C. SUSPENSEFUL U82) i -Picture cl Dorian Grey" is Coming to Capitol Theatre An unusual story repleie w... suspense and excitemea Picture of Dorian Gray. . to the Capitol Theatre her; -xA Monday and Tuesday It : grippingly imaginative ta.e --young manwfio wished that :. could remain forever young a:.-" who gets his wish by trading ius very soul. In a made hal in the deepest slams cf London, Dorian hears a lovely young girt sing and falls in Jove with her. He decides to marry the girL However, he is Induced, to test her character 2nd becomes disillusioned, then starting a care..- of sin and crime. Women lo?e him and gJ to their death. Mm demise and fear him. Meantime a portrait is revealing the sin and corruption of Dartan Gray's' souL Exciting dramatic sequences follow one another in quick succession. A potential new star. Hard Hatfield, plays the part of Dorian Gray. George Sanders is a world-weary nobleman. Angela Lansbury is the music hall singer. Donna Reed has a demure romantic part. -The Picture of Dorian Gray' is an Oscar Wilde story Miss Helen Kasperis leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Just Arrived . . . 28 Squares Bricht Red Hexagen Asphalt Shingles. Roofing Paper. Building Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. Shipment of Fir Veneer Plywood )J "St: 4$g( IS A JEWEL t tt l4nM A SPEND RECKLESSLY 3LY The dari?9 dram cf i" man who lived f0f pleasure alone! SUNDAY AT MIDNITE i j MICHAEL AMES i WM Ll'XDfGAX I JULIA BISHOP j JLRIS WRIX0X ! "I WAS I "Case of the FRAMED" Black Parrot" $MftBl$&HfiS&t -can r! I i Ml I i HI r II l r ii i ii i i ANNOUNCING RIIPFRT RAilin Fl FflTfii i i.ii iir-iKimi k m. oil-uiiii ! (Across from Canadian Legion, I j Open for Business August 1 I F. MURPHY 1:1 EXPERT. RADIO SERVICE t HMnrp I II n rrrr tmitit" hit tx t 4 AtllC iir H General Agent Ace-Tex . ProducU-Tile nooring ! . I OPEN 9:00 AA!. TO 6:00 P.M Felts and Cement I I! ... Iin, pmont: . I I Cli I IIUU-I AVL. WMl . H "CHECK YOUR CHEST"... - T! MET ABLE ALL RESIDENTS OVER 12 YEARS OF AGE IN THE VICINITY Fulton St. and 6th Ave- ARE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST X-RAY EXAMlNA? Monday & Tuesday August 6, 7 HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. LADIES COME EARLY 2 to 4 p. m. ARE ASKED TO WEAR TWO-PIECE GARMENTS TO HE SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE LADIES' CHANGE ROOMS THE X-RAY SURVEY IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF The PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY CHRISTMAS -SEAL COMMITTEE - KINSMEN CLUB, Prince