m 19., in n "J. i 5 1 J PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, March 1, 1945 You'll be holding the Right Bag... Classified Advertising Is payable to the ofllce at time of submitting copy for Insertion. FOR SALE FOR. SALE Week-old Hamp shire chicks. Phone Red 451. (52) FOR SALE Baby carriage, all-. metal, rain shield, compartments. Priced reasonably for quick sale. Call American Signals 496. 51) FOR SALE 2-piecc vclour bed chesterfield suite, wine; months old. $85.00. 416 8th Ave. West. (52) FOR SALE Palmer 5 h.p. Marine engine, complete, as new. Apply Box 950 Daily News. (55) FOR SALE 2 houses on 1 lot, 2nd Ave., near Lindsay's. Large ' house, 6 rooms and bath, va- y cant March 15. Also small house on rear of lot. Both in good condition. Terms $2250, ; half cash, balance over 2 years at 57c. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (56) FOR SALE Must be sold owner , leaving town. Five-roobi house , in first class condition. Concrete hasement, garage, two lots with garden, easy taxes. ; $2500 or nearest offer. Vacant March 15. House, four rooms and bath, easy taxes; Cold Storage 'district, in good con-j dltion. $1800, on terms. Ap-. ply . H. G. Helgersons Ltd. f (52) FOR SALE "Good Cheer" cook stove with reservoir water : front. Good condition. Call : Green 986. (52) FOR SALE One adjustable dress form. Phone Black 145 ': after 6 p.m. (51) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern ' and up-to-date type National ; Portable Sawmills, manufac- tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tl) WANTED .WANTED Room for single girl. Phone 946 between 8 and 11 ft.m. (52) I 14 , . WANTED Washing machine, $75 cash; also carpet, about ' 4x7, green preferred. Phone Blue 448. (55) WANTED $20 Reward offered for information leading to rental of small furnished "house or apartment for couple .--witlr 2 children. Box 951 Daily News. (52) WANTED Will pay up. to $40.00 for housekeeping rooms or suite. Phone Sgt. Leech, Area Sgt.'s Mess. (52) WANTED Furnished suite, two rooms or more, for Army Ser geant ana wire, raone Fort ress 29 ring 2. (52) WANTED Furnished 3 or 4 room housekeeping suite or house, by Canadian Army of Jflcer and wife and two child ren. Write J. H. R.. Box 944 Dally News . (52- Prince Rupert, D.C. For HAGS - SCARVES - ACCESSORIES PEOPLES STORE DAILY NEWS Sport Chat The 14th British Army in the I Far East has sent a nurry-up appeal for sports, attractions, so footballers, boxers, hockey players and wrestlers win be included in an all-star sports "circus" to leave London for a tour of battle areas. The fighting 'boys, both British and Indian, want to see the two most-talked-of footballers in Britain, Tommy Law- ton and Stan Matthews, and these two internationals will probably amogns the first to go. The initial tour, lasting about 10 weeks, starts in mid-February with an England-Scotland soccer "international" at New Delhi. The two teams will be made up of players making the tour and ulaycrs already out there in a service capacity, such as Arsen al's Denis Comnton. Scotland's HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, re liable older woman. No encumbrances. Good cook, fond of children. Apply 403 4th Ave. E. 56) WANTED Woman to do house- wot k. Live in." Phone Blue 609. (tf) FOR RENT Three -roomed house, if some furniture bought. Call at Cow Bay No. 35. (52) FOR RENT Room. Wlll take working couple only. Apply 225 9th Ave. East. (55) FOR RENT Unfurnished room with kitchen privileges for quiet reliable couple. Call at 1356 0th Ave. East after 5 p.m. PERSONAL COAST GUARD FINDS LOST AIRMEN Five airmen from the 6th Ferrying group, of Long Beach, Cal., are shown aboard their rubber ra It as tlwy were spotted by a Coast Guard plane. The men took to the raft after the plane they were ferrying overseas crashed into the ocean some 800 miles off Long Beach, Calif. The seaplane directed surface craft to the rescue of the castaways. That baloon anchored to the raft holds the aerial for sending out distress signals. Today in Sports HONORS ARE RETRIEVED Smilhers Wins Two Out of Three Hockey Games At Vandcihoof SMITHERS, March 1 The Smithers senior hockey team Journeyed to Vanderhoof last Saturday to play a series of three games in the endeavour was attempting to re-establish itself after a two-year government ban. Owners, who risk fortunes in maintaining strings of horses, lost nearly $4J,000 In prize money. Jockeys, who risk their necks each time their mount bears down on a fence or hurdle, lost nearly $25,000 in riding fees. Billy Hollick, one of Britain's leading National Hunt jockeys, was an example of what happened to scores of other riders, all of whom arc either engaged, in one of the services or on farms or in munition work. In riding fees alone, Hollick forfeited approximately $500 during the month. BUI, discharged from the WANTED Girl for housework, j army after four years' service,! FOR RENT YnntiT Frnnr.h hnvrrs whn urn 315 8th Ave .' FOR RENT Room. in wlnnlng growlng reputalIons trainer and manager, Tony Wilson, one-time French feather weight champion who was known as Kid Tony in his fighting days. Wilson, who beat Emilc (Spider) Pladner as well as other top-notch feathers, is sports organizer at a French naval camp in southern England and two of his best rlngmen are Lightweight Marcel Ludovina and Welterweight Freddie Young. Tony, called to the Royal Navy at the. REWARD $10,000.00 Model outbreak of war. won the Nor- JIom, Cash maJ c Vr? ;weglan equivalent of the V.C. in for $1.00 nn sponsored by Saint . th ,,, 4f r battle of Narvik. At Dun-to John Junior Board of Tradelfhe i Drovide free milk for un-iker(Jue. wh"e he was awarded derprivileged children. Tickets the Croix de Guerre and two bars, $1.00 each 6 for $5.C0. Send subscriptions to: Free Milk Fund, Box 1203, Saint John, N.B. Don't Delay , . .Act Now I Your ticket may be the lucky one. (53) he shot down two German planes while acting as a naval gunner. Later, his legs were injured and he was discharged Inmnw m in it itmr-.j RESPECTABLE Protestant, ageV-KA . - - 4.V with hnmo ar.H fair miucu uuwu as ' ' - he ntr too old for n nllnt. snnn nf- comc, aoes not aance or arink, ,t . ... . 1 , " likes shows, would like to meet lady with means. Leave phone if possible. Object matrimony if suited. Box 949 Dally News. LOST AND FOUND FOUND G.M, car key. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for in is advertisement. wvi wic nui vcgcui, UUllipiCWIlg his third tour of operations as an air gunner at the age of 44. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block -,Green 995 HOOP SERIES IS TIED UP The Booth Memorial High School team lied up the Ladies' Basketball League finals by de feating the Canadian Women's Army Corps 22 to 13 in the sec ond game ol the series last night in the YM.CJi. gym. Alex Bill's Bo-Me-Hl hoopsters were their usual aggressive hard- Jtu working selves as they fashioned cently . h i lost t battle honors. They . . . . . . ,. , , , , , 'a 13 to 7 lead by ' half-time H ana were quite successful in doing so having two wins and a draw " "H: to t.hpir rrrrilt when thev re turned home on Monday night. 'eiht out of 13 free throws in In the first game played on r previous game, san mc Tommy Walker. Ivor Powell and j5 to 5 draw and the last gamPi out of 16, the, same as irf their A, H. Fabian. Tnc tour s nign ujavetj OI1 Monday ni"ht -saw wsi uit, lor a mars oi .oo spot will be the "International" FOR SALE Club rung Roller soccer match at New Delhi's Ir-canarics. Hens $2.00 each. Box about , stadium whlch nolds 315 . City. Phone Blue 519. j .,circus wm cn ! tertain men of the Eastern Com- FOR SALE Double bed, com- . , th Rm,tlern Armv in ettCPH0nablC' 1341 fsfnlndia. 14th Army men at lmphal , o"T " and servicemen in Ceylon. Siccplcehasing, hardest hit of any British sport during the war, lost thousands of dollars each week when an almost-unprecedented month of .snow and ice settled on Britain during January. The weather forced abandon ment of all but a couple of meet ings at a time when the sport. Saturday evening Smithers de feated Vanderhoof 5 to 2. The second game ended in a the Smithers team winning by the low score of 1 to 0. They the games Smithers. recently played in The C.W.A.C.'s, who scared points out of 11 for an average of .454, while the winners showed their consistency by petting six Edna Sandhals of the High School was the high scorer with arc now ouite satisfied that thev "lnc Points. McMulIen of the C. can still handle the Vanderhoof W.C.'s secured six, while Pav-playcrs, even though they did HWs. Berg and Hamilton "each lose the Steen Cup to them in counted four In the winners' cause. The line-ups follow: Bo-Mc-Hl Grey 1, Sandhal: 9, Pavlikis 4, Berg 4, Balagno, Hamilton 4, Thorn tail, Anderson 22. C.W.A.C. Cooper 1, Molitor, McMulIen 6, Bullpn 2, Drink-water 2, Smith, La Porte, Chtrnka Grisenthwaite 13. Officials Ccmadina and usmess an NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS After March 5, Mrs. Arnott and Miss Stinson, located) at Mctropole Building, moving to 1213 West 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 162. Apply 209 6th Ave. East after 'wlll lTy his hand at flat racing . , rn bMlili & lMjlUfNb I'll) C Lhrn t.hp Pnvn minus in t.t.f spring. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red 693 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Ta Returns Compiled, Besner Block Phone 387 R. HUNDEIDE WATKINS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM 8ERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 d Professional GLASGOW, 9 Two explosions in an oil-cooled transformer at a power station put almost all the south side of Glasgow in darkness for two hours. BATH, Eng., P) In the First Great War the nearby hamlet of Woollcy sent 13 men to war and all came back. This war another i 13 are serving and all so far are ; safe. i LONDON, Oj Victory garaen . fetes and , displays staged by amateur gardeners and allot-1 ment cultivators produced $1,-, 980,000 last year for the, Red Cross Agriculture Funa. LONDON Oi Mrs. J. D. Lynch, a member of the council in suburban Tottenham, has been granted the freedom of the boroughthe first woman to be given the honor. For Results iry a Classified. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaubien, the teacher of French language, has returned to the city, and has re-, sumed his classes. His address; is Postal Station B. j HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branche 200 4th Street : Thone 655 HOTEL ERASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: 1431 6th Avenue East Phone Green 370 ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver H. J. LUND PMNTING, PAPERING AND KALSOMINING PHONE 46 FIND IT with a Want Ad I Sell It with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl Dally News classified section gets results. Bombing Germany Flying Officer Rill WiUon Was Not Over Rerliii, How ever Thinks War Nearly Over "That is the question tliat everybody asks you," remarked Flying Officer William Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Fifth Avenue East, who is home on leave after a tour of, operations over enemy territory with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Bill was not very communicative to a Daily News reporter about his experiences but he did admit that he had not been over Berlin on his thirty one trips aboard a Canadian- made Lancaster bomber of which he was a gunner. Bill eot through his 'tour in good time of six months. "1 1 was one of the lucky oncy." he observed as he disclosed, on being questioned, that he had never been shot down nor his bomber ever badly hit. Nevertheless, they had to fight their way through on occasions against enemy fighters and anil-aircraft fire. His ship specialized in two-ton blockbusters. The local boy expressed the opinion that Germany has now suffered many times more seriously from aerial warfare than Britain ever did. He is convinced that Germany cannot withstand much longer the Intensity or the attacks which it is now un dergoing. "It seems to me that it is about over there," he re marked. Flying Officer Wilson expects to be home until about the middle of March. FOR SHAVING ECONOMY, MY MONEY GOES OAi BLUE GILLETTE BLADES one cood reason "K lND why Blue Gillette Dlades are genuine money-savers is that they arc made of steel hard enough to cut glass which means they take an edge and hold it for one swell shave after another. "What's more, you'll find that this extra-keen, extra-durable Hluc Gillette Dladc not only lasts far longer than ordinary blades, but also gives you easier shaves." cKfc coMron ust Giutm I fllN 1 SHAVINO CtUM wm '.y 'rYx BLUl clutr n bladb J POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 6th Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the. Best Better Than the Rest" TODAY ONLY Complete Shows Tonight 7 M "OUK 1 1 CARTS TItP Vft..:"' I Purity, Accuracy, Dependability These are our watchwords in filling prescriptions! And while every prescription isn't a mattct of life or death, we fill It a? (i 7,46 - 9:48) STARTS TOMORROW urn.. Jt r 1 &x i i Colored Cartoon: "HAKE FORCE" COMMUNITY SING" WOULD NEWS i Uiiilitkiiii.tli:!!, Chi Complete Shows 1:00 - 3:02 - 5:04 7:06 Feature 1 :30 - 3:32 - 5:34 - 7 36 9:33 1 Ik.,!,! though it were. Wc use only the purest and finest quality drug usid precision accuracy. Our reputation uu;; be ) years of expert reliable compounding, Ormes ltd. "Jfut Pioneer DruqgisU Open Dally from 0 a.m till 9 pm. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pm. and 7-8 P1! THE REXALL STORE PHONES 1 i'l BULKLEY VALU COLLIERIES L1 Beg to advisu that having completed War Priority Contracts, are pre pared to supply the DOM EST It M A R K E T with high quality, long lasting BULKLEY VALLEY COR 25 Phone your dealer and nave. On All 1945 0 Diaries, Remi Off Calender Pads, e No fake advantage of this offer-Start keep a record of your persona' m Sec our window for selection We still have a large variety, lr.'c 34c l $3.56 mum cmo"l