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St'Sif Sv-?S imiluble NOW at ------ - - - . 4trs .. a a a a a b I a a B B y a a a b ....v.v.v.v.'.v.v.v."?. n!y,''""'",-v"v"v"XiX a a XI I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a tvJj a a a irr a .liM a iiui v5SI I'M a iO 111 ir itii CLOTHES m v .v.H.iiV:.ii yLV .)t -ti- 11 -4i.i n -.. j a a i a a a a i a a a a a a i a a a a a a i a a a a a aaaeaaaaaaaaaaas IZY.t m a aaaaaaaaaa a r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, X. : a 'a". rJjo.!.v.v-v-v-:-x wcas :!:::... .' a a a -.? IH iS W T -a a a a a a l a -- - - w trz&izy ; a a a a a a I a a a a - - ' aaaaaav I WQ:?V.1 BH aK4 :v.;.:. a a a a a a aa I JNy- ::::: &?Jrt iSB STV , 7 a a a a '!i'IIxI,I!! . "b'b"b"b"b " a a b b b -0?s a b bWM' t BBaaaaBBa H a a b a a:'VjHBR? a a a k:?4:' taaaaaaaaa M IBB BBS HjtN!K a5S ': ?iS:?tltj; B B B B QiWZ'''m C".".'.'.V.V. Wm. a a"a a a!W :C Z a a a a a '-&'SaWw a a a a Mt5S$S':s bbbbbbbbbb .y:!:::&:.:.:.:.:kSi :.v.y.v.:.v. S : ... - ivac--j. - 7 sa . . ,y. " . . . . i a a a a a tMSi'? bbbbbbbsbi P'aaB i i i i "(' laaaaaaaaa R-fi a a a a a S5?k? aaaBBBBBBI III. "a a a a al&sl"4 '! a a a a a b 2&f,C BasaaBBsat I , ,V I mWIMb I I I I -! 1BBBBBBBBB ill SllS V aaaaaaaaat I i i i i I I I 'liP I a a a a a MS&Kj a a a a a a ibbbbbbbbb I iWatVli a a a a a aSi--s , aaaaaaaaat a I I ! - lS B B B 8 B B B B 8 I I L4?W7 a a a a a a a Hl liSSwSi 81?S? ; aaaaaaaaaa I tSSiJBl I I I 8 MH' BS8BSSBBBI I a a a a B m;?Maawfo4 a a a a bbi- yij n X-X'K-X-X- . XvX-XvX' """idS! B HUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE MURPHY LUMBER peral Agent Acc-Tex ILUSTEHITE podem finish for bath- and kitchens, in 8 - plain and blocked. lalite-nastic Moulds llous colors, to trim table isinks, bathrooms, etc. fl'ly Waterproof Fir and I Kirch Veneers ruberoid Roofing Surfaced Mineralized hallty lepalrs I at fcnomy trices It on fine Tex Hexagon Shingles id Building Papers of all kinds p Lap, Common and won Lumber available r house and general i construction cc-Tcx Tile Floors lCE RUPERT OE R.EPAIR (Near the Post Office) I can say this in tee words ... UY COAL NOW IN 'THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP HERBERT V. BATEMAN, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Woodburn, acting as Local Judge oi the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was oa the AH persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith anJ all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of September 1945. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. ... DATED at Prince RuDert. B.C., this 30th day of August A.D., 1045. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD IMIONES 116 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY SHORT SPORT The last big cricket game of the year at Lord's in London saw SArtKr thS auSe two centuries scored as a Do- of Herbert V. Bateman. who died on mlnons team won over England lout of 70. England's Captain, Wally Hammond, made two cen turies in the game scoring i:i in the first inning and 102 in Khe second. Poired wun i. in. Sonstantlne, noted West Indian player, Miller put on an amazing batting show. They ran up a total of 117 runs in 43 minutes, Constantine 'hitting two i r nr uti nor'c nn nrivtrs by 45 runs. Keith Miner, young sixes, uu. u Australian night fighter pilot. was one of e besthiever capped all his previous enons seen u. --.o ----- fSt.H h.n hP hit seven ling over the new members- sixes and 13 fours In scoring 183 stand into the roadway. : Notice to Students : We have been advised by the Department of Education Text-Book Branch that these tcxt-books will probably not be available until the following dates: Highroads to Reading, Primer to Book IV October l Work Books to High, to Read. Primer to Book II .... October 1 Jolly NumbersBook II - September 1 Dominion Language Series, Book 1 Septem ber 15 World Geography for Canadian Schools October l 0ber Lady of the Lake - Latin for Today, Second Course :tDer0, 20 Canadian School Atlas - October Canadian Geography for Juniors : Book of Modem Prose f uaie Si Nous Llslons JSDat? Experimental Chemistry for Colleges October l ; TTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTVVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTJ .SCHOOL OPENiNG Mothers, here's your chance to send the youngsters back to school in shoes that are not only good-looking and "can take it," but in shoes constructed for young, tender feet. We specialize In fitting children. Our shoes are made with plenty of room for proper development and smoothly finished Inside. We have such famous makes as Greb, Leckie, Thursten and CUT RATE SHOE STORE KkAAAAUAAAiLUJk--A-iAiU.AAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-iAAAAAAiir FOOTBALL IS UNDER WAY Ontario Gridiron Clubs Resume With a Bans on Peacetime Basis TORONTO, Sept. 15 Oi Eastern football opened with a bang today as the gridiron game returned to a peacetime basis for the first time since 1939. All five Ontario Rugby Football Union Clubs are in action. Toronto Oakwood Indians oppose Ottawa Trojans at Lans- downe Park and Hamilton Wildcats travel to Windsor to meet the Rockets, reintroducing 0R. R.U. competition to Windsor for the First time In 16 years. The fifth O.R.F.U. club, Toronto Balmy Beach Tip Tops meet their old Intra-city rivals Toronto Argonauts of the revived Inter-provlnclal union, in an exhibition game in Toronto. DiMaggio Returns To Game Next Year NEW YORK, Sept. 15 ffl The former New York outfield star, Sergeant Joe DiMaggio, who has been discharged from the American Army because of stomach ulcers, has indicated that he will not toe rejoining the Yankees until next season. However, It would not be surprising if he m?de an appearance at Yankee Stadium before the end of the playing schedule in two weeks, Baseball Scores American League Washington 6, Cleveland 5. St. Louis 4, Boston 1. Detroit 1, Philadelphia 0. National League Brooklyn 7-6, St. Louis 3-1. New York 7, Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 4-0, Chicago 3-6 Pacific Coast League Portland 6, San Diego 4. Sacramento 11, Seattle 3. Los Angeles 5-10, Oakland 4-1. LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES In the American League yes terday the Detroit Tigers main tained their slim half game lead over the second place Washing ton Senators by taking a l-i decision from Philadelphia. This was as the Senators were edging out a 6-5 win over Cleveland St. -Louis beat Boston 4-1, and the game between Chicago and New York was postponed because of rain. In the National League, Phila delphla and Chicago split a twin bill. Philadelphia took the first game 4-3 -and Chicago came back to take the second 6-0. Brooklyn swent their double-header with St. Louis, winning 7-3 and 6-1, and New York took a 7-5 win from Cincinnati. Both games in the International League's Governor's Cup play-offs were postponed be cause of rain. The series thus far finds Toronto leading Newark two games to one, while Montreal and Baltimore are tied with one game each. Both Toronto and Montreal ?ee action today In the Governor's Cup play-offs. Toronto takes on Newark In the fourth game of their series in Toronto. Baltlmpre plays at Montreal in the third game of the semifinal series between these two. National League Brooklyn at Chicago (preceded by compie tlon of July 20 suspended game) Philadelphia at St. Louis, Bos ton at Cincinnati, New York at Pittsburgh. American League Detroit at Washington (double-header), St Louis at New York (double-header). Cleveland at Philadel phia (double-header), Chicago at Boston. STOLE THE STARS DARWIN, Australia, ) A strange flag floated over Sadau Island off Borneo after Australian commandos had landed. They discovered they were without an Australian flag. Some silk was provided by an American parachute unit. This same unit also provided the stars but It dld'nt know that until the next morning, when it was discovered that there were holes in ItsJ ceremonial flag where stars should have been. Kingarvie Wins . Coronation Race TORONTO, Sept. 15 CM The Parkwood Stable's Kingarvie, touted as the two-year old of the year as far back as last spring, won the first leg of Ontario's triple crown for Juveniles In the $5000 Coronation Stakes at Toronto's Woodbine Park. By taking the event, Kingarvie es tablished himself as the prohibitive Javorite for the Clarendon Plate and Mrs. Orpen's Cup and Saucer, the other two fall classics for Juveniles. CURLING IS RESUMING TORONTO, Sept. 15 0) The Dominion curling championship play-offs will be resumed next year, and they will be held in Saskatoon March 4 to 7. This has been announced in Toronto by Thomas Renni, the chairman of the board of trustees for the Macdonald Brier Curling tankard. The championships were cancelled in 1942 for the duration of the war. C.N.R. Trains For the East Dallv exceot Sunday From lie F-ast Dally except Monday . 8 p.m. 10:4S p.m. THE BULKLEY MARKET Phone Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Blue 142 PAPERHANGING SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1234 ANNOUNCING . . . CORNER SNACK BAR -At-TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE In Terrace THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern Dept.Store WE WELCOME TOURISTS TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND . GARAGE W.'c. Osborne V. Imhoff A. M.' Williams Expert ReRairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 ': TERRACE, B.C. tDrincc nupcjt.pn.li? J3eto0 Saturday, September 15r 1945 TODAY ONLY STARTS MONDAY SOMA HEME in "IT'S A PLEASURE" at 1 3-5-7 and 9 p-m. I ON IHI IAMI FRO ORAM I r Popular Science "GATEWAY TO ASIA" Colored Cartoon SUNDAY AT CHARLIE CHAN in "THE SCARLET CLUE" For BABY liiipiffll MIDNITE ARTHUR LAKE JANE LAWRENCE in "SAILOR'S HOLIDAY" G. R. Mutrie, Optometrist OFFICES IN IIEILISKONEIt'S JEWELRY STORE Complete qualified optical service. Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best. NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABY Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Dmqgiats THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FALL IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER! WITH IT COLD WEATHER . . . Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price .. $42.50 Mall Orders Shipped At Once Phone 775 327 Third Avenue TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS- THEY GET RESULTS v