; r.v . i,- ' t Prince Rupert Dafli Monday, October 22, r Published every afternoon except Sun-3Vliy Prince Rupert Dally News limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. 'HUNTER, Managing Editor. ,; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month --Per Vi-ar . . . . 1700 By Mali, per month 40 Per Year . M.00 EH Help Ourselves and Others Canada emerges from the war in j favored position among nations. "Durho'mes and factories have es caped devastation; our manufactur-ing.resources and skills have increased enprmously; our program of price ceilings, wage controls, taxation and war savings has kept our economy sound; we produce vast quantities of goods and materials the less fortunate countries need and want. Our prestige is high abroad; we have many friends. We shall have no trouble selling our products . . . our fish, our farm foodstuffs, our, metals, our timber. But many of our former good customers are nations who have been trampled down by war; their resources dissipated; their factories SEASONAL WEAR . . . DEAJACKETS The latest in a loose-fitting coat-style leisure ' Jacket, styled by .Deacon. Virgin wool in shades of yellow, grey, oatmeal and checked heather .. $.".M5 OUTING SHIRTS By O.W.O. Heavy wool lp fancy checks of grey, red and blue. Two pockets, the outdoorsman KERSEY SHIRTS Heavy wool, grey only WINCEY FLANNEL SHIRTS line wool flannel, made by Deacon. ,Orey nly I "THE MEN'S SHOP" DJBB PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishlnes of vour home is convenient and In expensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. for complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE OQ LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue blackened ruins. Far from being able to produce goods immediately for exchange with us, they are confronted with the pressing problems of how to clothe and feed their people this winter. The people of Britain hailed the victory, and then tightened their belts another notch. They are now living under more rigorous austerity conditions than they were during the actual war years. Our humanitarian instincts; tell us we should extend a helping hand to these Allies of ours . . . and steady them to their feet. From a practical standpoint, it is plain common sense to assist these . good customers i mi i i i i Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS 225 First Avenue East rhone Black 884 J3etos 1945 MEMBER A-B.O. I I ot niirs. the money rmr is wnv u mrcrp narr nti y . . o i i to be raised in the Ninth i Victory Loan will be used to extend export trade credits to war-ravaged countries. The money will be spent here for our surplus commodities ; it will keep our production high and create jobs during transition period from a war to a peace economy. Some of the countries who want our goods have money, and will spend it where they ; are well treated. They will remember our helping hand in the years "ahead, when our goods meet with keener competition. A warm, rugged garment for $(1,25 $.".25 Steamship Service from Prince Rupert to ' OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight - FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Evenings Black 9G9 Dental Association Elects Woman Head LONDON, Oct. 22 (Reuters) Mrs. Lillian Llncsay, Britain's first woman dental surgeon, has ;been appointed president of.the British Dental Association. She has retired from 25 years active practice and now is working In a voluntary capacity tn the association library here. Mrs. Lind say qualified In Edinburgh and there she met a fellow student, Robert Lindsay, whom she married. He afterwards was a well-known Scottish dentist. Mrs Lindsay Is the author of "A Short History of Dentistry." HOME, FRONT APPEAL Previously acknowledged . .$2360 Fook Lee . ' 10 Tal Lee .... . 10 Tung Hal 5 West End Chop Sueyt.-.4:M. ;..5 Foo Loy 5 Empire Cafe ,.. . -5 Sing Lee 3 Mee Chow ....:.lt. ...... .."- 3 Lee Chow ? '.2 Lew Song Hee .... 2 Chong Hong 2 Jung Chung 2 Mrs. W. Campbell '. 2 Raymond Burge '. 5 S. J. Mellor ...l 5 . H. Linzey 3 Anonymous ,...;...... ,ri 10 Mr, and Mrs. W. Timms .. 5 . Spooner 2 John Hagen 5 Albert Mercer 2 i. G. Skinner 5 f Howe McNulty 5 U. S. Civilian Women's Club 25 U. S. Civilian Mess 25 U. S. Army Units (add.) .... 18 Can. Legion B.ES1. No. 27 25 Jones News Stand 5 City Transfer 10 22 donations $1 and under 21 Total to date .$2593 ITT In peace jet' stand united. I:IIM.'.M:1JiM?BH- 'Till everything is righted. Hold high the torch kept lighted ty our gaiiani aeaa. r y You'll have 12 months tn pay them Your savings will defray them And ktep the 9th Loan rolling A we march ahead. Sing to Ihe tune of "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition." , . .7 --V. ' GRAND CAFE ASKS C.C.F. TO BE FAIR Editor, Daily News: There Is a well-established tradition in Canadian polices that at election time the country blossoms forth with posters, oi the contesting parties especially Working parties who can't afford huge newspaper advertisements. Unfortunately this is the second election here where supporters of the C.C.F. party have made a practice of tearing down posters of the party whose can- rlMote T am nnmplv tVia Tmhnr- PnjaresB,ve Wrty. w are ouite well, aware that it Is supporters of theyCCF. party that, ao tnls. They leave their marks behind them at times in the form of cer-taln.filthy slanderous pencilled remarks, not fit to reproduce here. Now I certainly don't associate all the membership of the C.C.F. party with this type of activity but I must point out J.ha.tin the Labor-Prcgresslv'&parly none or our members has-ever laid a finger on a poster ofany pi the op-posltlqh'V parties andy-wf 'have been able to educate our supporters because we believe in clean politic;. Fpr-jjthe past week, enraged flnemoers oi our party nave oeen joining inio me omcp an ieinng th;e same story. They spend hours in all kinds of -weather voluntarily putting up posters. When they go jduwa to work in the mornlngH theAfrijrSd the bulk of the posters-either Corn down or defaced.- All'! these posters are paid for with honest workers' money. I am publicly calling on the C.C.F. campaign committee to restrain its supporters from tearing down posters. It should be quite obvious that if our supporters were to decide to treat the opposition the way they treat us not one -of the opposition posters will remain up five minutes anywhere lln this, town. t Thanking you for publishing this letter, I am BRUCE MICKLEBURGH TO PREVENT WARPING To overcome the tendency of wood to warp and check under varying conditions, the wood is sawed Into narrow strips and' glued together. FINAL Mickleburgh ,S! Tonight Hear Bruce sum up the Campaign! LPP PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY, 8 P.M., BOOTH SCHOOL TOM PARKIN i WILL TELL THE STORY OF THE FOLDING OF' VANCOUVER'S GIANT BOEING AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY Bring: your campaign donations to Kooin Z, Stone Block. Phone 150. YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building- Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Wlndotfs and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets, Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Green 974 MUNICIPAL VOTERS! The list Is now open for registration of voters. Is your name on? It is the duty of everyone, qualified to vote to see that1 his orher 'name Is on the' list and" to exercise the franchise in support of the municipal candidates who will best represent them in the management of city affairs. .AH property-owners by agreement of sale and Licence Holders assure yourselves that .you are on the list before Oct. 31st. Non-Partisan Association ARCHIBALD OBJECTS Editor, Dally Sews: In the Saturday edition of you: paper I see that I have been quoted by an anonymous person from Smlthers as stating I had as much right to leave the House as Mackenzie King.' Now I do not mind being quoted when it is the truth but I object to toeing misquoted. In connection with my absence from the House I never mentioned Mackenzie King's name but merely stated that, whether It was a provincial election, a strike or a relief riot, 1 would leave to help those people who elected me. I am quite certain that Mackenzie King would not leave the House for any of these purposes. Furthermore I object to having my actions compared to him. H. G. ARCHIBALD. NORWAY POLITICS Editor, Daily News: Friday night Mr. .Mickleburgh mentioned in his political broadcast t.at ihe Lrbor and Communist parties In Norway had united In the last elections. I wish to point out that this vas not the case. The result oi the elections showed that the Labor Party won over half of the seats in the house and the Communist Party acquired only seven seats. .. JACOB HANSEN. "'Better English By D. C. WILLIAM8 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Mary has many admirable female traits." .2. What is the correct pronunciation of "villain?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Acoustics, acer bity, acessablllty. .4. What does the word "impassioned" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with gr- that means "state of deserving serious' consideration?" Answers 1. Say, "feminine traits." X Pronouce vll-in, both l's as in tt, and not vil-yan. 3. Accessi bility.. A. Moved to strong feeling; ardent. "His Impassioned words brought tears 'to her eyes." 5A..Graity. ; Secretary Aeronautical Lodge 757 (AFL) We have expanded our business which enables us -to take care ot all your crating .and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER 1'IIONE 580 COAL and WOOD , KWONO SANO HIND HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 812 -7th AVE. WEST JNext to King Tal) All your -patronage welcome Open S pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 ELECTION FIGURES By the Canadian Press HON. E. T. KENNEY Minister of Lands By the Canadian Press Hon. E. T. Kenney was a successful business man In his home town of Terrace, B.C., 95 miles east of Prince Rupert, before he entered the political arena as a Liberal in 1933. Born in Clark's Harbor, NB., July 19, 1888, he moved to Terrace as a young man. and started by operating a row-iboat ferry across the Skeena River. Returns were small compared to the energy required, so he set up a re-tall hardware business and sold real estate and insurance on the side. Mr. Kenney has urged retention in northern British Columbia of some of the equipment used in building the Alaska Highway particularly bulldozers, compressors and cranes which might ibe used for development of natural resources. He has requested federal authorities to shape customs regulations to favor co-operative pools and prospectors in this regard. He was appointed to the cabinet in 1944. VOTE DECREASED IN NOVA SCOTIA- HALIFAX, Oct. 22 0) The popular vote in the 1941 Nova Scotia general election dropped sharply as compared with 1937's total and both major parties polled fewer votes than they did in' 1937."The C.C.F. jncieased its small 1937 vote. Nova Scotia goes- to the polls again tomor row. The popular vole Jn the last two elections: (bracketed fig ures Indicate members elected) Lib 138.91& (23) 165,397 (25 Con. .106,133 ( 4) 143,670 ( 5) C. C. F. 18,583 (3) 3,396 263,631 312j463 The party standing after the Nova Scotia general election of October 28, 1941, follows: Liberals .23; Conservatives 4; C.C.F. 3. Standing at dissolution September 12, 1945: Liberals 22, Prog Con.,4;. C,C.F. 3; vacant 1. BKUCE MICKLEBUKGII LPP Repeats Challenge to CCF 'We repeat our offer to have our candidate meet Mr. Btett or substitute on the public platform on a 50-50 basis, and propose Wednesday night. Can we have a public reply in the press tomorrow? -Doris Blakey, Agent. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to . order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA SAANICH ENGINEERS PLUMBING and HEATING WICK AND POT BURNERS COPPER COILJ3 RANGE BOILERS GENERAL REPAIRS Box 1158 Station B Phone Black 902 GUARANTEED TO KPFP YOU "REGULAR" NATURAL!.! or double your money back m lessi "..,11 41 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTR1CIA HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS OOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTINc MOTT ELECTRIC pS) LT( ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 326 . ( Second WESTOCK GATES "V BELTS Avenue 1 - . . OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINS1 GEORGE DAWES AUCTION EEER r- and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO BUTT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 Business and SERVICING, SALES, RENTING AND AMUSEMENTS GADGET REPAIRS, ETC COOK AND DIXON'S CYCLE SHOP (Formerly. Gunn's Bcycle8hop) 214 6th "Street Open dally from 9 a.m. till 2 am. Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H.J. LUND' Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 887 SMITH & ELKINS LTD, . Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box ?74 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada B. F. I.OVIN, Phone Green 974 Representative Box 826 llf 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 65 PHONE 65 For your future dances try the "SWING QUINTETTE" The finest dance band In town Phoue 65 Taxi PIANIST TEACHER with concert and radio experience will take pupils. Phone J. FRANKY, Green 975 during business hours. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs .Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 Immediate attention DOU81E JOUR MONET BACK Guarantee Eat an ouncn nf Iw.M, .,,.. a n r. j it P Ot Vuil grocer and tie price you mi v.i "n. y?" pot w'y wW you oaiii f j I II II 11(1 n- I I Does Not Cost It Pays BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing ana Heatii Automatic Sprinkling Coal stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4'J Phone Red 389 P.O. Boj Professional If It's a Rock Job- Call a Rock call M. SAUNDERS! Blue GC6 Concrete Sidewalk; Basil I don't take work I ca: do myseii- Studio 862 Borden El Phohe, Green 511 RHETA H MEAI Teacher of PianoforJ Special courses for .begiJ advanced and adult p'.; HAND YMA! .HOME SERVI Oil Burners Cleaned Repaired Chimney Cleaning anil Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturc Green 486 Phone -Orel 'House of Better Cleanij EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANE1 AND LAUNDK Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICl Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specfl PHONE 858 Mall Orders - Box! HELEN'S . BEAUTY SHOE Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its M 9nn 4th street Ponel BERT'S TRANSFER MESSENGER Stand 101 5th R1 Phone Green 855 MOT T.OCATION UIC1 1363 6th Avenue ESTHER STANIi EXPERT. PERMANENT Vfj STYIIN1 ANT) HAIR Late of Hudson's iBay BULGE! JOHN H. Optometrist ThMM B v Third Avenue OWENS' HOME ,l prompt diagnosis radios PHONE RED '!I TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESUtf3