TORY CURRY u u ft.n oa wplrntYlfr' appointed sole AL ,-lu.u.iir.iao MIh, w, xuie. V.... hlropractlcl doubly- sol Green' 995 ifrD P SUEY UUit a LTInif "I III I Mm O r. m can say this in -wua ... UY COAL CONCERT lUI llbutlb Tavay will I i njniir1 I ill . Til I M i. t i riMurrn. Box Office oiv Have a e Things r is beine foucht ( ridits of little .11.. . ... i Mil. "a uiinuurAieu. II ir ui.h I la ... .. . 11111 lit I I I I lm m M F thai. 1.1 i i i if ii n WC I'll 1 1 iv irr,.-.i -tti.... ""in my; I D W AY ROCERY ii . 4 none hrH IK DELIVERY" NOW NiEW RO'YM HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates' 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LI INI ITU I) Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 3C7- 326 2nd Ave THE REX GAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUHV GHOW MK1N Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd' Avenue- (Across, from. Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone-173 other's Dav Cards PRICED FROM Sc - - 25e Early and doriV be disappointed Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince. Huprrti - to - Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan j Wednesday Friday FAKES' and' INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE t 1 ' phones 110 - 117 ALBERT AND Local News It i. Moose meeting tonight at' 8 o'clock in I.OU.E. Hall. Mrt Donald' Jeffries has- relumed to.the city after- a three weeks' visit to Terrace. A LAC Ahchlbald, Skeena Federal lildlng C.C.F. Candidate will speak over CFPR Wednesday 6:15 I.m. "The C.C.F. Canada's Labor Party." (i03i Leading Coder Douglas Payne is home from his naval duties at Halifax spending leave with his parents, Mr. and- Mrs. J. J. Payne, Borden Streeti For some time he has been on convoy duty aboard a corvette in the Atlantic. EEEEEEEHtwjMjJEEEEEEEH 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH i I DHHHUHHiHi MISS AMERICA Third Ave. 4i ' sfie.'lf reasun , I7i.w.u4.t39"' JOHN BULGER; Limited) JEWELLERS Pr Rupert ems PHONE 88,TO. CONTRIBUTE; PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Ladies' Auxiliary of the local Machine Oun Regiment, meeting tonight 8:15 at the Armories. C.CJ Club meeting tonight 8 p.m., Metropole nan. Report or convention. delegates. (101 Lionel Scott, public relations director of Wartime Housing Limited; Toronto, arrived in the oily Monday- on the Princess Adelaide In t'ne course, of a tour of company, projects. Q. M. Ferguson, controller of B.C. Packers and a vice-president of the Canadian Junior FldshU Have Yow Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the world! Keep It ln perfect conditlonhave it checked and repaired. by an expert call "Speedy" Radio, and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green 217 Free Delivery Throughout' the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To -West Section FROM 2 TO 5 T.M. Kindly glvc'us your order before 12. o'clock noon, during youn delivery day. We serve Special'. Red 1 Brand Beef. All choicest fresh- andi cooked't meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete' Hne of: groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE' 21 THIRD AVE. W. Problem Is Raised RESIGNS TODAY Annotint-einent was- made by It. Thorsteinssen, chair' Chamber of Commerce, arr ved, Il0w to dea3 an appllca. ln the city Monday from Van- tj,,n from V H Q KnJpe for couver on the Princess Ade aide slx montns leave of absence trom on a Business trip. He will at-, hls dlltlM ns rtI.tnr nf th. ! tend an executive . mecung oi tion to the Daily News. He has committee of the wholewhen it been located at South Wey- was submitted to that civic bqdy mouth, Massachusetts, but Is shortly before the Union Board planning to make a trip soon to o Health meeting. Brookings, Oregon, and may Dr. Knlpe asked six months come on to Prince Rupert. leave of absence, beginning Sep R. O. Birch of the staff of t6mber to aln experience in the Btnk of Montreal returned ;'rlvate Praclice ln the south. Al-Monday on tile Princess Adelaide Wmh ne &ave assurance from a three weeks holiday trip to Vancouver and Penticton, ;j where he visited his mother and a brother. Mr. Bircn stopped over a day in Vancouver prior to his return to meet another brother, George Birch, who arrived home on furlough from China where he Is serving with the China Ihland Mission. C. C. V. Kill DOE The last, of -the series of C. C. F. bridge drives for this season was held -in the Metropole Hall, Saturday. Wlnntrs were: Ladles' Mts. Dlbkens, Mrs. Jacobsoii, I Men's:--Mr. Chrlstensen, James J Urikevsky. - MAY DAY, 1945 - Today the freedom-loving peoples of the world join hands in a solemn pledge for a future of international co-opera tion, peace and prosperity.- Fascism U being crushed. The bastions of barbarism are crumbling and being des-troyed-hy-the.unlted-blowi ollounJishilJigVfarces: and liiosc of our allies. The mishty streneth'of thorjaniied-labor movement in Canada and throuehout the world, by forginjf, the weapons- of wan fori the; fightingr forces, have deinonstintfd the unityof action ofiall sections of the people. There will be hard and bitter fighting ahead before Germany and Japan are finally defeated and a new and just peace becomes the pattern for the future. But come It will. The people of all races, creeds and nationalities are lifting their eyes Upward'to a new world free from Fascism, was and aggression. This May Day demonstrates the continued co-operation of the United Nations, led by the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union, in dealing blows at the attempts of reaction within every country to divide and split that unity. The death-knell of Fascism has sounded on the devastated coimtiies of Europe and Asia. International co-oporatioir firmly bound by the war, is fashioning the instrument of World Security at San FrancUco to carry, unity forward into the peace. Our responsibility ln the battles for a future of peace, progress and prosperity lies ln the unity of all progressive, anti-fascist forces to ensure that Canada's next Government will be a broad, democratic, coalition so that our country may maintain international and national unity, for us and for the generations to come. Labor Progressive Party that he would return at the end of that period. Dr. Knipe indicat-1 etl His willingness to carry on "hi; absentia" ?s head of the local public health department. He .ave irs his major reason for wantin leave the fact that hit work as head or the Health Unit was largely administrative-and i that hp was gaining little professional experience at it. "Tlie Health Unit is well organized nnd ordinarily requires onlv an administrator to run iti L4eel that I could broaden my u.4f fulness by gaining experience In private practice." Dr. Knine explained. tfle vlrl that Dr. W. S. Kcrgin had exnressed'his willingness to lost as part time director. Dr Krein. who anneared at tha mrpun at tne request oi met Union B-mrd of Health. a?:reedi fMt ho fplt sure that he could handle the part time directorship the Health Unit 39 well as his owji private pracuce. ,"wV)f Krnnlintf leave to Dr. Kifipe was the fact that his application carried no assurance Ihit he would return at the end oiLhe period. . .Alderman Norah E. Arnold. representative tt city council on Uj! Union Bjard of Health, said Uit-city council feared-that it might establish; an emparras- siqg precedent if Dr. Knipe were granted leave without.any assur- raiice of his return. ".If any other city official tried I06 take another position and kei) his original one open for his retprn we wouldn't grant it," Alderman Arnold declared. Dr. Knlpe denied that he was tryh? to leave his pasition open in case he decided' to-return. Board- membsrs officially expressed themselves as unwilling to grant Dr. Knlpe leave of absence without receiving assurance that he would return and also went on record as being wlll-ini to grant him leave If assur ance were given that he would return. "We are trying to administer the eitv carefully, fld one dec- in movin? out would mean one doctor lesi ln the city." Alderman Oeorjre Hills n member of. city cnunelVs health committee, p r I) n Hnrllo Dial V r I K' 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to cnance) TUESDAY P.M. 4:ooWorcs Wim Music 4:15-0. I. Jive 4:30 Great Moments in Music 5:00 Q.I. Journal 5:30 Sport;? Reviews 5:45 Band Wagon 0:00 Amos 'n Andy 0:30 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Victory Loan Program 7:20 Recorded Interlude 7:30 Kla-IIow-Yan Tillicum 8:00 Victory Loan Program 8j30-Clasfilcs for Today 9100 Fibber McQcc and Molly 9130 Mall call t0!0O--CBC News 10HO Elmore Phllpott 10U5-CBC News Roundun lOiSQ Suspense IU00 Silent ; WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Music for Moderns 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00-BBC News 9:15MornlnB Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10! 00 Homemakers 10il5--naymond Scott 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45"Moming Visit Ii :00 -Scandinavian Melodies 11 lb Studio Scrap Book Knights of Columbus Badminton. Dance Memoers ana .riends of1 the Knights of Columous- Badminton t. Club-gathered- at- Reid's- Cafe on Saturday nigHt for a most enjoys i able dinner -dance, this bringing! to a elbse-a very active ibadmin- j ton season. Bob Fleming; at' the ; nhinoj flnd'Ancelo-RUsso-and'his : man of the Union Bciard ofviolln, in their inimitable way.i Healtli , UlafDe. Roser KniK5 j kept the party ItrgairnIood wltni had usigned as director of the tRe m& co-operation of Johnny ; public health unit effective- Sept. ; r:,:nariinn whn anted a master ' 1; Dr. Knipe plans on entering private practice at Langlcy I'ral- rlc iii the l-'raser Valley and may later it (urn to ptil'lic health, work. Dr. Koger Knipe Asks Iieavc Of Absence of ceremonies. MOTHER- OE PASTOR: DIES IN WINNIPEG1 Mr& F: S. MacSween; mother oi Rfcv A F. MacSweefl of First Prinre Hiinprt Pnhllp TtMlth Drs. tln ntinwK. Tflf.A Tin. me rnnce nupen. junior wmm- Unlt and arflliated pumlc Healtn pnt passed ,ftU, Saturday , lx-r of Commernw tonight. 'pcvltions caused perplexity while her son waenroutthb,ne I F. Mi Reynolds, whom some of- anion;? members of the Union; from visiting her at Winnipeg I the pioneers wiil remember as Hoard of Health at a special 1 where shesuffered a stroke ttiree having been- accountant for meeting in the Mayor's office weeks ago.-Word of tier' passing "Uncle Jerry" Kugler, real estate last night. The application also arrived here 6 o'clock-Saturday ! fcperator here in the very early Inspired consideration on the about six hours weiore Rev Mac days, Max sent for a subscrlp- part of city council, meeting in Sween arrived home. Mr. MacSween left again on last nigHt's train to be present at the funeral. Mrsv MacMweeii is survived by her husbandj who is minister of a Presbyterian church in Wlnnl peg, and two sons? also ministers They are Rev. Alex- MacSween of Prince Rupert and' Rev. ian MacSween of Sylvan Lake, Al berta. " . Announcement All ftdrtl.irfrtnM in tMt column I will l) clvargM tot a lull morvtlv at 25c a word. W.O.T.Mi dance, May 2, Odd-fellows' Hall Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.O.D.E. Hall 9 p.m. Full voting information; Phone 864. Miekleburgh Campaign Headquarters. Presbvterlan Missionary Tea, Mrs; Lakle's, May 2. United Spring sale, May 3. 10. Hill CO Tea, I.O.D.E. Hall, .May; 0.WJ4. whist, brldee and 'crib bage, K.O.C. I rut, May 10, ! o'clock. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12.. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Helo Norway Program, May 17, f,Itoft41Hvl)iii-hloek--hithejOadiW4ow.' L.O.B.A'. Dance, May 24, Odd fellows' Hall. Refreshments. TIMBER SALE X3C041 &tctl lenders will be received bv the Minister ot Lnmis and FtoresU itt Victoria. B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. on the 14th day of May. 1945, for the purchase of Licence XS6041, to cut 4.H70.00O feet oi Spruce; Cedar and Heralocfc on an area comprising -j part 01 Lot bo 1 rim per weenie 1BU1P and adjoining Crown- land at" Powrlvco Bay. Lyell Island, Queeu Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (21 years will be allowed for removal of timber. l-lirther particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District l-'orester. prince Rupert. B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OW BRITISH-COLUMBIA in tub MA-rrae ot' the "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN TIIK MATTER Ol" THE ESTATE Of AMAND CESAR VERHEYDEN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CAESAR OR CESAR VERHEYDEN, DE CBASH1. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His lloiwur Jude Fisher. Local J ud si- of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 1 was on the U5tli day of April, A.D. 1945, appointed Aumlnlslrator of the Estate of Amand Cesar Verheyden. otherwise known as Caesar or Cesar Verheyden, who died on the 7th day of September. 1944. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims anlnst the said Estate nre required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st d' of May. 1945. falling which distribution will be- made having regard only to such claims of which I shall nave been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 27th day of April. A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. BLACKHEADS nt two ouncei of twroxin powder from your druglt. Sprinkl on hot. ct cloth nd anpljr to the face gently. Every blk. head will k dieaolved. The one aafe, ture and almpla way Ur remove Uatkheea. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S I 51"i fcaeTI WefsJa tstwii FINEST SALMON Prtnce Rupert; BC. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, May l. 1945 PAOE FIVB I m i)WCII LWkMkMMk JSC kism to bake bread' just right, use Fleischmann's FRESH' Yeast You'll turn to bread especially these days as an essentiarhigh-energy, low-cost food. It supplies Vitamin B, and it's a fine stretcher for other foods, too. lyoi. bake bread at home don't risk any failures. Use Fleischmann's- fresh Yeast. It has been Canadj's favorite for over 70 years because it gives such good bread every time. Ask for Fleischmannls-. fresh' Yeast, witll the familiar yellow label. At your grocer's. MADE IN :anada SUPPIIMINT YOUR DIET by anting 2 akt of fLIISCHMANN'S frh Yoil vry day. Thli Ircth Yal It an cllnl natural (Ourf 0 tha Important 1 CempUx Vltamin Just Arrived! . New Shipment of ANKLETS Black or Beige umN. sT"Sk BBBBBEliaBBBflEalu' Annette's Ladies 'We Lead . . . Others Follow" Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. We'll style your hair h a flattering coiffure with our new Cold Wave. It will be easy to keep and yery becoming. No split or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be- more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd" Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1284 Wear (Annette Powell) 4th St. (across from Post Office) GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 RUPERT BRAND SMOKED BLACK Canadi ian AND COD Fish Gold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, DC. ':'