klORS Werewith is an overwhelming reason tie should re-elect the King admin- htion. let me put it this way: On June 11 it is necessary for me to mv Power-of-Attorney to someone Lpresent me in negotiations with very irpr and astute representatives of the e States, Great Britain, Russia, nee, China and more than two score er nations on matters of greater im- than have ever before faced our Ltry. In plain, everyday language, let tell you what I am going to do, and i i f y, 1 Wdlll auiiicuuc ui cajjci iciikc rvtiu adv knows the ropes and who can Id his own in any company to repre- l me and not someone inexperienced, Lied, and who has yet to find out. nee, MY Power-of-Attorney goes to What are YOU going to do? VOTE LIBERAL vom Now On T. D. PATTULLO. IRADE UNIONISTS, ATTENTION! t.e and hear thfe four Political Candidates for the Skeena Ruling speak m the ODDFELLOWS HALL 4th Ave. East just off McBrlde) MONDAY, JUNE 4, at 8 p.m. HE ON TIME! lorfd by (lie PJl. Committee of the Joint Labor Councils k YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . li;hi fnivlctnffc nrr p;irnVd at. all times. If 1UWVU VU4kJ W -w w J" ..-ant the best, you will find it on our -,. You are invited to inspect our stock. lUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) lie: 18 and 19 Box a. 5 .L. CURRY pROPRACTOR pain- -Chiropractic! I nmes--doubly sol Block Green 995 J. M. S. LOUBSER d.c, a A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's THE t . . . ROYAL LUNCH - CAFE - Will be open for 24-hour service NEWLY DECORATED FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUHTS l CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Once again the Sunday night "Musi: and Magic" show pleased a large enwd J rem the stage of the "Y" Auditorium. Saturday the concert party had an event ful dav. Pianist Phoebe Mac Kinnon took sick and a hurried call -was put out to Bob Fleming who cams- through with a jrand job. Without a look at the show or the music, Bcib took over and carried on (without a miss. It was a grand performance. Bob. Then we really had our troubles. The tide had beached our barge and we had to call Water Transport to our aid. Out we went scrambling over rocks and thli and that and finally the boat cam.; as close l as it dared, INbbly the fellows. including Magician Roy, waded in and put the ladies and all e? on beard. What a wet and cold ride heme, fcr by this time It was nourinz rain. iWe arrived home very late and very wet. Let anyone try to tell us life here is routine! Again sincersst thanks "to. the .Arvuos far their suDer lob in the Rupert Area. Tuefday the Music Hour will meet in the .Common Lounge with Bdb Fleming in charge. Program will be announced to morrow. LIGHT KEEPER PASSES AWAY Joseph Schneider, a former employee of the Department of Transport here, died this morning In the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital. He was 26 years old and had worked for the Department of Transport for the, last two years. He recently was temporary light keeper of the ! Green Island lighthouse and shortly before he entered hospital on May 29 had left his employment intending to go to Kamloops. He lived in the Commodore apartments. He came here from Winnipeg where his parents reside. He was unmar ried. THEY KEPT THE PEACE LAGOS. Nlaerla. W The Opo- bo chiefs of Nlieria have been ;pald the $50,59!) premised by the BriUiii governmK:c in ibjz ii the heirs and successors of Chief Jala k3xt Cni peace. Jaja wao deported in, that year for acts of oppression against his own ipecple. REGULATED CROPS BOMBAY, Qi Apart from measures taken under the "Grow More Food" campaign, such as placing waste lands under the plow, extending irrigation and inerea-inj crco yields, the Bom- hnv mvwmtiMit in 1044-45 oass- ! ed an act to regulate the propor- itions of each cultivable holding to be cut under the food and non-food crops. Adverti?" in The Daily NTews. Local News Items Mrs. W. S. Kergln and children have left for a visit in Ontario. Moose Lodge meets- tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the I.O.D.E. Hall. dt Olof Hanson, who returned at the week-end from Vancouver, Is leaving tonight for Smtthers. ..A SPECIAL SALE Ladies' Spring; Hats. Tallies $3 to $8 for 99c Rupert. Peoples Store. (13l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner and daughter. Sharon, returned Sunday en the Catala from Van couver where they spent a two weeks' vacation. A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA TIVE HEADQUARTERS, Stone Block, next to Boston Cafe, open daily and every evening. Open discussions invited. Everybody welcome. (tf) The tax day held on -May 28 by the Women's Auxiliary to the Seventeenth Coast Regimenfi to send cigarettes to men overseas netted a total of $258, Mrs; W. Brtiss, president, reported. Aid. Robert McKay will leave on tomorrow evenlnrr's train for Houston where, with L. H. Ken-ney of Smithers and C. P. Bus-stager of Telkwa, he will address a meeting in support of E. T. Applewhaite, liberal candidate for Skeena in the federal election. ii coo ? .- i if lS if SAFEGUARD YOUR HERITAGE OF FREEDOM 1 I EV0TE-. i i I A MESSAGE FROM THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA " , . . 1 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1&5 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for. advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by -refraining from telephoning classified We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Elect the man with a Post- War plan. Vote MAckleburgh. (135) C. C. Mills lelt "on Saturday night's train, for a week'a busi ness trip to interior points as tar a Prince George. Be sure to hear E. T. Apple- whalte. Liberal candidate for thU riding, speak over Radio Station CFPR, 6 :30 p.m. Monday. (129) 'What Is Democratic Social ism?" CjCF. broadcast, Tues day, June 5th, LAC Archibald, Sktena Federal Candidate. (131) Be sure to hear E. T. Apple-whaite, Liberal candidate for this riding, speak over Radio Station CFPR, 6:30 p.m. Monday. (129) Charles Graham, inspector' of mines, will be the sipeaker at the regular weekly luncheon, of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this Wednesday. Listen to Labor-frogresBive broadcast "Canada and the San Francisco Conference." Speaker. Win. Turner. Tonight, 9:45 pan. CFPR, (129 W: O. Sh'earctown left at the end ot last week by motor for Bums Lake, where he psan n spending the next three weeks on business. Final election meeting La bor-Progressive Party. Eagles' Hall, Friday, June 8, 8 p.m. Speakers, Bruce MIckleburgn and Fred McNeill, Vancouver Trade Unionist. 133) Peter Cannula continues to make satisfactory progress in the Prince Rupert General Hos pital where he recently under - v.-ent an operation. He will be returning shortly to hU home A Liberal Committee Rooms SrH Ave. and 1st St.. will be oDen from 2 to 5 in the after noons and from 7 to 9 In the evenines. Phones 635 and 636. nrnn In and see us. (134) Able Seaman Gordon Calder wood arrived home on last night's train Jrcm his naval duties at Halifax to spend leave vivltlng wlt'h his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calderwood. A Attention Lauies: iou are iuvited to a tea in honor of Mrs. ' Ralston and Mrs. J. T. Harvey, at Keid's Cafe, on Wednesday, June 6th, from 3:30 to 6. Come and bring; a friend. Everyone welcome. 13 Miss Mabel C. Taylor of Arm strong has arrived in the city to join the staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital as night supervisor. Some years ago Miss Tavlcr was on the local hospital staff. Since that time she spent a few years In Natal, South Af rica, and her last posnion lk-frvro TPtnmins here was lady superintendent of the hospital at Mission to the fra-er vaury. Announcements All advertisements n Hits column will he charged lor a full month at 25c a word. rcr Club Rooms, Metropole Hall. 3rd Ave., open bcu c.b- nine 7 DJn. Phone 84Z. Full voting information. Phone 364. Mickleburgh campaign Headquarters. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. saturdav night, vaiibv , oddfellows nan. a tu Quintette orcnesira. m..n. r.r Tolrr Wnrvpv. Pro- gresslve-Conservatlye candidate, June II. Valhalla Whist and Social, June 16. 8:00 sharp. f Technocracy Inc. Dance every I . ... .-.T-n t t 1 1 a Baturaay nigni, i.j.u.c. iuu p.m. Prince Rupert, B.C. C.W.L. Tea and Delicatessen Sale, June 16, 3-8, K. of C. Hut. . at peer's tea. Mrs. Kelsey's, ,Seal Cove, June 21. PItONES 116-117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY setond cried, Alriis (15) THE DAILT NEWS Monday, June 4, 1945 Sea Cadet Orders I U.CS.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK" Parade Schedule 7:05 Band ana markers to muster. 7:10 Hands fall fa. 7:28 Prayers, colors and divisions. 7:30 Physical Training. 7:50 Stand Easy. 7:55 Hands to Classes. 8:30 Reques&aen and Defaulter. 8:40 Stand Easy. 8:45 Hands to Classes. 9:30 Secure. 9:40 Evening Quarters. 9:45 Sunset. Train nrg Schedule Class "A" first pericd, Aldis; Clai "B" first pericd, Gun ner (S.D.); neiond period. Gunnery (SI. (13). Class "C first period, Compass and Hslrn; ssetmd period, Compass and Helm (14). I Class "D first pericd, Rules of Road; second period, Rules cf Road (13). Class "E" first period, Gunnery (S.D.; second pericd. Gunnery iSJD. Cl3). Claw "I" first period, Boat-tOTk; jccnd period, Boatwork (14). Class "G" first periodL Sema phore; second period. Semaphore (14). daw "H" first period, Gun nery (SJD.Kssecond period, Gun nery 14). CJa'ss "I" first pericd, Gun nery (SD.I; second period, Gun nery 1S.D.) (14). O.OD. (act) C.P.O. cruick- shank. Duty Petty Officer PX). Mac- auley. Duty Division, Rodney Divi sion. Quartermaster OD Richards. Harry Finch of Windsor1, Ontario, Canadian representative of the International Typo-raohical Union, arrived In the city this afternoon from Van couver In the course' of a western tour on official business. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln have been at Burns Lake to meet their son. Dr. Allan Ker- sln. who recently graduated from the medical college of University of Toronto and has f inee been interning preparatory to Army service. They are due back in the city by motor to night. PAGE .FIVE RESIGNATION OF BAPTIST PASTOR Resignation of Rev. Wi W SUverthorne as pastor of 'First Baptist Church was accepted b church officers last night; and will become effective July31, it has been announced. Name of a successor to Rev. Mr. Silver-thorne, who has been pastor here for the last year, Is not yet known. VETERAN EDITOR DIES RYDE, Isle of Wijh-t, 0 Wtlr lijim Henry Dann, ctvtof the oldest newspapermen to Britain, has died at his home, aged 87. He was editor cf the "Isls of Wight County Press" for 37 years. NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the'Hawmednj Headaches it causes onnamg yu " cruel pain? Get faU safe relirfs otbert have, with Templeton'i T-K-C. Int delay another day. Start now to rGeve that pain with T-R-Ct the eathusiasticaUy praiart oy tnou"uu. ail drusgisU 50c. $1. T-i SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop Phone 37 P.O. Box 4 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert- WANTED Popular "Prince!" Steamers From Prince Rupert J to ! Ocean Falls j Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also: calls Powell River ; to Ketchikan Wednesday Fritfay FAP.ES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 523 Third Ave. r and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Truck Driver for' local Cartage Company. Permanent job for right man. Good work-: ing conditions. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 181. - A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" ' Chesterfield Suites covered In tapestry and velours ftll spring construction, large roomy chairs, walnut show wod. Sale price, from ?1H5.00 to $!O.0 Bedroom Suites In matched walnut veneers, oval and round mirrors; upholstered stool. Sale price, from .. $09.50 Single Beds with spring and all-felt mattress $29.75 A complete stock of spring-filled mattresses ; " and felt mattresses In stock. t Single Cots with all-felt mattress $14.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert ANNOUNCING . . . We are glad to announce that we rjave been appointed Northern Distributor and Agent for CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE : PRODUCTS See us for: ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles' Roll Roofings Wallboards Bullt-Up Roofing ASPHALT Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings Bullt-Up Roofings Roof Coatings and Putties Other Products Rock Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers Asphalt Tile Flooring Acoustical Materials Translte MaterialsRoof Insulation Waterproofing Materials Industrial Insulations Packings and Gaskets Itefactory CementsPipe Coverings. BONDED ROOFERS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. and Sheetmetal Works Box 725 798 Second Ave. West Phtfne Blue 064 ii W I1 5 t