H 1 Prlnce;Rupertl.B.C, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE JTYE KEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIM C r Tuesday March 13, 1945 mrtlv ta h'elo Relieve Coushlne Soasms. stion and Irritation In Bronchial Tubes racy, Indabililij cur watchwords in 11 tsrriptiiin: 1 And while priptlon L;n t a niattei dru'n, we fill It a Jim Pioneer Druqtj Lit Oocn Daily from !) am till 0 tun p.y and Holidays from 12-2 ptn. and 7-1) pjn ALL STORK PHONES 81 and 2 HONDEl) HOOFERS INCE RUPERT iROOFING CO. and SIieetmet.nl Works lai v.;:-k of all kinds Air Conditioning ink,T Eavcstrough fx Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders I'flMATES WORK GUARANTEE!) Rt At 2nd Ave. W P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue !ir,4 MacKenzie Furniture Limited A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" &' Wagons i E tern hardwood; steel wheels, rubber tires, loi a boy. Priced JjW.N." I'LETE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ON HAND Wc appreciate your Mall Orders. 327 3rd Avenue West ROCERIES, MEAT, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES c,is your community shopping centre EENA GROCERY Avenue East Phone 581 NTRAL Because its penetrating-stimulating action (aj illustrated) brings such irrinJ relief, mnsr vnimo t - " JvuMg.jiivuKl t rold-coneestecl mh VaivI?nr n th ,1,,, ,1 ' " ..... uuuai, bronchial tubes and , backat bedtime. Itstarts to work with Its special at oncc an(l 1PS on working for to bring relief. Invites restful medicinal -,.H!rlnl vaoors vapor, tleep oftfn by mofnjng r0(JLAT Now don't take chances l and i i,,,!, back UII1I,CU tcmeuies get grand chest nM toniftht surfaces lik a double-action liome remedy for re-warming, com lievingbron Q90t fortlng poultice chitis mis HJ8?0 tries. Try it! W VapoRub w""e We una only ' it nd fine ;t quality drugs and compound with lx- irury Our reputation huo been built on tx,)." ' rc'lablc compounding mes Ltd. -r , DINING I r b L ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. A I, I, WII1TI5 HUM' T ELECTRIC LIMITED Electrical Contractors -UCIAL INDUSTRIAL & MARINE ELECTRICIANS Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs Mecs in Vancouver and New Westminster fl 307 320 2nd Ave. Timely Tips Tips for meal planners well why not? Homctnakers. who are i trying to balance budgets and I trying to please (he family as (well, are always on the look-out : lor timely ones. The Division of Nutrition. Ot- tawa, offers a few tips which will ' part of modern menus as the old-nelp to make the right foods easy fashioned apple rings were In to look at as well as easy to eat. grandmother's day. Dehydrated Fpr Instance, t suggests that apples are economical as well as menu planners make sure of col- convenient, require rio peeling pr , using the same type or dish twice .rated In order to be restored to ln one day; that textures of food plumpness before cpo.ang. should vary, so that meals won't The Consumer Section of the be loo dry or too soft for In- Dominion Department; of Agrl-i stance, cri.vp foods seem to go .culture lves the following polnt- with soft ones that on should jers In the care and handling of '; aim for as much variety as pos- dehydrated apples. Isible and serve ope hot dish at; To pleasure Paek-tue measur-each meal. j Ing cup well. There are apprpxi- unaiiy, to plan lor the chll- drcn first, then add the necessary extras for the .adults, Is sound advice. This can he accomplished by the careful choice of foods from each of the five major groups listed In Canaca's Foot: Rules. Treatment of Burns Rep,uires;Much Care Itritisli Scientists Warn Against Ill-Advised Use of Home Remedies I ONDON,-March 13 0 Here CUp ()t su,.rar r0r a Coun-.nino-lnch pie. 1 1 1. i -.i Tt. i it.t,. j- uie novice oi uui-u sciciii.i.Ms)p,witj,nirl of the tedical Research ii on how to Rive nrst am ror burns: "Small accessible burns snouiu be covered with a freshly-lann-dered towel or sterile cloth. Extensive burns nhould not be flrst- Alded at all but the patient bo kept warm and given morphine j If necessary and removed toi hospital Immediately. Tor sunerficlal burns treated at home or when severe burns cannot be fully treated with i:t considerable delay, the ! burnt area and the area around .should be freely smeared with ia water-solution cream con- i tainlng one per cent of ctyl Itrlmethyl amonlum bromide and three per cent sulphanllamlde, lappnea wun a sierue Knuc. The findings of the council scientists were published in a government oooK.ei ii una now talner8 h fa Q volunteers in the burns units if the preserves ra::on. of Glasgow Royal Infirmary i submitted to slow burning in anl Ration Advice experiment. Servicemen and wemen on "Owing to the natural urge (leave must secure short or long on the part of the patient orjjeave ration cards from their his friends to do something (unit or district depot, since local (however ill-advised), it has been ration boards are not permitted found that 75 per cent of civilian (to Issue any ration cards to men patients arrive at hospital with some kind of application to the (burned area . . . often covered I nihil i " sterile piece of cloth. First aid remedies of this kind, especially if they are applied, as they usually are, without aseptic pre : cautions, may well do more harm than good." NYLON ELASTICITY High frequency sound waves are used to determine the el- j aslldty of nylon. BLACKHEADS iro qali-kly by iniiI intthoj that dl-ulvt Uwm. Ct two ouncM ot rroln powder from your druirtiit. PI'ly with a bit, wt cloth gently over lhe Llnckhdt-aii4 you will wouder whi thty lin kom. Lumber We now have a stock of nod srade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand YKS! We have NO, BANANAS j III IT We do lave . . . Ul I) CllliM.M.Y BRICK Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. USE DEHYDRATED APPLES, SAVE MONEY AND SUGAR Dried .apples have gone mod-ern. Up-to-date processing meth ods have b?en so successful that dehydrated aDnles are as much a mately 8 cups pf apples per pound. To rehydrate Cover wjth water and soak for four hours or better still, overnight in the re-freeerator or other cpol place. It usually takes about two cups of water to cover one cup of dehydrated apples, If the apples are fresh and very dry they may require more water .which may be added while the apples are cooking-Dehydrated apples are "sugar savers." Usually two tablespoons of sugar per cup of dehydrated apples .... Is ample for sauce - and ' ' To store dehydrated apples 'Keep In a cpol, dry place, prefcr- Of Qqqerql .Interest Used Car Sales In sabs, of used cars, dealers usually demand a trade-in. How- ever, no trade-ins arc required on sales of used cars made to holders of essentiality permits which arc granted io 'rsc-rs who are elig- lble for new rubber tire under order 4 of the Rubbir Controller, In this instance the sale must be made for cash with no trade-in J .jor other consideration required. ; ()ff Uf Ka(.on Canned crab apples and can ned rhubarb, both sweetened and unsweetemd in all sizes of con ; and. women In the armed forces. Saving .Sugar By making U'o sugar coupons !J ,, ,U Tl,,crlo nt uu" u" ' -every month, Instead 0r two com- ada will save about 10 thousand . tons of sugar this year. It will ' mean a cut of only two pounds ! each to every Canaaian ration j book holder. C1VE! your dollars genorously in response to the 1945 Rod Cross Appeal OYSTER BAR Cambridge Clothes FOIl THE JIAN V1I0 KNOWS! MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes ANNOUNCING IMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS. LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 0:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. ably in a tin or glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Keep closely covered to prevent the apples from absorbing moisture from the atmosphere and to prevent them from turning dark. Dehydrated apples may be used Jn batter and steam puddings, prc-cooking as for pies. Apple ,Sauce 2 cups dehydrated apples. 4 cups water AHri o .i,' fnr 4 hnr. nr Jim,hf I frl.rer.atnr r rnnl nlnr n'rln. " " I' o , about 8 minutes or until apples are softadding more water II required. Add sugar, cool and serve as fresh apple sauce pr use in other recipes. .Makes 4 cups apple sauce. Note If extra flavoring is desired, after removing from heat add '2 teaspoon grated lemon rind or Vo teaipoon cinnamon, pr teaspoon nutmeg. Apple Pie 2 cups dehydrated app?es 4 cups yratcr 1-3 cup sugar ' 'teaspoon lemon Juice 1 teaspoon butter pxitry for double crust 9- inch pie) Add water to apples and soak 4 hours or overnight (n refrigerator or cool place. Bring to boilin; point and cook gently 5 minutes or until apples arc tender, but stjll retain their shape. Arrange in uncooked pie shell, sprinkle with sugar, spice, lemon juice and dot with butter it desired. Cover with pricked top crust and bake in hot oven, 400 decrees F.. for 30-35 minutes. .Makes 1 nine-inch pie. Buy War Savings Stamps. LarRe Stock of Mirrors from ,S1.00 to sr.00 3 Gurney .Kitchen Ranges ajl-enamel, for coal and wood from !tfir.00 to ! 11. ".)() 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites-all springs, In very fine tapestry. Special ,Sf!!M)i) 12 Dressers with round mirrors. Price .00 Studio Couches with green chair to match, can be made In double-bed; storage for blankets. Priced from SI 00.. 0() to .SI I .".oo &C. FURNITURE Black 231 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S "5 SNACK BAR 'Our Coffee Is Tops) CIVILIANS 'FACE CLOTHES CRISIS LONDON, March 13 Laqk of labor and scarcity of mills for civilian production has brought a crisis in women's clothing traders say that unless a decline in stocks is checked there may not be sufficient to meet current ration coupons. Materials for women's stockings, dresses and summer-weight, clothing generally are so scarce that orders placed recently will not be delivered until autumn at the earliest. Stocks of men's OHxts also. will l0Wer than last ear Capt. C. Waterhouse, parlia mentary secretary to the Board of Trade, has said that unless more yarn Is produced from raw cotton, the' "present meagre standard" of clothes rationing would be In danger. The Industry Is not hopeful that much can. bo done to improve the situation. "Women will just have to use the clothes they have," said pne leading woman buyer. art "You Always Hurt .f 'flic One You.Lnvc" ".There (Joes aiiat Song Again" Victor record 20-1GOG Sammy Kayc "Saturday Niftlil" "I Don't Want to Love .You" Victor record 20-1C35 Sammy Kaye "When therItoys Conic Home" "Kvejiua" Victor record 20-1C21 Freddy Martin "Accentuate Tlic Positive" "Junipin On the Merry-Go-Round" Victor record 20-1012 Artie Shaw McRae Bros. ji LIMITED Ik mm GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEEK and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 13 TAXI 24-IIOUR SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 GUV" Fleischmann's fresh Yeast does it! j8 r 4 . Canadian homemakers give credit to Fleischmann's fresh Yeast for smooth, fine textured just-right-tasting bread. iUse it it you bake at home. Vou'Jl be pleased, too.Ilreuid is the cheapest high-energy food you can put on your table. It's a good.stretcher, top, used with scarcer foods. And low, in cost. Ask your grocer for Fleischmann's Jresb Yeast with the familiar yellow label today! ' SUmtMINT YOUR DIIT by eating 2 caku of rttlSCHMANM'S frih Yot overy day. Thlt frh Yat It an ncellent natural feyrca of tha Important B Complex Vitamlm. ' MADE IN CAN AbA ; . for Charming Woman COTTON W.EEK AT ANNETTE'S .LARGE STQCK OF: American Joints Amqrjjcan Broadcloths 'House'Coats (girls' .Dresses 'Waists Annette's Ladies7 Wear I : 1 :j m 4-a The weatherman says: We agree so if you're 6 to 60 we are ready to give you comfort for sport or leisure. ' i . . . in . . . i TENNIS SHOES j j Child's, Misses', Youths', Boys', Men's, Women's ' CUT RATE SHOE STORE (Across from Orme's Drug Stpre) Be Your Loveliest this Spring . . . One of our latest permanents or hair-dos will do it. Make an appointment now with PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) GENERATIONS of 4 the . . . ft Turkish Towels t w AN EARLY SI'MNG! ' i I Phone Blue.917 I THIRD AVE. W. Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY, To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 PJvI. Kindly give us your order before 12 .o'clock noon during your delivery day. '. , . u I We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. ; ' TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RU.PEAT BUTCHERS! PHONE 21 w Jmm . . m NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i 411 i; m A 3 e : !