PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C Tuesday, March 13, 1945 1944 INGOME TAX Returns Forms now available. ;R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. TAKE A TIP . . . from the thrifty shoppers and come to The Variety Store. Our store is filled with everyday needs with gift sug-. gestions with sparkling new Spring items. And the prices will please your budget. Come in and browse around. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" THE FAMILY SHOE STORE'S n mg Clearance Sale of HIGH GRADE WOMEN'S SHOES Still In Full Swing! If you have not already got what you wanted, come in again . . . We put out New liargains Daily until stock is sold. You Can Depend On It . . . When the weather keeps you at home, you can phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will receive the same careful attention. Our FREE Delivery Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your order before 4 p.m. on day before delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-IIOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East I'hone Black 311 NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Weixl by W. Yule. "For Your Parties at Home" Chow Mien :: Chop Sucy We'll Prepare It . . . You Call For It PHONE ULACK 90!) Half Moon Snack George Lorn, Proprietor Corner of Gth and Fulton Open 4 p.m. to 3 a.m. Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED PHONE 83 FORI) DEALERS 170 E. 3rd AVE. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From ,IIome Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS 1 ITEMS A Technocracy Inc. presents a dance Wednesday, March 14 In the I.O.D.E. Hall. (62) Inspector of Schools B. B. Thor- steinsson returned Monday on the Princess Adelaide from Ocean Falls. A Effective next Thursday, March 15th, our store will be open on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. WATTS & NICKF.ItSON Olof Hanson, MJ. for Skeena, is leaving on tonight's train for Ottawa to attend the session or Parliament which bpens next week. J. E. McCormack of Vancouver, federal Liberal organizer for British Columbia, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from the south and will be here until Thursday night when he will return south. Funeral Service For Mrs. Lemon Funeral service for the late Mrs. E. M. B. Lemon was held last night at the Orenville Court chapel of B. C. Undertakers prior to the forwarding of the remains to Vancouver where interment will take place. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, officiated and Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at trie organ to accompany the hymns. Ladies of the Loyal Orange Benevolent Association attended in a body. Pallbearers were John McLeod, W. S. Hammon,' J. A.Teng, Henry Smith, J. C. Gilker and R. S. Traquair. For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooka 25 Years' Experience Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself CoL E. J. Ryan arrived in the city Monday from Vancouver on a business visit. A Canadian Legion (B. E.S.L.) general meeting Wednesday, March 14, 8 o'clock. Important business discussion of proposed sites and plans for a new building. Capt. John Hall, training officer of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment, returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Camp Borden, Ontario, where he took a course. William Hanson and William Grant of Smithers, R. W. Riley and T. E. Brooks of Terrace and W. C. Little of Woodcock arrived in the city on Sunday night's train from the Interior to attend the Liberal nominating convention here today. A Effective next Thursday, March 15th, our .store will lie open on Thursdays from 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. WATTS & N1CKERSON Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Kullander of Ocean Falls arrived in the city Monday. Mr. Kullander will take over the position of District Forester at present held by J. E. Matheson who will become Acting District Forester on the departure of R. C. St. Clair on March 17. Port Edward Child Dies In Hospital Albert Edward Farrlngton, two-and-a-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrlngton of Port Edward, died Sunday in the Prince Rupent General n1 Mowers 1 Decorate n.wi, Hospital. The funeral took plae ,,,,,,, frnm tho m! Little Norway Sale of the B.C. Undertakers with With the room and tables rites of the Salvation Anmy. tastefully decorated with tulips and daffodils, the parlor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church was the setting of a very successful Little Norway tea Saturday afternoon. The president', Mrs. Jens Munthe C.C.F. BRIDGE PARTY There were six tables Saturday night at the weekly bridge party of the C.C.F. Club. Prize winners were Mrs. Currie, Jamp.s i.,h th wnoctc nhiio Mrs r IKrikevskv. Mrs. Doane and R. Jensen and Mrs. Wllse poured. Hundeide. Servlteurs were Mrs. J. Iverson, 1 Miss Violet Wick and Miss Helen ' Skogmo. A feature of the after noon was a number of vacol solos sung by Mrs. A. Dybhavn. Mrs. O. Wick and Mrs. H. Paulsen were in charge of the home cooking table. Luncheon was prepared by Mrs. M. Nordgaard, Mrs. Johnson" and Mrs. H. Stangeby. Cashier was Mrs. J. Hausen. A number 1 of knitted articles were on dis play during the afternoon. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN ZOOA3, DECEAHKIJ INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher miule on Uie 2fith ilav tif Februarv. A.D. 1U45. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Zonas. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to mime, nrooerlv verlliea. ui me on or before the 10th day of April, AO. 1945. and all parties indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their lnrlphLedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 10th day or March, A.U. 1045. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prlnre Rupert. B.C. BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 00 Worcs With Music ir. n T .Tlvp 4:30 Great Moments in Music 00 G.I. Journal 5 ;30 Sports Reviews 5:45-Band Wagon 6:00 Amos 'n Anay 6:30 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Book for the Times 7;30 Make Way for Tomorrow 8:00 Citizens' Forum 8:30 Classics for Today 9:00 Fibber McGee and Molly 9:30 Mail Call 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Suspense 11:00 silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Homemakers 10:15 Johnny .Mercer 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Morning Visit 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrap Book Place. Announcement Presbyterian Church Tea, March 14, Mrs. Berner's, Pacific Valhalla Hall, whist and crlbbage, March 14. Rebekah Fashion Show. Thurs day, March 15, I.O.O.F. Hall. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking and Aprons, 3:00-0:00. Card Party e:uu p.m. 20. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. March Orange Ladles' Sale. March 28. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Kasjer Monuay. Anglican Easter sale, April 5. W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea In Odd fellows' Hall, Thursday April 5, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Easter Dance, Friday, April 6, W.A. 1st Bn. Prince Rupert Kegi. IMUJ. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 12. St. Peter's Sale, April 20. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. United Spring Sale, May 3. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone .640 DAVE BORLAND Continued from Page 1 sphere the best wishes of many friends to his new duties. Mr. Borland's successor here is a married man with three children. He will occupy the residence on Fourth Avenue vacated by Mr. Borland on his departure. Mr. Borland's transfer from Prince Rupert is involved in a switch of several theatre executives including the following: Maynard Joiner, manager of the Capitol Theatre In Vancouver to be district manager of Vancouver and Victoria downtown theatres. Charles Doctor, transferred from managership of the Dominion Theatre to managership of the Capitol Theatre in Vancouver. Frank Kershaw, from district managership of downtown theatres in Vancouver to head office position of manager and supervisor of general theatre supply. Frank Gow to be general manager for British Columbia. Dave Borland was born in Helensburgh, Scotland, and was ieducated at Queen's Park School, and later graduated from Hut:heson Grammar School. He is the youngest member of a family of five, and came to Canada with his parents in 1910. Following the arrival of the little party in Vancouver, Dave became connected with the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada at that point, holding that position until his enlistment in the great war forces at the outbreak of hostilities. In 1917 he was severely wounded at Lens, which necessitated hi? return to Canada. He was discharged from the ranks In May, 1918. Following ,hls return to health he accepted a position with the Department of Soldiers Re-establishment; this position he held until he became connected with British Columbia Paramount Theatres, Limited. In 1923 he became assistant to the treasurer of the company, which at that time was a subsidy of Famous Players, Canadian division. It was during this time that he received his business training for theatre management. He was soon promoted to the managership of the Capitol and Bijou Theatres at Nanalmo. a position which he held from 1920 to 1929, when he was again pro-! moted and was transferred to Regina, later returning to Nanalmo whence he came to Prince Rupert, In 1921 he was married in Vancouver to Miss Gladys Jean Heaven, daughter of C. C. Heaven, of Grand Forks, B.C., and formerly of 'Oakvllle, Ontario. They have two daughters. J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE C32 3rd Ave. VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES I'rinte Rupert, B.C. Blue 69 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert KWONG SANG IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 , Your Help is Urgently Needed! Never was there as great need for the aid and comfort brought by YOUR Red Cross to prisoners of war, wounded, and civilian victims of war. The need mounts as victory nears. CANADIAN This space contributed by tMID GROSS CAR PAULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Cth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Oood as the Best Better Than the Rest" THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 SUNRISE CO. LTD. In Aid of the GANADIAM"PRED C cm i your dollars generously in responso to tho 1945 Red Cross Appeal. NIVAL a n d - DANCE SEAL COVE - - - R.C.A.F. Thursday March 15th Open to the Public from 6:00 p.m. ,v Games Dancing Refreshments Get Your Raffle Tickets for the Three Main Prizes Donated by Royal and Prince Rupert Hotels Plus 15 Other Prizes Donated by Prince Rupert Merchants Tickets 25 Cents at MACEY'S, VARIETY STORE, PARKER'S GARAGE, CUT RATE SHOE STORE and CAVENAILE'S BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES LTD. Reg to advise that having completed War Priority Contracts, are .prepared to supply the D OM ESTIC MARKET with high quality, long, lasting BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Phone your dealer and save. HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .$10 Dry Poplar, per cord $12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE ,657 It JAUY br ii c. 1 1 - 1 i I TDEA1 til I id mtt scien .pethef est for avj in ploytJ id for benefit