PAOBGIZ THE , DAILY NEWS Thursday, May 3. 1915 Roy Cullenbine Back With Timers DETROIT, Mich., May 3 Roy Cullenbine, outfielder, who broke Into Major League baseball with the Detroit Tigers several years ago and was subsequently traded to St. Louis and Cleveland, Is returning to the Tigers. Detroit secured Cullenbine by trading ln-fielders Don Ross and Dutch Maler to the Cleveland Indians. "Cully" batled 234 in 1S4 games for Cleveland last season. Ross hit .210 In 60 games with Detroit while Maler compiled a 203 mark in 154 games with Buffalo of the International League. Mothers' toy MAY i3th Welcome Gifts . . . 1. DKKSSKS 2. SPUING COATS 3. IIANDIJAGS 1. NIGHT WEAR 5. HOUSE COATS Her - - ill, Two Favourite Stores - - 'Rupert Peoples . . .Wallace's I EBusiness and Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 . ''Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" ' MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red 693 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Bcsner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. "JOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE RUil (jour qlasscs to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LT-2 - 599 tlYMOURST.VANCOUVER.BC. FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell Z U with a Want Adl Buy it with " a Want Adl Dally News classi-" fled section gets results. -- Prince Rupert, B.C. TORONTO AND BUFFALO WIN TORONTO, May 3 ) There were only two games in the In ternational League yesterday. In Toronto the Maple Leafs defeated Newark Bears 7-3. Buffalo edged Syracuse 7-6 in 11 innings in the other International League contest. On todays schedule, Jersey City plays at Rochester and Baltimore at Montreal in the only International League games on the schedule. In the International League Professional FRENCH TUITION Special tuition in' the French language in preparation for summer examinations. Please leave name and address at Daily News office. EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavincr Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 Today in Sports standing, Jersey City tops the list with eight wins and two losses. Baltimore and Montreal are tied for second place with six wins and four defeats each. Syracuse comes next with four wins and four losses. Newark Is in fifth place with five wins and six defeats. Sixth is Buffalo with four wins and six losses. Rochester is seventh with three wins and six losse. And In the cellar Dosltion is Toronto with onlv three wins ! against seven defeats .... axJm2ji-tiA School Trustee Magazine Plan The British Columbia School Trustees' Association ....... j-- 0 the publication of a quarterly magazine dealing with school affairs in the province, the Prince Rupert Board of School Trustees was advised last nteht a ww from the association soliciting an expression of interest and cooperation through sending in of Suggestions and rnnfrlhiitlnnc The board welcomed the Idea of tne magazine and requested the secretary, Mrs. Roper, to offer contributions. Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR ' SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 6th Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" Jltfjf I H h(,on "s ,:o,,dilions permit, MffiT L rtft Clover Lt-uf will gaiti he avail- 1 UblC frUm lUt COa8U J WHITE SOX, YANKS TIE Are Deadlocked for American League Leadership Giants Top National NEW YORK, May 3 Q -In the American League, Cleveland nos ed out St. Louis 2-1 In a 13-lnn- ing duel yesterday. The New York Yankees downed the Philadel phia Athletics 6-4. The Boston Red Sox won their fifth straight victory as they shut out the Washington Senators 4-0. Detroit beat the Chicago White Sox. In the National League, the New York Giants won a narrow victory over the Philadelphia Phillies 9 to 8. The Boston Braves toppled the Brooklyn Dodgers 3- 1. St. Louis Cardinals and Pittsburgh Pirates split two games, the Cards winning the opener 4- 2 and the Pirates snapping back to take the nightcap 11-1. In the American League today Chicago plays in Detroit and Philadelphia at New York. In the National circuit, its Boston at Brooklyn, New York at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Chicago and St. Louis at Pittsburgh. The Major League baseball standings to date follow: American League W. L Pet. Chicago 6 3 .087 New York 8 4 .607 Detroit 7 4 .636 Philadelphia 6 6 .500 Washington 6 7 .462 St. Louis 4 5 .444 Boston 5 8 .385 Cleveland 2 7 .222 National League W. L Pet. New York 9 4 .692 Chicago 7 4 .638 Boston 7 5 .583 St. Louis 6 5 .545 Brooklyn 5 6 .455 Cincinnati 5 6 ,.455 Pittsburgh 5 8 '.385 Philadelphia 3 9 '.250 SYNTHETIC GEM Rubies have been successfully produced artificially from purl-fled ammonia-alum and chro- mealum. No wonder you get comfortable, good looWng shaves with the Blue Gillette Blade! It has the sharpest most . edges ever honed! It pays to ask for Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream . . . 33, IN THE 8UPHEME COURT OV , SK'JISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP AMAND CESAR VERlSoEN OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CAESAR OR CESAR VERHEYDEN, ' DECEASED. INTESTATE. ...TAKE NOTICE that by Ord.r of Uonr Jud8 pM-r. Local iu.d.f. ?! , the Huprfmc Court of BrltUh Columbia. Iwa on th" 25tli day of April, AD. 1945. appointed Administrator of the EsUti of Amanrt Onar Vcrhtyden, otherwise knn " Caesar or cVsar Vcrheydtu. .J ,94.4'. A" Perw,ns Indebted to the said estate are required to 'pay th ?moi"t.ef tnelr Jbtednca & mo forthwith and all persona T having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the Slst day of May, 1945, falnm? which distribution will be made haWna "re- ?RIiJ.on!y t0 uch cllma of which I shall have been notiried. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC1 this 27th day of April. A D. 1945 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. wince Rupert b.c LOOKING OVER MAJOR LEAGUES Joe Ilayncs turned in the most brilliant mound Job of the season when he held the Detroit Tigers to one hit Tuesday as the Chicago White Sox scored a 5-0 victory at Detroit. The win enabled the Chlsox to strengthen their grip on first place in the American League. In the fourth inning the Sox scored four runs of fthe rookie Detroit pitcher, Walter Wilson. The Boston Red Sox scored their fourth consecutive win by defeating the Washington Senators 5-4 at Boston in the only - - Classified Advertising - - Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. WANTED WANTED BY MAY 21st Fur nished room or housekeeping room for married man. Phone Dally News 98. (tf) WANTED Ford motor Model A or B. Box 998 Daily News. (105) WANTED TO RENT Small two-room cottage. Phone 552 West-holme Rooms, Mr. Exley. (106) WANTED By Chief Petty Officer and wife (no children), two-room apartment, by end of May. Box 997 Dally News. (109) WANTED - Tabic saw, 10-lnch, and heavy duty lathe, 12-14-inch band saw. Pay cash for any or all. Box 526, City. (105) WANTED By reliable couple, small furnished house or suite, close In. Box 995 Dally News. (109) HELP WANTED WANTED Extractor man for local laundry. Good wages. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 178. (Ill) WANTED Competent man r.s truck driver for local dairy; permanent work. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 176. (100) WANTED Three girls for local laundry. Good wages. Apply National Selective Service A.F. 173. (Hi) WANTED Two girls for laundry work. Apply Selective Service A.F. 172. (106) WANTED Female cook for family of five. Apply Selective Service A.F. 169. (tf) WANTED Smart girl for photo finishing plant Apply National Selective Service A.F. 167. (106) HELP WANTED Capable woman for housework, by hour. Phone mornings between 10 and 11, Orcen 135. (tf) WANTED Receptionist for El-ction Candidate office. Returned veteran preferred. Approximately six weeks work. Apply E. It Sel. Service A.M. 177. (104) HELP WANTED - MALE Applications close 5 pjn.. May 31st, 1945, for position City Engineer and Building Inspector, together with such other sub-sidary positions as the City Council may from time to time determine. Written applications, stating age, qualifications, experience, etc., and salary required, should be mailed to National Selective Service No. A.M. 175. Do not apply unless your services arc available under regulations P.C. 146, Part III, 1943, administered by the Wartime Bureau of Technical Personnel. (104i PERSONAL CORNS Instantly relieved with the effective corn remedy. 50c woya s uorn anu callous Salve, at Ormcs Ltd. (106) MANSON'S JEWELLERY STORE Specializing in modern cn graving. 24-hour service. All types of watch and Jewelry repair work done. 214 4th Street. (104) LOST AND FOUND LOST Wrist watch, name engraved "George Tuck" V-8630 R.C.N. Finder return Box 994 Dally News. Reward. (107) FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may nave same by identifying same and paying for this advertisement at the Dally News. LOST Four keys In holder. Rc- wara. riease leave at Daily News. (io4) LOST Right-hand black leather kid glove, between Court House grounds and C.N. docks. Reward. Return to Dally News. (io5) LOST Pair of eye glasses on sin Ave. ana Emmcrson Place. Finder please return same to Daily News. Reward. (105) LOST -t Between Royal Hotel ana uommoaore Cafe, navy man's black leather waltet; money and Identification card. Please leave at Naval Fire Hall. Reward. (i05) FOUND Upper plate of false teem, owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad, Booth School Grounds Are Being Improved Improvements, long urgently needed, are now under way on the grounds of Booth Memorial High School. This consists of levelling and filling with rock and other materials. Boys of the Junior Junior Chamber of Com-merce are lending a hand with the work. Eric Rosang has given the school board an estimate of $200 on certain heavy rock work. other game played in the Major Leagues. Emmctt O'Neill and Oeorge Woods held the Senators to four hits while the Sox got 10 off Johnny Nlggeling and Chick Pieretti. I OU SALE FOR SALE Maroon baby strol ler and high chair. 649 Hay Cove Circle. (105 FOR SALE Beach white enamel range, practically new. 127 Hays Cove Circle. (100) FOR SALE 1938 Studebaker ' Commander. See 65 Taxi. FOR QUICK SALE Attractive new 4-room bungalow, partly furnished. Owner leaving town in two weeks. Price $1800. See Mrs. McClymont. 307 3rd Ave. (105) FOR SALE Household furniture, practically new; selling out. Apply City Rest Room. (106) FOR SALE DeWalt saw, 4-inch Jointer, sandcr, shapcr, Jig saw, lathe, band saw. grinder, like new. Phone 41. (106) FOR SALE Strawberry planU, $2.50 per hundred. 224 5th Ave. West. till FOR SALE Chesterfield and two chairs, and other household articles. 1668 Herman Place. Call after 4 p.m. U04 FOR SALE 3-plecr chesterfield suite, Rood condition. $40. Phone Blue 605. (105) FOR SALE Small buffet and table, four odd chairs. 310 7th Ave. East. (108) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. MACHINERY FORSALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, b.c. au FOR SALE Davenport, chesterfield and chair, and double bed. 1436 8th Ave. East. (104) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 649 Hays Cove Circle. d05 FOR RENT Office space upstairs Stone Block. Will remodel to suite tenant. See W. F. Stone. (tf) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone m ror particulars. (tf) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED. Rell.-ihln nrr- con wouia care ior one or two children by day or hour Apply Box 996 Dally News, 104i Only Two Days More TODAY atl230-3 2U6;12.twAY,l from r ft Zbf ERNEST HtMlHGWAy O GARY Cooper jDergman WM.AKIM TAMIROFF ARTURO ( CORDOVA JOSEPH CAlltlA f KATINA PAXINOU For . . . 7i abont Mother's Day Suggest! SEE OUR WINDOWS AND DISPLAY COUNTERS o Come in and let our clerks help! you in making your selection MaeM YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT For Up-lo-the-Minute Styles sec w PLAYS HOE! t Twenty-five styles and ( ilor ' C anklets, slings and ties. High o; w fc Z leathers and fabrics. Choose .scv ... u'r - & perfectly shorU and v your slacks, : -2 Z The same famous quality you liked to vu rfM CUT RATE SHOE J10I &AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAim"1 Old Ed doesn't say much", but when he does it's short and to the point. "Sacrifice!" he snorts when you talk about Victory Loans. "It's no sacrifice to buy Victory Bonds. I got two grandsons over there in the muck and jnuA They're doing the sacrificing. As far as I can see it's 3 privilege and a bounden duty to help them." iMfe x-vYTiI - - - H AJi TTTTVrrvrr-Tl L V A 1 'I III This advertisement sponsored by : Vdssed ,v; ... Ttw 1 .:'y,at Spcticu' UnforirttaMe VS. ...But my money is tfotiedt 1 VAN'S BAKERS