PAG&hVb II' tfr mi WE HEAR New Cars are Just around the corner $E HEAR YOU want a shiny new car . . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for in III! ill' IIII IIII llll MM IIII til! MM MM MM Wi !M' lilt I'll II' 'I. IMi (! fit: IM! '!' THE DAILY N2WS Prince Rupert, B.C Thursday, June 7, 1945 YOUR HAT, SIR!! ITLet It Be A Stetson Ml! I!! !'!! l.lyou want SJYLE 1! i Matched with i Comfort and . Serviceability ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles Roll Roofings Wallboards Built-Up Roofing ftie S(ctson '.Medalist $ 7.50 'jjjje Stetson 'Premier' 8.50 tfjic Stetson 'Royal' 10.00 ie Stetson 'Imperial' , 15.00 ::: "the men's shop" ANNOUNCING . . . We are glad to announce that we have been ajipointjd Northern Distributor and Agent for i:; ;;ti :tn iii! Hi !!!: id: CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE PRODUCTS See us for: Other Products ASPHALT Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings Built-Up Roofings Roof Coatings and Putties t(fcck Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers jihalt Tite Flooring Acoustical Materials Transite Ma-tfpals Roof Insulation Waterproofing Materials Industrial Insulations Packings and Gaskets It factory Cements Pipe Coverings. BONDED ROOFERS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. it;: BOX 725 tin it:i I!" (Hi ill; !(' ini Mil in economical driving . . . SEE S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers fS- ii and Sheetmetal Works - 798 Second Ave. West Phone Blue 964 P-E-E-D-Y" RADIO SERVICE Under New Management 'IV4'' ;t ' 00 guarantee the best possible service oo Hours 9:30 to 5::i0 PHONE GREEN 217 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business '!! CHOP SUEY ;;i CHOW MEIN jj opening Hours: in 3 p.m. to 2 a m. Hf 2ij'd Avenue (Across from !rlnce Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 . . . EMPIRE CAFf (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MF.ALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY Jl .a.m. to 1a.m. Today in Sports S00 SUDS WIN BOYS' SOFTBALL THEIR OPENER LEAGUE PLANNED Auspicious Start in Softball by Defeating Navy 8 to 2 Soo Suds made their season's oebut in the Prince Rupert Senior Soft!jall Leagu; a successful ens by gaining an 3-2 victory ever Navy at Gyro Park' before 500 fans last night. A noticeable lack of heavy hitting was displayed by bath teams in the game, for 17 of the total number of 18 hits were only singles. The lone extra-base blow was a double. Squizatto. the mainstay of the Suds' mound corns last year, was the winning pitcher and yielded eight hits, while French and Smith, the Navy's hurlers, gave up ten. The score by innings: Navv 001 001 000 2 Soo Suds 030 302 OOx , 8 Batteries; Navy French. Smlfti and Rers. Soo Suds Soulzatto and Marincff. Stamiines of the Senior Softball League follow: W. L, Soo Suds 1 0 Port. Fdward ........ 1 0 Air Force. 0 0 Coast Regt 0 0 Navy 0 1 Fortress 0 1 Pet. 1000 l.fw .000 .000 .000 .000 LONDON. f HlUer offered , the equivalent oi $225,000 and tb; highest honors bestowed by ! the ReicTv tr any u-bost crtw who could sink either the Queen Mary rr tiw Queeai Elizabeth, BrltiSn's biggest liners, th? Daily Ext)!?" rerTts. You get good-looking, Kffeshinj shaves in no time withtheBlue Gillette Blade that's because it has the keenest smoothest-finished edges ever produced ItpAys'toaskfor Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prep are your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream . . 33 (Jyro Club of Prince Kupert DOMINION DAY Weekend : CRUISE To Stewart, B. C. And Hyder, laska SS "Catala" Leaves C.N.R. Dock Sunday Evening July 1st Returns Tuesday Morning, July 3rd Full information and tickets at UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Acebmmodatlon Cumfortaly . Limited f, ujrro Club Decides to Take 8 4 in Sponsoring New Athletic Organization A Junior Softball League, as another means of furnishing wholesome iecreatlon for the young boys of the city, Is pro-r. jsed by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. At their regular weekly luncheon yesterday, .the Gyros drz i:l to fo.-tsr the organlza-tin cf ru:h a ieajue. Fffo ' will be made to interest the h;r iervlfe clubs and such or- -n;"pt' : as mav t interested and the Gyro Club lts?lf will pons or a team. Maurice Brydges was delegated, on 3e-half of the Gyro Club, to proceed further with the matter Dr. R. G. Large offered to put up a championship cup. The Gyro Club decided to tr represented at the Pro-Rec rv ganlzatlonal dinrer to b? h this Friday evening. Frank Skinner reported on an interesting visit to the Victoria ' Oyro Club. President J. J. Gifison was in the chair and Capt. James James of Vancouver was a luncheon guest. Sport Chat Willie MeFarlatie won the deadlocked United States open golf crown from Bobby Jones at Worcester, Mass., 20 years a30 :?iday. Thd at 231 for the 'tgXar 72 holes, the finalists played another 18. McFarlane won 72 to 73. Grads, queens of baskptball for 18 years, disbanded a.' a banquet in their home town five years ayo tonight. Ladies !! i Thirteen triumphs In their last season brought Gtads all-time trcord to 630 victories and 24 defeats, including the Canadian rhfttnptohshlp every year they compered sine? 1922, ithe North American champlan.'ih!p every vear except fof 1933 and 21 t al'ht vane victories at four . cesslv" O.lym.ic games. ' 1 i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Young man, best ref rrences would drive to Van couver In return for transpor tation. Chauffer's licence. Phcne Green H8. U34) You are cordially invited to meet MISS MURIEL CORDEAUX HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prevent sagging shoulders In sweaters? A. The shoulders will not sag If a plies 3f r.own, toe lengtn of the shoulder of the person from neck to armhole, Is at-tac.i:d at each end Of the ribbon to the sweater. Q. Hew can I avoid a disagree, able cdor of thf cil rtove? A. When the oil stove gives off that dhO'jreeab'.c odor of oil, try dropping a small piece of gum camphor into the tank. on FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock at Rcid's Cafe .miss .nnitiiKAiix, who was a correspondent in asia, and was takkn ruiso.vut I'.V 1 HE JAPANESE, WILL ADDRESS THE GATHERING. Make it a point to hear this talented speaker who Ua addressed many women's organizations In the west. This Advertisement Published by Skeena Federal Liberal Association. Tim. forMtJS.:.s ""fat PRINCE GEO to VANCOUt m HOURS SinS,,,30(pI K (PiuiU) T " AO flmilTIr J. L. CUI f H IIJM 111 ivh. - 4IV,'ll if pain- Chlruprinu If nerve- duublj Bmith Block n, Ij . 111. .3. 1.1 II K DC, b A iff f riAiiti . 11 l ll l l r If ur Wallace Block HAVE YOU REGISTERED YOUR CHILDREN FOR NOTE: Thli libit ippliti lo mrrl4 ptriooi tad othen hirlui th niial of married ptrioai for intamt m purpoici. tot ih rtlnlxlr mll sumbtr of tUtl ptriont Mpponing children tad ool hiio mirrltd Mitui for tccomt in pur. poiti, tad for membtri of iht Armed Forcei. ipecial tablet caa be obtained from the Regional Director of familr Allowance! la etch provincial Capital. 0 1,200,000 FAMILIES have already registered for Family Allowances. Approximately 100,000 families who are entitled to register and who will benefit, have not yet registered. Family Allowances cheques will be mailed in July. If you want to receive your first cheque, register now. If you delay your registration any longer, it may not be possible to deal with your application in time to send you the first cheque. . If you have children under 16 and if your income is under $3,000 a year, you will benefit from Family Allowances. If you have not registered, and intend to do so, please act at once! Family Allowances Registration forms have been mailed to every family. They can be obtained at the nearest post office or by writing to the Regional Director of Family Allowances in the capital of your province. FAMILY ALLOWANCES AND INCOME TAX When the Family Allowances Act was passed, Parliament , approved the principle that there should be no duplication of benefits by way of Family Allowances and Income, Tax credits for the same child. Family Allowances cheques will be paid in full every month. But for the last six months of l'SM5 an adjust ment will be made to avoid duplication of benefits. The table below shows the ejject of this adjustment and will enable taxpayers to determine the extent to which they will benefit from Family Allowances. TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 AMOUNT OF TAXABLE INCOME Not ever $1200 . 100 Over $1200 but not over 1400 . 90 " . 1400 " " " 1600 . 80 " 1600 " ' " " 1800 . 70 " 1800 " " " 2000 . 60 " 2000 " " 2200 . 50 2200 i. 2400 . 40 " 2400 " " 2600 . 30 " 2600 " " " 2800 . 20 " 2800 " " " 3000 . 10 " 3000 . 0 Pcrctnl by which lnpr' will btntht from ftmilr Allmnocti la (lidiiioa lo prcitni iacom Ui crtdin, fur 194J, Of Ihe actual Family Allowance! received In the year 1945. The BENEFITS: I III- I .III11IV r 1 1 1 1 W dlILL J ilVl I to heltt fdiKilbe nnDnrdinif i s for all children. The monthly all"' ances will assist in providing medical, dental and nursing services, better food, better clothing and shelter. Family Allowances are additional to dependents' allowances lo servicemen's families and military pensions. . Furthermore, Family Allowances are NOT taxable. You do mt d IIIVJV llllillllll I ,,,,-, J KIWI jiivwuiv - 4 income tax. wlatmnshiP between Family Allowances and Income Tax deductions for children. Fromt table given yotf can determine quickly the extent to A which you will benefit. m If you intend to apply for Family Allowances but have not already on so, please act at once in the interests of your children. Remember, first cheques will be mailed in July, but only to those who have rcg' tered and are eligible to receive Family Allowances. -J f.' i - pojICREATERf) H Xicf CANADAf SCALE OF MONTHLY ALIOWANCES FOR THE FIRST FOUR w' For each child Under 6 From 6 to 9 (Incluiive From 10 o 12 (Inclutlve r,m 1.1 la 15 (inclusive) $5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 Where there are more than !""'hofi-under 1G In .he lamil;, the be nce for each child efier ion reduced in accordance with Tr r .1 All ,infl ACl c! ine jamuy aiw,,v- PublisM nndtr the anllxirily ' H.n. BROOKE CLAXTON ,. Dtportmenl of nolionoi nmiv