PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. May 1, 1945 ; iRolice to Check ' On Car Brakes "Your only a foot from trouble." 'JffrrrThat is the phrase which will S&rltake on definite meaning to SrrrPrlnce Rupert's motorists during i 'j-.the month of May as police forces rthere and throughout the contln-srent embark on a drive to make rrmotorists conscious of the safety -"'factor of good automobile brakes. :r - .-Sergeant O. L. Hall of the city .Ti'tiitachrnent said this morning --that the local force will take part r- iln the drive by checking the 'Zl JFakes f vehicles In the city.. The -drive will continue until June, i I'-fu. "With so many older cars in service due to the Inability of Prince Rupert, B.C. SOLDIER WINS I. F. M. OTLEY, Eng.,-4JL. Bdr. John Qiibbs. a Barnardo boy, was the first soldier to win the D.FM. lie won it when serving as an artillery spotter over Dunkerque. motorists to buy new ones during the war, it is natural that worn brakes should become an increasing safety hazard. We intend to eneourage drivers to have their brakes checked and corrected, 6gt. Hall said. The campaign is being carried out simultaneously in alt centres throughout the continent under the auspices of the International Association of Chiefs of Police QUIET WEDDING ON SATURDAY A quiet wedding was held in Hrst United Church at 4.30 Saturday when Miss Anna Elise Lctnes of Prince Rupert became the bride of Henry William Birch or Fort Edward. Rev. J. A. Donn-ell officiated. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Lars Myhre. TIMBER SALE X36058 Sealed tenders will be received lay the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not later than II a.m. on tlie 3rd day ot May. 1945. for the purchase of Licence X36658. to cut 1.640.000 feet of Cedar. Spruce. Hemlock and Balsam on an area comprising parts of Surveyed Timber Licences 5740P and S742H. Wyciees Lagoon, Range 2. Const Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fonster Victoria, B.C or District Forester Prince Rupert B.C CANADIAN By MARQARET WOODWARD The auditorium last night was a gay scene when a laree crowd gathered to dance to the music of Frankie Dutton and his boys Soloist George Korbet suoulled the vocals in his usual sweet manner. Tonight the movie will be "Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case." Bridge will be played in the ud- sttirs writing room. In the common lounge the music hour wlH be herd this evening and an invitation Is extended to all to Jom In this hour ol music for all music lovers. Special attraction tins week wHl bo Angelo Russo and his violin, accompanied by Bob Fleming. The program is fts follows: "Symphony No. 8 in B Minor" unfinished! (fiehuberti, Bruno Walter and Vienna Philharmonic. "Now Let Every Tongue" (from "Sleepers Awake") (Bach), D&rothy Mayner. "My Abode" (Schubert), Marion Anderson. "Shepherds Hey" tarr. Grainger), "Country Gardens" (arr. Orainer), Eugene Ormandy and Philadelphia Orchestra. -Sons of the Flea" (Moussorg-s!;y "Pilgrim's Sons' iTschai- C.W.A.Cs At I Home On Sunday The townspeople of Prince Rupert will have the opportunity to visit the barracks ami meet the girls of the Canadian Womeri Army Corps next Bun-day when "open house" Is held from 3 to 5 p.m. Capt. Marjorie Langley, officer commanding, and Lieut. Evelyn Callan will lend the personnel In receiving their guests. kowsky), Lawrence Tibbett, "Concerto Kd. 1 for Piano and Orchestra Jn G Minor" (Mendelssohn), Ania Dorfman and London Symphony. Selected violin solo, Angelo Russo with Bob Fleming at the piano. Film, "The Drass Choir." - 'ngmim f XHEY slog ahead with the dirt and anguish of modern war. They slog ahead reduce another pillbox-capture another -village. They keep on driving the enemy back until he breaks. Ad what of us at home? In comfort, safe, clean, without fear of sudden death or wounds! Sometimes happy enough, .but still worried. And we want to help. We'd like to be in there with them until it's over and then come home together. Few of us can do that but surely we can help. We have helped before by buying Victory Bonds and we can do that again.. We This advertisement sponsored by: Three Sisters Cafe (T. E. Moran) Poulsen's Grocery B'C. Messengerf Crawleyr&:Diderick8on,fBoat Builders ' f Skeena Grocery Valentin Dairy- G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. Rupert Butchers can keep on providing the money for all their needs; to keep them equipped, to keep them strong and healthy; to care for them if they are sick or wounded and soon, we hope, to bring them safely back to us. There is a real way to help. Wc can purchase generously in the. 8th Victory Loan. BUY VICTORY BONDS BOND SALES HIT 64 PER CENT QUOTA With sales totallina: $585sn Monday. Prince Rupert's Eighth victory wan total reached $473,750 or 84 niwpnr .u. $750,000 quota. Eighth Victory iajuu tuiiw to uaie tops the Seventh loan total by $38,950 for the same period. During the first seven days of the Seventh loan, the cumulative total was $439,800, and the sales for ih comparable day were $55,000. Although no totals have yet been compiled for Victorv rtnnH 'sales in Unit 32, canvassers re-j port an excellent reception. The youngest bond purchaser In the the town of Smlthers is Allen Kllpatrlck, who Is 13 years old. Mr. and Mrs. A. Garten $ 6O0 Mr. and Mrs. A. Tlndlll ioo Henry Letourneau ... 200 Mrs. Laurena Chamey 100 Mrs. Nellie Cashmark 100 Miss Sharon Stuart 50 Miss Mary Davidson 50 Miss Idella Brunton 50 Miss Beatrice McQuade 50 Mrs. Lydla Trudeau 50 Miss Idella Brunton 60 Mrs. BerthaScherk 100 Mls. EtheJ Carmlchael 50 Tlieodore F. 'Brown 50 Mrs. .Violet M. Brown 50 Itobert L. Brown 50 Mrs. Doris Dominato 100 Alois Ohnesorg ....... .; 200 Edward Upsett Ltd.. 10,000 Robert VV. Weaver' 250 William Leask, Metlakatla jm James A. Turner 150 Gordon Si Anderson 6,000 Gordon it Andeiaon 5,000 AlUn E. Kllpatrlck, Smlthers 60 Albert Mercer Copper River 500 Mr and Mrs. T. O. Ludgate Vanderhoof 50 NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OF RESEltVE NOTICE U hi-rrbjUKlvi-n tttat thi HjHufW! MUiilMted umlrr aulhurtt of OrUrr-ln-Councll No. ICS.I, approval IVfcmbrr tub. IMS, nolle, of which was published In the I llrllUh Columbia Oaxette of D- ifinwr mm. ma, is candied in k far as It relate to the following tlrsc-rlbed land : Woe "B" or UA 1628. Quwn Chariutte District, cuulalnln:-35 acres. A portion of Lot 0256. tUiipe 6, Coast District. contaluInK lii acres more or Iras. II. CATHCAKT. ivputy Minuter Dmrtm,t f . ' f . I IjiiicIs auil rureatH, ' Vicuwla. HC, April 7th, I4S. Here We Go Again! Comm.... Under 1 rer 1 ? I the fniw "I 1 r: -': Lama C.C U m ' 1 ?inleHSl Kitchen TaKril GEORGH AlCUaJ mi Cash J IS HOt Carl ZarelEl rnone 37 FUASERJl Princt J THE BU HI fttixt CENTRAL J Beef:! Poultry f Under 311 Third Ml Ves, another VlrtefJ ll our Kitlithf It's send It smashimtj like we did the othM H powr rful seven that chufj picture from fearim iw fldenre In romplfte W mt a hesrt-stirrinlj mitllnr rverv dollar t (4 we buy till tim i0 k,sl will brint our . . . bark liome to prare n"J BUY VICTORY Philpoil, Evill & CoM IIONDEI) ItOOFERS nr.nClNr. I'KlINUt KUftKI KW"" and Sheetmetal Works Shectmetal work of all kind Tanks All v - Blnks Eavestrougn-'-. Prompt attention to outside orders FREE E55TIMATE5? WORK OU Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 ' ' P'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTttth For Ui.lo.tlie-Minulc Styles"8 PLAYSnOl . . . . fhoose - . . . ,orn nalw' lpftthprs iinrt fflbr cs. cnoose r . : . . ...... .Hffsvsurni"Br peneciiy your siacss, jhui u. - liked so w The same famous quality you CUT RATE SHOE STO NOW is the Time " - - Now, on the eve of Victory, let's m' (r0u shoreline of France lo the soil oi R,, VirJnru Bol' ..liM MUSSALLEM'S El