Slim is the sign of Fall 'Local News It iter Double Diagonals show law-wrapped slim lines, accenting nUnocB n thiu nlpnrlpr wrvil Bliiuiu". ' , designed by Rose liarrack of York. . t HOUM a lew jwuiius luua ici, juu jfashiona like this? Then write for uVJIu. WvinM Pnnh-nl l'lnn !' a iwiiod guide w ith 63 red icing i planned for your own need. a because it is guaranteed, on a life-vour-money-back basis, to ore. . . arrivals Prince Kupert jmskv. Winnipeg; Dr. A. L. pnarn. u. j. mime, iiauauuu. . .1.1 1 TI T X3nA n I It ........ T I.. fnmll,. .Moiir VVoct. uter' Mr and Mrs. W. U. i . r . i. rt nl J T keep you regular naturally. And, being- made only from the vital outer layers of the wheat, it is rich in certain "protective" food elements your body must have, diet or no diet. No wonder this delicious cereal is served by nearly one out of every two families in Canada. Order Kellogg's AVrhran today. To get the "Kellngg Weight Control Plan," cut the box-top from the package; print your address and request on the back and mail to Kellogg Co. of Canada, Ltd., London, Ontario. Dept. 144. couver; Mrs. M. McLeod, Vancouver i Mrs. W. N. Wilson, Grim-shaw, Alta.; A. E. Noakes, W. F. Hamilton, F. A. Hamilton, Vancouver; W. E. Allen, Ocean Falls; R. A. Beattle, J. F. Campbell, Ocean Falls; Capt. C. Claxton, Vancouver; H. S. Chadwick, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Steele and family, Nenana, RICH IN PRODUCTS From black coal tar are obtained over 8,00 kinds of dyes, many of bright color. Sept. 17, 8 pjn., Legion Rooms! Lloyd Morris returned Sunday night on the Catala from a, holiday trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Miss Betty Pullen, daughter of Mrs. H. F. Pullen, is leaving this Thursday night, for Vancouver to enter the University of British Columbia. Miss Mary Margaret Bulger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Bulger of this city, has taken up studies at York House, girls' school in Vancpuver. Mrs. M. P. MrOaffery sailed on ihe Catala last night for Premier where she will pay a visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Coulter. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Stewart on official duties. A Portuguese firm of fish packers and exporters has written to O. L, Rorle, secretary or the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, inquiring into the possibilities of product marketing here. Inspector Ernest Gammon, who is being transferred from command of this provincial police division to that of Kam-loops, is expected in the city today from Kamloops and, with Mrs. Gammon, will be leaving Thursday to take up permanent residence at his new post. Sub-Inspector H. H. Mansell will be here soon from the Peace River to succeed Inspector Gammon in command here. Announcements All advertiwir.envs n tnu column will h4 charged lor a full month at 25c a word. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace. every Friday. Good time for all, Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. Catholic Bazaar, October 3 and 4. K. of C. Hut. THE NABOBETTES Four firi whore di$tinctive harmony it m highlight tol every show. BACK ON THE AIR NABOB'S POPULAR NETWORK SHOW Yes, the scintillating half-hour show you enjoyed so much last season is back again Richmond Hyslop and his 20-piece orchestra with special arrangements . . . Suzanne, Pat Morgan and the Nabobettes in top-place hit paraders and old-timers ,0. Acclaiming'the popularity of this great show, the makers of Nabob Tea and Coffee take pleasure in announcing that commencing September 10 and every Monday through Fall and Winter "Harmony House" will be broadcast from the ,,a9e of the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver, at 8.30 p.m. Pacific time over the Trans-Canada Network of the CBC. EVERY CBC $200 IN CASH PRIZES EACH WEEK Again this season, at every Harmony House show, $200.00 in prixes will be awarded $100.00 to listeners on the air, $100.00 to member of 'he theatre audience. Litten in and discover how YOU may participate. ems A NOTICE-Women's AuxUiary j. . Payne left Saturday night clY LeaHUe meeUn8- Monday, by the Prince George on a busi ness trip to Vancouver. J. R. Murray left Saturday night an a trip to Vancouver. The Misss Pulmira and Mary Astoria left Saturday night on the Prince George for a holiday trip as tar as Forciand, Oregon. A Provincial Voters' List closes midnight tonight. East End voters may register at L.P.P. East End Headquarters, 1224 8th Ave. East. Blue 245. Miss Betty Haudenschlld and Miss Sally Chisholm were passengers south on the Prince George Saturday night. They will spend a three weeks' holiday in Vancouver. Mr. Justice J. M. Coady of Vancouver arrived in the city Sunday to preside at the fall sitting of the Assize Court which opened at the court house today. He was accompanied by T. P. Hor- robln, official court Miss Betty Wilson of Vancou ver, organizer of war savings stamp sales in schools of the province, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide this af ternoon from the south and will be here for the next couple of days. 1 David Carter, son of Dr. and Mrs. Neal Carter, formerly of this city and now of Vancouver, returned last week to Vancouver after spending the summer in the Yellowknife district of the Northwest Territories as a mining engineer's assistant. He is' returning to his studies at the University of British Columbia. P. 5. Bonney, logging superintendent of Pacific Mills, Ocean Falls, arrived in the city Friday on the Cassiar from Queen Charlotte City and left Saturday riight on the Prince George to return to the paper town. Mr. Bonney attended a sale of logging equipment by the War Assets Corporation of logging equipment on the Islands. RICHMOND HVSLOP . Mutitml director vf ' Hrmony Home." One 0 Ctnadi$ outstanding yevns rrangcT-d'trecto. j. PAT MORGAN Featured mate vocaliit end favourite of CBC 'tudieniet from Coatt It Coalt, SUZANNE Popular Soloilt of "Harmony Houre, tinging the hit lunel of Ihe J'y. MOSS MORTIMER Wtlt known mnnau'ncer, htrd on rntny fading network progrmmt. Sj DORWIN EIRD Habob'l "Queilion the rVeek- Conductor end Hosier W Ceremonial, PRESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY Thirty-fifth Year of Founding To Be Observed Announcement was made yesterday at First Presbyterian Church regarding special services to be held on September 30 to mark the thirty-flftr anniversary of the establishment of the congregation. Rev. J. L. W. McLean M-A., minister of St. Andrew's Pres byterian Church, Victoria, and a former minister of the con gregation, will be the anniver sary preacher and will also speak at an anniversary dinner to be held the following evening. A combined meetlne of the session and board of 'management of the church was held last night after the evening ser vice to make arrangements for the observance. A considerable TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY QUIET BUSINESS GIRL would like room with board. Phone Red 786 between 8 and 5:30. FOR' SALE Modern three-room house, new, fully furnished. Ambrose Ave. at 6th Ave. $1900. See Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Ave. (It) FOR SALE Four-room modern house, two lots, fully furnished, electric stove,- Venetian blinds. 6th Ave., rear of pold Storage. $2200.' See Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Ave. (It) Build B. C. I'ayrollls PACIFIC Preferred In Cooking "I use Pacific Milk in all my cooking." This excerpt, taken from the letters of Mrs. K. McD., has also been given by scores of other users in telling why they like Pacific Milk. Nearly all .say it goes farther when they write of its richness and flavor. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEEI. r- and VALUATOR SrtLKS CONDUCTED TO SUIT YUUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Kstimate Phone (oi .Free Appointment Phone Red 127 vBARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Bt. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Modern Etiquette ay KOtstrtiA Lei Q. What is the correct way for a married woman to sign her name in social correspondence? A. She should use her full name. If June Smith has married Henry Brown, she should sign her social correspondence Jane Smith Brown. In writing to a stranger .she should write he-low her signature, Mrs. Henry Brown. Q. If it Is raining, should a man carry the umbrella for a girl or let her carry it? A. The man should carry it. Q. What is the correct way to wear the engagement and the wedding rings? A. Both should be worn on hand with the wedding ring FRENCH INVENTION The bayonet is said to have number of those identified with , tu 17y, , still resident in the city and it is planned to afford them special recognition as founders of the Presbyterian Church in Prince Rupert. LEAST POPULATED Greenland is the world's most sparsely Inhabited place, with .04 persons pere square mile. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Ache all over? Stilt and sore In Joints and muscles? Get quick relief with Templeton't T-R-C'i, a proven remedy grate ully used j by thousands; Put your trust in T-K-C's, coeclally made to relieve Rheumatic Pain I and Stiffness. Let them help you find the fast t!!ef you want. Get a box today iuc. i ai aruggira cverywuere. i-ii FORWflflD A MARCH LHN 7 Versatile little grey pin-stripe to take you anywhere you happen to be going this fall. Slimly and timely tailored. ANNETTE'S Ladies' Wear KWONQ SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open S p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA Pfinrc Buprrt afflg Orhis Monday, December 17, 45 i Tea is the Refreshing ueveraqe TV I Ul fllll' E -J SALADA "I Eh Al DIBB PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone. 231 ANNOUNCING Opening of Pall Mall Cafe AND CHO SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. NOTICE GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . , YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO' SATISFY YOU . . . " " 1 Come in and see them JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) Registration of Voters I A Deputy Registrar of Voters will be in attendance at the Hut on the Post Office Jawn on September 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., 7 p m. and 9 p.m. for the purpose of assisting applicants in the prer paratlon and filing of affidavits in support of their respective applications for Registration as voters in the ensuing Provincial Election. NORMAN A. WATT, Registrar of Voters, Prince Rupert Electoral District. RUPERT BUTCHERS We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL 11:30 P.M. Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with 'delicate taste and quick service. TRY USI Phone 21 Third Ave. Wes( Next Royal Hotel