0QV6 CU... -'"SPTiMBMiSi I i I I I i I PI Ml li 1 1 ' II 12 XtK. HI" iM I III IMW I II M ll'l !! I Hill I l I I ll TH, --SsS Desfi'fufi'on and Want arc so urgent and desperate In the liberated countries, that the Minister of National War Services asked the Red Cross, with the collaboration of iho Canadian United Allied Relief Fund representing the War Charities of II of the United Nations, to include funds for this relief in the national appeal. e Prisoners of War jjv Ihflfl CANADIAN FIGHTERS, imprisoned by the enemy, are in dire need of food. They want more than honour and praise for all they have done and suffered .or us. Theirs is a day-to-day battle for health and survival. Their need is for food, comforts and medicines to keep them alive until V-Day. They look to the heart of the Canadian people-their Canadian Red Cross-to see them through with at least one parcel for each prisoner every week. . More than thirteen million Red Cross parcels have gone overseas from Canada to prisoners of war. With each new battle the number of prisoners, and the responsibility of your Red Cross, grows. No prisoner must go without. ' Out of gratitude to those who have fought their fight-for us-let us realize that it is within our power, that it is our duty,, to be generous in our gifts of Red Cross parcels to them. We can do this. We must keep laith. tfawi Maney ii Weeded al fleae Bejpsie This Page Sponsored by r - ' '. , ii MM 3 S; E. PARKER LTD. LING, THE TAILOR JOHN BULGER LTD. HOWE & McNULTY S. C. THOMPSON & SON LTD. SMITH & ELKINS MIDWAY GROCERY H. G. HELGERSON LTD. PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL SKEENA MEAT AND GROCERY . v r8 in