Iitv III. TORY CONCERT jpitol Theatre, May 6th 50 Victory Bonds to be Given Away ickets Now On Sale at Theatre i bmy L CURRY UOl'UACTOR in, Crilropractlcl L-rvc doubly so! 10TICE H. MAIR Box Office RUPERT )E REPAIR ur '.he Post Officei ck Green 895 pSO SANO H1NO HOP KEE OP SUEY OUSE 7th AVE. WEST IxttoKlng Tal) i'ronage welcome n 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. ; Orders from 2 pm. to 2 am. BIONE RED 247 n appointed sole oreentatlve of FINAL MONUMENTS I it this district blne-j has been pur- Id Irom A. Welxl by W, Yule. tie Things war Is brine: fought l'h rlelits of little is the sacrrtl right i'tle nations to live 1'Vfs unmolestetl. it '"E won Ity millions sacrifices, 'little anil in 1 1 1 i o n s "E their hit," Our Is to make our "hit" ri liv hiiylng every ,ry iSond we tan Uy affonl MiW't IDWAY iROCERY Phone 659 p nti'i: ni nvntY e can say this in Fee words . . . VY COAL NOW ilUMNKY SWKEVlNO OIL UURNEK8 CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Ulack 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Ropms, Hot and Cold ' Water PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC 1. 1 m 1 r i: n Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 3G7 32G 2nd Ave THE REX CAFE Now Open for Huslness CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue i Across from Prince Rupert Hotel! Phone 173 GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI Tlifc Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 1' J FINEST SALMON PHONES 110-117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Cambrai Dance, Oddfellows' H;,(l. May 4, Andy McNaughton's Orchestra. Dancing 10-2. O05) 1 Miss A. M. Barbeau is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver,. w. j. nance is leaving lonignt for a trip to Vancouver. : A Public Meeting, Liberal Ass'n Rooms, 3rd Ave. and 1st St., Thursday May 4, 8 p.m. All Interested cordially Invi.'M 104) Mr. and Mrs. Georee Ford ar rived in the city yesterday from Vancouver. Mr. Ford, formerly a flight lieutenant with the R. C.A.F. here. Is joining the American Traiiflpdrt Service at this port. Robert L. vilcie, janitor of Conrad Street School, was'grant-cd two weeks' leave of absence In addition to his regular two weeks' vacation by the board of school 1 trustees last night so that he may ! attend a family reunion at his ihome in St. Paul, Minnesota. George Ferguson will relieve dur-ilng his absence. He will be away ftom July 15 to. August 15. Mrs. Novak, assistant caretaker of ! Booth ' Memorial School, was granted permission to take holi days the first two weeks In July. Announcement AH advertlwrnents tn Uils column f rharaett for a roll month at 25c a word. United Spring Sale. May 3. Whist, Valhalla Hall, May 9. Full voting information. Phone 8C4. Mickleburgh campaign Headquarters. Hill CO Tea, I.O.D.E. Hall, May 10. Trrhnocracv Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.O.D.E. Hall 9 p.m 17 L.O.B.A. Dance. May 24, Oddfellows' Hall. Refreshments. United Tea, June 2, Mrs. Art Nirkprsnn's. Summit Avenue. i Specialty, homecooklng, delica-! tewen. COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings Tor Queen Charlotte Islands everv ten days. Further Information, Tickets. and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent fhirrt Ave. Phone 6C8 I f 1M ill LWAwvvva Uelmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, sucea j-eacnes Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 A Sons of Norway meeting t6-r.ight, Oddfellows' Hall, 8 o'clock. All members please attend. A "What the Liberals Stand For." Hear W. M. Walts, Ra'dio Station CFPR, ti:30 p:m. Fflda-y. Provincial Constable W. II. Richmond of Terrace arrived In the citv on last night's train from the Interior with prisoners In Ills custody. He Is returning to the Interior today. Dr. and Mrs. John A. MacDon-ald returned to the city yesterday from Vancouver. They had been called south on account of the death of Dr. MacDonald's father, the former Dr. D. J. MacDonald of Kihcdllth. School accounts for the month ot April totalling $3,743.23 were passed for payment by the board at Its regular monthly meetipg last night. They included $9,- 743.28 in regular teachers' salaries as well as $7150 for substi tutes and $882 for secretary and Janitors. G. M. Ferguson, comptroller of the B.C. Packers and member of the Vancouver Rotary 'Club, was the speaker today at ; the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. President A. S. Nickerson was In the chair and there was a 'good attendance of members with a few guesU. Glllls Rover has been re-elect ed governor of the local Moose Lodge for the ensuing term of r-ffice and his Installation as well as that of other officers will take nlace on May .15. The lodge had a meeting this Tuesday night when business was largely of a routm nnhiro f hp hiT!rifM KPtclfln was I followed by a social hour with the O.W.L. whWt. bridge and crib- serving of refreshments. bage, K.O.C. Iftit. May it), b LlQnel gcoU of Toronto, dir-o'clock. ,(. rpi.ilion for V.VlA1 Ji kvi - - Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May WartIme Housing with head- i quarters in Toronto, left by last nan c even? Saturday night, i n tr'c t.mJn fin his return Quintette Orchestra. ..., i East after spending a few days Oddfellows liau. a to i.. ' here on offlcial Uutles. Mr. Help Norway Program. May 17, j was speaker yester-Oddfellows' Hall, 8:15 p.m. rinv at the weeklv luncheon of the Prince Runert Gyro Club, Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. We'll style your hair In a flattering coiffure with It will be our new Cold Wave. easy to keep and very becoming. No split or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS Meeting of Job's Daughters, May 4, 7:30 p.m. Special Mother's Day service. Silver March and Social. ir5) Quiet Wedding On Saturday A ouiet weddlne was held in First United Church at 4:30 SaU urday When M.ss Anna Elise Letnes of Prince Rupert became i be ,! rrtenrv William Burch of Port Edward. Rev. J. A. Donnell officiated. Witnesses were mi-, ana mis. uars Mynre. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A statement mace in a recent radio broadcast iby the L.P.P. candidate, Bruce Mickleburgh that unions in the Prince Rupert shipyard were fighting against Trotsky-lte-C. C. F. domlnatidn. The United Brotherhood of Car penters and Joiners of America LOcal 1735, who hold a union agreement in the yard and arb certified as bargaining agents fur the followina: Carpertters. Joiners. Shipwrights, Wood ! caulkers. Sawyers. Pattemmak Urs. Staaers ana Woodworker Helpers and the Chargchands, journeymen and Impruvers do hereby state by motion made and rmncprl In J-pmilnr bUsillCSS SCS ision, "That as far as this union tbp sLntemcnt is I false and malicious, and we 'I would nubliclv ask the L.P.P. candidate, Mr. Bruce MiCKie- (Annette Powell) 4th St. (across from Post Office) VOl YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 10 P.O. Box 573 1 Unique Gift For ! Mrs. Roosevelt From Local Lady & i 1 1 1 , .t i rj a spienaia piece oi cinoiuu-ey art, Indicative of great skill j, and patience, Is to be Sent 6s a gift by Mrs. James Clark of Overlook St. to Mrs. franklin D. Roose'Veft.-wIfiow df iHe'late president of the United States. It takes the farm of a wonder fully executed embroidered sketch of Mr. ROosevelt. It has fcecn on exhibit for the pa(t few days in trie window of the Daily News where it has excited widespread comment from admiring passenby. MRS. ARNOLD IS PRESIDENT Annual Meeting of Women's Canadian Club Had Good Year Aid. Nora E. Arnold was yss-iterday afternoon elected presi dent of the local Women's Cana- dian Club, succeeding Mrs. J. A. Donnell who has completed a highly successful term of office. ReDorts of the president, Secretary and treasurer Indicated that the past year nad been both active and useful, congratulations and appreciation being expressed to the retiring execu tive. The newly elected officers arb: Honorary President, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. President, Mrs. N. E. Arnold. First Vice-President, Mrs. B. Thorsteinsson. Second Vice-President, Mrs. T. N. Youngs. Secretary, Mrs. A. L Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Thornton Hay. Treasurer, Mrs. G. A. Johnson. Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. Wii Ham Brass. Executive Mrs. S. R. Donaldson, Mrs. V. J. Nelson, .Mrx C. H. Orme and Mrs. C. C. Mills hiirah that he cease trying to sow dissension among the toona- fide trade unions of Prince Rupert. JACK FISHER. President. School Children Are Getting Milk Children of all the elementary schoels of Prince Rupert who have to take their lunches tu school are new able to have a pin of milk each day Tinder arrange ments which have been made with Valentin Dairy for the sup- tilv The board of school trustees ! limejithasUast niartU-agreea the milk is 4-Vic per pini. U. W. Hamilton, comptroller oi.Horrie Oil Distributors Ltd., am D. Eraser, company engineer, arrived in the city yesterday fm. Vanzouver. being here oi: official business. They will leave for the Interior On tomorrow right's train with C. A. Kellett. lcfcal manager, accompanying tjiem as far as Smithers. : FRIENDS MEET I COL MUTRIE Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Herein at Home on Sunday Afternoon for Visitor from Overseas Many friends of Mrs. Randolph Mutrie, the former Miss Edith Herein, had the pleasure of meeting her husband, Lieut. COl. T R. Mutrie. R.CJVALC... recent ly returned irem overseas, wueu Mrs Mutrie's parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergm, were "at home" on Sunday afternoon at their residence, Fourth Ave. W. Col. Mutrie Is at present visiting here on leave after having seen service in various theatres of war. He will be leaving next Wbek for Pacific Command headquarters at Vancouver. The rooms were attractively ! decorated with spring flowers and presiding at the ipauiing table were Mfs. T. McClymont, Mrs. Max Heiibroner, Mrs. C. E. Starr and Mrs. R. G. Large. Asslstlnz In the reception room was Mrs. Arnold Flaten. Servi- leurs were Mrs. S. D. Johnston, I Mrs. Alex Mitchell. Mrs. J. Wetse Mrs. W. M. Watts, Mrs. William I Erooksbank, Mrs. William Crtilckshank and the Misses Flor- 'ence Parker. Geraldlne Cade, Audrev Wrathall and Vivian Wrathall. Sunnyiicle Couple Ai-e United Here Percy Wilson of Kispiox and Norah Bright of Greenville were the principals In a quiet wpddins yesterday afternoon at the Manse nf First United Church. Rov. James A. uonneu uuiuauus. Holtby. couple are residing at SUnnysldc where they are employed in the cannery. VICTORY I Prince Rupert. B.C FRASER & PAYNE Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 180 Box 1430 St "B' Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS 1 W C4 I II PHONE 21 art wT Mil HK. THIRD AVE. W. 1 Invest in Victory... GORDON'S HARDWARE THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. May 3, 1S45 Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St Ehone.HdJ89 ... ..P,.BOX12?.4 Just. Arrived PAGE FTVB i " ' ' ' 'hOfcim, fU so smooth ISdOT J and so white B to bake bread usf right use Flclschmann's FRESH Yeast Dread plays a big part in today's meal planning. It is your family's most dependable low-cost energy food supplying Vitamin B. And, it is extra useful now as a stretcher for other foods. If you bake at home, Fleischmann's fresh Yeast will give otr good bread every time light, sweet, just nglit taking loaves! Ask your grocer today for Fleischmann's Jresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label-Canada's favorite for over 70 years! MADE IN CANADA SUPFUMINT YOU DIET by toting 2 cakai-ot FLEISCHMANN'S fr.ih Y.oit every day. Thlt tfth Yatf If an xtrttent natural louroof the Important 8 Complex Vltamlm. AUCTION SALE . . . of . . . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THURSDAY, MAY 3rd at 1CC8 Cth Ave. East Commencing at 2:30 pin. Under Instructions from the owner, I will sell by Auction the following articles.;, 1 Chesterfield and Chair Sxl36 Axmlnster Carpet Trilight Lamp C.C.M. Bicycle 2 Chest of Drawers , , Small Edgerite Wood Lathe 5-tube Mantle Radio Double Bed, complete Single Bed, complete 2 End Tables Kitchen Table; 4 Chairs Pots, Pans, Dishes, Linoleum Etc. GEORGE DAWES Auctioneer Terms CasTf" PWfre Red 127 New Shipment of ANKLETS Black or Beige $3-45 Annette Ladies1 Wear ' "We Lead . . . Others Follow" RU PERT B RAN D : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I S5a mm '. . . m