IN breakfast around NABISCO RFDDED WHEAT-for here is cereal that not only tastes but IS good 1 Madeol 100 ti, Hian whole wheat toasted to w: .. L i. pen goiaen Drown - n supply energy-ding Eps carbohydrates proteins as well as fe!ul amounts of Iron B phosphorus. Ihe family will enioy IBISCO SHREDDED HEAT It's ready Liked, ready to eat . . . n add milk and sugar Bra tasty with fresh or tserved fruit I It... iful NABISCO 3HREDDED WHEAT-Vrasty, ) Ready to Eat, Yet as Nourishing as a Hot Cereal 'EATERS omen jukI (JiYIh fl! Sizes Ml C olors niitrans Pullovers Sloppy .loos BVflol .Juniners Alnino .Tumnm-s , Elaborately Embroidered nettes Ladies' Wear j ENTRAL OTEL KJTICE I- kMAIR i Appointed sole Wntatlve- of mis district. nS3 has been pur-rom A. Wclxl by W. Yule. local Raw and P'nzed MH.K ISSS JA""Y DINING ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 B p.m. AM, W II ITU HUM' The Seal erf Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON BONDED UOOFEHS PNCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmelal Works tal work of all kinds Air Conditioning " Sinks Eavestrough it Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside order i -nir' - WORK GUARANTEED P' & 2nd Ave' w P.O. nox 725 Phone Blue 904 I "Ynu Always Hurt The One You I-ove" There Cues Thai Son? Again" Victor record 20-lCOd Sammy Kaye "Saturday Nitjit" I Don't Want to Love You" Victor record 20-1C35. Sammy Kaye "When the Hoys Com Home" "Dvelina" Victor record 20-1G21 Freddy Martin ".tcrontiiate The Positive" "Junipiii' On the Merry-Oo-Kounrl" Victor record 20-1012 Artie Shaw McRae Bros. m mm imvtAfm. 9 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 040 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR RALES CONDUCTED TO 8UIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers It Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Notes and 'Views of the Utilities committee recommended that a previous motion appointing F. Kempton as wiring inspector and assistant telephone superintendent oe rescinded In regard to its application to assistant superintendent on the grounos uiat t:ie ectn-cal code precludes an assistant superintendent from using tools, that Superintendent of Telephones S. Massey be superannu ated elective March I and that A. B. Love be appointed telephone superintendent on the retirement of Mr. Massey. Licensing committee reporcee trade licenses have been .grancej to Lucien Rougeau as a mechanic and bodjtnan; Mike Pnslufc as an undertaker; C. S. VIers to rent machinery. Finance committee recommend that an offer of Mrs J. A. Smith to Purchase lot M block 27, section 1 for $2,000, $200 cash and the balance at $M a month be accepted. Board of works recommence that Wartime Housmg LImltec be asked for flnanclai assistance toward the construction or side- Ernest Unwin left Sunday night on a trip to Stewart. Naval Dance for Red Cross, Drill Hall, Thursday March 22. Everybody welcome. (00) A BO-ME-HI SCHOOL Emtolcm sweaters, handkerchiefs, etc., now in stock at the RUPERT I MENS AND BOYS STORE. (07) ! Mrs. F. s. Walton, in cliarge o the area between McBride St land Hays Cove Circ:e ror Red .Cross collections, is Ueing assisted by Mrs. J. J. L;:Ue, Mrs. H. C. 'Halllclay, Mrs. J. C. GHker, Mrs. J. T. Langrldge and Mrs. S. A. Kleltoack. Dewey Bullock, well known road to connect the sentra.l in-;, terlor with the Ala.ska'Hlghway. Capt. Frederick a. Hart, R.C. NJt., former captain or the Can adian National Steamsnips ves sel rrince Robert, now a war- officer commanding Prince Ru pert area. Capt. Hart Inspects the local Sea Cadets tonight. Wilbur C. Werthner of Victoria is spending a few days in town in the interests of h;s firm ano conferring with their local representative. Cliff Ham. Mr. Werthner came west several years ago direct from the Toronto head office. Tills ls one of his many trips to Prince Rupert and for the past several days he has been busy renewing acquaintances. He expects to 'get away for the south Thursday night. City Council walks on Sixth Ave. from the , dry dock road to Herman St. on Sixth Ave. E. and on jiays cove jAve. frcm Sixth Ave. to Conrac St., the amounts to be contributed by Wartime Housing to be $4,333 and $800 respectively. Mayor Dasaett last nteht no. .ea lor a motion by council auth j crlzzlng him to send a message of condolence on behalf of the city to the widow and children oi Former Mayor Alfred etorfc w:ic died in Ontario last sees. Coun-.cif also endorsed the Mayors ac-I tlon in sending a wreath on Toe nail oi the city. The flag at the (city hall has been at half mast during recent days out or res-,pect to Mr. Stork's memory. A request by the rrlnce Rupert Gyro Club that City authorize the spending of $1,033 on city playgrounds was referred to the parks committee. Council last nigh: endorsed a request by the Civic centre Car ina cuniiruiiee mat jt oe allowed to hold it annual carnival between August 20 and August 25 but left its decision open on that part of the request Local News Items... PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS AC.C.F. Educational Meeting tonight, 8 o'clock, Metropole Hall. Parent -Teachers' Association meeting, Wednesday, March 21,1 ai uooiri Memorial High School, 8 p.m. Musical program, refreshments. Ptc. Nick Kurulok, who has been spending leave at' home after overseas duty, Is leaving Thursday night for Vancouver to return to duty. A Carpenters' Union Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Carpenters' i Hall, Fraser St. Special business. wm. Page, general oi'.ce representative, in attendance. (C3 . ' I i4iu.ii ivi, lyavitrS OI MI'S Seattle authority of northern city, who sustained serious frac- ......, .uu , ur..vt-u m me lUre in a fall on Christmas Eve city on the Princess Alice yes- iait, ls reported to be making V, ' a""l progress toward recovery follow- ceeded by the evening train to lng a successful operation in Hazelton. Mr. Bullock proposes Vancouver at the end of the to make a reconnaissance of the week. aazeiion route for the projected . 1 Mrs. 1 Ruth Turner Qf Van-couver.Vlvho Is here In connection with the organization pa'ign In Skcena riding, left on last evenings train for a trim to , , i j i ... .. . Terrace. Hazelton, uatlliuil, Smlthers, OU11UIIT5, shin, arrived in the c tv from n, ...,J IVfncouyer Monday on the Prin- . pointsTAfter this trip she will ,cess Adelaide, accompanied by vslt lne Quccn charlotte I Mrs. Hart. They were met by islands.' commander M. A. Wood, naval Large Stork of Mirrors from $1.00 to $.-,.00 3 Ourney Klttiirn Itangrs all-enamel, for coal and wood from $05.00 to $115.00 3-Plece Chesterfield Suilrs all springs, In very fine tapestry. Special $100.00 12 Dressers with round mirrors. Price $2.-.00 4 Studio Couches with green chair to match, can be made In double-bed; storage for blankets. Priced from $100..00 to $1 15.00 B.C. FURNITURE lllark 234 Mrs. E. G. Weeks of Ottawa, wife of Major Oeneral E. G. Weeks or the Canadian Army, arrived In the city yesterday from Vancouver in the course of a western lecture tour under auspices of the Women's Canadian Club and, after addressing the local club, left last night on her return south. Tom McEwen of Vancouver, provincial chairman of the Labor - Progressive Party and candidate for the party in Yukon, will arrive in the city at the end of this week in the course of a speaking tour which will take in various interior points such as Terrace, Hazelton, Smlthers and Burns Lake. H. J. McCallum, who has been located here as travelling passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways curlnc the past couple of years, left on las: night's train for Saskatoon, sav ing been transferred there in a similar capacity. Mrs. McCallum and family will be leaving later for the prairie city. Petty Officer Telegraphist Robert Elklns arrived in the city on Sunday night's train from the East Coast to pay a month's visit on leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. c. H. Elklns, Fourth Ave. E., and Incidentally to be warmly welcomed 'by all his young friends. Bob has been on convoy duty with the Royal Canadian Navy for considerable time. On the way home he vslited at Halifax with his brother, Lieut. William Elklns. You Can Depend On It . . . When the weather keeps you at home, you can phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will receive the same careful nttentlnn nnr FREE Delivery Service covers the entire cltv on Tuesdnvs Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your order before 4 p.m. on day before delivery. MUSSAILEM'S ECONOMY STORE City of Prince Rupert xoncx DOO TAX for :he year 19 15 Is now due and j.nyable by ine 'owner or harbourer of any doe over the age of four months. Annual Tax Is $2.00 for dojs and $5.00 for bitches. Legal proceedings mav be tak en if this tax remains unpaid alter Marcn 31. 1945. H. D. Thaln. City Clerk. VICTOR DELL ON HIS WAY HOME Flying OfHcer Victor Dell, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dell. 204 Eighth Avenue West, enroute home from overseas in various parts of the world with the Royal Canadian Air Force, left Lachine, Quebec, on Saturday evening for the west, according to official advices received in the city. c.c.f. r.iiincii: There were six tables at the weekly C.C.F. bridge nartv Rat. urday night in Metropole Hall. winners were: ladies' first, Mrs. It. Skattebol: second. Mrs. o. W. Rudderham. Men's first. Geornc Scott; second, Mr. Fhel. which asked that they allow the carnival to be held at Its nmn, place on Seventh St An application by Fidol Trus tee S. L. Peachey that council take steps to repair trie drainage of Conrad Street and Kins: Ed ward School grouncs was refer red to the board of wor:;s. On recommendation rf iim finance committee council auth orized payment of aseounrs iot- auing ?iu,i(J7 ipr February. Announcement 20. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March Orange Ladies' Sale. March 28 Basket social, aid of Norway, March 29, Oddfellows' Hall. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Easter Monday. Anglican Easter sale, April 5. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. , W.O.T.M. Sale" and Tea In Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday April 5. 3:00 to 5:30 p.m'. Easter Dance, Friday, April C, W.A. 1st Bn. Prince Rupert Rcgt. (MG). Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 12: " -"--- C. W. L. Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. Hur. April 13. St. Peter's Sale, April 20. Dance everv Raturdnv nteht Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. United Spring Sale, May 3. j BLACKHEADS Blmpi d.Molve nd dlappar by this on ftirnple, iai ami iurt method. Get two ounce of peroxln powder from any druff tor, uprlnkl on a hot, wet rloth, and tpply ceutly vtry blackhead will L gim. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Lumber We now have a slock of Komi jrrarie FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand YF.S! We have NO BANANAS IUJT We do have . . . Iir.I) CHIMNEY MUCK Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. 1 Prince Rupert B,C THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday March 20. 1945 fiuiekRelkf t6M SNimr.sTVff otsmsscF Instantly, relief from snlflly, gneezv stuffy distress of head rolds startttb ?' y; etirjnentyouputafewdrops "P each nostril. SoothS Irritation, relieves congestion, makes breathing easier In a hurry. AIm helps Piw!?.1 If ny 5,ds from developing vilAtime,- J"" 9 M Works hnel Follow direct Jons In folder. VICKSVATRO-MOL LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 PAGE FTVE f Doibl-Dirt7 Nos Drop Worti, fast Right Whr Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S. E. PARKER LIMITED PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 170 E. 3rd AVE 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself "For Your Parties at Home" Chow Mien :. Chop Suey We'll Prepare It . . . You Call For It 1'IIONE BLACK 9G9 Half Moon Snack George Lum, Proprietor Corner of Cth and Fulton Open 4 p.m. to 3 ajn. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY III It T II I) A Y AND EVERYDAY GAUDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Resner Mock, 3rd Street ' Phone 231 RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish . AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, D C.