a, r PAGE FOUR TIIE DAlLt- NEWS Monday, Juna 4, 1945 BROWNS WIN BALL GAME Bill White struck out 15 batters only to see his Watts & Nicker son team -mates go down to an 11 to 2 dsfeat at th? hands . .of Acropolis Browns In an exhibition baseball game yesterday ' on Acropolis HilL During the nine inning Whits worked the Browns collected seven hits from his offerings, including a heme run by Merv. Willoughby in the fourth with one on. By the end of the fourth the Acropolis club lead by a score of 8 to 2. : Although he fanned five men fewer than White, "Gill" Gilbert, the winning hurler, limited the city athletes to three hits. The Watts & Nickerson club - -used such youn? playsrs as Pete Pcstuk and .Bill Forman, members of Bp-Me-Hi's basketball team, interspersed with a number of veterans. The line-ups follow: Prince Rupert, B.C. Today in Sports Women's Softball League Opening The Prince Rupert Area Women's Softball League is officially opening the current league on Tuesday. The Wrens will play the C.W.A.C.'s at Gyro Park , and the Allies will play the Wb-imen of the Moose Club at Ac-1 rcpolis Hill. There are now 7 teams in the league, the entries in the last week being the High School, the Dry Dock and the Civilian Navy. The league committee is presided over by the President, Linda Ericksbn of the (Moose Club, and the Secretary, Helen McMullen of the C.W.A.C. It consists of a representative from each team. Acropolis Browns Giblin. rf.: Lancaster, If.;; Willoughby, 2b.; Ofsonka, cf.; Hoppe, ss-; Bart-lett, lb.; Kearney. 3b.; Kalino-I vieh, c; Randoff, c; Gilbert, p. I Watts ic Nickerson Postuk, c; Santurbane, 3b.; Bill, 2b.; I White ,p.; McDonald, rf.; For- man. If.; Dominato, lb.; Vucko-I vitch, ss.; Stokes, cf. Vote for Your Softball Season Is Open Here The 1945 softball season was officially inaugurated in Prince Rupert as a record crowd of 1,000 fans assembled at Gyro Park yesterday afternoon and watched Port Edward produce 12 runs in one inning to crush Fortress by a score of 17 to 5. New bleachers helped to provide vantage points for half the crowd while the rest stood alon? the baselines as far as possible In front of the wall of the Masonic Temple irt left field and behind the rock formations in centre and right fields. Previous to the senior game, the H.M.C.S. Chatham band played marches on the diamond. In a preliminary tilt, the Gyro and Kinsmen's Clubj battled to a Jour-all tie in four innings. For the first five frames. Port Edward was leading by only 3 to 4 but in the sixth the Eddies rapped out four doubles and four singles and took advantage of four Fortress errors to secure their dozen runs and chase the opposing pitcher, Urquhart, from the game. Although he was too late, Buda came In to the mound In th' sixth to throttle the Port Ed ward hitters for the rest of the FULL EMPLOYMENT AT FAIR WAGES RATIONAL REFORM MAXIMUM PRODUCTION THROUGH THE FULL DEVELOPMENT OF OUR NATURAL RESOURCES FULL EMPLOYMENT AT FAIR WAGES These are the pledges of the Progressive Conservative Party. For full employment embracing all Canadians of every Province, WE WILL: Help individual and co-operative enterprise to increase employment by revising crippling tax systems, by removing controls and regulations which slow down the expansion of legitimate enterprise, and by improving relationships between the Government, Labour and Management; Establish a National Development Board responsible for plans for full production and employment, as well IS the Foundation of all True Progress "The people of this nation are tired of the delay in correcting the weaknesses that have developed in our system . . . We must correct these obvious weaknesses in the economy we have, by rationalizing it not by 'wrecking it. We must maintain the system which gives full play to individual initiative, and a fair return to all legitimate enterprise which provides employment: and the State, by just laws relating to workers, must see to it that at no time shall there fail to be provided the opportunity for a fair day's pay for a fair day's work for every one of our fellow-citizens in this Dominion who is able and willing to work." We mean to see that every Canadian citizen able to work has the opportunity to work at fair pay. as the preservation of our natural resources ; Increase our trade by establishing an Export Board, by aggressive salesmanship abroad", by continuation of mutual aid until no longer necessary and by provision of trade credits to economically backward countries; See that the powers of the Bank of Canada are used to supply 'ample credit for an expanding economy; Undertake a carefully planned programme of socially desirable projects, such as low-cost rural and urban housing, rural electrification, conservation and reforestation, the development of natural resources all on a national basis. These Progressive Conservative policies are carefully and confidently pointed at a practical national objective the realization in our time of an age of plenty. Only the Progressive Conservative Party, with its far-sighted policies for' the co-operative development of every part of Canada, to new heights of prosperity a prosperity in which ALL Canadians shall share fairly and honorably only this Party face3 the challenge of the future,with abiding confidence in the ultimate realization ot the practical objectives embodied in its practical policies for full employment at fair wages. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE P-9 Publlabed fcy'the ProrenWe ComervatWa Party. OtUwa. Vote HARVEY in Skeena Officer' .Volley Ball Concludes The Officers' Volleyball League came to a close last week with Acropolis Hill finishing the schedule without a loss. The close battle for second place ended with "B" Mess onlr one point ahead of R.CA.F. W L Pts. Acropolis 42 0 42 B" Mess 30 12 30 R CAF, 29 13 29 Navy 23 19 23 P.R.D 10 23 19 11th Bty. n si n Soo Suds 10 32 10 17th Coast 5 37 5 The League playoffs will com mence this Tuesday u-ith Ac ropolis Hill meeting R.OA.F. and B Mess meeting Navy In 3 out of 5 series. Both series will be at the Y" gym. fixture. He fanned five of the last nine batsmen. Plateer hurled the full distance for the winners and yield ed ten hits. Three-base hits were sluaeed out by Krupa, of Fortress, in the third, and Henson, of Port Edward, in the fourth. Score by Innings follows: R. H. E. Port Edward 220 10(12)'000 17 14 3 Fortress 004 000 100 5 10 6 Batteries! PL Edward Plat- ier and Thorn nsonr Fortress Urquhart, Buda and Martei Umpires Marshall and Mc- Whinney. 11331 Poa't taffcr riu- nn atnoencus fcj't be coo-faavd aa to whfch fymnetic vitamin to but. la Vita-Van Multiple you t Vitamin A and Bi and C and D, Riboflavin. Wheat Germ Oil. Iran, and Lira Concentrate, in jut two email eapeoin to be taken daily. Aak Nral Drnttiet for the beautify Crar ue and rilver package of Vita-Vim Multiple Capeulea. 25 dor PPr SI-? 50 day tapply $3 00 Family file, 300 tapluUl, $730 Said on hj jour Njrtl DrufiUt V-JO FOR SALE FOR SALE Large outoard motor and boat Phone Black 981 after 6 pjn. 1 U34) FOR SALE One used folding baby buggy, and high chair, in good condition Phone ' Black 903. 130) FOR J5ALE Three-blade 14" propeller, 9-ft. shaft, stuffing ) box, bearings, etc. Also 3-5 lb.. J f. , 1 V . 11! ! . 1 . . . tiiu i-u 10. truiiing weignus. Apply Box 15 Dally News. (130) FOR SALE-rStudlo lounge and sewing machine. Good condition. Call at Enterprize Fruit Market. (130)' FOR SALE Phonola five tube mantel 6 volt battery radio, Victor 10 tuba. Console spare tubes, new transformer. Black 951 after 6. (129) FOR8ALE or exchange for -0011- aoie model. Remington Standard No. 10 Typewriter, in good condition. Call at 1086 7th Ave. East, evenings. 1129) FOR SALE Boat "Georgina," length 30 ft, beam 7.6 ft; 10 h.p. Union seml-diesel engine. Apply to boat at Fishermen's floats. (134) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. FOR SALE Mink dyed muscrat fur coat, slae 15; very good condition. Government Hut T80. (129) FOR SALE Pre-war baby buggy. rnone uiue m i. (131) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tO FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For one man or two men to share. 1256 Park Ave. (130) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. HalL Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) LOST LOST Lower set of false teeth Please leave at Dally News. (130) LOST One mounted tire, 700x16, Deiween wintn Ave. and De Jong's. Finder please notify nyae Transier. (130) REMOVED on Friday night i rem owners garage, one boy's and one girl's C.C.M. bicycle, both red. Anyone having information please notify uity t-oiice. (131) LOST Earing, gold, silver trim, on ow west or Fulton. Return to Dally News. Reward, (129) Baseball Scores National SATURDAY Philadelphia 6, PittAurgh 7. Boston 5, Chicago 4. (ten Innings). New York 3, St. Louis. 2. Brooklyn at Cincinnati postponed. SUNDAY Brooklyn 2-1, Cincinnati 6-2. Boston 2-1, Chicago 1-3. Philadelphia 6-11, Pittsburgh 7-9. New York 3-2, St. Louis 11-8. American SATURDAY Detroit 1, Boston 5. St. Louis 9, Philadelphia 0. Chicago 1, Washington 8. Cleveland 4, New York 0. SUNDAY Detroit 3-4, Boston 4-3. Chicago 1-5, Washington 3-1. Cleveland 2-4. New York 8-1. St. Louis 1-0. Philadelphia 3-0. (Second game 13 innings broke up by Sunday sur-few after three hours). Sport Chat Judging from the size of the crowd at the opening of the Ai 3a Scftball League yesterday, U ap pears that the circuit will ct-' tract far mere atentlon than It did last year. . In spite of threatening weather, 1,000 fans filled the bleachers and spilled out along the base-lines and Into the outfield until the playing area was almost encircled by spectators. Seating accommodation for 400 people in the bleachers will make the farts' lot & happier one, but, although the ground has bjen bulldozed, rock formations In th outer pasture continue to make outflelding an onerom task. Port Edwards 17 to 5 triumph over Fortress showed that, even though they have lost a number cf last year's stars, the Eddies are still powerful. IGLOO TO SKIN TENT When Eskimo snow houses melt during the warmer seasons, the Eskimos live In skin tents. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS- CASH : . , Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman to care for baby, daytimes. Room, board and wages. Phone Green 78 or 1376 6th 'Ave. East. . (131) HELP WAN TED Two competent stenographers. Good working conditions and salary. Splendid opportunity for advancement Apply Philpott-Evttt & Co. Ltd. (tf) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Practlcle nurse or housekeeper, free to enjoy summer at Okan-agan resort Good wages. Apply Box 13 Daily News. (133) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 wpplcs siinnlu ! 12 weeks $5, at all druggists, i 134) DANCE NOVELTIES, paper hats, horns, ticklers, etc., now obtainable at Northern Distributors, 210 4th Street, agents for Dance Novelty bureau. (134) BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger ... use effective Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (129) PERSONAL Would dressmaker who advertised in Daily News several weeks ago, phone U.S. Signals 295 between 1 and 3 p.m. (130) WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY Room and board, or room with cooking privileges, for two months. Phone MrsT Mbodie, Prince Rupert Hotel. (134) WANTED Furnished home for two couples; rental basis. Notify Box 14, Daily News. (134) WANTED Metronome for service man. Apply Box 1249 Station "B". (129) WANTED Lady's bicycle, in good condition. "Phone Black 291. (tf) WANTED In good condition, 30-32 Buick sedan, or other heavy model. Phone Green (129) WANTED By two respectable office gjrls, a housekeeping room or small apartment Please call Miss Watrin at Imperial Oil Ltd., phone No. 532, before 5. (130) ROOM WANTED Army officer and wife urgently in need of a single or double room. Phone 040 business hours. (130) REPAIR ST. PAUL'S ORGAN LONDON, 0) The famous ijreat organ of St Paul's Cathedral, smashed by a bomb In 1940. will rxwt $67,000 to repair The Job haa been started. MIDDLE EAST STILL QUIET LONDON, Jun? 4, The situation in Syria and Lebanon Is still qufct following British Intervention although Oeneral Charles DeOaulle still declines to meet the British and United States request to withdraw his troops to barracks. The general has also declined to confer with British and United States LOG SCALE IS HIGHER Log sealing Prince Rupert forestry district for May this year amounted to 21,802,248 board feet compared with 19.-241,942 board feet in the same month last year. Spruce, with 11.627.503, was still the principal variety In production. Poles and piling for the month amounted to 92,048 lineal feet compared with 24,100 lineal feet in the same month last year. Build B.C. Payrolls" Nature Creates Pacific Milk 61 JvAo.Tr. Basically the goodness of Pacific Milk is due to its natural richness and fine flavor In canning It then the problem Is to retain its purity and quality. Vacuum packing Is most important. No solder Is used because that might taint the taste. WANTED """HZLl" a"1""' ' W a I "' uie necessary o.,..,,.,., 11 M irV'l ------ ' ' til I ll if at . lArl in ux;al omca o TiS i tta-. - .l Chllllwack - Ccurtenav pT,lSi?9!' AT JsSCb Nelftun . TrU . New Wntmlnater n-J Ocorre - Prtnc. Rupert" Princeton rSSSZ; I TT tl.r THERE ARE TEMPORARY POSITtLa 1 OIVEN TO LOCAL RESIDENTS oS ?faTO WTW. KAHIIIi:: 11500 to lllndMJCTSS! init to location ndl mifitii L w ,24 pw,80! mass '.te,1' -C. i-uaier aiap tytd In Pnt n. . '' Hili or Rradtmtlon from a unirersiW 1'-, ? uCl - above; demoimratwl ability i Ja'i Jr Sj int. ni.r.unn:T Will, Uril-T iivi, . I Tim: milt-- "h.ki.me "u 'ram me Cn .7 ; - u,l vrr. BC. properly ruled out. h, c. rM vice txwmiMinn. lfl inn Bid 7W w!0 1 to CI couver. B.C.. sat mti r tiiiv 1 1 !:m toil Thia advertisement W .ffl l h n i ''? service and application! in mpoi'u t i7 "'""hl permit from the National Sc , -,."J ?? r CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 010 nan niaf .. Vancouver. BC. fcJ See our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER C32 Third Ave. Phone Blu; C9 Fresh Local Raw 'and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAI It Y PHONE 657 KWGNOSttQE HOP Kee CHOP SI 612 7th AVI? WextbKL,; All your patrcapj Opei 5 pm toil Out .de Orderj fral to 2 lbl PHONE RED ;J ! PATIFir M I I Ki 115 PrcParc a Party or Meal lor 'V lllklll 1 . Irradiated and Vacuum PAcked UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE on Thursday, June 7 at 2:30 p.m. j IN ASSAY BUILDING 3rd Ave.' (East of Mitchell and Currie) I Acting on Instructions from the administrator to close outi an estate, I will sell by public auction to the highest bidder. the following articles: Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces (maroon); Globe Trotter Radio, R.C.A. Console; Studio Couch; 2 Studio Chairs, chrome finish; 5 Wall Mirrors (unframed); 1 Trilite Lamp; 8-plere Bedroom Suite; One Sessions Clock (ship design); Large Wilton Carpet, 9x12; 3 All-metal Card Tables; Standard Lamp, parchment shade; 1 large Framed Mirror; 3 End Tables; 2 Ash Stands; 1 Table Lamp; 7 small Hugs' Large AxmlnMer Carpet, 9x12; Pedestal Table; Vibrator Set: China Dinner Set; Small Dlec-tile Heater; Curtains; Drapes; Linen; Jardinere; Pots, Pans and Dishes, etc; quantity of other articles. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. GEORGE DAWES Licensed Auctioneer Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points - Tuesday-SS Catala. Friday S3 Cardena Sailings for .Queen Charlotte Islands evety ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 enjoy at your nome, trom our Delicatessen Department VANCOUVER PRICES Koast Chicken (stuffed) lb. ur,? Koast Beef, lb. 70?" Koast Tork, lb. 7."f Hoast Veal, lb. (Mf Baked Salmon, lb. I.'e Uakrd Special Ham, lb. . 7."C Corned Beef, lb 70f Cabbage, lb. iWf Pork Tenderloin (stuffed) lb. oOf Pork Spate It lbs (stufred) ib. ir.c4 Pork Hocks (boil)-lb tir.f4 Pie's Feet (boil) lb l.-f Silver Tongue, Ib 7(tf Chicken Pie, 2 for li." Steak and Kidney Pie, each 10? Steak and Kidney Pie, each .'. 7? Pork Pies, each 7? Ham and Veal Pies, each 7? CroqorttM, 4 for Froggati, rfh Corn Fritters, Z f Kakcd Beans ml Spaghetti, ctn. Salad, ctn. H fish and Chips, 11 CHINESE DB Chicken Chop Sufl ctn. Pork or lierf Chop l ctn. Chicken Chow Mm ctn, Pork Chow Mfin, ctt Thlfken Noodlfrftl Chicken and HmM Itice, ctn. Pork or Beef FrM ' ctn. Sweet and Sour Ml Spare Kibs ctn. High class cook . . . Refrigerator for all before cooking and after Coolted under 100 health condM This advertisement for Delicatessen Department" Phone 21 tert Biitelito Delicatessen Meats - Grocenj Vegetables Third Avenue (Next Royal Prescriptions From Rupert's, Tent Days we w record striven to establish a Reliability, Accuracy and Jj in fiii.nrr Phvsicians' prescript" We believe that we have Vih confidence that has . been esta" with the Doctor and his patients. has been brought aooui nut weeks or months but extends ov period of twenty years. OrmcsKd Vhs Pioneer vnv THE REXAIX J3TORE pbonJ 81 "