III' Chamber of Commerce - City of Prince Rupert 1 jU'I '-'IB i VVKWR 'Tk M7TTi TTi' L P"aaaBaaaBTj aaaaaaaaal HI iA Jr I K1 ftaBaaaaaaa'BBVaV! WLf LfiHVl .Wl I rx vul aaLaaaBBBBBBi . iB i i ii hi - v I iauiBiri a ubt i i n waHb. , " w i hi ii m i i i w pi J fn in'if i I' I BT-. KaVmBBBBHW I aM Ml i I IP WT II' I I 1 -UBBVJaHlW I i ri falTM ill! n ' i i ii I i I i i k ' .J" -mmmmwmWLmY j. I ' MBMWHMIfMl Ii 1 i I IM III X I w inrwr bit v "iigr i -r mMfair fflaffr- jbf fgey , . 'v,.. FRESH-UP TIME I f V WW Sal mX. V V 1 VL, k .11 I i ew v a :rm' ar- r- V A ' ' w A art. aft It A V spring is the season Avhen you want to give your home a new, fresh look. And wu can, with very little expense! Our Jj8h quality, low priced wallpaper is the answer! Select the patterns and colors you want from a wide assortment of the smartest wallpaper de- GORDON AND ANDERSON HARDWARE Ay 21 . i Your chairs, tables and other furniture can be painted to look new and fresh In colors to harmonize with your decorating scheme. Our paints are easy to use, long-wearing and economical. SATIN-GLO I'aints and Enamels Thompson Hardware Company Limited Thitd Ave. $5 NOW'S THE TIME To make your home attractive for spring and summer. WE SPECIALIZE IN . . . Interior and Exterior PAINTING and DECORATING LORNE CORNELL PAINTING Paperhanging Signs Showcards rilONE BLUE 142 WALL-PAPER REFLECTS . . . Cheerfulness ... YOUR HOME will look twice as lovely this spring if you repaper your favorite rooms with our fine wallpaper. Choose from many tasteful patterns and attractive colors all of the highest quality, yet the low cost of the entire job will surprise you. Estimates with no obligation. LEO OYER Fhone lied '395 r Interior Decorator 1?! WITH WOOD'S Sanitation Products and CI.EAN-UP SUM-LIES from PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 303 2nd Ave. THONE 632 HITTING THE NAIL ON THE HEAD... Is part of the business of home owning. Repairing your home every year maintains its comfort and appear- anceand helps to keep your city attractive. ALBERT AND McCAFFERY ISUII.DKHS SUPPLIES GIVE YOUR HOME Junior Chamber's Appeal The Prince Rupett Junior Chamber of Commerce challenges every citizen to do his or her part to make this Spring Clean-Up Campaign an unprecedented success. Spring Cleaning should not be confined to the housewife. Wc, and you, are judged by appearances and any city becomes a better city with neat and tidy homes and property. Do your part and others will be encouraged to do theirs. Burn useless rubbish repair fences cut and trim the grass clean out the basement and the attic prevent possible fire paint where possible. SPRING CLEANING Outside as well as inside will bring a glow of pride that all can share. It's a call for "ACTION" Now! Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. CLEAN UP WEEK aaaar v. jmi BBBBBar. WW" FOR HOME C. I. L. PAINTS Once Used . . . Always Used ! SEE SILVERSIDES BROS. Iff WEEK A BRIGHT NEW LOOK FOR SPRING HOWE AND McNULTY SECOND AVENUE HARDWARE PAINTS FT mm pit mmm I Handsome, serviceable painted surfaces are protection for your structures. Give your residence the benefit of our quality paint, for appearance and endurance. GORDON'S HARDWARE Rrandram-Henderson Paints STUCCO WORK and Plaster Finishing gives, an attractive, durable finish to the exteriors of homes and business buildings. We arc Specialists in . . . v.! :!;;. EXTERIOR and INTERIOR PLASTERING and BRICKWORK J. BREMHER - PLASTERER We Heartily Endorse Prince Rupert's CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP WEEK FRED SCADDEN Painters Decorators MAY 28