m -La a m m m m m n n i n n a a .jprinrc lliipctt Dally ileitis Wednesday, October 31, 1945 Gloves of Distinctive Quality Beautifully Designed v A RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ' ' ' v.- Gloved -hand bc vui, is yours in any pair of these exquisitely designed gloves. For dayrCwear dress wear or evening wear the right length for the right occasion. Leather or fabric. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE A. MacKemie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 12 CORNER CABINETS Can be placed In any corner . . . they are mirrored for reflection and with glass shelves. In two colors, Ivory and walnut. Priced at $.".." We have now In stock a large variety of Restmore and Bimmons mattresses. Felt -and spring-filled; also the Beautyrcst mattress In stock. Price $-12.50 'MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED l'honc 75 32 Third Avenue Prince Rupert open for your Approval . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY T, at CENTRAL HOTEL jj G A.M. to 2:30 A.M. Wc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Today in Sports First Hobp Games Opening of Basketball Prince Rupert All Stars vs. U. S. Army to Top Hill Tomorrow Night Local basketball will set under way Thursday night at the Y.M. C.A. gymnasium with three games scheduled Tor the sports-hungry fans of Prince Rupert. Because the Prince Rupert Basketball Association has not yet been fully organized, it is proposed to have a team composed of local United States Army personnel picked by Lieut. Farmer, U. S. Army sports officer, oppose a local all-star team coached by Angus McPhee,. Prince Rupert basketball mentor. The first game of the evening will see the High School boys clash with the Macey melon tossers in an .Intermediate tussle. This should prove an exciting affair since the two teams have built up quite a rivalry and have ibeen practising for the pas' month. Arthur Murray, well-known local basketball promoter, will coach the Macey gang. The High School girls will tangle with the Kinsmen-sponsored girls for the second time. The students, though all youngsters and just started at the game, should give the Kinsmen team a real battle. The Kinsmen team Is composed mostly of High School grads. some of whom were on the Hlzh School champion team of 1944-45. Eddie Olad- used tables, $3.75; electric table lames: trllites; bookcases, high grade office chairs; pool table like new: new mirrors at sz.so; smoking stands; coffee tables; cash register like new; eiec trie fixtures; drapes at $2.50 pair: card tables, $2.25; new pillows, 75c; 2-piece Chester field bed in first class shape $65: new rues hand mada, from $2; carpets, 12x12, In best shape; high grade piano, bar ber chair in lair snape;. Bedroom suite, five pieces, like new; chesterfield; good occasional chair, $15; other good and useful articles. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Two large oil wick burners. Apply 252 8th Ave. West. (257) FOR SALE furniture ors. Complete bedroom Phone Modern Tall- rr (257) FOR SALE Kindergarten set, good as new. Phone Black 393. (254) FOR SALE 14-ft. boat, 3',4 h.p. Inboard engine. Apply Wilford Electrical Works, phone Blue 319. (254) LOST AND FOUND LOST Black wallet containing engagement ring, Saturday noon between Co-od and B.C, Packers. Finder please return' lo Liauy News. Reward. (252) FOUND Kit of tools on 2nd Ave. by Navy Garage. Owner may have same by calling at the Navy Garage and paying for this ad, (tf) TWO HOCKEY GAMES ARE ON SCHEDULE TORONTO, Oct. 31 ff There are only two mid-week games in the National Hockey League this week. New York Rangers will play their first game of the season tonight at Chicago when they meet the Hawks. The Hawks themselves have already played two games one of which they w;on over Boston and the other which they lost to Montreal. The other mid-week game is between the Leafs and the Cana- diens at Montreal. The Leafs have played only one game so far. That ended in a tie with Boston at Toronto. When the Leafs go to Montreal for Thursday night's match, their captain, Syl Apps, may be only a spectator. Apps was or- dlng, coach of the Kinsmen girls, is quite confident of his team. The third game will be booked as flie main attraction and will be between a local all-star aggregation antl local U. S. Army players. Most of the local players are not yet settled because of travelling back and , forth from Vancouver for discharge from the services, so it will not necessarily be the best Rupert could put on the hardwood. Sid Woodslde, however, has picked a squad that should put up a good game. Lieut. Farmer of the U. S. Army Forces was not given sufficient time to floor his best but he has sportingly offered' a team for this occasion and his teams have always been tops. Classified Advertising TERMS CASn Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE Singer sewing machine, treadle. Red. 732 (253) FOR SALE McClary 6 -hole white enamel range, complete with waterfront. Price $75.00. Can be seen at 1041 11th Ave. East. (2561 FOR SALE Model Phone Green 821. "A" engine. FOR SALE Restaurant business and three houses on two lots; also green house. $3500 takes the lot. Furniture $500 extra. Apply Lone Star Hut, Exchange Block. (252) FOR SALE Wurlitzer. Box 24 Daily News. (252) FOR SALE Modern completely furnished four-room house, excellent condition. Immediate occupancy; oil furnace and oil range. Make offer for quick turnover to enable American family to return to U.S.. 941 Second Ave. West. For inspection daily, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., phone American Signals 413. (253) FOR SALE Bed chesterfield, $25; mattress for double-size bed, $5. 424 8th Ave. East. Phone Black 614 after 5:30. (252) FOR SALE Bed chesterfield. 237 8th Ave. East after 5:30 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE New and used fur niture bought from United States Army Club at Port Edward selling at lowest prices. Used beds and springs, $4; WANTEU WANTED Record player In , good condition. Phone Blue j 469. WANTED Oil burner with or : without range. Phone 66. (254) WANTED Light housekeeping room by business girl. Close In. Call Kane, 538 before 5 p.m. (252) WANTED Second hand English pram in good condition. Apply Box 33 Daily News. (254) WANTED Woman to do cleaning by the hour, twice a ;week, Phone Red 878. (tf) WANTED Board and room by, gentleman, close in desired. Box 37 Daily News. Phone 31. (253) HELP WANTED WANTED Clerk-stenographer. W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. Phone 72. (tf) WANTED Experienced stenog rapher, steady work. Apply stating qualifications to Box 32 Dally News. (tf) HELP WANTED Smart girl, office clerk for Bulkley Market. Permanent. Apply at the Market. ,311 3rd Avenue; (255) YOUNG MAN as assistant Engineer's Office. Excellent graduate -with some ambition. Apply National Selective Service Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. (254) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more 'economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured, by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) PERSONAL PAIN KILLER FOR CORNS 1 Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (255) PERSONAL Would like to con tact someone driving to Terrace on Thursday, Nov. 1. . Write Box 36, Dally News. (252) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 843 9th Ave. West. room. (254) FOR RENT Room. 812 2nd Ave. West. FOR RENT Largfe comfortable room for gentleman; close in. Apply Box 33 Dally News, (tf) FOR RENT Suite, furnace. 1142 rarK Avenue. (252) FOR RENT Furnished 1531 8th Ave. East. room. '(255) FOR RENT Nice cheery bedroom at Mrs. BeattieH 646 Taylor St. Phone Green 830. (252) FOR RENT 3-roomed seml-fur-nlshed suite. Phone Black 751. (254) run uimmi Bleeping room, warm ana comrortable iwlth good bed. Respectable home. Gentleman only 427 5th Ave. East Phone Blue 967 (254) dered from the Ice at work-outs In the Maple Leaf Gardens yesterday by the team physicians. It seems that Apps was hurt In an exhibition game In Hamilton last week. He has a br6ken nose, a badly swollen right eye and a cut In the cheek. But since then he has managed to get in three work-outs before the doctors got to him. Yesterday the medicos decided that he had better stay off the ice for at least three more days. But there Is still a chance he may ito back to his spot at centre when the Leafs meet New York Rangers at Toronto Saturday night. Coach Hap Day may take Bill Ezinicki to Montreal and drop one of his other right-wingers. Ezinicki was late joining the Leafs and Day says he can't get Into shape playing on thet bench. Vancouver Wins Over Seattle VANCOUVER, Oct. 31 W Vancouver defeated Seattle 5 to 4 In overtime In a Pacific Coast Hockey League fixture last night. Airmen For This District On Way Royal Canadian. Air Force personnel on their way back to the central British Columbia area after overseas service to land at Halifax on the. Queen Elizabeth a few days ago Included Cpl. L. G. Kerr of Burns Lake and L.A.C. M. H. E. Walls of Prince George. A news story breaking In London can be transmitted to the Dally News office here by Canadian Press in about 15 minutes. SHOW STARTS 11(30 P..M. EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS i"1 - GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and Valuator SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone. Red 127 COLORFUL, ROMANTIC "Diamond Horseshoe," With Betty Grable and Dick llaymes, at Capitol This Thursday, Friday, Saturday Packed with song hits, hilarious dialogue, colorful dance routines and beauteous girls, a spectacular musical picture In technicolor, Billy Rose's "Diamond Horseshoe,'-' comes for a three-day engagement at the Capito. Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The picture, as the name sug gests, is set against the background of the world famous night spot Just off Times Square in New York. It takes movie audiences behind the scenes and Into the lives of people who make Broadway entertainment history. Betty Grable Is seen as the girl with the most beautiful legs on Broadway, a headliner .In the show and hardened to everything but her own success. But fate spins a romantic web and Betty falls head over heels in love with Dick Haymes, son of her bitterest rival, William Gaxton. Betty Is faced with a challenge which serves as the basis for an intriguing love story. Scintillating song hits are highlighted by the spectacular "Acapulco" number. Other hits are "I Wish I Knew" and "The More I See You." Other top-ranking stars In "Diamond Horseshoe" include Phil Silvers, Beatrice Kay. Carmen Cavalerro and William LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient and Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE (10 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue Good News for Trappers . . . providing they bring their furs to Goldbloom. 10 higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fur Coats, 20 lower in price than anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Shcetmetal Works Shcetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestro'ugh & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor, 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box, 725 Phone Blue 864 201 SPINE- On ihc Smc pxopam "Mother Goose's Nightmare" "NEWS" TONIGHT HALLOWE'EN GHOST SHOW OUTLAW LOCH tfgt ROMS OUT. . . -when a jiri meets men on even terms to blast a bandit band! JZm FREEZING SCENES Capitol V A FAMOUS PUYERS THEATRE "ST TLMES TODii Ji'DY OAKLAND Iq "THE CLOCK" r ' MMi' 1:00 VSN NV MPv 4:" v f. Jr- r y,fflSW J 6:54 ft Hh lov "lory.. , 2N mill, il0M. i 1 9 It 'rl..,nJ.L' il - i "mi onj on lilt lip,,..!,! d to J!ij ipteklJ UK PHIL SILVERS WILLIAM GAXTON BEATRICE KAY CARMEN CAVALLARO CAPITA A IAHOUI MiYIM THIlTlll TONIGHT m ONLY ADULT TICKETS SOLI FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. you want the best, you will find it on oil shelves. You are invited to inspect our stocl MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE , (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 5'' SUPER HEALTH ALUMINUM WARI Sec our complete line of these Ideal cooking utensils Thick cast aluminum that cooks food in its own moistunl Start a set today arid assure yourself of years of cooking pleasure, convenience and economy Gordon's Hardware Mcllridc Street INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8U NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up . ' 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold , water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 W. C. Osborne P.O. Box 167 V. Imhoff rhone . TERRACE Transfer&Ta Storage trr T7t;"P AT.Tj SERVICE TO ANY Pfl IN THE DIS'li". (H. SMITH) wrrr CORNER SNACK H -At- - innxsie Lambly) WVlid v TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE A. M. Willil "kU ItecondltH Expert Repairs on all makes of cars uictivl woric Diesel Aceiyiene aim nrvsr . TERRAC&1