TACJE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 20, 1915 They're Alive with Style! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 0 V COUKS E ! usiness an d SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating , Engineers Phoue 174 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 330 9th Ave. W. Red 693 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. HUNDEIDE WATKINSnF.ALF.R 337 Seventh Avcrtue West Phone Green 973 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM- SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 FIND IT with a Want Ail I Sell it with a Want Ad! Buy It with a Want Ad I Daily News classified section gels results. I The weatherman says: We agree ... so if 6 to 60 we are ready to give you comfort for sport or leisure. . . . In . . . TENNIS SHOES Child's, Misses', Youths', Boys', Men's, Women's CUT RATE SHOE STORE (Across from Orme's Drug Store) We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL NOW Prince Rupert, B.C. m g. PI . Jf Professional R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaublen, the teacher of French language, has rc-1 turned to the city, and has re sumed his classes. His address is Postal Station B. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 2d6 4th Street : Phone 655 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phon Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor1 Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver II. J. LUND PAINTING, PAPERING AND KALSOMINING PHONE 4G -a AN EARLY SPRING! you're -8 PHONES nr, in ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Classified Ads - Jaa3KiriedAavttsliii 13. payable w viiiua at tune ui iuua mining copy for Insertion. WANTED WANTED New or used lumber, suitable lor shed. Box 963 Dally News. (67) I'M IS ON A L I YOUNO FISHERMAN, 30, wishes to meet home-loving girl, 25-35. Strictly confidential. Full particulars first letter. Write Box 907 Daily News. (68) FOR YOUR DECORATING needs, anything that's done with paint, I do it. Call Red 444 or Blue 378. 8G FOR HUNT FOR RENT Room and breakfast for lady or working couple. Box 9G8 Daily News-. (G9) FOR RENT Room, kitchen privileges. 1412 Overlook St. (69) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced Fish Graders and Storekeepers for Fish Camps April 15th, approximately five to six months employment. Apply to AM. 171 Unemployment Insurance Commission. (63) FOR SALE FOR SALE 15-foot gas boat, at new floats. Wood lathe with 1-3 electric motor. C.C.M. bicycle, low-geared. 732 8th Ave. E. after 5 p.m. (72) FOR SALE-Entirc contents of Shoe Repair Shop. Best offer accepted. Call after C p.m. 103 9th Ave. West. (72) FOR SALE 12-foot row boat: 9-foot skiff; and 13-tubc Marconi radio. Apply 834 Alfred Street. (63) FOR SALE English pram, in good condition; also small pre-war folding buggy, in good condition. Phone Red 731 for particulars. (70) FOR QUICK SALE Partially dismantled cabin, situate on pipe line 250 yds. from 9th Avenue, together with quantity of new lumber and, tool chest and tools, belonging to estate of Eric Hanson, deceased. Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert. (74) FOR SALE Two single beds-complete, $15 and $12; three bird cages, 50c and $2.00 each; one guitar and case, $15. 1060 8th Ave. East. ' (68) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chairs. 1333 Overlook St. (72) FOR SALE Six-room house, bathroom, kitchen, three bedrooms and living room. Good big basement, big garden and 10 cords of fuel and lumber material. Low taxes. With two lots, furniture, oil burner and front room heater part qf the furniture. House is situated at 1034 3rd Ave. West. $2500 cash or on terms. Inquire at the .aid residence. (71) FOR SALE 4 6" Simmons steel bed and spring; single steel bed, spring and mattress; dresser with mirror; 9x12 Ax-minster rug; new studio lounge. Apply 315 Cth Ave. West. (07) FOR SALE One 48-inch by 12-foot R. T, Butt joint boiler, 50 horse power and tested to 125 pounds W.P., in good condition. Smllhcrs Lumber Yard, Smithcrs, B.C. (69) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs', and 1 1 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The. Variety Stoic. (66) FOR SALE Six-room house with Datn. well kept; built-in cupboards, oil cloth on floors, electric fixtures included. Im-emlatc possession. Phone Black 597. (tf) FOR SALE Two glass show cases, six leet long. Can be seen at W. F. Stone's store. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumhnr mnrp economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, mannfne.. tured by National Machinery company tamiiea, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) TENDERS SEALED TRNT1F.RS will Kn ceivca oy ine undersigned up til noon nf March Sflth mi for the purchase of registered iiaij-iiuu Deiunging u mc CS tatc of Gottfrid Knutson, de ceased, and described as situ ate one mile from Kemano luver near Bute dale and covering TTnrpt.zlrv qhH gu wyakin Creeks and tributaries. Ofilcial Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. ANNOUNCING . . . EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 0:30 ajn. to 1 a.m. Today in Sports Grcnvillc Court To Be Site of New Gymnasium A new gymnasium Is In thr offing for Trincc Kupert s alii-letlcally minded youngsters. Last night city council granted the Kinsmen' Club the right to build a temporary building on lots at Grcnvillc Court. The application wa made by Clarence B. Th&m-son in behalf of the Prince Rupert Athletic Clu'o, which operates under the gu:cance oi the Kinsmen. The building wiu stand on portions of four lots just east of the Salvation Army Citadel and will be 77 by 100 feet dimensions, Mr. Thuaaun told council. Council adopted a motion by Alderman Arnold that the application be granted and that the applicants pay a nominal revenue of $1 a year for lease of the property. Sport Chat The losing streaks that go with sport always seem to prompt rumors of consequent managerial retirement; and English football is no "exception. Take Notts County of the League North. They lost a dozen successive matches and the whispering forced Maj. Frank Buckley, best-paid team manager In professional football, to deny he had resigned. "Things arc certainly not going well from a playing point of view." said Buckley, whose team holds the cellar position in the 54-club league. "But I'm not worried. After all. I'm not an Aladdin. I can't rub a lamp and produce star players." Perhaps the major has no magic lamp but his pre-war ability to discover stars and his unorthodox training methods labelled him something of an unpredictable genius. Just a year ago he created wartime soccer's' biggest sensation by leaving the top-notch Wolverhampton Wanderers for the lowly Notts County club at a salary said to be around $18,000 a year. Certainly the County has been doing no better since, but the major Ls a non-worrying philosopher. "Nothing in football disheartens me," he said. ''And nothing surprises mc. I haven't been here long enough to get a team together and I still have a lot of hard snadc-work to put In. It' like going to c derelict farm. I've only reached the stage of trimming the hedges. Buckley. 62, was rclcasrd from a contract which still had three years to run when he left the Wolves. At Wolverhampton he Introduced gland therapy treatment and had a qualified chlroiKKiist at the ground each week to attend to the feel of players. He found and sold stars to the extent of nearly $450,000, among them Welsh man Bryn Jones who went to Arsenal for $61,000. Sport In general, and foot- hall In particular, has taken a Basketball Navy Wins Hoop Title Defeated City l' Store of 13 to 32 in Final Last Night l.at nifihl in one of (he most exciting basketball games of the season Navy defeated City by a score of 13-32. Both teams were In top form and it was a close game all through. At the end of the first half City was in the lead by a 19-17 count. In (he last half Barker of Navy went wild and piled up 16 points for his team. Dominalo of City was barred from the game toward the end as a result of 5 personals. It was a tight and hard-fought game all through. Outstanding for Navy were Sister and Barker while 1161- krstad and Dominato were top scorers for City. Free shots for the Navy gave them 9 out of 15 tries but City made only 3 out of their II possibles. This was a sudden death game and gives the championship to Navy. Kefcrec was Comadina with Woodsidc as scorer. leap In France since the liberation. Mai.y invitations have been extended to "professional English teams to play there and there's a possibility Chelsea will be the first British club to visit the continent since the outbreak of war Chelsea. League South club, has been invited to mec the French professionals. Red Star Olympic, at the Paris Stadium May 1. Chelsea will accept if government consent is obtained. The match would be part of the celebrations planned by France for Labor Day. Like other clubs. Chelsea made many overseas lours before the war, including a jaunt through South America. Boston Bruins finished the greatest season of league hockey In modern times 16 years ago last night after winning 33 gam es put of 4i. Cooncy Welland, star centre, set an . aUVcimc scoring record of 43 goals and 30 assists. Boston won the National League title but bowed to Montreal Canadians In the Stanley cup series. Nineteen years ago last night Johnny Rlsko, Cleveland's fyaker boy, defeated Paul Barlcivbacb. world light heavyweight champ-Ion, In a 10-round non-title bout In New York. Rlsko got no farth er in the boxing hall of fame but he started BerlcHbach downhill. Canada's Jack Dclancy won the title from Bcrlenbach four months later. Air Force Raises $1750 For Current Red Cross Drive The recent carnival at the Royal Canadian Air Force Seal Cove base resulted In no lens than $1750 being realized in aid of the current Red Cross MUSIC FILM IS SHOWING ".Music in .Manhattan" Cumins ( Capitol Theatre Here Tomorrow Laii'vluri. romance and songs are blended in diverting fashion In Uie musical comedy "Music in Manhattan," featuring Anne i Shirley. Dennis Day and Phillip ! Terry, which comes to the Capl ,tol Theatre here for tomorrow! I only. I The ghl and boy of the piece arc principals In a struj'.slin: little musical revue which is In need of money to put it over The girl flies to Washington in order to raise some money and, to get reservation on a crowded t ' plane, she pretends to be the j j bride of the war's current hero, j ' She gets publicity which is in istrumcnt'al In putting the show over but the romance is tcmpor- j arlly interfered with. Riotous j happenings ensue but eventually; i everything turns out well. I Other members of the cast include Raymond Walburn as at comedy musician, Patti Brill as! the other girl In the show and Jane Darwell In an Important maternal role. Hit tunes Include "Did You Happen to Find a Heart This Morning?" and "When Romance Comes Along." I CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Last night Frank Dutton and i )iU Itnvu nonin nlavcd to a 1.11 HC -- - crowd of dancers In the "Y'l auditorium. Special feature of I the evening was a Jitterbug con test with Russ Bond. Lltcky Slcttcn and Jlmmlc Hclakus picking the winners. First choice was unanimous in favor of the fitrt stepping duo Bertha Vuckovlch and Frank Amato of the Army. Second choice was not so easy but the decision fell to Helga Watrln and Angus Smith of Navy. Next week Bob Wy-brow and his Band will supply the music. Tonight is Cribbage Night with play beginning in the Writing Room at 8 p.m. Tonight's movie will be "Dark Mountain." Tuesday at the "Y" 29th and Air Force will meet In the Floor Hockey League. IN TIIK SUntKMK COUIIT IIIUTISII C:OI,UMMA IN TIIK MATT Kit OV TIIK "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTKU Of THE E8TATK OI' ALKXANDEll MucAULAY UK- CEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by by Ortlrr til Ills Honour Judge Klbhc r, Locitl Jti'lge of the Hupromo Court of Hrltlili Col unibln, I wbk on the 1 llllt (lay nf Mitrrh. A D. 1945. npiuliitnl Admlli-tfttralor of the ralule of Alexander MarAulay. who (lliil on the liMli or 2Utli of January. 11)15. All K-raoua Indebted lo tiro mild palate arr rc-f(iitrrcl to pay the uinoiinl of thrlr liidebtrdiicaa to mo forthwith and till rraona having claims imulnrt the aald Estate arc required to flic with mc proerly verified on or before the IlOth day of April. 1045. falling which distribution will be made liavljiK regard only lo such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Uuert. I1C this lUUi day of Marrh. A D. Ilr NORMAN A. WAIT. Official Administrator, I'rlnce- llupcrt, H.C. B-29's DROP TONS OF BOMBS OVER RANGOON, BURMA Tons of bombs speckle the sky over Rangoon, Burma, as they spew from the yawning bomb bays of the 20th Bomber Command Superfortresses. The target of this dayll jht attack by Brlg.-Gnn. Roger M. Ramcy's India-based airmen was a large Jap supply depot near the Mlngaladon air field near Ran- goon. Returning fliers declared It a "perfect mission" from the standpoint of bombs observed on the target, and the weather. Last Day TI,E noirriNo Ubr, Sunday ),fr for J 1 UAY UNLY TOMOPfii IT'S SLIGHTLY SCANDAtnii - when a showgirl ., . stranger in the bridal Su;te, PHIl JERRY - Hi-man CHARLIE level win I tirufie tictiniqti Eaaitnl Complete Shows 1 :00 3 0.) i.:Ci Feature 1:40 - 3:40 5 10 ( (0 Coming THURSDAY I'KIDAY -SATUll Miml n'ltri.. - " ... June Allison MUSIC XAllAAll............ . . Cambridge CM KOIi TIIK MAN WHO KNOB MORGAN'S MEN'S & 3rd Ave., next to Ormei NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rales 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 100 Seo our sloA of household fum and novt'lUc J. H. MAIR 'FUKNITUKK AND AUCTION" C32 Third Ave GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI Free Delivery Throughout ihew TO JW151 Dt'V."U , TUFISDAY THURSDAY - 6aTUP.u JLU tVCOV OLXUULI 'cloclt ' Kindly give us your order before 12 your delivery Wc serve Special Red Brand Dccf. All :ctabW fresh and cooked meat-fresh vegew It UltrlfVUIIlWIVVV w f - RUPERT BUTCH PHONE 21 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. ,2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 W --will' ,M . i aovett m Anne tw SHIRLEY-0AYTEffi WALBURN HARwm .til BASNET and his tm NILOMENLNDEZanVhaRHuS SLlOinili "Sr rttn Snip! WORLD II For Millie inn it waav tin - OIL BURSal AND EBl New c;al?oBi as-urc you of i - Phone Bill HANDH HOME SS Prince Itupf;' Dclmort FrcW Vegetables - StraftbcrrlE Bll r IMHCIUIW I'MUiW ' ... .,r,ir.irn mil TlJjJiD