i pi it. 1- K. . . . PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Prlnci Rupert, B.C. Tuesday. March 13. 1045 1 Your Neighbor Will Be There . . . And Your Neighbor's Neighbor Will He There! SO YuuM Heller Be There TOO! ' REBEKAH LODGE Styles By RUPERT PEOPLES STORE PROCEEDS TO 0 I) I) F K L L 0 200 Fourth Thursday, March ADMISSION GIVE! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal. JONES FAMILY MARKET We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW H I ASTER Fashion Show WAR WORK W S ' H A L L Ave. Kast 15, at 2:30 p.m. 50 CENTS PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY rDibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN7 PENS Bcsner Block, 3rd Street Phone 231 INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Body Work and Painting Agents for Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King power Saw WMard Batteries Raybestos Products Home Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING MACHINING Phone 459 Box 1398 094 First Ave. West RED CROSS DONATIONS Mrs. J. J. Payne $ 10 Elizabeth M. Payne - 5 Mr. H. M. Footc 5 Miss M. S. Sharp 5 Mr. T. W. Falconer 10 Mr. W. B. McCallum 5 Mrs. John Gurvich 10 Bishop E. M. Bunoz 5 Mrs. C. L. Collart 5 Mr. R. Manson - 5 Mr. D. Parent .... 5 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett 5 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham .... 10 T. J. Boulter 5 Whiz Fisheries 10 C.N.R. Express Dept. 14 Empire Stevedoring Co. and Employees 140 Royal Canadian Navy H.M.C.S, Chatham to date .. 73 Staff of Court House, Prince Rupert 150 Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. Employees 145 Northern B. C. Power Co. Line Department 11 Liquor Control Board Staff . .$ 21 II. F. Wearmouth 25 II. G. Helgerson Ltd 25 Mrs. J. H. Comer 20 Mrs. H. S. Parker , 5 Mrs. Nora E. Arnold 15 Mrs. Jean Rivctt 5 Frascr House 5 "Additional" Annette Ladies' Wear 75 Grotto Cigar Store 5 George Hill 25 McCutcheon Pharmacy 25 Dr. R. G. Large 50 Dr. J. J. Gibson 20 Style Beauty Shcppe 10 W. T. Terry 5 Misa N. Gordon 5 Chief Edward Gamble, Kitkatla 25 Miss M. A. Way 10 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Irvine 5 Mr. M. E. Prendcrgast 5 Mr. J. Wratha'll i Miss B. Bates 10 F. W. Goldbloom 15 The Ramsay Twins 5 Gordon & Anderson 50 Wrathall's Photo Finishing .... 10 Miss V. Wrathall . 5 SUversides Bros 15 Mrs. A. R. Lock 10 D. Elio 20 Wee Tot Shoppe lo Mr. and Mrs. J. Slaggard ' ,10 J.K. McLeod 5 Thompson' Hardware 25 A. K. Nelson 5 Jones Meat Market 10 II. Hampton 5 H.M.C.S. Chatham additional 1 31 Gordon's Hardware 25 Mr. and Mrs. N. MacDonald .... 10 Mrs. A. B. Armstrong 10 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilker 10 Mrs. C. Nelson 10 Otis L. Hall 12.50 Mrs. Nels Antonsen 5 S. Haugan - 5 Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson .... 5 James Bremncr . 5 Mrs. P. N. Kelly 5 Skccna Grocery 5 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ciassey ... . a Mr. and Mrs. S. Massey 10 FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR By the Canadian Press March 13, 1941-Fivc hundred persons killed In two nights' air raids on Liverpool and Mcrscy-slde area. Parachutist from a German plane arrested at Tagh mon, County Wexford. President Roosevelt "froze" Hungarian funds In the United States. RUINS COST MONEY BRIGHTON, Eng., ir Want lo buy a genuine castle? The ruins of Bramber Castle, eight miles from here, arc on the market at $15,700. But only one wall Is standing. IN THE SUFHEMK COUItT Ol' BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ALEXANDER DUNCAN, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HU Honour Judge J"lshcr. Ical Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 15Ui day of Fcbru-nry, A.D. 1045, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Alexander Duncan, who died on the SOlb day of November, 1044. All persona Indebted to the said estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of March, 1045, falling which distribution will be made havlne regard only to such claims ol whicn i snail nave uecn notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 15th day of February, A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE 8UPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF KRISTIAN KNUTSEN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 16th day of February. A.D. 1945. I was appointed Executor of the estate of Krlstlan Knutsen. deceased, and an parties having claims against the Raid. Estate are herebv reaulred to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 17th day of March. A.D. 1945. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me lortnwitn. DATED at Prince Itupert, B.C., this mu uuy oi reoruary, n.u. ivo. W O. FULTON, Executor of the Estate of Krlstlan Knutsen. DOINGS kBy MARGARET WOODWARD i Last night several hundred dancers gathered la the Auditorium to dance to the music of Bob Wybrow and his pleasing new combination. Feature of next week's dance will be a Jitterbug Contest .for all you Jive fans. Tonight's movie will be "Powers Girl." You do not have to be an expert to play cribbagc at the "Y". The party tonight In the Writing Room Is open to all. Don't forget the Seal Cove Carnival on Thursday. Raffles will be held during the evening. The major one lias prizes to the value of over $100. Several small ones will be held with lucky winners receiving pies and cakes. Tickets fof the big raffle may be obtained from station personnel and downtown at Macey's and Variety Store. In the "Y" Gymnasium Top teams meet In the Floor Hockey League at the "Y" tonight. Navy expects to" give R.C.A.F. league leaders their first defeat and advance to only one point from a first place Ue. Alrforce have so far won four and lost none, but from the calibre of play in the last Navy game this .promises to be a close contest. The first game of the night at 7 pjn. Is between the Soo Suds, who defeated the tough Fortress boys 2-1 last Friday, and 29th Regiment who gave Navy such a tough battle in their last league game. -- Classified FOR SALE FOR SALE Double bed, bed springs and mattress, practically new. Red 480. 62 FOR SALE 5 H.P. Palmer with clutch, shafting and propeller. In Al condition. $120. Box 950 Daily News. G4) FOR SALE .22 calibre rifle, new-condition. Apply 1540 Overlook Street or phone Black 407 between 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (6I1 FOR SALE Three-quarter size bed, 2 mattresses. 845 11th Ave. E. (61 FOR SALE Furnished log cabin. Follow boardwalk, opposite side of No. 101 cabin on Wantage Road. (62) FOR SALE OR TRADE for good boat, l'i section deeded Jand, 31 miles cast of Kamloops, B.C., 's mile from school, good climate, 6 miles from station, main line C.P.R. Continental hightway. Assessed value $1300. What offers. N.McKJm, General Delivery, Prince Rupert. (G2) FOR SALE Heavy duly 12i ii.i. TiiroanKs toai engine. Good as new. Price $325.00. Sec Chuck Viers, Atlas Boiler Works. (62) FOR SALE Chicken ranch, going concern. Excellent opportunity; . fine home and garden. Low price Sec Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Avenue and get all particulars, (62) FOR SALE One 48-lnch by 12-foot R. T. Butt Joint boiler, 50 horse owcr and tested to 125 pounds W.P., In good condition. Smlthcrs Lumber Yard, Smithers, B.C. (63) FOR SALE 7-room modern house, Kitsilano district, Vancouver, unobstructed view of water. $7000 cash gives clear title. Apply 503 Green Street. (61) FOR SALE-Small house and 2 lots, living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Furnished or unfurnished. 808 Alfred St. (61) FOR SALE Six -room house with Datn, well kept; built-in cupboards, oil cloth on floors, electric fixtures included. Immediate possession. Phone Black 597. (61) FOR SALE Oil burner cTiok stove, mono Black 284 after 7 p.m. (tx, FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons, 5 lbs. and ll lbs. sizes ot 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. (00) FOR SALE 2-burner hot nlate. tlAn em ., . I .... iu.ju. uiu otn avc. East, (it) PERSONAL URGENT that we get in touch with Albert Turney. Any information will be appreciated. Box 062 Dally News. FOR YOUR DECORATING needs, uujuiing tnats oone with paint, I do it. Call Red 444 or Blue 378. (go) SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $i; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (65) IFILM IS THRILLER ".Ministry of Fear" Coming With Kay .Milland as Star With Ray Milland heading the casit, a physcho:ogical drama which carries an emotional punch, "Ministry of Fear" comes this Wednesday and Thursday 10 the Capitol Theatre. For cast associates in "Ministry of Fear" Ray has lovely Marjoric Reynolds, svelte Hillary Brooke, handsome Carl Esmond and such central figures of the plot an Percy Waram, Alan Napier and Ersklnc Sanford. Elements of fear. Intrigue, romance, and suspense have been captured and the mood sustained by the excellent characteriza tions by cast members. The story tells of an attempt by Nazi spies to bring back a stolen map to Germany concerning England's plans for Invasion of the European continent. The map, enclosed In a cylindrical tube, is concealed In an ordinary cakf, offered as a prize at a country charitable affair. The cake. Intended for a Nazi agent, comes Into the possession of Mil-land by accident. Thereafter, he Is mixed up wtth spy rinss, Scotland Yard and a number of subversive organizations. BUYS RESIDENCE ON BEACH PLACE E. A. Evans has purchased the apartment residence property on Beach Place of John Ivarson who has moved to Vancouver. Happy jWong has pruchascd the store property on Second Ave. which jhas been occupied by Mr. Evans wno will move to seacn mcc. GREEDINESS FATAL Cannibalistic fish, such as pikes often choke to death try-ins: to swallow other fish too big for their throats. Want-Ads FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Room for two men, with board if desired. Phone Red 602. (62) WANTED WANTED Housekeeping room for officer and wife, no children. Apply Box 959 Dally News. (63) WANTED URGENTLY Housekeeping room for man, wife and boy of six. Phone 71, Room 17. (61) WANTED House or room, by quiet navy couple, with well-behaved school-age boy. Mrs. Charles J. Morgan, General Delivery, city. (65) WANTED Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Mrs. Kirby. Commercial Hotel. (62) WANTED-By YMCA supervisor and family, rooms, apartment or house. Box 961 Dally News. (OD HELP WANTED WANTED Able-bodied man for Janitor work, eight-hour day. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 170. (61) WANTED Bookkeeper for saw mill and store. Apply national Selective Service A.M. 164. (64) WANTED Truck driver (com petent) for milk deliveries; permanent position for right man. Apply Selective Service AM. 169. (61) WANTED Warehouseman for local grocery wholesale. Steady work, good opportunity of advancement. Selective Service A.M. 163. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Two-month-old terrier, child's pet, black with white leg and tall, on 2nd Street by Johnny's Snack Bar. 316 2nd Street. LOST Horn-rimmed glasses, In brown leather case. Pleas'! leave at Daily News office. (62) LOST Black bag, corner Duns-muir and Fifth, Reward. Return to Prince Rupert Hotel. FOUND G.M. car key. Ownci may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Quantity of cabin door hooks and several bicycles. Call at police office. (62) FOUND Lady's bicycle. Can be had by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) A MAN who defended iho world's greatest socrct with his lifo. A GIRL .'with a past which must bo kept hidden I The lives of millions hung on what thosq two dared against torrifying odds! Ends Tonight Complete Shows 7:12 - 9:16 Sliaryn :iuffctt in "MY PAL WOI.P (at 8:01 - 10:05) 2 days 2 STARTS WEDNESDAY CnDitnl B usmess an d SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind In the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 330 9th Ave. W. Red 693 GEORGE L. UORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Compiled Bcsner Block Phone 337 It. HUNDEIDE WATK1NS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 FIND IT with a Want Ad I Sell it with a Want Ad! Buy It with a Want Ad! Dally News classified section gets results. 1 RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish A-. Hi 11 ij, it AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mi PARAMOUNT pit! nil RAY MILLAND MARJORIE REYNOLDS HILLARY BROOKE PERCY WARAM . CARL ESMOND Complete Shows 1 00 3 C J Feature 1 35 - 3 35 5 :; Profi roressionai R. Y. WALKER GKADUATE MASSEUU Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 484 8th Ave. W. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaublcn, the teacher of Ficnch language, has returned to the city, and has resumed his classes. Ills, address is Postal Station B. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 200 4th Street t Phone C55 HOTEL FKASEIt HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS. Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Frascr Street HEUT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver II. J. LUND PAINTING, PAPERING AND KALSOMININO PHONE 40 ted s rs2i 1 SAILINGS FOR U! and Wj Kil Tuf i. . is! Yt ... til Sai'i: f iMiil.' .T7 tt Fur'.li: T I ' - and mx-wtl I "RANK J SCI Pi.r ' JUS" M Tlilrd Ay: M Ommfttul Janitors' Suppl ivi; T IMMbiJJAib rrnuT ni'i'1"1 House ' 330 l"d A' warn BRITISH COLUMBIA J?, FINESTSAL ruwi assure you Phone 8c' HA HOME