PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B C. Tuesday, March 20, 1945 Timely Topics from Terrace TERRACE MILITARY HOSPITAL STAFF LEAVING; RED CROSS IS GOING OVER On Wednesday, following members of the staff of the Terrace Military Hospital will be leaving tor postings elsewhere. Among those leaving are Colonel Hughes, Captain McGernon, R. S. M. Collington, C.Q.M.S. Byam, S'Sgt. Bracking, Sgts. Bryden and Walker, Cpls. Hillman, O'Brien and Walker ICpls. Schmidt and Portnoff, Ptes, Beaurgarde, Charbonneau, Suth erland, Deplissey, Horowitz, La londe, Theberge, Munroe, McLean and Mcintosh. Mi-, anc Mrs. 3. oien'and son, Jim, of Entrance, 45 miles east of Jasper, are living on the Mar-tin farm along Frank road. Mr. Glen Is a retired forest ranger and bought the farm when he was on a visit here last fall. Thirty years ago he came up Hie Skeena In a river boat and is in a position to tell a great deal about Terrace in the early days. Mrs. N. Sherwood arrived home on Saturday night for a short visit. Mrs. Frank Gavin is back from Tranqullle greatly improved In health. Her rapid re- covery Is gratifying and the people of Terrace are glad to hear she Is back with her family I n rrn In The stores and public places are contributing generously to the Red Cross. Signs stating that the personnel are 100 strong In membership are to be seen in the windows. The Oddfellows held a very well-attended St. Patrick's Day dance on Friday evening. The party continued till the small hours of the morning and was enjoyed by all those present. A very successful St. Patrick's Day party was held at the air port on Saturday evening. Due to fire hazard, the very pretty decorations Inside the Orange Hall had to be removed. For the dances held there on Friday and Saturday nights, Mr. Brookes put up suitable St. Patrick's Day decorations. Horace Whlttaker of Vancouver arrived in Terrace on Thursday evening's train and left the following day for Prince Rupert. The home of Mrs. C. G. Muller was the scene of a very enjoyable shower party on Thursday evening last, when Mrs. E. Earl and Mrs. Jim Lacey entertained in honor of Miss Lesseal Brown, bride-to-be. Those present lncluuded Mr. and Mrs. J. Julseth, Mr. and Mrs. F. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. Presby, Mrs, C. Lever, Mrs. E. Thomas, Mrs. O. Levesque, Mrs. H. Cote, Mrs. Cramer, the Misses Clara Little, Dorothy Cole, Merle West, Hazel Coombs, Sarah Richmond, Mr. C. Richmond. There was a lovely assortment of presents and, although unable to attend, the following sent gifts: Mrs. Q. McAdams, Mr. and Mrs. W. Richmond, Mrs. A. Beaudln, Mrs. S. Coutur. Mrs. Cole, Miss J. Lof eudo. , Miss I. McMillan. Dainty refreshments were served during the course of the evening and the party broke lip shortly after eleven. Miss Brown is the ddughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown of Rock Bay, Vancouver Island, and Is to be married to Bob Muller, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Muller of Terrace. In St. Matthew's Ang- Terracc Students In Search of Magic Formula IF'RRACE, March 20 Terrace Khool children are seeking a magic formula which will bring them financial reward totalling $30. Actually, the formula Is a six word slogan which will make an attractive eye-catcher at the top of Terrace Board of Trade letterheads and the rewards a first prize of $15, second, $19, and third $5 have been put up by board members. The Idea of a slogan competition among sch6ol children was brought forward when Board members' imaginations failed to provide an attractive catch line for a new stock ol official stationary which is to be ordered. The competition closes March 31. Jeff Lambly is in charge. lican Church on March 31. As a climax to her Indian activity, Miss Denham, teacher of Grade II at the Terrace Elementary School, put on an Indian play which was very well received. The play was staged in the classroom and was repeated several times so that all the pupils In both the Elementary and High Schools could sec it performed. A small admission fee was charged and proceeds are to be donated to the Junior Red Cross. ST. PATRICK'S CELEBRATION Afternoon ami Evening Functions at Id of C. Hut Last Saturday in tne spociou.-and artistically decorated iiail of the Knights of CoiumOus Hui the CaihDllc Women's League held their St. Patrick's Day cerebration. Mrs. J. J. GilliS, president of the league, was general convener. The beautlfull hail, with its lights and walls draped in green ' and the shamrock holding a prominent place, spoke a "cead mile failte" a thousand welcomes to all who came to honor the Teas: of the patron saint. From 3 to 0 o'clock me ols easy chairs around Uie beaull-fully decorated tables were :n constant demand by those who came to sip tea in the good old Irish way. In charge of the tea room was Mrs. Phil Lyons and presiding at the tables were Mrs. M. P. MC-Caffery and Mrs. A. Smith. Mrs. R. Rogerson, Mrs. Agnes Pierce, Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. R. DeJong. Miss Mary Astoria and May Murray were in charge or the serving. Mrs. It. E. Moore and Mrs. Cliff had charge of the refreshment,. Mrs. Batagno acted as cashier. ! The home cooking was presided over by Mrs. Leo iwtron, as- SOMW NEED A HELPING HAND r can ease their burden throuqh your RED CROSS Victory for many of our wounded boys will only come at the end of a long road of pain. It will take months, maybe years to bring them back to health and peace. We cannot share their pain or suffering. Rut to ease the burden of their confinement and speed their recovery, members of the Red Cross Corps are constantly making their rounds among the wounded men spreading good cheer, bringing them aid and comfort, handing them cigarettes, fruits and books, reading to them, writing Jetters for them. Whatever their need, the Red Cross is there with a helping hand. We cannot count our wounded in advance. Hut we do know that increasing numbers of returned wounded men are ilepcniling on your Red Cross in their hour of greatest need. For those Canadians who have given so much of them-selves for us, let us see to it that they shall not want. Let your response to the Red Cross appeal be more generous than ever before. This advertisement made possible by TOM "LEE & SON Grocery RUPERT BAKERY LTD. IDEAL CLEANERS NORTH STAR MOTTLING WORKS SUPERIOR RADIO SERVICE CRAWLEY & DIDERICKSEN - Roatbuildcrs sisted by Mrs. Joe Garon, Mrs. 3 Bouzek and Mrs. C. SchaeUer. Ihere was also a sate or apron: where Mrs. E. Fltioatncs was assisted by Mrs. McArtnur, Mrs. A. Turgeon and Mrs. r. liiiion. In the evening the hall was again occupied by a Very large gathering who came to enjoy an evening of playing whist, bridge and cribbagc. On tn:s occasion the hall took on a new aspect o beauty as the heavy crecoratlons of green gave the effect to tne lighting of a subdued green giow and, not only was tiie stiamroc. to the fore, but a great big Irish shillelagh at the door gave a peculiar Irish touch lo the ha:;. Mrs. Lahtl presided at the door. Jean Dcmers was master of ceremonies for the bridge, F. Ethlcr for the whist and E. J. Fltzpatrlck for the crlbbage. Prizewinners were: Bridge Ladles' llrst, Mrs. R. E. Moore; second, Mrs. Grauam; men's first, Dalrd McLean; second, Glllls Royer. WhistLadles' first, Mrs. Miller; second, Mrs. lsorjrman; men's first, O. Faugnt; second, Mrs. Julian. Crlbbage Miss rrances Moore; second, Mrs. E. J. Fltzpatrlck; men's first, Rex Dry-ant; second, C. Bllton. The beautiful set or silver Fox furs was won by Arrs. EeJaney, ticket 944. The three-tier fruit cake donated by Mrs. Bouzek and Mrs. Fltzpatrlck was won by ticket 622 held by G. Oarivida. A chesterfield set donated by the Victory circle was won by Mrs. J. Beruschi, ticket NO. 9. The beautiful Irish shillelagh donated by O. Faught was won by Mrs. F. Bird. At the conclusion or the cara party delicious refreshments were served and Fainer Lan-tagne gave a fine rendering of a number of old Irish melodies. Accompanist was Miss Frances Moore A.T.CAI. r r Q p Radio Dial 111 K 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to channel TUESDAY PAL 4:00 Woras With Music 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Great Moments in Music 5:000.1. Journal 5:30 Sports Reviews 5:45 Band Wagon 6:00 Amos 'n Andy 6:30 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Books for the Times 7:30 Make Way for Tomorrow 8:00 Citizens Forum 8:30 Classics for Today 9:00 Fibber McGee and Molly 9:30 Mall Call 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Silent WEDNESDAY AM. 7:30 Ma?lcal ClocK 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Homemakers 10:15 Johnny Mercer 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Morning Visit 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrap Book 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Swing Time PAL 12:00 Guy Lombardo 12:30CBC News 12:45 Spotlight Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 High School Scries 2:00 Silent SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER ' and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala. Friday S3 Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Pnone 5C8 13 TAXI 24-IIOUR SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch "-ivmtM OFTHh ' l 2,000,000 19 U and 19 1.-,. year for our Allied Ux.i Sailors. Send at oncetoanvX.-t J TEA Till r 1 l J I I If m. I nr. rAMILY i Jill hig , Clearance of . , HIGH GRADE WOMEN'S 5 Still In Full Swing! If you have not already got what i wanted, come in again . ., Wa nllf T. Dnwn..!-. M 1 mc jiui uui iicn idlKlIUS UailJ tl . stock is sold. BULKLEy VAJ COLLIERIES Beg to advise that having coupleJ J War Priority .Contracts, art pared to supply the D0MESI! M A'R K E T with high quai lasting BULKLEY VALLEY 3- Phone your dealer and savt MOTT ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor! COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL t U ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and: Offices In Vancouver and New Westa Phone Mack 367 WL TAKE A f If ASS -'-XI I rx M m w il l I fmm fhn t.hriftv xhonoers and come toe " " " ' t ,A Our store Is filled with everyday nee - ifomJ. A" gestlons-wlth sparkling new sp"" will, please your budget. Come in "Where Your Dlmca Are EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WB and W ' THE VARIETY 0 Little