Weather Forecast NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRlHCjJLUMBLVB NEWSPAPER Tomorrow? a Tides (Pacific Standard Time) .i on"" ..n to " D.m. " tomorrow) ' Tuesday, May ,29, 1945 . he ht t moderate winds lo- High 2:10 21.0 feet 15:15 18.0 feet L frC3h during afternoon; Low 8:59 2.9 feet 20:57 7.9 feet. Liy cloudy and mild. VOL. XXXIV. No. 123. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 28, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS "Tiv ir News Higliliglitsj t-wwww'w"w vw-w-www" kant Chinese Victory 'vv he latest victory of fn -'. - over the wavering Lse in southeastern 7vft -oturc of the capital Inf Kwangsi Province- .Wi. seriously cffecU communicauons wk y wyv . nina ana mam.' (if Tokyo trnkVo radio adds the Foreign . . Wi.irMii.fTtj npsirnvpn nv PC HSfc "I lU "tW J raids which have scorenca ronyv districts of Tokyo have gone up In i Jap Ships Sunk im Syria U becoming acute. acting Syrian) Premter rrench troops have opened llama, north of the copl- Dama :ui and that there i lighting in the atreets. Syrian premier added fear the mcidcntsiinay into what he termed a clarh " Ateppro Is rc- c. have been fired upon fcr j avuiicry Apprajs nave directed to Great Britain tinted States fot protection Ae French. Britain Is com V. to Syrian Independence. luitteH Of Charge )emanding Money R. Banman. Vancouver Idnc salesman, was acquit by Magistrate W. D. Vance lulice court Saturday of a ot .demanding money menaces from a 17-year- jirl while' selling magazines Die Cow Bay district. The xt arose out of mlsundcr-tllng when Baiunan appcar- Et the Cow Bay residence ting subscriptions to a na-M magazine. Following his I ttal he voluntarily returned which he had received fi years subscription, (OTHER BIG 1ZI SUICIDE Hugo Jury Takes Own ! fjf lo Escape Tilal As ht Criminal DNDON, May 28 0i Another Wnent Nazi is said to have pitted suicide. The London f quotes an Austrian broad- " saying that the former nan Commissar in Lower 'rta Doctor Huiro Jury N himself in order to escape as a war criminal. Fnwhlle, the former Nazi baiter Julius Strcicher Is I npwlng to his Allied cap- that he never persecuted w.-! but acted as their fid. Strcicher was the editor f Ulc notorious anU -Semitic F Hie Sleurmcr. Loudly pro- "'i His innocence, he asked 1 "Ptors at Knlzhiirir- "Whv ireated like a murderer?" ''MANUEL'S LONG ItEIQN rn8 victor Emmanuel III of 1 was on his throns longer r ny other living monarch t'l th AVi..tri. . . . ia of Holland: Jjnllding .ates fire ,und. Four- nmcrican bombing sweeps between Shanghai and the ih East Indies have destroyed 33 more Japanese ships. lity were destroyed off Borneo by a single United States rator imoiis Nip Losses Admiral Chester W. Nimltz announces that American sub- hue have sunk 4,500.000 tons of Japanese vessels since cb. Harbor 120 warships and almost 1000 non-combatant Marshal Suicides Ineld Marshal Rlttcr von Cramm, who succeeded Herman irins as chief oi we ucrman air iorcc, commiuca suiciae oisonlnf? hlmclf in a hospital where he was being held prisoner He was ranked as No. 12 Nazi war criminal. tuation In Tia Acute SDON, May 28 Oi The sltu- DICTATORSHIP BY WASHINGTON Suggested By Washington Is Asked About Bloc Populairc and Houde CALGARY. May 28 Progres sive-Conservative Leader John Bracken, speaking here Satur day night, charged that Cana dlan foreign policy was bein; dictated by Washington. One questioner asked Bracken about his relationship with the Bloc Populalre. Another asked What about your friend, Carnl ben Houde?" ANTI-NAZI BODIES OUT. TARIS, May 28 American officers have dissolved two asscrtedly anti-Nazi movcmcnU in the Rhlneland. The first ac tlon was taken against a com bat organization known as the Antifaka whose handful of mem bcrs claim it was founded two years ago to spread sentiment against Hitler. The latest to do dissolved was the anti-Nazi com mittee of a semi-rural district nine miles cast of Cologne. SHIP BALLOT BOXES TODAY Distribution of ballot boxes to distant points In Skccna riding was begun by Returning Officer T. W. Brown at the wecK-cna to assure that they will arrive In time for the federal election nn June 11. Included in each ballot box arc printed lists oi voters in each polling division as submitted by rural enumera tors. nnxes mailed today by the Re turning Officer were consigned to Atlln, Telegraph Creek, Deasc Lake. Bennett, ana tne wueeu Charlotte Island logging camps. Ballot boxes will be sliippca Monday to the interior laia-s district Ootsa, Francois Lake. and to Bella Bella, Bella Cooia. Anahlm Lake and Hagcnsborg In the southern part oi tne AUSTRIA MAY BE SEPARATE AREA PARIS, May 8 It has been announced that negotiations now urc under way to create a separ-atc occupation area for Austria. Separate occupation areas would be worked out for Britain, the United States, France and Russia, with General Mark ClarK in charge of the non-Russian zone. Arc You in Favor? Arc you In favor of the Japanese remaining In ' Canada shn, ,YTclvlng citizenship rights or ao you snould be returned to Japan? , T,hc C-C-P- Party is on record as being In favor of rantlngi them full citizenship. Jhe Liberal policy Is to return as many of these people Possible to Japan-ccrtalnly NOT to encourage them. Make your choice on June 11. Hc UEALLY Progressive . . . Vote LIHERAL YugoSlav Controversy Is AS GERMANS IN HOLLAND, DENMARK, N.W GERMANY SURRENDERA view of the scene in the field headquarters of Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery as the German surrender delegation sat down to sign the surrender terms imposed by Montgomery for the German forces in Denmark, Holland and northwest Germany. Around the table are (left to right): Major Frlcde; Rear-Admiral Wagner; General Admiral Von Frledeberg. Field Marshal Montgomery, General Kinsel and Col. Pollek. Salt Lake Bush Fi ires Waim, Dry Weather Makes Conditions Hazardous Continued warm, dry weather conditions have created a busli fire hazard right here In Prince Rupert. There were two such fires at the Salt Lakes across theharbor, over the, week-end, probably caused by carelessness of plcnicers. One of the fires started near the board walk about half way between the landing and the lake and, fanned by a westerly breeze, spread rapidly northward through light bush and light timber, covering considerable hoforc it snent itself in green timber. Yesterday afternoon anouicr fire started on the left side or the Salt Lake entrance and ran up the lower side of the lake where It was still burning today. No property damage was done by the fires so far. Forest Branch Takes Action A special forestry patrol will bn sent to guard the area arouna the Salt Lakes during week-ends) If dry weather continues, Chief! Forester J. E. Matheson told the Dally News, following the weekend In which crews of fire fighters fought the two fires which burned about five acres of forest land near the lakes on Saturday and Sunday. Thn two outbreaks which caused the sky over the city and; harbor to be hazed with smoke probably were caused by carelessness on the part of campers or cigarette smokers, Mr. Matheson said. One of the fires had already been brought under control and the second will be brought under rnntrol some time today, Mr. Matheson said, Hundreds pand 16 inches in circumference in a day. SulletmA SOMHLUS TO INDUSTRY OTTAWA Certain categories of Canadian Army men arc to be released to industries and professions-; where: there is a critical manpower- shortage. Tlasterers in Brlt- ish ColumUaare ..tabiven-'nrantL statement-ksiays permission to leave where passible. LAVAL GUARD DOUBLED BARCELONA The guard over Premier Pierre Laval is to be doubled. Demands have been made of Spain to release Laval as a war criminal. FREIGHTERS SANK SUBS LONDON Six British freishtcrs arc being given the credit for sinking of four sub marines. MOSCOW TO BERLIN MOSCOW Railway service between Moscow and Berlin has been resumed. At the Vistula River there is a change of guagc. SNEAD-NELSON WIN NEW YORK The two icad-iiiK golf pros, Sammy Sncad and Byron Nelson, finished their special 72-liolc match, played yesterday and Saturday. Sncad won the first thirty-six holes of medal play with a card or 143 lo Nelson's 144. On the second thirty-six, played Sunday, on a match play basis, Nelson came back to win four and thiee. PRODUCTION OF FORESTS LOWER Log scaling In Prince Rupert nf forestry district for the lirst holiday-makers watched the fire, four months o this year has fightcrs battle the maze on aun- i with 37.766,305 feet in the, pared day A ten-man crew is dealing with the second fire today. corresponding period last year Production, of poles and piling r. fim Hrnwo m.h iipnr the i ' this year to date Is 338 927 board walk leading to the lake on Saturday afternoon, and the lineal feet as against 70o,242 second fire started farther west .lineal feet last year. a few hours later. They are the first bush fires In this district since February, 1038, when 200 acres of a settler's land on Smith Island were swept by flames during unseasonable cirougnt that year, Mr. Matheson said. "We will put a special fire patrol at the lakes on Thursday afternoons and week-ends If tills dry weather continues," he said. "There were hundreds of people over there yesterday. The fire3 were probably caused by careless campers or smokers'." REMARKABLE GROWTH Bamboo, a hollow-stemmed plamt, ttias been known to ex Halibut Sales American 15c and 13 Vic) Omancy, 45,000, Storage. Pierce, 18,000, Royal. Canadian 18Vic and 16V-iC) Bessie Mac, 19.500, Booth. Margaret I, 37,000, Storage. Covenant, 35,0.00, Pacific. Edward Wahl. 15,000, B.C. Packers. Blue Boy, 0,000, Co-op. Arctic I, 18,500, Atlln. North Cape, 7,000, Royal. Minnie V, 5,000, Whiz. Hecla, 5,000, Booth . Viking, 16,000, Co-op. B.C. Trailer, 12,000, Royal. GERMAN FOOD SHORT PARIS An official statement from the American Fifteenth Army occupying Germany says that there are onty enough food , supplies to last the Germans for another that an intensive food production program is essential if the minimum requirements for the population are to be met. STETTJNIUS SPEAKING SAN FUANCISCO-Secretary of State Stettinius will review the achievement of the United Nations conference in an address tonight. It is expected that the speech will be the most far - reaching discussion of foreign affairs yet attempted by Stettinius. The address is regarded as marking a new policy, with the assuming a more decisive role in world affairs. MUCH FLAG TALK OTTAWA A distinctive flag for Canada is causing a good deal of discussion in Ottawa. Sonic observers think the tone of Prime Minister Mackenzie King's announcement of policy on this matter indicates that he will propose recognition of the present red ensign as Canada's official flag. This would, some authorities believe, avoid controversy over the actual design of a new flag. NO CHANGE IN LIQUOR OTTAWA No change appears to be in store for Canadian restrictions on alcoholic beverages. That is not official opinion but it is based on the i fact that the liquor issue lias not been raised in the political campaign. It is believed by some that this indicates that no party wishes to make the liquor issue the subject of dispute on the hustings. VETERANS AND BRIBES HALIFAX Another large gioup of returning Canadian Army personnel and British war brides arrived In Halifax yesterday. With them weie smaller groups of sailors and airmen, and some members of the Biitish armed forces, as well as liberated Canadian prisoners of war. ONTARIO RUGBY UNION TORONTO It has been announced that teams from London and Windsor, Ontario, are to play in the Ontario Rugby Football Union this coming season. Two more clubs may be taken In, to make eight teams in the league. Labor-Progs Rap C.C.F. Mickleburgh Sees Them as Enemy to Labor Unity 'The C.C.F. party is hoping to see a reactionary right wing coal men get into power at uttawa If the the C.CF. does not gain a' -majority- itielr -1ft forth coming election," Bruce Mickle burgh, Labor-Progressive party candidate for Skeena, declared ln.3K ii tali t. nt a "rnipplhrnr in which Unsettled Trouble Over CarinthiaT Threatens to Flame Anew Would Be Terrible If Warfare Had to Be Resorted to Retain That Which Has Been Won LONDON. May 28 (CP) Controversy over the Austrian province of Carinthia threatened to flame anew today fanned by a statement attributed to Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia by Belgrade radio which complained bitterly of the treatment accorded "our nationals." Tito was quoted as saying in a speech at I nquiry is Welcomed Ontario Police Allegations Still in Limelight Premier Drew's Reply TORONTO, May 28 CB The Ontario C.C.F. leader E. B. Jo- liffe said In Toronto last night that "The persons whose evi dence establishes the 'truth of my statement will be presented to the people of this province within the next few days." He was replying to Premier George Drew's radio address in which he denied Jolif fe's charges of having set up a "secret po lice" of his own In the prov ince. The C.C.F. Wader said that he will welcome the most com plete and thorough inquiries by an impartial Royal Commission. Premier Drew announced Sat urday In his radio address that a Royal Commission will be ap pointed immediately .to Inquire into tno -recent cnargesmaae oy the C.C.F. leader, that the On tarkrFreTeJcraervaUve government is maintaining a secret political police in the province paid out of public funds. The premier denied the he shared the platform witn charges as false and said that Fergus McKcan of Vancouver, L. the man Jollffe has Indentlfied 'P.P. provincial secretary. as neaamg tne secret orgamza- The Skeena L.P.P. candidate uon-wpwuii wmiam , iho r. r.T a tho pnemv of Dempster had been appointed labor unity on which depended July 30. 1940. by the Hepburn the struggle to keep U Pro- government as a constable on gressive-ConscrvaUves out of e unwno rnmnwai x-oucu power. iiorce. 1he C.C.F. lias made It clear Referrlne to the C.C.F. lead- j that it refuses, to co-op3rate with er3 cnarge that Osborne Demp- otner parties, u xney ao not gPHstcr had compiled ffles contain-in ithsmsslvcs. they nen2 to have . trc"d old Ito tiics Iorm' a coaU United . c, States . Ime connected with any political ion which win maKe it so ami- -. m-pmier said that these cult for the people of Canada records are presumably those of that they will turn radical and 5Decial department of the assure a C.C.F. victory m ivw. criminal investigation branch set He cuUltud a program which, .. ln the rarlv davs of the TOr he said, was based on an econ- t rin ant.l-s.-ihnt.siTo work. Colon- omy of "jobs for all' 'and which cl Drew sald lhat at the time his would develop northwestern p.nvprnmpnt tnot office the work Canada through development of Lj Ulls department had been re- transport, cneap power, loreigu dd to onc man Osborne trade, housing and social secur- Dempster. uy. He chamd that "sane Inter ests In the cast' 'are behind a I.Q.D.E. ATTENDS move to have the huge wartime p-rVrPTPr HAY nrnipefc in' Wes-teim Canada Ut I throttled. Ho declared that, be- CHURCH SERVICE foire the Skeena River Highway is thrown open for public use, It L lal 0rdcrf Daughters of (Continued on Page 2) MAGNETIC POLE NOW LOCATED the Empire, held their annual ,,,, . A Empire Day church parade Sun- Haines read, and Canol, the mnrnin himifiw at St. Paul's Lutheran Church where Rev. Magnus Anderson preached on the subject "The Boundaries of Christ's Kingdom." Forty members of the local chapter under direction of Mrs. D. C. Stuart, regent of Muni cipal Chapter, attended the service with their standard bear ers. The' flags of the standard SHREWSBURY. Eng., May 28 bearers lent patriotic color to O: The crew of the R.A.F. Lan-Tthe church and the service con caster "Aries" report it has dis- ciuded with the singing of "God covered the true location or tne gave tjie King." Magnetic North Pale. Accora- Regents of the chapters who lug to the fliers, the Norm Mag- attended the service were Mrs netic Pole actually is locatea j, Ai -rtng, QUeen Mary; Mrs. 200 or 300 miles nothwest of jcns Munthe, Cambral; and where It previously was believed Mrs, M0ses, Junior Chapter. to bev Its location was given standard! bearers were Mrs. by the R.A.F-R.OA.F. crew on s, v. Cox, Mrs. W. Brass, Mrs. being on Boothia Peninsula in j, Forman. Miss Florence Par- Northern Canada. The new lo- ker and Miss Velma Ingham cation, accoralng to the Aries navigators, covers an estimated 100 -mile area In islands 1500 miles from North Pole. the geographical Ancient traders advertised their wares by mural inscriptions before printing was invented. Ljubljana sunnay "it wouia do a terrible tragedy if we should have to light again for what we' have already won in thi3 war." According to Belgrade verslori of the speech to the Slovene people, Tito called uponi the Allies to protect Yugoslav na tionals "from those same' oppres-. sors who have persecuted them for centuries." There was no Indication In London that final settlement had been reached in the Trieste -Istrla impasse although Belgrade radio said 'Tito had reiterated a pledge hat he would not resort to arms. ASSIZE COURT ' MANSLAUGHTER CASE OPENS . Assize court trial of Ruth Matzik, 24, charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of George H. Ross, 67-year-old United States civilian night watchman on December 13, began at 11 o'clock. thlsmornlng before Chief, Jus-'ticeW'eelf'BrFarris. - Miss vMatzik entered a plea of not guilty Choice of jurymen and the initial summary of the case by Defence Counsel 'W. O. Fulton took up most of the searly part of the session. Absence bf three witnesses who gave testimony at the preliminary hearing heard before Magistrate W. D. Vance last January was sworn to by Sgt. O. L. Hall and Staff Sgt. G. A. Johnston of the B.C. police. On, admission by Defence Counsel T. W. Brown written testimony of Anthony C. Steele, Lieut. Benjamin Sprit, VS. army doctor, and Cpl. Alex F. Steffi icK, u.a. signal corps puoto- grapher, was admitted by the court. . Mr. Fulton led off with-tcstt mony by Lieut. Sprit who treat ed Ross shortly after he had been struck down by a U.S. army light truck on Second, Avenue while on duty as a watcjiman. Jurors on the case, are: Thomas II. Lee, foreman, Stuart Finlay, Louis Amadio, C61iriFi McDonald, John Hosklns.-rAlex-ander Halg, Russell H. Morgan, C. A. Kellett, Norman- Moore-house, James Bcatty McKay and Albert J. Weldon. Mrs. Slgna. Jlanburg whose two A case of manslaughter against children died of suffocation at their Fraser Street home in February is scheduled to follow the Matzik trial. Island Logging -Superintendent Accident Victim PORT ALBERNI, May 28 S Roy Olson, aged 47, superintendent of the Franklin River log- glng camp of Bloedel,. Wtflch & Stewart, died in hospital here Saturday from injuries suffered the same day when he fell sixty feet down a rocky gorge after he had toppled while direct ing the removal of a tree over a bridge. VICTOR'S LAURELS The famous "laurel leaves" which crowned Greek herpes were bay leaves. The Real Issue of the Elections! ' FERGUS McKEAK Piovincial Leader of the Labor-Progressive Party RADIO STATION CFPR 6:45 TONIOIIT