ern Etiquette P Hni alone, is L a married woman to luidfilan it "Mrs. WlL-n Then follow &.y( but- r.3i nei surei 14 - "Till II1U1 Erfcurtrldesmalds? it k For lnrrn- im feculd a vcry simPte mber U have a stock good grade I, SPRUCE ID CEDAR nber on hand j HOOKING a limited quantity Maple Flooring on IC till and see it. nc 651 or 652 particulars POTT, EVITT CO. LTD. Liberal Broadcasts Monday, June 4, 6:30 p.m E. T. Applewlialte. Tuesday, June 5,.l p.m. Wednesday, June 6, 1 pjn. and 6:30 pjn. Thursday, June 7, 6 p.m. Friday, June 8, 7:30 and 9 p.m. P F D D R Raciio Dial III 1240 Kilocycles MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 American Album 5:00 Music from America 5:3C Remember 5:45- Supper Club 6.00 Hit Parade 6:30 Political Broadcast 6:45 Waltz Time 7:00 CDC News 7:15 Canadian Roundup 7 30 Recital 7.45 Doctor at Dunkirk. , 8:00 Night Music 8:30 Great Oildcrsllcve 0:00 Bob Hope 0:30r-Olobe Theatre in-nnnnn News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Y Dance 11:00 Silent TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 9.00-BBC News 0:15- Morning Devotions 0:30 Transcribed Varieties 0:45- March Time 10:0O -Design for Listening 10:30 -Melody Round-up lfl:4.V-At Ease 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11 :33 Messane Period 11:35-Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:D0 Melody Hour 12:30-CBC News 12:45 -Matinee Memories 1 :00 Political Broadcast 1:15 Spotlight Bands 1:30 One Night Stand 2:00 Silent ill ruffled blouse with short sleeves and jabot. Comes in white and pastels. We have other styles fit for your every $8f occasion. nnettes Ladies' Wear "Wp Lead . . . Others Follow" sk Dad what he wants for FATHER'S DAY JUNE 17th m "3 lather's Day is J""C 17 Start planning now for Father's Day. Ask him to tell you exactly what lie wants most. That will give you time in which lo choose from our many gift cms . . . sure to please every father! THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" MANY ATTEND CELEBRATION AT KITWANGA KITWANGA, June 4. - Kitwanga held the biggest celebra tion in Its history on Victoria Day when 600 people from the Ekeena and Naas river villages congregated for the annual two days of sport and celebration. Guests of honor were visitors frcm the INaas river village of Canyon City, In whose honor a banquet was given. Among the outstanding visit ors was Chief Mark G. McKay, of Kltselas. So crowded was the village with guests that there was no room to accommodate tins Hazel- if' ton Maple Leaf softball team which took the housing Shortage In a sportsmanlike manner and pitched tents along Kitwanga creek. The creek is now known as "Maple Leaf Creek." A banquet was held in honor of the visitors at which many speeches of welcome were made and responded to. Harold Sin clair, president of the Kitwanga branch. Native Brotherhood ol B. C, was master of ceremonies. The Canyon City visitors in cluded the Canyon City orches tra, which supplied the music lor the dances held each night of the celebration. Bright sunshine and warm weather helped largely to make the sports days successful. Following are the winners of the events: . Boys' foot race Francis Rowe Jackie Ellsworth: Moodle Mor pro TO) OutuPevery 100 GM employees 9J werc'enrollcd cd in in 19 19 M ii in in the the GM GM War Bond Payroll Payroll Savings Savings Plan. Plan. .-.! u. Y. 08$ tJie corporation had a maturity value of $229 million. GM folks are 'producing for victory, and investing for victory. gan, Norman Derrick; Bud Wil liams, Andrew, Johnson. , ... nt w -f Jl T?toi : ttctot cssci" 9 . -.c? OLDSMOBILE BUICK 1 .4 .-..SCO tvc . .-V .1 . -;oti W 40. tcs 23 Girls' foot race Dorothy Gregg, Jennie Doll; Shirley Turner, Violet Derrick. Hundred yard dash Howard Wale; Kenneth Harris. Ladles' 75 ycL Yvonne Wash burn, Mrs. Vernon Rowe, Mrs. Gregg. Old men's foot race Thomas Moore, Ambrose Derrick (age 80). Bicycle race Daniel Good; Wlllard Williams ; Leonard Bright Men's running broad jump- Steve Robinson, Leonard Bright. Men's mile race Willis Mor gan; Alvln Weget. Softball Canyon City 8, Kls- plox 5. Baseball Hazelton 9, Kit' wanga 5; Skeena Crossing 14 Canyon City 3; Hazelton 17, VISITORS AT HAZELTON HAZELTON, June 4. Moses Jones, of North Pacific Cannery, was the guest of his ison-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon W. Brown, while in Hazelton recently. He has now returned to North Pacific where he will work lor the summer. Kenneth Rosses also was a visitor here with his two nieces. Mrs. Rose Howard and Hannah Williams, who are patients at Wrlnch Memorial Hospital. Oth er visitors to the hospital were Harvey Jones, Freddy Howard and Gloria Brown of Skeena Crossing. Skeena Crossing 5 (final game). ' Football Kitwanga 3, Canyon City 1; Kispiox 3, Kitwanga 1. GENERAL MO Prince Rupert, B.C. 0T09s "Oil. Us, THE DAILY NEWS Monday, June 4, 1945 UGANDA LOBS SHELLS INTO EMPEROR'S LAP OTTAWA. June 4 The Canadian Navy did not waste any time about tossing a few shells into the lap of Emperor Hirohlto. Naval headquarters in Ottawa has disclosed that the Canadian cruiser 1LM.OS. Ugan da took part in a recent sea strike against an enemy airfield south of Okinawa. The U can da tagged along vrith the British lleet units en gaged in the bombardment. The Canadian cruiser's 9-inch guns pasted targets with 180 rounds TORS A(0$ Gf as " Vrtime pro. 1 it mi"sr'krA - C Srt'ngt l.(o,ooo onn , prSm 1S()TnnShel,s a"J shell c COd of es roi, i m . v v i ri i iir v UAI 4UPpier duff, , uundS of of r niade tn :uro War ! are busness uppje ,to rew Pffo dUffn i Mr i. . "4111 f r . K. ""uiii I In UCS -tv Sinn, h i11.11" i000 Written efflCinv ea,oyed . bv aid)tlon rJu,on. CHEVROLET PONTIAC CADILLAC CHEVROLET AND efflpecs f0f PAGE THREE of high-explosive shells in a matter of minutes and aerial observers say that the bombardment hit the targets. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I test the heat of an oven? " A. The oven can be tested "by laying a piece of white paper In the oven. If the oven Is moder-; ate the paper will turn a golden brown in live minutes. It will turn a dark brown In five minutes in a hot oven. Q. How can' I strengthen weak' ankles? ,: A. By bathing dally 4n a solu-. . tlon of salt, water, and alcohol.. An Improvement will be noticeable after a few applications. REPORTS TO THE NATION on its 1944 Production, Employment and Earnings in Canada and the United States CMC TRUCKS i hi 1 m 11 iO U: 'i ! M 1