PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B.C. 1 Thursday, March 1, 945 : NO PRIORSTIES REQUIRED! Time by Air to VANCOUVER from PRINCE GEORGE only 2V& HRS' Full information from Mr. Roberl Bcchme, Prince George Hotel AIR EXPRESS PHONE 7 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 3-PIECE STUDIO COUCHES In fine tapestry with storage room for blankets. Special $100 GURNEY FINE RANGES, all-enamel, at very low prices. , 1 RANGE, ust like new, $40.00 Large lot of Axes, Peavie.?, Shovels and Rakes at low prices. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD Special $169.00 30 USED CHROME CHAIRS at ...... $7.50 B.C. FURNITURE Phone Rlack 324 The Last Comes First with HARTT Hartt craftsmen with an obsession for comfort, longwear and style, have been able to maintain the high reputation by carefully selecting proper fitting lasts. Family Shoe "HOME OF HARTT We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL NOW "SMALL SHIP" CONTRACTS (Continued from Page One) slon on this comment regarding Soviet plans for shipbuilding on this coast received considerable discussion, finally, with amendments, being wrought into a motion and adopted. Mr. Taranger said that he un derstood that the Russian gov ernment was eager for new cargo ships and that there was a possibility that they mignt have them built on the Pacific Coast, "We might acqpalnt them with the fact that there Is an available shipyard In Prince Rupert," he said. "I think we should lay ihe idea-before the C.N.R. management first," J. S. Black suggested, "I don't think we should go over their heads." The meeting adopted a motion by Mr. Love that the Russian Trade Commission in Montreal, purchasing commission in New York, and the Soviet ambassador be written pointing out Prince Rupert's advantages as a shipping port to Russia and that the ambassador be asked for information on Russia's shipbuilding plans on the Pacific Coast, suggesting fliat there is a shipyard here which might, be available. Copies of the letters will be sent to C.N.H. president Vang ban. A suggestion by Fred Scadden that the committee was taking on work which was within the scope of the Chamber of Com-., merce was countered by W. E. Denning, Canadian Legion dele gate. "If It was.their job, they should have done It," he declared. A motion by S. Marshall that the Prime Minister be informed that If Prince Rupert does not get shipyard work, It refuses to send a member ot Parliament to Ottawa failed to fina a seconder and was met with Jeering cries of "Secession, Secession I" SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli. Prop Phone 37 P.O. Box 54. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Since 1898, Hartts have been makers of men's highest grade footwear. Store Limited SHOES FOR MEN" . 0 PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Sea Cadet Officers In Training Prince Rupert Represented at Special Courses in Usquimalt Lieut. John Wilson and Sub-. Lieut. John Chrlstenson of . Captain Cook Sea Cadet Corps here are now In Esquimalt where 42 Sea Cadet ofheers from as far east as Winnipeg are the Royal Canadian Navy's base, H. M.C.S. "Naden,'' for a two week course planned for Sea Cadet officers In Western Canada. Lieut. Ned Tobey leaves tonight to take a similar course. Dressed in khaki trousers and blue monkey jackets while In classes, Sea .Cadet officers representing the major Canadian cities from the prairie provinces and 12 officers from interior and coastal B. C. had breakfast in the wardroom of "Naaen" on trie first day of their arrival and, by 9 o'clock, were on the parade ground to commence the day. Highlight or this important two week training course is a three day cruise planned under a training syllabus prepared by "Naden's" training officer, Sub-Lieut. D. S. McCnn, R.C.N.V.K., one of the Navy's newest officers to receive his commission from the lower deck. Keen to grasp all phases of naval training in an operational command at' Esqu:mait, Sea Cadet officers boarded H.M.C. corvettes, Bangor - type minesweepers and Fairmiies on patrcs in coastal waters, A turn at the wheel of these fighting ships as well as carrying out executive officer's duties, lowering life boats while under way and true sea-going routine Is practised by the Sea Cadet officers. While training at sea is by far the most interesting phase of the curriculum at "Naden," classes ashore are conducted as necessary before Sea Cadet officers can grasp In full the significance of 'the many duties at sea. Elementary lessons in the R.C. N. signal school, many taught by Yeoman of Signals aeorge Cole, R.C.N.V.R. of Reglna and Vancouver, have proven a popurar course. Cole has been in the Volunteer Reserve for man- years on the prairies and in 1939 went active. There is never a dull moment when George cole Is in charge. With a grin and a Joke, he is one of the R.CN.'s most popular Instructors. Classes arc-In aldis lamp, flag signalling and fleet messages. They are practised ashore, from shore to ship, and afloat. Lectures toy Lieut. Jackson in the Torpedo School and Naval Customs and Traditions by Lieut. Cmdr. Falrweather are Important classes Sea Cadet officers attend. Idlest In Sea War Is Learned At the antl-sutimarlne school, Sea Cadet officers learn by prac tical Instruction the use of azdlc gear and the latest tactics used In combat with enemy submar ines. Lt. Gregory Is the officer in charge and his lessons are carried out by the Sea Cadet officers who operate a ship's azdlc ml YANK REINCORCEMENTS LAND ON LUZON-Landlrig craft with U.S. troops and supplies are shown hitting the beach at Bln-malcy In Luzon. The dredging machine in centre clears the way for the troops and machines so they can move Inland rapidly. : 1 . : 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. TRAINING SHIPS One of HMC Corvettes aboard which Prince Rupert Sea Cadet Officers are putting to sea for three-day cruises in the three two-week courses now being offered Cadet Officers in HMCS "Naden" at Esquimau. March Ration Coupon Calendar March 8 Butter; cpupon 93. March 15 Butter, coupon 99; preserves, coupons 41 to 44; sugar, coupons 54 and 55. March 22 Butter, coupon 100. The following coupons are still valid: Butter, coupons 90 to 97. Preserves, coupons 33 to 40. Sugar, coupons 46 to 53. PROLIFIC LETTER WRITERS LONDON, Oi Twenty million postage stamps are sold dally over the counters of 24,000 post offices and from 15,000 stamp-vending machines In the United Kingdom. A year's stamps require 270 tons of special paper. Installations on their three day cruise. No course would be complete without the necessary squad and rifle drill but many new points are picked up from ine R.C.N. in structors who put Sea Cadet Of ficers straight on points of In struction to pass on to corps In the home town. When off duty, Sea Cadet officers eniov the Drlvneees of the "Naden" wardroom where they have their meals and use of the lounge. The beautiful setting of the $50,000 officers' quarters overlook the main establishment. Bus service, only a hundred yards away, maintains regular service to the city of Victoria. The course which operates in three two week periods is now preparing to accept" the second party on March 5 and the final session on March 19. This training is similar to that conducted In HALCJ5. "Corn-wallis" on the east coast and follows the officers training course given R.C.N. candidates receiving their commission. The last two days of instruc- tion which conclude the train- ing for Sea. Cadet orficers, em braces a route march, power 0: command on the parade ground, types of ships, seamanship, duties of divisional officers, a formal dinner In the wardroom. The last day sees a two hour written examination .by all officers in the morning and in the afternoon preparation ror departure to home and R.CJS.C.C corps waiting for the instruction and help these Sea Cadet officers are now able to extend first hand. . v " r? - .; n i ,,.,.! r DOINGS By MARGARET WOODWARD i The largest dance crowd since the opening of the new Y Red Triangle was on hand Wednes- day evening for the last mid- week dance. Music by Bob Wy- brow and his new combination gave dancing pleasure to fans of both the sweet and jive. Monday's dance is to be a gala affair, ' the first of a new program of ' dancing. Music will be supplied by the ever-popular Frank Dut-ton and his tooys. We regret the postponement of the Music Appreciation Group for this week. However plans are under way and this weekly feature will soon be initiated. Another program change brings the whist party on sched ule for Tuesday evenings. A regu lar evening of bridge will be held Thursdays. All games are to be 1 n tne writing room upstairs, 1 vide a continuous harvest during We are asked many times the garden season; and the space where we purchase those de- glven to each crop wm be based licious pies and tarts that you upon tne family need, so that no enjoy so much in the canteen wasteful surpluses or annoying each day. They are made right scarcities are experienced, here in the kitchen toy Mrs. Ing-I A tWs ,m though. an fett who-rtrn thefh out by the Ume Jn planfing bufr few-dozens. When asked how she houw devoted Q task w,n mfdC ihe.m u50 uscious' ahfre- 'save much time and money later, p ied that she Jutt made themjUwIllavoWdeoU ke she would for her own fam- ,an fQod and iQ that ily. No need to tell Ma you miss annot be ujed and tnaDle to her apple pie now. . g,ve better care tQ the cropJ In the "Y" (lymnasiiim In the girls' basketball the ITIffh Kfhnnl tiircrrpp'.'it.inn wnn a ihpHvo vim nvpr th n w a r. lastnlght wlth a flnal score of' 22-13. The High School gained a substantial lead in the first half and were at no time In danger of losing this advantage. This gime tied the series with a win for each team. The deciding same will be played tonight. Ihe second game In the Y last night featured an exhibition game between Fortress All Stars and (the Port Edward Coast Guard team. The Americans had a decided edge and carried off the honors of the game with a BONDED HOOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Shectmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 904 LIQUID LEGACY GLASGOW 0) John Grant, a Scot of humble origin who started work for a few shillings a week, has died, leaving 800,000 ($3,000,000). Most of this sum was in 43,089 gallons of whiskey which sold for 600,000. ! fL TRACTORS TO BOMBAY POONA, India C' Highspeed M0se tractors are arriving in Bombay province from United states and Britain for deep plowing in order to speed up seasonal plowing and Increase food production. I CMe I v d iraiSyiiir Tn IVm wpII nlinnp irarrfpn therp wm no vacant spacp producing nothing at a time when it could be bearing a useful crop. The short season crops will be sown frequently enough to pro , which are needed and enjoyed. Grow the vegetables your fam ily likes, but also a few of those they ought to like, especially those rich in vitamins, to supply the lack which a rationed diet will produce by cutting off other sources. Many .vegetables taste far better when you grow them In your own garden, and serve them fresh. final score of 34-20. The men's "B" League final two out of thrie series opens tonight at the Navy Drill Hall with a (game between the !Navy and Soo Suds. The second game of this series will be played at the Y next Thursday. CHIMNEY SWEEPINO OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND 'REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE EXPLOSION' AND FIRE (Continued Irom Page 1) Mr. Gillett ana provincial po lice Staff Sergeant G. A. John-! son left on the Indian 'depart-mcnt boat Naskeena at 8 o'clock last night for Casslar but were uname io get wuercni. of the disaster. . 1 r. tin. in ine nou im . - nay ana u.r urau a young son of Mrs. M:Kay known as "sonny." He' rushed out of the house when the fire beean. escamnc unournea. his stnrv has not vet been told to mo mimnrmpG The dead erondaughter was ine cnua 01 soiomn epence ana I ho lain Mrs. Kivhipp of Port Simpson. Mrs. Spence, a dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. McKay, died several months ago. Mr. McKay, who crawled Into the blaring home through a hole . which he had chopped In a wall, attempted the rescue nt great risk to himself a few minutes after the fire broke out. The badly burned child was brought to Prince Rupert on a railway speeder and taken to hospital where she died early this morning. An Inquest will be held Into the tragedy. Coroner M. M. Stephens announces. COCOA U (fxattcl fax tUdetf Please Give Generously to Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF' MOON SNACK. (Manager, George Lum Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 am. to 3 ajn. Opposite Sunrise Grocery ANNOUNCING EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated tnd Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 0:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. J. H. M AIR Furniture and Auctioneer e AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED O NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 632 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. r jmiies hf8e jelu ut u thl, picnic?" veman: au mlne find u picnic.- Neck Bill was driving with his girl iriena aion a loneiy country road. Thev drove In silence for nnniiL jii roups ann inpn mi ni a sudden he stopped the car He. iiirnea to nis companion anoj said: "Miranda. I'm a man nf few words, do you neck or don t, you?" Miranda turnec to Mm with a coy emlle and said, "Ir a girl of few words too. I don'tn but you talked me into It ' Heard at a Luncheon c Speaker: "How long do I talk?'1 Chairman: "I don't know and I don't care, but the rest of ui leave here at one-thirty l" SHEFFIELD, Eng.. Ui John Oaklev. editor of The Sheffield. ieicgrapn lor 0 yars ami lor the last seven years editor-In-; finir b.m the CANADIAN RED GROSS SAILINOS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charloti Islands everv ten days. Further Information, Tickets - and Reservations FRANK J SKINNER Prihce Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 58 Lumber CENTRAL ' I I rTri DINING ri I L L ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP mm We now have a stock 31" r 1 i- "n o c . II FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand t' m 9 Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHHppn fvitt & CO. LTD. it W It