Till Dally Edition ;THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Saturday, May 19, 1945 -. t i- : ?ubllshi erery afternoon except Sun-lay by Prince Rupert DaUy News jmlted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, Brltl&n Columbia. a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1y City Carrier, per week 16 er Month 65 -Per Year $7 00 3y Mall, per month 40 -Per Year 4.00 Newh and Smart Leisure . Jackets corduroy i FRONT TWEED i TRIM ! ... and . . . ALL-CORDUROYS Belted, 4 pockets, with Slacks to match. Shades: ferown ' Green, Maroon. Jlere to serve the public ; YORK COHSTRUGTION t . Buildlngy Materials, ; ; Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small i PHONE BLACK 884 MEMBER ABC. Clean Up and Paint Up . . . Next week has been designated as "Clean Up, Paint Up and Fix Up Week" in Prince Rupert. The Junior Chamber of Commerce is the motivating element, the city is offering its support and co-operation and even the Weather Man appears to be lending his auspicious blessing. Many Prince Rupert people, of course, do not have to be reminded or urged in the matter of cleaning and painting up but it is fitting to draw some attention to the matter as w$ are doing today with the support of local business men. It is to be hoped that all people who have any property in their care will pitch in as far as possible in this ' t very commendable spring effort, that by a week from now there will be some marked improvements and that the effort will be maintained throughout! the season. Even though we have been battered about these last few trying years, there are no doubt many thinsrs that . could be more or less easily done in the way of making tbe community more sightly and attractive. i Really Helping Local Boys . . . The local Sea Cadets, have been to yie fore this week through the occasion of their annual inspection which We had tbe pleasure of witnessing;. It occurred to us that it would' be I fitting enough for us to make some sort of an acknowledgement The Best i n S p oris We a r V . . . - . . , - "THE MEN'S SHOP" in this column of the continuing-,good worlc of Lieut. - Commander ex Mitchell and tlje others, including the executive of. the Navy League of Canada, who are identified with the promotion, conducting and administering of the Sea Cadet Corps organization in Prince Rupert. From time to time we hear of various projects and plans, for the direction of the activities of youth of Prince Rupert along useful and wholesome lines. All these efforts are worthy of commendation and support. However, it might not be amiss to mention the fact that the local Sea Cadet Corps for pome twenty year's now, through hard times' and, good, has been carrying on a splendid function among th6 lads of Prince Rupert, largely in their teens. Today nearly 150 boys are receiving benefits along many lines of recreational activity in addition to the straight elementary training for fighting men of the sea. One has but to see the Sea Cadets in action such as was demonstrated at their inspection this week to be impressed with their keen enthusiasm and the real benefit they are obtaining under fine direction and1 control. They are learning among other things principles, of good citizenship and hoW to keep in bounds of consideration one for the other. It has been said that seldom, if ever, has a Sea Cadet been known to run foul of the authorities or get himself in any sort of trouble therewith. From what we have bbserVfl of the local Corps we can Well appreciate the reason why that Ls the ' case. - The local Corps here is fortunate in the leadership it has today arid has had in the past. It has also been fortunate in the assistance and cooperation it has had hi various ways, such as in training insfructidn, from the active navy. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms; Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Free Delivery Throughout the City J MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section J TUESDAY THURSDAY .SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Klndly give, us' your order before 12 o'clock noon during ', your delivery day. ! : : 1 We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest I fresh arid cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RT BUTCHERS RdTAUY BLOOD CLINIC -'Continued tizrii Page 1 ASTHMA Don't Gasp for Urenth I MonorsAre Hteiljwjth, him, and' fthe'irTblood te'tetd and typed by doctors so that, if a call comes in for donors of one par immediately available. Essence of the project is speed. "We had occasion Thursday afternoon to use two of our vealed. "The '' Prince Rupert General Hospital -sent us a call for two donors and we were able to supply them witbout'any loss of time. j He emphasized that citizens are being asked, to" list their names as prospective donprs purely in the" cause of humanity. "Some cities have professional blood donors who gt paid for the blood they give, but the Rotary Club's clinic Ls strictly-humanitarian." After a prospective donor leaves his or her name with Mr. Ritchie, a doctor makes tests to determine if the donor's blood can be used. If it can, it is catalogued as to type, and listed. Thus the doctors knqw exactly where to come If a particular type of blood Ls needed In a hurry. Donors give their addresses and telephone num bers so they can be reached readily. oia on Money Itaeh Guaruntev! ORME'S Ltd; telephone 81 or 82 p u b l r c MEETING Sunday, Ma20 8:30 p.m. ODDFELLOWS' HALL Speaker': Colin Cahierdri M.L, A, INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. B. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 with thi singing of -0 Canada," 'and, following dinner several jshort speeches were mads. Mrs. locoii propcssa a loasi w uig re- , ! tiring Senior Regent, Amy Kas- and recitations were contributed by Senior Regent Kasper and Mesdames McQuade, Grlnvble iC5."Ly 1" the evening was spent playing court whist with Mrs. Sahple OLske winning the KTst prize Paratroopers Train at Jasper Park 4tJ licoP 3' LE CHOIX DES TAB ACS THE REX GAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across' from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173' Commercial Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. Meet M'6 at ... . JOHNNY'S ' JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Isolated or lost .sections of Mountain troops training In the Rockies were sent ammunition, supplies, by plane and parachute. Men made pack ack, Into .symbol on the ice and took cover until the 'chute landed. Women of Moose Enjoyed Banquet Some 50 members attendfd a banquet cf'the Women of the Moose last night In the Oommo-t jdore Cafe. Th? evening opened Military Orders m1 (It.) Hri. Trlnce Ituprrt Rett. (M(l) C. J. Toombs. Maj. Commanding A machine gun and 3 inch mortar shoot will be held at Oal-loway Rapids on Sunday .20 May. A, C, Hvy. Mortar and Signals will attend. Personnel of L.A.A. Bty. and Band wishing to observe, may, attend. Dress coveralls and steel helmets. Fall in Drill Hall 1030 hours. Coffee and cups will be provided, but personnel will bring lunches. closed with the alnging of "Old and Mrs. Moller receiving. (the Lang Syne" and "God Save th? Eee our stock of household fdrnlture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER C32 Third Ave. Phone Blue C9 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further'' Information, Tickets and Reservations" FRANK J. SKINNER Prince" Rupert Agent Third' Ave. Phone 5(58 11 Ull.Wl SON OF LOCAL COOPLE SAFE Flight Sgt. Murray Hender-, m. 22, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, 1C3 Ihird Avenue East, ls now safe In Fjigland after having been listed as missing since March 17 cn a bombing flight over Germany, his parents were advised Thursday. Flight Sgt. Henderson enlisted In the R.C.A.F. in November, 1942, at Vancouver and ias been overseas since 1943. He was brought up at Letellier, Manitoba, and went to school there and at Emmerson, Classified Ads News get results. in The Dally Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited' quantity" of Tx3' Maple Flooring on hand. Call and .ve It, Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Norwegians Ji Is Observed Under Happy Auspices VT 4 i Local Norweg-.ans gathered Thursday night iri the Oddfel lows' Hall last night to commemorate their national day and to enjoy a fine program under the auspices of the "Aid to Norway corri.nlttee. , Rudolf Olsen, the president of the committee, opened the rail'; introducing the chairman of the evening, August Wallln. Mr. Wal lin siresied the cause for re Jolcing that Norway was again a free nation, that, after five I years of Nazi ircn h(el, now th nation could begin Its lndepen-ae.it national lire and that com-munh . Ions would soon open be-tweer Nrnfiy and a free vnrid, Thd Vurdi'ii Singers, under Pete Lien, i v Mi-. selec tlons after .wlilch Mayor H. M. i Daggett to ilc the floor tad de-i llvered a message of greeting to the Norwegian community, j empha-iizing chc great role the Norwegian Merchant Mrnw i and Air Force had played in (the war. Miss Frances Mb re cave two piano selections whl:h wjre well received by tin? big audience. I after which Paul 'iara:irer de 'llvered a spem: o.i the tra ditional Norwec'sjJ Ntfti&ul day The speaker made comparison: between pobple'8 t trugglcs throughout hUixry, declaring that eternal vitrilanne was the price a nation has to pay for its freedom. Peter Lien spoke in Norwegian on the hopes and aspirations of the Norse people since the Nazi nlxtv.mare has been dispelled. He expressed the hope .hat It would be possible In a near future to educate all pec.jle to Jive in peace and re-sjiect each other's ways of life-Mr. Foss, who has been in Prince Rupert In American service and about Ij leave, gave a brief, touching speech on his experiences among the clUzens of Prince Rupert. Betides these speechtsu musi cal program was enjoyed. A. C Cameron charmed' the audience will his violin music; Mrs. i.lau Lindseth sang some vocal numbers; the varden Singers sang six selections and the audience had the opportunity to participate In patriotic songs both in English and Norwegian.! mm wm And iwU, Hi U JOHiVBULC Bit of Flora Dora Limited JEWELLEKI Third Ave Mj visits (lie lieach Sim Demure and' lovely swim uit in 'plain safins with striped alldViloYal rioek trim. One and two pieces. As flattering a suit as you ill find. Coiries in jv- er:! color combinations. Designed to make you the prettiest 1)M1V oh the beach. Cummins Diesel Engines Wlllard Batteries A Annette's Ladies' Wea "We Lead . . . Others Follow INDUSTRIAL & MARINE RE WE REPAIR ANYTHING T?on.-iirs to all Automotive and Ma""! Equipment - Body Work and Tainting Agenuior ntt,prSal Forest Kins' - Raybestos TV ACETYLENE AM) ARC WELDING Phone 459 994 First Ave. West MACH1NIN0I pox I V 5 PHONE 21 TIHRD AVE. W. IULATI0N' PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS -CIRC Buy War Savings Stamps