jM'J facie roun TOE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. D.i BWnaay, June 25, 1945 I nlMP rf l Yard Goods Department PRESENTS DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVERING We feel we've been lucky in securing a substantial selection of Drapery and Slipcovering cloths. You'll be the judge. We await your verdict. WALLACE'S Of Course! ami Poiilsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? B ecause . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR sales conducted to suit your convenience furniture and household effects packed and shipped Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 40 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and ' Coal Stokers "Corner 2nd Ave. and 4 th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1204 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, 'you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) c1 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Quality 4 Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Phone 234 P.O. Box 575 Today in Sports International Game Rupert Wins In Baseball Ketchikan on Short End Of 3 to 0 Score Scoring: all their runs In thp last half of the eighth inning, the Prince RuDert Browns do. feated Ketchikan 3 to 0 in a fast baseball game on Acropolis Hill yesterday afternoon. The second half of the scheduled doubleheader was called off. Gilbert hurled shut-out ball for the winners over the nine frames, struck out nine and allowed five hits. Westerman, the visiting hurler, also held the opposition to five, blows and fanned eight. The Browns secured their three counters on an error, singles by Hoppe and Willoughtoy, and a double by Kalinovitch. Score by innings: Ketchikan 000 000 O00 0 Prince Rupert. .. 000 003 03x 3 Batteries: Ketchikan Westerman and Wilson: Prlnr.p Rimert Gilbert and Kalinovitch. LONDON'. June 25 0,A Mont. real sergeant from Sainte Hy-acinthe. Quebec, outlastpd t.h Welsh veteran, Tony Richards, to win a 26-mile marathon at Rugby, England. The uinnpr is Sergeant Gerard Cote of Montreal and Ste. Hyachine. Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the quality blade In the low price field, fii your double-edge razor. Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday-Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE FORTRESS WINS OVER SIGNALS Scored 6 to 0 Shutout in Softball Gam? Yesterday Fortress scored a 6-0 shutnut over Signals in an Intermpdiate Softball League game yesterday at Algoma Park. Barry and Ttbb sharprf thp hurlins duties as Fortrp their first game of the year Standings of the Intermediate League follow: . 4 P. W. L. TlPts. Barrett 5 '3 0 2 8 Acrop. M.P.'s.. 4 2 0 2 6 Frederick 4 2' 0 2 fi Dry Dock 4 1 1 2 4 Co-ops 4 112 4 Signals 5 1 2.2 4 Fortress 5 12 2 4 Bo-Me-Hl 5 0 3 2 2 Pavot Winner of Belmont Stakes NEW YORK. June 25 OWal. ter Jeffords Pavot won the $50,-0C0 Belmont Stakes on Satnrriav. In the Santa On:;a Derby, By-meabond was first across thp linp to cop the winner's s.hare of the $w,uuu purse. LOOKING OVER MAJOR LEAGUES Doubleheaders featured big league baseball play yesterday. In the National League, the league-leading Brooklyn Dodgers split with the Boston Braves. Brooklyn took the first game 9-6 whlle'Boston took the second 3-1. The tfew York Giants in their twin bill with the' Philadelphia club took both games, 7-6 and 5-1. St. Louis Cardinals split with the Chlcasm Cirtw. winning the first game 8-2 and losing the ' octuiiu u-o. in xne nnai aouDie" header, the Pittsburgh Pirates split with the Cincinnati Reds The Pirates took the first .game 7-5, and the Reds the second 4-3. In the American League four doubleheaders werp also run off The league-leading Detroit Tigers defeated the St. Louis Browns twice Ibv scores of 5-1 nnH 4-t The New York Yankees kept in stride bv takine two amp from the Philadelphia Athletics, 'win ning ij-d' ana t-3. Washington Senators defeated thp TvWnn Red Sox 5-2 in the second game, aner losing the first 6-5, In the final twin bill, the Chicago White Sox split with the Cleveland Indians. The Sox won' the second game 7-4 after the Indians took the first. 7-3. In the International League, the Montreal Royals won both ends of their twin bill with,' the Baltimore Orieles, taking the opener 8-4 and the nightcap 5-3. Buffalo Bisons whipped the Jersey City Giants twice by sqores or 3-1 and 4-0. The Toronto Maple Leafs and the Syracuse Chiefs split their doubleheader Toronto "Won the onener 5-1 nnH Syracuse the nightcap 7-5. In ine aouDieneader between Newark Bears and Rochester Red Wings, Newark took the 'first game 8-4 and Rochester the'sec- ond 7-6. No eames are scheduled In either the National League or tne American League today. In the International T.eacmp three games are to be played Jersey City at Toronto, Syracuse at Buffalo, and Newark at Bring Your Shopping List Here . . . The Variety store Jives up to its name, in offering you a wide variety of Items both for your own use and as thoughtful gifts for all occasions. Come in soon, won't you? THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Baseball Scores SATURDAY American Association Washington 6, Boston 5.' Philadelphia 6, New York 7. St. Louis 1, Detroit 5. SUNDAY Chicago 3-7, Cleveland 7-4. Philadelphia 5-3, New York 13-6. Detroit 5-4, St. Louis 1-3. Washington 5-5, Boston 6-2. SATURDAY National League St. Louis 6, Chicago 4. New York 8, Philadelphia 9. Boston 12, Brooklyn 14. SUNDAY New York 7-5. Philadelphia 6-1. Boston 6-3, Brooklyn 9-1. Pittsburgh 7-3, Cincinnati 5-4. St. Louis 8-3, Chicago 2-6. SATURDAY International League Syracuse 1-1, Toronto 6-0. Jersey City '1-8, Rochester 3-3. Newark 8, Montreal 2. Baltimore 12, Buffalo 11. SUNDAY Jersey City 1-0, Buffalo 3-4. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time ol submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE Man's bike. 1322 riggott Ave. Apply 6:30 evenings. (149) FOR SALE 27 - foot cabin cruiser; just painted, excellent shape. 10 horse power engine, Atwater - Kent ignition and lighting system, 27 feet long, 7 feet wide; equipped with dishes, fishing tackle, etc. Can be seen at Yacht Club dock, "Olimpo." Phone U.S. Signals 383 or call T94, Room 5, next to Canadian Navy Barracks, after 5. (149) FOR SALE Furniture! two double beds, stove", chairs, writing desk, studio couch, etc. Call after 6 p.m., 1303 Overlook Street. - (148) FOR SALE Square extension oak dining table. Call 733 5th Ave. West. , (148) FOR SALE Daveno, perfect conauion, iear design, green velour, converts into double bed. Cost $89.50, will sell for $49.50. 917 Bacon St. (Cinder Path) off Hays Cove Ave. (150) FOR SALE Modern five-room house. Apply 224 7th Ave. West. (150) FOR SALE Owen's 30-ft. Cruiser, completely equipped, including auxiliary light plant, radio and dinghy. Speed up to 12 knots, with Mercury 8 motor. Sleeps four comfortably. Must be seen to be appreciated. For inspection of this smart craft call G. D. Bryant at Blue .801 evenings, or Red 120, days. Boat berthed at the Yacht Club. (150) FOR SALE Four room house, furnished. Apply No. 50 Cow Bay. (H9) FOR SALE New household furniture including electric washing machine, radio, hotplate. Also new Singer sewing machine. 513 Herman Place. (148) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived oy tne undersigned until noon of Wednesday, June 27, 1945, for the purchase of the Kitty Moen six-room, one-storey frame cottage, situate on Lot 12, Block 43, Section 5, City of Prince Rupert, 817 Comov AvpnilP Inrturiinir clv hole black and white enamel . . TfPotmSlf 'Mnlra T T I 1 any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Premises may be inspected by arrangement with Official Administrator, Court House, City. (148) FOR SALE One-ton G.M.C. truck. $300. Phone Black 461. (tf) FOR SALE Beautiful 8-room home on two choice lots, overlooking harbor. Open to inspection evenings to interested persons. 346 4th Ave. West. . (151) FOR SALE Man's C.C.M. uicyue. rnone ureen 698, 616 6th Ave, West. (147) FOR SALE Oil burner, coin plete. Green 192. (147) FOR SALE New four-room mmgaiow, possession in two weeks. Price what offers? 529 Albert Ave. (at rear of 534 Eleventh Ave.). (151) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BC- (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST- Blue wallet. Air Force j-icai., near upsett's Wharf. Contains Navy yard pass and money as valuables. Finder please leave same at Dallv News. . Miai FOUND-Palr of glasses in nmn omre. uwner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Gold colored screw aouDie joop earring. Owner I?ay ,ave same fov calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. Toronto 5-5, Syracuse 4-7. Baltimore 4-3, Montreal 8-5. Newark 8-6, Rochester 4-7. SATURDAY American Association Louisville 9, St. Paul 2. Indianapolis 6, Minneapolis 8. Toledo 10, Milwaukee 5. Columbus 5, Kansas City 3. SUNDAY Columbus 7-3,. Minneapolis 8-14. Louisville 2-2, Milwaukee 1-6. Toledo 6-4, St. Paul 9-1. Indianapolis at Kansas post poned by rain. SATURDAY Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 1, Oakland 0. San Francisco 4, Hollywood 1. Sacramento 1, Seattle 2. San Diego 3, Portland 4. SUNDAY San Diego 2-1, Portland 4-5. Los Angeles 3-1, Oakland 11-0. Sacramento 5-2, Seattle 4-0. San Francisco 7-3, Hollywood 0-4. Buy War Savings Stamps WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four Or five-roomed house by July 15 or Aug. 1; reliable permanent tenants. Write Box 33 Dally News. (tf) WANTED One large room or two rooms, for three working girls. Close in. Blue 595. (150) WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house. Reward for information leading to obtaining same. Apply Box 36 Dally News. (150) WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Couple with 4 year old child. Phone American Signals 388. (148) WANTED Unfurnished suite or two rooms. Centrally located. Box 31 Dally News. (148) WANTED To buy or rent, treadle sewing machine. Phone 359. (147) WANTED Will give kitten a good home. Phone Mrs. A. M. Beattie, Green 850. (tf) WANTED Reliable couple wish small furnished or unfurnished house; close In. Box 37 Dally News. (151) WORK WANTED WANTED Position as stenographer. Phone Blue 887. (148) HELP WANTED WANTED Girl for Photo Fin ishing Studio. Apply F. W, Chandler, 216 4th Street. (150) WANTED Carrierers for these Sun routes: bptwppn Pulton and Summit avenues; 4th, 5th ana 6tn avenues, between Mc- Brlde and Fulton: 2nd and 3rd avenues, between McBrlde and bin street; and Section 2. Phones: Green 917 and Green WANTED Reliable woman ko look after three children from 8 to 5:30. Sundays off. Phone tiuc U4S) WANTED Reliable boy to de liver route for summer months. Apply Dally News. AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD and Bowling Supply, 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., sole Distributors in B.C. for Burroughes ana watts (Canada) Ltd. (171) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PUBLIC Stenonrauher. SultP 2 Aldine Apartments, above Mc-Cutcheon's Drug Store, phone FOR KENT FOR RENT Semi - furnished room. Apply Box 38 Dally News. (149) FOR RENT Tourist cabins with shower bath, camp kitchen, free picnic tables, furnished cottage, swimming and fishing. Gertrude Mitchell, Terrace, B.C. (149) FOR RENT Large bedroom suitable for one or two men. Call Green 773 or call 1256 Park Ave. (150) FOR RENT-I.O.D.E. Hall. Phonf 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Garage on Borden St. Phone Green 395 evenings. (148) PERSONAL WANTED Lady to teach gentleman to dance; willing to pay , well. Box 39 Dally News. (152) SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- uve. i wceKS' supply $1, 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (152) EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. TODAY AND HUMPHREY BOfiT 'Dead End LLA,KE TREVns and the DEAD END KIDS ADDED SHORT SUBJECTS Unusual Occupations Sports Reel Cartoon CAPITOL A. MacKcnzic Furniture! limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" Chesterfield Suites covered In tapestry and ' 6 " t,iairs. walnut Sale eVr Drlce. 7 from . ...... nu,. show "uoa iw Bedroom Suites In matched walnut veneers mi J iwK'tu awvi. oaie price, from Single Beds with spring and all-felt mattress tA single vu3 wiLii uiirieii mauress tip Fhone 775 - 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rajcl Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Bright Red Hexagen Asphalt Shingles. Roofing Paper. Building Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone.Black 884 Complete Shot, 1:00 - 2:45 . 4:5, and felt mattresses In stock. KWONO SANG HISO HOP KEE chop sun HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WIST I (Next to King Tal) All your patronage wttal Open 5 p.m. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pa to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 From Now On TlIE Royal Lunch CAFE - - Will be open for 24-hour service ALL NEWLY DECORATED FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW TUESDAY CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRIN PHONES 116 -117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY