If. i. r4 f 11 1,1 a Mm 5 i m m m t a a a a i a a a i . . . I a a a a ' I i i i a a a ILI. '' M lrincc Uupcrt Dailj? J3clus Monday, December 17, 1945 SIBERIAN LUMBER TO AID AUSTRALIA ; CANBERRA, Sept. 17 ? Australian hopes to eke out its local timber supplies and what it can import from British Columbia by brining 100,000,000 feet of lumber from East Siberia in 146. The Australian cabinet R-tll ask the Soviet to do a deal for this. Before the Pacific War some shipments of Siberian lumber reached Australia. It included a a a a a a a a a a a i i yy.-xw a yyyy.m & mm) Available NOIF at both soft woods (pine) and hard-wood, known in the trade as Manchurlan oalc, from the lower valley of the Amur River. This Siberian lumber will not go far toward Australia's needs which are expected to reach a minimum of 1,200,000,000 feet a year for a long time after the war. It Is expected that there will be some heavy shipments from Canada's Pacific coast. The timber resources of New Guinea win also be used. New Britain has hardwood (eucalyptus) forests. . .. . . . . . . m m m a isr. yv a a a a a a a a a ft a a a a 75 to ?00 Ease v 529.75 $34.75 Gentlemanly ease The case that speaks expense. Itond builds it into the suit Of your chosen cloth. Tweed, serge or finely woven worsted. ' Tailored case at a price that Hardy rulllcs the hank roll. t It's a feat that Itond performs, With customized tailoring precision;. Td your exact measurements.. With infinite care for detail. Aged Couple Learn Son Safe In East LONDON, Sept. 17 ffi-Charles Heather, 72, of Ladbroke Drove, playing patience with his crippled wife, turned on the radio for the 9 o'clock news broadcast. "Not much news tonight, mum,' he said as he started to switch the radio off. . . and the rust British prisoner to be released from a Japanese camp Is Sgt. Charles Heather," the announcer was saying. "That's our boy, mum," said Charles senior. , And now the basement flat Is decorated to welcome a son the couple have not seen for ten !.v.s:.:.!.!.!.N:.!.:.!.SN:.:.!.syo:.:.ss:.!.!.:.!.!.:.:.v.v . . . ' a a a a qut . tEL. m aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.-. -aaaaa-. - aaaaaaaaaaaa I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa m . " jS ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a-a aaaaaaaa a a a a. a a a Srf$ fj aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa m aaaaaa fer 'mm.'.m.',;'En&r4' m Mvl v w,: mSM - v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v wrm mw m-yyyyyyyyyyyyyM years. Sgt Heather, a regular soldier, was captured at Hong Kong in December, 1941. Two years later the War Office reported he had drowned when the Japanese prison ship Lisbon Maries was sunk by Allied warships. Six months later a card from their son told Mr. and Mrs. Heather he was alive and well alter spending a week on a raft and then being recaptured. V-J DAY CASUALTY WROUQHTON, Wiltshire. Eng. South Africa's oldest operational pilot, Lt.-Col. Pierce Simon Jouberts, 50, died in hospital here from lnjurits in a fireworks explosion on V-J Day. 5tf O WW' Ki a a a a a a a a 4v.v.v.v. t m -j js ....... ..".. W aaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, fX aaaaaaaaaaaaaa JtfM -aaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a & y - I'X'X'X'X'"""'" a Ba-B"t"--p-BB t jy M Jrh yX a"a"a"a"a"aaB ......"." -w m ? ?'' u At!Srt!iW?i .v.v.r. aKAwcs'' 'w' Z m f wi mm i JK?3(&2&ii..;J ajajn :"X'Xv:-:te'.-OTM w-x-x-x-x X'X'I'IiEI'I'I'ISivI'I'I'I'I'I'!"! ''' sS3 4rJ$ ffv m aaaaaca. - . aaaaaaaaaaaaaa a I sc. -W4 ."x.-. ;jt- tjv v a a m vX-WX'XvXvX XX$B5Im& 'X'XvXyX sswtgBtmtim.': X-Xviir vXvX-X-X flaalieW.V.V.V.VXSama aaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaai a a a a a a a a a i aaaaaaaaai RUPERT MEN'S AND ROYS5 STORE Quality Repairs at Economy Prices I PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL NOW We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 COAL and WOOD 0 PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Poulsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? Because ... It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN ! Is .YOUR car suffeiing from neglect? A lubrication and oil change may give it a new lease on life and add to YOUR motoring pleasure. Make an appointment with US for YOUR car. Does YOUR car look down-at-the-heel? Call at our Parts Depot and get some Speedry Car Wash, a Polish Cloth and some Wax Polish. Perhaps a new set of Seat Covers or a new Floor Mat would not go amiss. ' Are YOU planning a trip to the Interior? Do not forget to go prepared with a tire pump, patching kit, flashlight, tool kit, tire chains all the little extras that are indispensable. Call at S. E. PARKER LIMITED 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 Today in Sports Vet Hoopsters LEGION TAKES LEAD IN HOOP ORGANIZATION With the organizing of returned men into one and possibly two teams, the Canadian Legion is playing a leading part already in lining up of basketball talent for the forthcoming Senior League season in Prince Rupert. The Legion now has plenty of talent in sight for one team and may possibly be able to get a second organized. S. P. Woodsire is tfie moving spirit in the organizing of the veterans for hoop play and is lining up several of the former local mel-n tossing stars who are returning from war. The Y.M.C.A. gymnasium has been obtained Monday evenings for practices and ex-service men basketball players are being invited to turn cut. LOCAL TEAM GOING NORTH An Invitation nas been ex tended by Walter Becker of Ketchikan to Fortress softball team of Prince Rupert to play his all-star team at Ketchikan this week-end. It is expected that the teams will play a double-header on Saturday and possibly one on Sunday. Fortress, although losing the Prince Rupert championship to Port Edward, feels confident of bringing back a victory. Fortress will be minus their regular pitcher, Rube Sher, who is leaving this week on discharge but. will have Hank Burman, ace hurler from the Barrett Fort. It Is expected that the Ket chikan All-Stars will visit Prince Rupert for a return series the following week-end. SHORT SPORT David Cochrane, Irish inter national outside-right, who has been playing soccer in Northern Ireland during the war, has signed for Shamrock Rovers, of Dublin, and will not return to Leeds United, the club was informed. Leeds paid a high price for Cochrane when it obtained his transfer from Portadown, Northern Ireland, in 1937. It is unlikely they will receive anything from Shamrock Rovers. Geonge James Ross, 67, former Olympic gymnast, international, tennis table player and rifle shot, died suddenly at Slough, Berk-shore, from heart disease. He was a member of the all-English Table Tennis Association and captained several winning teams on the continent. He represented England as a gymnast at the 1908 Olympic games in London and the 1912 games at Stockholm. In addition, he won several honors at Blsley with the City of London Special Constabulary team. Willie Hall, former England and Tottenham Hotspur inside forward, has been named official coach of the Clapton Orient football team. Foot trouble caused hfls retirement in 1944, In his heyday Hall was valued at 10,000 ($44,500). In an England-Ireland match at Man-chaster in 1938 he scored five goals, three of them within three minutes the fastest feat in an international match. Chelsea football club has signed John Harris, Wolverhamp ton and Scottish war-time international centre half He is a son of the late Neil Harris, who managed Swansea and New castle and won a Scottish cap John Harris started playing league soccer with Swansea, had a year's rtial with Totterham and later with Wolverhampton. He did not come before the football public's eye until Chelsea played him as a war-time guest. He leaves Wolverhampton at his own request. BOX 202 Badminton Is Started Y.M.OA. Season Off to Good Start Last Friday night marked the commencement of the winter badminton season in the Y.M.C. A. gym and there was a good turnout of snthusiastis who batted the birds for three hours. The brand of badminton was above average. Sid Woodslde was in good form and so were Frank Watson of the "Y", Hank Hanson, United States Army, "Red" and Elsie Stewart, and many others. The last-mentioned plays with the Service Wives' Club on Tuesday mornings and is pretty handy with a racquet. The "Y" sports department is welcoming all service men and ex-service .men and women to come to these Friday night badminton sessions and hopes, later on, to get a tournament under way. Shoes, racquet and birds are obtained from Gordon Vickers and Marg. Dixon will give instruction to beginners on request. Badminton Is good fun and good-exercise, so get your workout the painless way. Doc. Weds Doc. In Medical Marriage NOTTINGHAM, Eng., Sept. 17 ffi An all-doctor wedding was held recently at a church hexe. The bride was Dr. Mary Burke, assistant county medical officer, and the bridegroom Dr. Maurice D. Hickey, assistant thoracic surgeon at Nottingham city hospital. Both are from CorK. Eire. Dr. T. Kelleher or Nottingham gave the bride away and Dr. P. Rhodes was the best man. Dr Marie O'Callaghan was A ANCIENT SEASONERS The Chinese used spices more than 4,000 years ago. Minora Blades SPEED IIP SHAVING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the Quality blade In the low price field. Filt your 4 BLADES ICS double-edge razor. !&0aaaaal ANNOUNCING . . CORNER SNACK BAR At TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE In Terrace . . . THE 5keena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern DeptStore WE WELCOME TOURISTS TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE ' W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff A. M. William Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding TODAY and TUES. at 1 3 4 7Kd, HEDY LAMARR MGEORGE BRENT-PAUL LUKAS ALBLCT Ctm . CARl ESMOND 0UVC RUMNCY . MARCAKT WYCHERIY CiKvtiw Produur ROItlT rUlOWS Popular Science "GATEWAY TO ASIA" Colored Cartoon in.. "v St Mini 3F V-i', r.CTJl I HBiM ' ! 1 V rwj F.I ' J Jolly Numbers, Book II Dominion Language Series, Book 1 World Geography for Canadian Schools Lady of the Lake Latin for Today, Second 'Course Canadian School Atlas Canadian Geography for Juniors Book of Modern Prose SI Nous Llsions Experimental Chemistry for Colleges .A Fo r BABY tar;. T.I wrj W Fl I I G. R. Mutrie, Opiomeim OFFICES IN HEILimONER'S JEWELRY STORE Complete qualified optical service. ll xlt f Cil i4am1. We have been advised by the Department of Education It Rook Rranrh that fhesp fiTi.hnn1fs u-ill nrnhiKI., .i l able until the following dates: Hiehroads to Readine. Primer tn Rook IV vt Work Books to High, to Read. Primer to Book II Octob- C . L SO No No i tip nn, u I SCHOOL OPENIN t Mothers, here's your chance in snnw T.nnt nrp nni r: v v- nrrr cr onH "mti tilrft 1t " trhnAc rAnctrtirfjH fnr vrtimc. if: nipntv nr rnnm rnr nrf-Tjer cevct meni. ana smooimy iiniiitui- Wp hnvp snrb famniK m'Atti sonburg. CUT RATE SHOE STORE mm at mmiim u " JllllS Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby neei your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BAB! Ormes It TTius Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Phnr 81 ani FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. you wane tne oest, you win una n v sneives. iou are invited to inspect uui MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOW (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 1Q P-0- Bo A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY' FALL, IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE z coitf WITH IT COLD WEATHER . Our Fall Rrddina Has Arrived. SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades WES m I . w m m. m H mm. m-Mmr m Al.n in frnlf. .StnnHarH nrice V1 TERRACE, B.C. Phone 77." vn Third -