Dally Edition THE DaEi news Prlnct Rupert Wednesday, August 1, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-?fl..b5 i?!3?' RPert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 83 --Per Tear '. . . . '. '. '. 'tioo By Mall, per month . .40 Per Year 4.oo Leisure Clothes . . . for . . . SUMMER AND FALL WE A More and more men are asking for the comfort and informal !Smartness of Leisure Clothes. For style and comfort in casual wear, try a .G.W.G.Loafer Jacket , $10.00 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER --and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO BUTT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 MEMBER A.B.C. A Pleasing Appointment . . . To have a war hero for their new Governor-General was, no doubt, the popular desire of the people of Canada so the appointment of Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander should prove pleasing. The more spectacular Winston Churchill or Bernard Montgomery might have been more prominently mentioned these last few days. However, when the history of the war is written, the quiet, unassuming commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean will receive a large modicum of credit for the generalship and leadership in the sphere where the ultimate defeat of the Axis , in Europe was initiated if not consummated. Alexander, who incidentally had Montgomery as one of his generals, was the counterpart in the Mediterranean of what Eisenhower was in western Europe. The Governor Generalship of Canada is a high honor and it has fallen into worthy hands in Field "Marshal Alexander. History repeats itself in the appointment of Alexander, paralleling tenure of Baron Byng, a great soldier of World War I, who immediately after that conflict became the King's representative .in this Dominion. Satisfaction at the appointment of Field Marshal Alexander might well be complemented with an expression of appreciation that, during the war years, Canada should have been graced by the presence of that fine gentleman, the Earl of Athlone, as vice-regal representative. Prince Rupert was pleased on one occasion to be host to Athlone. We shall look forward to seeing Alexander at a conveniently early date following his establishment in the Dominion. The Doctor's Whim . . . Of course nobody takes very seriously the "nuisance" election down in old Glengarry, Ontario, where Prime Minister Mackenzie King is being opposed by Dr. Richard Mona-han, evidently a typical "agin the government" Irishman, who has no better excuse for being in the contest than that he does not think Mr. King should have an acclamation. The doctor has announced that he is prepared to spend $1000 to satisfy his whim. Fortunately, a by-election down that way does not cost very much, comparatively speaking, and the doctor's little eccentricity is at a minimum of public expense. The fact that he will lose a $200 deposit will help to defray the costs. The doctor's pleasure also holds up the business of the country since there are certain executive functions, such as the completion of his cabinet, which Mr. King cannot proceed with until he himself is a Member of "THE MEN'S SHOP" BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ltd. "3h Pioneer Druq&tets THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 MUSICAL TREAT AT GYRO CLUB Members of Service Club Share Pleasure JVaval Officer Welcomed The pleasure of a delightful piano recital by Marie Balagno Lundqulst of Seattle was shared by members of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club with their wives and lady friends a; luncheon to day. It, was an entertainment 1 feature of unique pleasure and the accomplished young artist,1 daughter of Charles B. Balagno, one of the pioneer Gyro members, won an ovation.. Appreciation of the club was sultablv ex pressed by the club president, Dr. J. J. Gibson. 1 A hearty welcome was extended to one of the active service members of the club. Lieut. Commander Orme Stuart, who Is In the city on leave from his duties with the Royal Navy as commanding officer of a des-troyerr '. Buy War Savings Stamps TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and see it. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Interesting Visitor Here From Colombia World Traveller, Talented Violinist and Missionary to Indians in City World traveller, talented violinist and missionary to the Indians of many lands, Rev. Robert E. Neighbor of Toronto, Detroit and LaPaz, Bolivia, Is a visitor In the city. He arrived Sunday night from Ottawa and leaves tonight for Alaska on an evangelical lecture tour. At Ketchikan he will be Joined by Dr. Oswald J. Smith, pastor of the People's Church in Toronto. The tall Georgian pastor with a "Deep South" drawl, who has travelled In every continent of the world playing his violin and carrying the Gospel message, was introduced at the Daily News office vesterdav afternoon hv Rev. M. B. Anderson, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and told an interesting story of a tribe of South American Indiansthe Emberas living deep in the Colombian jungle, who had never before been visited by white men and with whom he spent in the past year and was successful in Christianizing. The Emberas contemporaries of the Incas and Aztecs live in the country spread around Da-blba, the frontier town, itself 700 miles from Bogota, the capital of Colombia, and five degrees north of the equator. This exotic trible one year ago, while having a realization of seme supreme being, had never heard the Gospel message. Today, after Mr. Neighbor's ministry, many of them from their head chief down have a clear conception and abiding faith in the Christian belief of God and His Son. They have built churches and organized congregations. Colorful And Estimable Folk Even in their unChrtstianlzed state, Mr. Neighbor found the Emberas to be a colorful and estimable people. Their native dress Is highly picturesque, made out of the barks of trees and colored with Juices, Flowing capes are the principal costume and, when strangers approach, they completely cover their faces, leaving only a narrow aperture in the capes' through which lo peer. They are small of stature. Their hair Is straight and black and trimmed with a bowl-like effect, the men neck-length and the women shoulder-length with founded bangs over the forehead to eyebrow length. Principal foods of the Emberas are a form of Indian corn, pla-tonas, a banana-like fruit which has to be cooked and native beans, all of which produce four crops per year In the tropical climate. The Emberas are to large extent vegetarians but they do eat lizards, fish and rats. For fruit they have wild oranges and salt Is the chief delicacy of their diet. Living In families the Emberas make their homes in circular houses 'built on four posts eight feet or so above the ground, usually with two storeys and surmounted with conical roofs. The temperature of that country varies little from 85 degrees above the year around. It rains every clay of the year except for the two months of January and February which they regard as their summer season. To reach the Embera country one travels from Miami to Panama by Pan-American stratosphere clipper, thence to Medel-lln, Colombia, by Boeing aircraft, thence by highway which now cuts through central Colombia and finally by horse and foot. Mr. Neighbor Is the son of Rev. Dr. R. E. Neighbor sr., eminent American pastor and pioneer missionary to Brazil, who died 'ast month in Cleveland. He is of the Baptist denomination but his jungle Indian mission is Interdenominational and Is financed by "friends all over the world." Mr. Neighbor studied the violin under Leopold Auer at Chicago and has played before crowned heads and heads of nations in various Darts of the world. Em-oeror Hlrohito of Jaoan heard him in the early thirties before the Japanese showed themselves in their true aggressive colors. After his tour of Alaska, Mr. Neighbor Intends to return to Prince RuDert to study the Indians of this district. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA "CHECK YOUR CHEST"... TIMETABLE CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 C.B.R. Concert Orchestra 5:00 Music America Loves Best 5:30 Remember 5:45 Supper Club 6:00 Andy Russell 6:30 Information Please 7:U0 CBC News 7:15 The Soldier's Return 7:30 Masterworks of the Pianoforte 8:00 Summer Serenade 8:30 This Is the Story 9:00 Kav Kyser 9:30 Globe Theatre 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Tony Pastor's Orchestra 1 0 : 30 Sophisticates 11:00 Silent TTT TT YYYt Y YTYYYYTTTY YYYY The Gyro Club Requests Your Support For Lillian KNUTS0N Their Charming Little Candidate For QUEEN of the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Remember . . . Every ticket you buy in support of LILLIAN entitles you to a chance on , the drawing for $1000, $500 and $250 in Victory Bonds. rickets for LILLIAN KNUTSON are available at many agencies. U.ethis ENTRY FORM the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL BICYCLE RACE KULES: 1. SHORTS AND SINGLETS TO BE WORN. 2. FENDERS OR MUDGUARDS TO BE REMOVED. 3. HANDLE-BARS TO BE TURNED DOWN. I hereby register as an entrant In the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL BIKE RACE. I agree to the above rules, and I further agree that the CARNIVAL COMMITTEE shall not be responsible for any accident to me or to my bike during the race. Name . ... ge A(ldress Phone No. School .c (Clip this Entry Form and give It to Nell McDonald at 13 Taxi) ALL RESIDENTS OVER 12 YEARS OF AGE IN THE VICINITY OF American Administration Bldg., First Ave. ARE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST X-RAY EXAMINATION Wednesday, Thursday, August 1 and 2 HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. COME EARLY I A hlCC ARE ASKED T0 WEAU TW0pIECE GARMENTS TO HELP LAUlLJ SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE LADIES' CHANGE ROOMS THE ;X-RAY SURVEY IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF The PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY CHRISTMAS SEAL- COMMITTEE - KINSMEN CLUR, Prince Rupert Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFOUMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW THE BUIK1E1 MARKET Features; central: Beef : VoA . Poultry Productj Under Most Sanity V'onamoiu 311 Third Ave. Every Coutt's Card ,1s plainly marked with a retail price on the back, Choose your card for that special occasion from Phm,. PHONES 110-117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Convey Your Greetings with a COUTT'S CANADIAN CARD For Hirtlulays, Convalescent, Sympathy, Everyday Gifts, Rirths, Ron Voyage, Anniversary, Friendship, Thank You, and Snecial Occasions. SOMETHING HAS BEEN ADDED We announce the advei of a new SIMONIZE Wax especially for furniture. It com in four colors mahogany, oak, maple and neutral. Thlsw gives lasting beauty and protection to furniture, woodwork floors and linoleum. Try a Jar, ladies, and see if you don' agree. Motorist-wise Slmonize . . . Housewives Do LikewiK We now have a supply of EVEREADY Flashlight Batteries Also Tire Pumps priced at $ 1.25 - S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers Phone 83 no E Third A EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to l aim. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 C32 Third Ave., Prince M Phone J. H. MAIR Auctioneer PHONE BLUE f.i FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION. quality foodstuffs are carried at all times, you want thp hoof irn ,:n t:,i u nn ( JfUU Will 11IIU ll shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock MUSSALLEM'slcONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) , Phones 18 and 19 p.o. Bo Blue i nMK UltlVf- : PA N INU PAPEUlIANClXOtf