1 .1 n u uar he return 1 1 1 - ! n I nt-lrl VCI - - He nas lamicu nnW owns 740 ; Ll J " " villa S commls- nn.ina fnr 'IS tne mcmocjs ui was one of the Ihn ..nllitn Aecivl was married In They have no j acceptance ad- .t.. (m KAtnrr 'r-p .1111 in uliiih every considera- 1.1. -1,4Im rh in the sound ; Bracken, parti partnership with I LI UV UUiUtb- KIN hUR mil i i i ii AVAL MAN ! Warrant Ship Eby R.C.N.V.U., ::d Victoria, to '..j been recently iie Royal Cana-..ned the Navy k of war and in Prince Rupert, He In me malntcn-i'mction division scouan, nauiax, ind his wife lives Victory nnnds! LOUBSER kJ IViV ii.,, : n V4UJ 1 UJ, P.O. Box 51 STREET nro Dim..i N There'll she'll ?f treasure morel ' "17l,wi... 39?s !BPLGER K..' lers pr. Rurjert You Cant Escape the .;. 1 ncprvallVC candidate iw George nomln-on April 24. rwt'. iuiil (arms in Mani-, in lfurtsnn ,ilAnf1fl1 O liyjHVU'v- JJIniTl 11 SLTVL- fnr thrPP with the Eighth til of His Eu His eyes have seen things he can never forget. And that same challenging look is in the eyes of thousands' yv These men of Canada . . . pilots, navigators, bombardiers, gunners and ground crew . . . have written the initials "R.C. A.F." indelibly across the pages of history. But they are first to admit they are only part of a winning 'team. There's the Navy . . . the Army ... the women in all services. And to hasten final victory, that team needs the help of : every man and woman at home to provide and build the "weapons of war. , , . That is why he is looking to you to continue to help . . . , rby investing to your utmost in Victory Bonds. Look deep into his eyes ... and you will not fail to meet his challenge. INVEST IN THE BEST Buu VICTORY BONDS t-it NATIONAL WAft riNANCI CellHlttH. wit V1 ' Mllll mm - & 'J , .J -- . fit;-. : i .fJ' and thousands of young men who know the fury, the? suffering,; , 4 & r