HIBITION RAND CARNIVAL G rand Victory , Sec. Sec, Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. It's natural for popular names to acquire friendly abbreviations. That's why jou hear Coca-Cola called. "Coke." Prince Rupert VOTE for BEA DIDRICKSON Your Junior Chamber of Commerce CARNIVAL QUEEN CANDIDATE and" support the Civic "Centre S.E. PARKER LTD. FORD and MERCURY Dealers Paus e . during your fun at the CARNIVAL for a Coca Cola m NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Second Avenue : Bond AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY AND FLOWER SHOW will'.be held in quarters in the Carnival grounds. Entries must be placed before 12 noon Thursday. Prizes will be awarded the winners from the Carnival stage at 7:30 when the Show will be open to the public. Exhibitors must not remove their exhibits before 10 p.m. Friday. Vases and containers are optional to be provided by the entrant. ' AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS CLASS 3 BIENNIALS 1 One spike ASTIL3E " (Spirea). 2 One spike CANTERBURY BELL, single. 3 One spike CANTERBURY BELL, double. 4 One spike DELPHIUM. CLASS 4 DAHLIA 1 One bloom Large Decorative type. 2 One bloom, Large Cactus type. CLASS 5 1 Three ANTIRRHINUM, (Snapdragon) any color. 2 Four ANTIRRHINUM, one color or mixed. 3 Four CALENDULA, orange. 4 Four CALENDULA, lemon. 5 Four MARIGOLD, any variety. CLASS G HOUSE PLANTS 1 GERANIUM. 2 CALCEOLARIA. 3 BEGONIA. 4 COLEUS. 5-rFUSCHIA. -Sec. 6 CACTUS or Succulent, A community which sets itself an objective, then tirelessly labors toward that aim acquires the respect of its neighbors and its own members during the process. That has been the history of the Civic Centre idea in Prince Rupert. In the 21 years since the movement was started in this city many people have shared in the work, and when its objective of a Civic Centre is finally reached it will be truly a monument to community effort. It's fashionable to SUPPORT the CARNIVAL and to wear good footwear SUPPORT EVELYN BUSSEY ROTARY CLUB CANDIDATE ri. 71113 space donated by .PHILPQTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. Fashion Footwear Third Avenue opposite the Capitol Support the MORGANS MENS Drawing AND PERENNIALS Sec. 5 Six PANSY. , Sec. 6 Six PINKS; single or' double. Sec. 7 Three SWEET WILLIAM. Sec. 8 Six VIOLA. Sec. 9 Any other Biennial or Perennial. AND GLADIOLI Sec. 3 Three blooms Fancy Miniature type. Sec. 4 One GLADIOLI, named Sec. 5 One GLADIOLI,, any variety. , ANNUALS Sec. 6 Six NASTURTIUM, one color. Sec. 7 Six NASTURTIUM, mixed. Sec. 8 Six SUMMER CHRYSANTHEMUM. Sec. 9 Two STOCK. Sec. 10 Any other Annual. Sec. 7 HANGING BASKET. Sec. 8 Any other FOLIAGE type. Sec. 9 Any other FLOWERING type. THIRD AVENUE THE CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Good Clothes at Morgans Good Fun . . . at the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Carnival & BOYS WEAR PRIZE First Prize $1.00 Second Prize CLASS 1 Sec. 1 Three RED roses, any ,varlety. Sec. 2 Three PINK roses, any variety. Sec. 3 Three YELLOW roses, any variety. . - CLASS 2 Sec. 1 Four" Stems White or Cream shades. Sec. 2 Four Stems Pink, Red or Scarlet shades. Sec. 3 Four Stems Lavender, CLASS 7 MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 1 Best GENERAL DISPLAY, not less than six varieties in group. Sec. 2 Best BOUQUET suitable for tablepiece. Sec. 3 Unusual Arrangement (may Include flowers, berries, foliage). Sec. 4 Collection of ROCK PLANTS. Sec. 5 CORSAOE bouquet. CLASS 8 CHILDREN'S SECTION (15 years old or under) Sec. 1- Best COLLECTION of GARDEN FLOWERS, t named. Sec. 2 Best COLLECTION of CLASS 9 VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ETC. Sec. 1 GARDEN PEAS. Sec. 2 CARROTS. ; Sec. 3 BEETS. Sec. 4 TURNIPS. Sec. 5 ONIONS. Sec. 6 CHARD. Sec. 7 POTATOES. Sec. 8 LETTUCE. Sec. 9 ANY OTHER ., This underatking is one in which every citizen, man, woman and child can take an active part, and the Association likes to feel that the Citizens of Prince Rupert are 100 percent behind a project for the betterment of the recreational life of our city. Your support of the Civic Centre Carnival and the Northern B.C. Agricultural Association Fair is your opportunity to show your interest in this undertaking. We want you know that we are . . . "Carnival Conscious" Support and Help the CARNIVAL in any way you can. THE VARIETY STORE THIRD Telephone 21 RUPERT BUTCHERS Close to the Carnival Grounds Meats Groceries Vegetables DELICATESSEN WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 11:30 P.M. DAILY W. Lock, Manager Saturday, August 11th LIST 50 cents In Each Section ROSES Sec. 4 Three WHITE roses, any variety. See. 5 Three POLYTANTHA roses, any variety. Sec, 6 One Rose, any variety. SWEET PEAS Purple or Blue shades. Sec. 4 Four Stems, any other shade. Sec. 5 Twelve Stems mixed colors. WILD FLOWERS, named. Sec. 3 Best collection of GRASSES. VEGETABLE. Sec. 10 Spray of CURRANTS. Sec. 11 Spray of GOOSEBERRIES. Sec. 12 Cluster of RASPBERRIES. Sec. 13 APPLES. Sec. 14 Any other FRUIT. AVENUE We Deliver the Goods Third Avenue West FLOWER SHOW SUPPORT LILLIAN KNUTSON for CARNIVAL QUEEN Sponsored by GYRO CLUB Tickets on sale at all local stores Go to the ... CARNIVAL for a Good Time! Go to . . . GORDON & ANDERSON For Household Furnishings, Paints, Linoleums, etc. i i VOTE for RUTH GISKE Women of the Moose Candidate Space donated by BACON FISHERIES Hi