if I) A r, i. 12rincc Rupert DaHi irius Wednesday, October 31, 1045 Published every afternoon except Sunday br "Prince Rupert Dally New Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y City Carrier, per week 1J Per Month 65 Per ;ar 7 00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year 14.00 ' ii i 532 THIRD AVENUE MZMBER A3.C. Hallowe'en . . . This evening the most frighten- r ing apparition Prince Rupert people . T. 1 1 An,,-A 4.1 - A 1 1 1 win tncuuiuei un cue sireeis ana at the doorsteps will be very young goblins with fantastic masks, witches carrying mother's broom for realistic effect and spritely ghosts garbed in a discarded sheet or two. - Disguised children, stumbling on their flowing apparel and clutching weird masks to their faces, will stump genial householders with gruff and squeaky "guess who's" andjlhen hold out bulging pillow-caSP or overflowing baskets for handouts of fruit, candy, coins and, of ' course, Kinsmen's "shell - out" coupons. Weeks from now parents will; be wondering what to do with 'remains of tonight's loot that will be tucked away and forgotten. "(That is all we expect of Hallowe'en now. Not long ago it was tlie night that the spirits of the dead presupposed to wander abroad. Known as the vigil of All Saints' Day ofHrtllowmas, the Christian festival raso"hce much more than a night of gaiety for children and young people. Inh earlier periods of Britain bonfires "were lit as part of the celebration and the supernatural influence of tlifi festival is kept alive by the continuance of ancient names for the dayyas in parts of Ireland where it is still called the "Vigil of Saman" (the lord of death). before the rise of Christianity therewere Druidic ceremonies and ftoman festivals celebrating the har-vestUhat have lent .many customs ancl symbols to the present day Hallowe'en. The modern version of the autumn vegetable is the colorful Jack-o' Lantern and costumed symbols, representingfthe winter tore of fruits in the ancient Roman harvest celebration. The belief that material objects were displaced by malicious spirits resembling "poltergeists," rumored to be still going strong in cer-tain 'parts of Canada, is perpetuated IT'S . . . Watts & Nickerson FOR Fashion -Craft TOPCOATS See the new arrivals in Scotia Hand-wovens English Coverts and Gabardines Domestic ami Imported Tweeds ... Smart in appearance Comfortable to Wear . . . $27-50 to $52.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" by mischievous juveniles who take the opportunity on Hallowe'en to remove the neighbor's gate ancl hang it on the nearest telephone pole. Because of its supernatural atmosphere, Hallowe'en is supposed to be an excellent time for peering into the future. Instead of prophecies of death and disaster by witches, the hopeful miss of today indulges in crystal gazing and prophetic games in order, to determine the characteristics and personality of her true love. War Assets Here .... Evidently War Assets Corporar tion, employing 100 persons and expected to keep the large warehouse on the waterfront, main new installation which the war brought to Prince Rupert, busy for the next two years, is going to be quite a substantial business for this city. All kinds of stable goods and supplies accumulated throughout northern British Columbia and the Yukon during the war are to be assembled here and distributed. It is an undertaking the size of which few of us might have realized. While it is contrary to War Assets policy to distribute goods in any way which would be prejudicial to the regular business of the country, the 6peration and assembly at Prince Rupert will make more readily available" to meet the needs of this city and district goods which might otherwise have been difficult to obtain. The establishment of War Assets at Prince Rupert should be beneficial all around. The Esthetic Arts . . . In these days of altenate hard work and pleasure seeking, there is definitely a tendency to lose interest in things cultural and that is a pity for the esthetic arts should form quite as important a part of community life as purely physically reaction and entertainment. Such organizations as those engaged in music and dramatics are to be welcomed and are worthy of support. They are appreciated not only by the people who participate but by those whose . principal joy, from music is in the listening to it. Now that the community is settling clown again after the rush and confusion of war activities, it is to be hoped there will be a return along organized community lines to these arts. PHONE 345 I DIBB PRINTING COMPANY .OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Ucsner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Sentenced to Six Months For Theft Sentence of six montfts in Jail was passed on Edgar Wilcox by Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court Tuesday afternoon when he found Wilcox guilty of theft of $400 from the home of Andrew Foss on September 16. Wilcox,. who pleaded not guilty, was not represented by counsel. T W. Brown appeared for the Crown. cj Buy War Savings Stamps BRASS TACKS Editor, Daily News, I am not interested In any political party but Just in a square deal for all the people. I will give you my personal views of them. I may be wrong but that Is my privilege. 1 am willing to learn, however, and it is only the fundamental truths I am interested in learning. I ive you a few thoughts on things in general. In the first place, why is there a C.C.F? Evidently the people are not satisfied with the sort of mis-government they have been getting for a long, long time. All one has to do is to figure out the record of our Canadian Parliament for many years, and it will sicken one. Just sit down and figure it out for yourself and see what you conclude. If the old parties would get busy and clean up their own dirty back yards Instead of ganging up on the C.C.F, they might find it was not necessary to gang up with a Coalition to beat a few poor people who have no political experience or well-oiled machinery or the backing of capital, etc. Assuming that Coalition governments have beaten the C.C.F., it is nothing for them to crow about. For instance, in one case a C.C.F. candidate receives 167 votes, whereas the Coalition candidate, and a good man too, receives only 283 votes. If you split the 288 votes in half and give them equally to the Conservative and Liberal candidates you have the answer. It is really like two men ganging up on a poor little kid and not to be proud about in any case. Here in B. C. we have been told about the wonderful record of Mr. Hart. Now we will wait to see how he comes out in getting back those taxes he conceded to the Dominion. We will also like to call attention to the fact that possibly Mr. Hart would not have done quite so well had he been in office during the depression instead of these days of diz2y taxation rackets. Apparently the south has gone Coalition whereas the north has gone C.C.F. There mast be a reason and the reason is that the north-1 has been fobbed and swindled for years, starting with our O. T. P. Railway. I am told that old gag about "What can you expect. The south has the votes." Very true Just like Hitler. "Might makes right." Nasty dig, but true." Great life, isn't it? Smithers. rJ.vMiT'l .M MlUIHt O D. T. GREENE. LISTEN TO ACE COMMENTATOR AND MASTER STORY TELLER m v i i i i i iii i wmm won. H'ed.-Pri. CFPR v6:45 PJU. K letterbox (Tribute (To "Duff" Will Be Remembered Affectionately fur All His Good and Useful Works The Vancouver Province pays editorial tribute to former Prime Minister T. D. Pattullo as follows: "Dufferln Pattullo has been called 'the Ripple Rock In the political narrows.' The tides of politics have worn him down and he has taken defeat in his first and last constituency of Prince Rupert after 29 years of continuous service in the Legislature. "His doughty and dapper figure will be missed in Victoria. He will be remembered not as the stubborn man who chose to end his career as a one-man party opposing the tides of inevitable change. There are so many other things to remember him by. His long and effective leadership of the opposition; his premiership through two provincial Parliaments; his useful contribution to the development of Industry and transportation Jn British Columbia; his untiring energy in all that he undertook to do. "He made many enemies, but their number is little compared with his friendships. He inspired the loyalty of strong men who now control the political life of the province. He tmllt up the coterie of good administrators which was at last reluctant to leave him behind at the parting of the ways. "His friends and opponents alike will remember him affectionately and wish him many quiet and happy years as a private citizen in B. C." MALE CHOIR TO RESUME Popular Local Vocal Organization to be Active This Winter The Prince Rupert Male Choir, which achieved a popular niche for Itself In local musical activities during the past few years, Js about to reorganize for the coming winter season, the weekly rehearsals to be Commenced on Monday evening next. While the choir still retains the most of its 28 or so member from last year, it will be welcoming every male singer who may be available. There is known to be more suitable talent In the city than is already enlisted in the organization whose membership Is open to all. Rememberln? the many fine programs which the choir has provided in past seasons, music lovers generally will welcome th announcement that it is to be active asraln this winter. The principal officers are: President, S. L. Peachey. Secretary, Louis Arroll. Conductor. C. A. Davis. Accompanist, Allan Crawford It has been estimated that advertising in daily newspapers giving information about business and industry increased 1600 during the war. (Based on Chopin's "Polonaise") TURNING OUT FINE LEADERS Prince Rupert Recreational Council Gets Gratifying ! Results in Training i The statement that the Recreational leaders in Prince Rupert . will be on a par with those of any other community in British Columbia has proven no idle, boast. j Now that leader training Is ap-1 proaching completion, this pre-i diction has become a reality. In j the girls' leaders classes the lat-j est addition to the training syllabus has 'been folk dancing. With the girls fundamental gymnastics table, the ladles' Keep Fit table and the elementary apparatus work having been mastered, there should be plenty of material for ladies gym classes this winter. All that impedes the opening of these classes Is the use of a large gymnasium. It is expected that this will be available shortly. All Junior and Intermediate classes of the Recreational Council will be cancelled for the Hallowe'en festivities. Leader training will go on as usual. Canadian Press, which gathers and supplies news from all over Canada and the world, is a nonprofit making co-operative association of daily newspapers. LATEST HEWS RCA VICTOR ABOUT m BISCUITS end VITA-WEAT CRISPBREAD from lONDON, ENGLAND In the spotless factories where Peek Frean's delicious English biscuits are made, full peacetime production, is getting under way. Very soon now, Canadians will be able to go into their favourite store and say: "Peek Frean's IMscuits, please." BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing ana Heating Automatic Sprinkling aria Coal Stokers. Corner 2nd Ave. ana 4in di Phone Red 3B P.O. Box I2)t A NEW VECTOR RECORD HIT! Perry Cono sings: WITH ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY RUSSELL CASE Hr'i lh romantic Cam vlc al Its thrilling bttt... In a infl. mtntol ctmpeiitUn suptrbly arrangtd by Rvtwll Cat. Yu'll want ta play this lalttt Vlclof Rtcord hit evar and vr again. Htar II today. elto (Did You Ev.r Cot) THAT FEELING IN THE MOONLIGHT-featuring Parry Coma, tho Satitlyirs and orch.ftro conducted by Rvtitll Cato. toth on Victor Record No. 20-1709 7Sc LOOK TO VICTOR RECORDS for the N w.tt Hits - - . Htr Are Just a Fw. ON THE ATCHISON. TOPEKA & SANTA FE IN THE VALLEY Tommy Doney nd Hit Orchestra Victor Record No: 20-1682 PLEASE NO SQ0EE2A DA BANANA JOSE GONZALEZ Tony Por nd Hit Orchestra Victor Record No. 20.1693 7Sc 7Su GOOD, C00D, C00D GOTTA BE THIS OR THAT Swing end Swy wkh Stmwy fore Victor Record No. 20-168 IF I LOVED YOU I'M ALWAYS CHASING RAfNBOWS Al Goedmtn end Hit Oichcstrt Victor Record No. 28-0402 75c. RECORD PLAYER Your RCA Victor dealer will toon bo dltplaylng inn compact, precitlon built RCA Victor Record riayer. Playing records through your radio II aouuei Iha enoyment at ham entertain- ment lor a tmoll Invettment. Watch for II at your RCA Victor dealer's e better ttill place your order writh him now. McRAE BROS. Ltd. hi H ANNOUNCEMENT .PRISCRIPTIONS. We are fully equipped to prescription requirements, accuracy assured. SAANICH ENGINEERS PLUMBING and HEATING WICK AND POT BURNERS COPPER COILS RANGE BOILERS GENERAL REPAIRS Box 1158 Station B Phone Black 962 William u . . rneian . uea and regi pharmacist, who t te" ,nth armed, vices for fi loined our stall the most exactln, Quality, purity 2j McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Ave. at Sixth St, to; , KWONO SANQ HBiQ HOP KEE CHOP Jill HOUSE 612 7th AVE. 'Next to King ; All your patronage weic - - k.wiu , to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 241 Hats 10c Aprons 19c Ticklers 5c Horns , 10c Noise Makers 10c Skeleton Rattlers . , 15c 1 Ml THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are tittle Dollars" CUT RATE e CUT RATE CUT RAIf New . . . MEN'S MnrrACiM VAMP shoes juai. iiiu tin"t5 coming: out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE CUT RATE CUT M Any type of construction undertaken Engineering and plans supplied. e.AR.... ...... ...i.Kiiatiaii rn NUKIn Wbl lUNilKUUIUM ui General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLINO- FINANCED U buuuh - rhone Mack 884 225 First Avenue East RUPERT BUTCHERS We serve you nothlnff but the best Special Red urnnu Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. a wt OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL U-M Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serre y Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc, t " out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick serrice. Phone 21 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices TRY US1 Third Ave. West Next Royal PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MOD eomW Make this your home In Prince BOP"1 First Ave. and EUb" BOX No. 997