Daily Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert . Thursday,. May 3, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-lay by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City 'Carrier, per wee .15 Per Month 65 Per Year 17.00 3y Mall, per month 40 Per Year $4.00 LETTERBOX 'TEEN AGE CLUB Editor, bally fcews: Most of the adults of this community are fairly normal, healthy, like - to. - get-out-and-have fun peopls.There have been several worthy attempts made at setting up a club or organization for the recreation of the younger set. However, time after time, these attempts have met with disaster in the form of a waste-paper basket. The time has come MEMBER ABC. Only Proclamation Needed . . . Berlin and Hamburg have fallen. The Fuehrer is dead. Much of Germany is occupied. The Nazi war machine has fallen apart. The war cannot last long in Europe now. After more than five years of it, we all find it rather hard to believe that such world-shaking events could actually be happening. It has all oc-2urred with such lightning-like rapidity that we are dazed almost unbelieving. We find it difficult to picture the shambles of the Reich capital with the Red Flag flying over the chancellory. With Berlin gone so, of course, is the heart and spirit of the Reich. It is only a matter of mopping up now and little in the way of further resistance is to be anticipated. It would be purposeless and completely futile. So Victory in Europe is already toe" in full flush. All that is awaited is the. official proclamation which we would imagine should come any hour now. A. Mackenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" SPRING CLEANING TIME! VELLO for all your walls all 'tints lh stock. Per 5 lbs. packets VAL-SPAR VARNISH for your wood work and floors. The varnish that will not turn white. Per quart , Post-war Rehabilitation . . . Post-war rehabilitation, was a live subject in Prince Rupert up until a few months ago and it seemed that we were getting some useful organization under way. A start was made on the surveying of the local field and the assembling of ihtormatioji ilvYe'gard to needs, possibilities and opportunities. Of late, however, there seems to have been a Slaekining up. Possibly , too j many have assumed or "been assigned-with the responsibility and the result is that everyone is waiting for some one else to do something and nothing is being done. ? Such a condition of affairs to arise at this particular time wdiild Seem to be most unfortunate. 'The'-war 16 nearly over, the men are reluming 'and they are expecting that we Will be making some preparation other than .just a welcome home. If Prince Rupert is not giving the attention to past-war rehabilitation matters, it is high time that it commenced to do so. The community has been busy and prosperous these war years but we cannot expect that it will continue indefinitely thus. Apart from the returning service men, we should be seriously concerned in the post-war future of the community itself.. -There should be ho further delay in the making of (our serious plans. It is a serious local "responsibility. for abtlon! Here is a quotation from a letter received from Lillian Hag-gerty.Pennsburg, Pa., VA. "bur town has started a Teen Age Club. They started a few months ago. It certainly Is a lot "of fun and it keeps the kids off the "street. We have a juke box, pirig pong table and games of all kinds." The above club was set up in a town of about 1500 people and It Is, apparently, a great success. Therefore there seems no reason why a city the size bf Prince Rupert could not do likewise. A movement is now underway, Literally... "An Investment In Good Appearance" You'll agree 'when you see biir range 'of Spring Topcoats. And there's a real choice' in fine fabrics this season, including GABARDINES COVERTS MANX TWEEB-S FLEECES HOMESPUNS POLO CLOTHS Priced from $27.50 to $52.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the'world! Keep it in perfect condition have it checked and repaired by an expert call . "Speedy" Ka&o and Electric Shop '48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green 217 backed by the young people themselves, to set up and operate a " Teen Age Canteen" which would be open every evening. Among the foremost necessities Is a headquarters for operation, as well as funds for operations of games and the purchase of materials which would make the place a 'desirable retreat for these people. Also, as adult supervisidn Is desirable, offers of assistance would be gratefully accepted. Hoping for the support of all 61 you, 'we remain THE TEEN AGE 6LUB, J. C. Harwood, P. O. Box 1006 "Pres. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS . 1. What is wrong with this sentence? ''Remtciioer t am a new beginner in this work." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "Iron?" 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Maniack, knap sack, barrack. 4. What does the wnrrl "In credulity" mean? 5. What is a word b92irnlrtir ' with di that means "a predicament?" ! Answers j 1. New Is redunan't. 2. Pro- i nounce i-run, not -Iron. 3. Maniac. 4. Unbelief; skepticism. "Of every specie:? of Incredulity, religious unbelief is the most Irrational." Buckmin-ster.5. Dilemma. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF IN RUSSIANS TAKING OVER BERLIN BERLIN FACTS Population 4,325,000; the largest city on the European continent, fourth TaT-gesT of "trie world. Area 431 Square miles, spread out over Ilat marshy land alons bothfbanjcs of the 'Spree River. Main Industries Electric equipment, machinery, chemi-cali, scientific instruments, locomotive, furniture, office machines and supplies. Main Streets Unter den Lin- don, mile long "heart 6t Berlin," out by a central promenade; Lelpzlgerstras.se and Frle-drlchstrasse, which with Unter den Linden, form the leading ' shopping zone. Chief Public Buildings The Reich'chancellory, the Minis tries of Justice and (State, the University of Berlin, the" State Library, the Ministry of Police, the patent office, the Protestant Cathedral, the Kaiser Frt?drich Museum, the former royal palace, Frledrlch Wllhelm Univer sity. Transportaflon Twenty im-, portant railway stations scrv (the city which Is ringed by a belt railroad and crossed by an east-west line. Superhighways i f-ri the city from several direction, and 2,700 miles of Berlin streets are paved. There is a net The last time RussS. took Berlin was 185 years ago. They took It from Fredrick the Great, the French-speaking &utoerafr who brought the Prus- .... . ml . 1 ;in military IU4.b44iJ ...ww imo ursi ..owe. work of sufcwavs and elevated Importance except that Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! I "Can't you boys forget you Used to work In tf bowling alley? electorate of Brandenburg, Berlin became stabilized. Previously she had been embroiled in many Internal struggles resultant from conflicts between dynasties and antagonisms which arose between princes, nobles and cities. 1631 Kins Gustavus Adol-phus of Sweden marched into the city with banners flying in defence of Protestant asplra- 7IIUI1 tlons in northern ,, Europe.- ,, With They did It with ill-trained and n.mri.t.n tmnn bin hld it onlv tlls action. Berlin's part In the .u..-4.,. .. 1 30 Year's War became Intense. Three years hefbre the Russians barged in. a flying detachment of 4,000 Austrian cavalry under command of daring Oen. Haddick razed a Berlin strbffrb and forced the capital, under threat of similar treatment to Conscription, of men and wealth was a severe drain on the resources bf the- still Insignificant city. 1075 BtTim again "was threatened with Swedish Invasion in the tangled web of intrigue am- pay ransom. Within 12 hours (ong small states growing out of Haddick wheeled his troops arid , the collapse of German efforts was gone before the Prussians , to make their rulers wdrld em-discovered the meagre size of his .perors In the manner of the Ro-torce. man empire. Gustavus Adolphus, the Swedish soldier of the Cross, was In Berlin In 1631. Napoleon swept In from the west in 1306. and exacted heavy levies to fill his empire war chrst. 1757 City was plumlcr.d by Austrlans. 17C0- City was plundered by Russians. 180ft -Napoleon marched Into the city after the battle of Jena. Memorable LventS week marked Berlin's partlclpa-In Berlin History 1,011 ln tne ,cat reform move- Dy the Canadian Pra ;""" oi ulal l23ftNn sneclflc record of the 1 lBCl-Tlie old walls were torn founding of Berlin exists. The down, considerable suburban, first recorded mention--Of a city territory was annexed and th. . by that name in its present loca- real development of Berlin as a, tion appears In 1230. At that world municipality was begun. time there were two towns Kolln Emperor William I. came to now- j and Berlin. Neither was of great " In that year and he gave In- they creasing freedom to the city. ! railways. Tempelhof Is one of guarded a crossing of the River, 1874 Municipal control of the (the world's largest and best.Sprce, a small stream flowlns streets was obtained and a short 'equipped airports. ' ' through the north German plain, time later the city official. I I 1448 Kolln aild Berlm were gained control of the River i combined in a preliminary un'.ri- Spree. The opening of the city ; DEVELOP NEW INDUSTRY catlon. As a member of the Han- and Its communications Was the , j NCOSIA, Cyprus, O, Soap- seatlc League, the city steadily initial step ln the development making has been developed 1 1 grew more important as a com- of a government setup which the point where the Island Is now merclal centre. made Berlin unsurpassed in mu-1 ' nue'ery independent of im- 1539 The Hohenzollern fn- nlclpal organization. It Was call-j pons, unve Kernel 011, nnseea on mily made the city the seat 01 ed "the most moder- and per- i and cocgnut oil are used, with caustic soda from the United Kingdom. ' ; For Results try a Classified. their power, beginning an lden- fectly organized city." The Sprcr ' tlficatlon of family and city u still an important part of (he j which was not to end until the outstanding transportation net-1 abdication of Kaiser Wllhelm 11 vork which makes Berlin the in 1918. As the capital city of the dominantlty of Germany. j THIS AND THAT I 1000 The census showed a po-jpula'tlon of 1.884,345 a$ compared with 825 389 In 1871. This rc- preserfled the city's growing participation In the expansion programs of the emperor, William U. ! 1911 Greater Berlin was formed, Including many suburban areas. 1914 With the outbreak of .Jtb,4.FrstOreat War, Berlin bo- came mexjentre 01 tne war pro-trams of the Central Powers. 1D19 The -war ended, Berlin became the ceritre of rioting, disorganization and political bckerlng whleh marked the early post-war years. In that !yar th2 new government was moved to Weimar. But Berlin -as never replaced as the heart cf Ocrmany. 193?. -Adolf Hitler, a leader or a political party called the National Socialists (Nazis) was brought to trial In the city on fcharRes of slandr. 1933 Hitler galled control or the government. 1940 'Jprlin found Herself In the midst of a new world war and bombings by British planes prcsafced the storm to cdme. i 3&P -LC' I OR LIGATION 4rt - mm sx rr mm u n w m , r , . u w. M A INCOML TAX Returns Prepared -See It. E. MO.tTIMi'.R 324 2nd Ave. - Phone 88 ANNOUNC1NO EMPIRE CAFE (Formf-rly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated Full meaijs. LUNuura CHOW MEIN. CHOP SUEY 8:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. TEA Dibb" Printing Co lYIXJ I i7!vo l) CARDS Hc.Mior Mock, ;nl Street Mfet Meat SNA Our CAn I. v.. X I ..r rar.e4.iJM VALENTIN FISHERMEN! Cm rmil so? the St. LavvrincelK Mofiiifn ' U Mn fin. Lrtirina m displayed in our stockroom. S. E. PARKER L ty 1 1 n,1. rum unci ,ii;riurj iKaxn 170 E. 3rd Avenue PiTseripiions.. Krom Rupert's Tent Days v; ! 11 1 1 . 1 ji . h r r JVl WtllllllLV. nt-v-lli v 1 - intf in filiinj; l'hysicians presWr YV(i UU1IUVU Ulill IHli- v fl. l,,,r. l.nn f'faLt nun muneir wwii, im - , . ;n. ii 1. I l.i., iiltifiHU.! Willi lilt' UOCtlJI illlll 'I' iv" Iimu lw..n n-niKr 1 .'i hOUL not 1" ' 1 i'kr or months hut extend: lei'irifl of twenty yean. fl mmm AC Jim Pioneer DnWisti THE REXALL STORE TAtr A TID IAIVC m in m M M 4 111 6 ft S t0 T"6 , .u- 4U.in.. .1 .... nnr, COlTie . . ..4c ..wii-rv Tiecds--1 fnr uur siore is mica wiwi t-w )h. ....ifnJ. gestlons-wlth sparkllns new Bprms , will please your budget. Come In nna THE VARIETY JtOl "Where Your Dimes Are tittle D"1