I Am EMS tv'- PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, D.C. Thursday. February 22, 1945 4 Isi'lll Your move to buy the suit by Bond will bo tho wisest one you ever made. There is sound value coming to you good customized tailoring, hand-stitching where it counts, quality sewn in. Your Bond suit's a king for wear-tailored to your individual measurements. fn 73 U BlkA Hi IHI II 'YEA I - $2975 $33 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning''' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses -Waterproofing a Specialty rw PlipNE 858 i!iMall Orders Box 99 .JK.. R. HUNDEIDE ;r:l!; watkins dealer 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell H"with a Want Adl Buy it with JJj'gWant Adl Daily News class! Hlicd section gets results. mm,. BABBITT MET Aba .. ... .Harris Heavy Pressure jMgrlnc Diesel and Imperial ... Spooners Coppcrinc Matchless and Choker ;Type Metal - Lead - Solder Stock for immediate delivery ;'j(Subject to M.C. regulations) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE rb: G. Ham, mgr. 330 2nd Ave. J. H. M AIR Furniture and Auctioneer :::r.:: !::::: 9 mm wait. AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 632 3rd Ave. Blue 69 . . Prince Kupert, B.C. SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY BY RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE 1 Business and Professional "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red 693 - GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tate Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS.LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaublen, the teacher of French language, has re turned to the city, and has resumed his classes. His address Is Postal Station B. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER "You Call We Haul" PHONE BLACK 884 Residence: Green 955 W. D. Weiss W. Peterson H. J. LUND PAINTING, PAPERING AND KALSOMINIKG PHONE 46 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardcna Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands- every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. . Phone 568 r CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL, BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS The Experts Say A doze of sulphur and molasses used to be remedy for the loggy. tired, end of -winter feeling that hits most of us these days, and grandmother's cure was sound from a nutritional point of view, says Ann Burns, assistant to chief nutritionist Grace Duggan of the Health Department's Nutrition Division. To Increase ones pep the main thing Is to increase one's intake of iron and vitamin Bl both found in molasses but liver mil w m I """ ' I I assa? Authorities say the 'difference between huky children and those who are poor eaters, underweight tlon: energy fuel-food a combination ol food elements authorities agrtc are Is nutritionally tops here because It contains both in larger quantities" she told The Canadian Press. Important vitamin Bl Is found In meats, milk, green vegetables and whole grain cereals, while iron comes mainly In .dancer colered foods like egg yolks, red meat and especially liver, and also in whole grain cereals. Molasses tops the sugar roods in nutritive value, contributing calories to the diet plus worthwhile amounts of calcium, Iron and B-compioX vitamins, but. says Dr, L. B. Pett, director of I nutrition, present day molasses lis neither so dark uar so nutri- ious a old time biac.-strap. A day's menue containing 'plenty of vigor-giving Iron and Bl might Include these foods: At breakfast a glass of orange juice, a bowl of whole grain cer eal like cooked rolled oats, possibly with wheat germ sprinkled i on tcp, a poached egg on toasi made from Canada Approved bread, and coffee for the family's adult members, milk lor the children. Lunch or supper; cream of tomato soup, fresh fruit salad, Canada Approved bread and butter, gingerbread for dessert and milk. Skin care pays dividends in the kitchen as well as In the boudoir and here are helpful tips on the subject from the Agrlcul- I ture Department Consumer Sec- and nervous is often simply a matter An old storVi uut worth rctcll- of nourishment, especially an .. proper , u.. n .dtauitt 5unr.lv of vitamins. ing. Is the one about not peeling . . . . . fruits and vegetables except But vitamins alone are not enoueh. , , . , For authorities now aKree that vita- hen absolutely necessary. The mins do not work alone. They work skins keep the food values where as a team with certain other food tney belong in the food. clemen,s- I Grate the skins of citrus fruits lor this reason, thousands aribcfore pcciins ana RCep tnc switching to Ovaltine. Unlike mere I .. . ,. ... Sitamin carriers," Oraltine food gratings in a covered jar in the beverage contains not only extra ice box. They will add interesting vitamins but nearly all the precious flavor to the dressing for a fruit Sd:SM tclSfVS d. sauce for ham and count-mins A, Hi and D, the important less other dishes, minerals calciii.r., phosphorus and! iron, bixa qua..!v p:oitin ant. quick VEGETABLE RAREBIT: This cheese and vegetable rarebit will needed for best results. ibe a natural for tomorrows sup- So. if vor child is thio. nerroui Per when served wltn a salad, and not developing properly, why say the home economists of the not turn to uraiune as tnousancis are Agriculture Department. A salad doing. Three normal meals plus two ... , ,. u ,,, v.- witn ln 11 r,c to havC aPPlcs" seems of Oraltine plasses a day Rite your cbild all the extra amounts ot vitamins a natural aiuniiy tor uus cum- and minerals needed for health and binatlon. top Mtality. ur F fh r,rpi,it v,rnt three cuds OVALTINE n 1 - - -- of tomato juice over hot 'ter-When hot add 2',i cups of grated NURSE SHORTAGE HITS HOSPITALS With the grim toll of war directing many graduate nurses Into service with the armed forces, and with easier or more lucrative office jobs attracting many others from their pro fession, all hospitals tnrougn- out Canada are expressing an urgent need for trained nurses. National Selective Service rc- PrU- ... To meet this need, steps nave been taken to attract graduate nurses Into hospital service. In the United States, where heavy military casualties have caused a shortage of mlllta-y nurses, creating a situation parallel to, and perhaps more serious than that existing in Canada, Congress has author-) Ized a bill to conscript trained, nurses. However, to meet the I need in Canadian hospitals j government officials arc scck-i ing a voluntary response. "The idea is to get all gradu ate nurses not now engaged in their profession to return to tire hospitals," E. V. Whiting, local Selective Service officer said. "Even If each nurse served only two months. It would likely keep up a continuous stream of train ed nurses which would be adequate." Nurses who return to hos pital service during the emergency will be guaranteed reinstatement in the Jobs they have left at the termination of their work In hospitals. Hinging on a minimum period of two months hospital service are the following offers: Return transportation to the place of employment plus 40 cents an hour travelling time. Separation allowance If the graduate nurse Is required to live apart from those who arc dependent upon her. Wage differential allowance not exceeding $5 a month in cases where the hospital rate of pay Is less than that of the rate payed in the previous in slowly and continuing to stir until the cheese melts. Add three level teaspoons dry mustard, one teaspoon salt. 'e teaspoon pepper, two teaspoons Worcester THE protecting food-drink soft Cheddar cheese, stirring It "mixture, shire sauce and one tablespoon butter. Meanwhile cook or reheat three cups of mixed vegetables and make six slices of toast. Ai range the tne vegetaoit-a vegetables on on the mc " Let's smoke this one out " "Oh dear, I always fall for that Sweet Cap Lino I" Special Notice! """"" " " Sf ""' "' i mwmwmWL ' mW?tmm Capitol DAILY NEWS mm Classified Advertising U payable to the ofllce at time of tub-milling copy tor Insertion. FOlt SALE FOR SALE One adjustable dress form. Phone macK iu.i after 6 pjn. (50) FOR SALE Six-room modern . r i . 1 . uriMous mms TMlMtt IF A GIRL WINKS SHE KISSES! That's Gus Parkington's code... until he meets Susie! GREER WRITER GARSOIl-PIDGEOn hi i 1 o in A isnhtaikhn - u EDWARD ARNOLD ACNES MOOREHUti rTTrTthe IVUinXT-TKACIIKKS Continued from Page One) may be leavin; 'during the summer. nousc. IWO HICC U, Close hi. . FOR SALE 1 Brantford Spring ciauS urulne a higher govern Scale, 1 500 lb. Platform Scale, mcnt ?rant ror school buildings 1 small Platiorm bcaie, an gov- De included as a resolution in crnment tested. 1 Remington tnc brief to be presented to the Typewriter, ID Inch, rccondl- B c parent-Teachers' Kcdcra- tloned. Phone 422. (tf) tlon conference. MACIIINKKY l OU SALE B.C. WANTED (tf) WANTED TO RENT Small piano. Phone Blue 720. (48) WANTED Station Sgt.-Major of Seal Cove requires fur nished residence for wife and 18-months-old son. Phone 792, local 29. (47) WANTED Furnished room with kitchen privileges If possible. Apply Box 040 Daily News'. WANTED t . I. ...ill l... j. FOR SALE; Dinette suite, house- It s cnaorsca u win h-b hold furnishings and studio the added welgnt oi ocarins mc lounge. 1018 Ambrose Avenue. namcs of all the parcnt-teachprs ' associations In the province." he (47) j E'urntshcd house keeping room, around March 1, for married couple and 11-month-old child. Apply Box 017 Daily News. (46) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Housekeeper wanted. Live ln. Phone Blue 801. ' (47) WANTED Housekeeper, live In. Good wages. Apply 722 5th Ave. West. (tf) WANTED Female cook for family of six. Salary $90 and board. Apply National Selec-tlvc Service No. A.F. 150. (48) WANTED Ward maids and housekeeper for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply cither direct to hospital matron or to N.S.S. AF 155. (45) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS arc effect ive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (47) FOR KENT FOR RENT Single room, gentleman only. Red 070. 812 2nd Ave. West. (19) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived addressed to P.O. Box 1323 up to noon E'cb. 28, for purchase of trolling boat Nor-den, 28'x8'x3l2', 5 tons, now moored at Fishermen's Floats. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further Information apply 743 0th Ave W . evenings1 (47) declared. The meeting adopted a motion S. d w Wilson lsnn that that the tne CXCCU- execu- IAirange toast and top with the rarebit . ; ?rJSSS! - u Se j beraUlS for the way ana up-io-aate type national n prepareo unu yimuKu portaoie sawmnis, manuiac- brief -to the education costs com-l"riby i.1,1 mission. VyUiiijaiiy Liiiniucu, vanwuui. Following the business session the 30 members were entertained with two vocal solos by Mrs. Henry Llndseth. She sang Schu- WANTED Furnished room, for bcrf5 "Ave Maria" and an cn- soiaicr ana wnc. uan Amen-, can Signals 258 between 4:30 1 and 0:00 ociock. us) WANTED Hou.sc or suite for army officer, wife and 15-year-old boy. Urgently needed Phone 640. (49) LOST AND FOUND EKHJND nrown dog. Same may be had by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. miiNn rtnzlstratlon Card, by I Dry Dock. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this LOST Parker fountain pen; reward. Finder plcas-c return to Daily News. (45) FOUND Lady's or girl's wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this FOUND Navy man's wallet on 3rd Ave., a few days ago. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord $10 Dry Poplar, per cord $12.50 Sawdust, per sack .15c PHONE 580 Strictly Fresh Eggs Oradc "A" Large, per doz. 1J Juicy Navel Oranges 200 size; Special, 2 doz. WE DELIVER DAILY enrne uroaram m w WOULD NEWS EVENTS Complete Show.; n-.iM - - 4:51 - 7:0i Feature 12:30 - 2:47 - 5:03 - 7 20 Prince Rupert 1"est sJ,eak In answer to a question rc- sardlne sanitary conaitions in 95c Quaker Tomatoes Choice quality, 9Qn 2Vi tin, 2 for Au uui-H spcaK priatlon for :2; core, accompanied by u uiiKcr. Inspector Is oi ecnoois n n tv..... Nice basement, furnace hcat.,seni condition ii uwmk. .o "It u my idea tl.it u For price and terms apply suaispcna a great ac;u o w tlvc you showed uiLvit Dura. autn uu um uunuiiibi . l fnrsrnooK ranv FOR SALE "37 International panel delivery. Serial No. 1837L. Price $5C5 cash. Engine newly overhauled, 4 new tires, 1 good spare, new generator and battery, heater. Phone Green 29C. (4fJ( FOR SALE Dinette suite. Ambrose Avenue. FOR SALE 1018 (46) wno also presented . 0" "-kt King Edward School. Principal Miss E. A. Mercer said that wnuc - Prin they were still Inadequate, there Tcacncrs Ai.oc.at Kn snmp iniDrovcmcnts enecica. 7f t h lably a more P;,t" 1 . i Us members realize! To instal proper plumbing .and ..Such groups sanitary facilities In King Ea-pressurc to ids as. Yu warn acnooi wouia uc u concclvc and forr InH or. t I .vs1Ipv believe iViat that while while the the I..... . but you lar, school board )ara is aware ui m y-; w, do the mv,. r?1 ....... .. i I.. I.. ccr commented. i, at ipa.s. nart , , Mr. Scott reported that a pctl- the fact that 'V r tlon asking for a sidewalk on board ha passcl a $1 Sixth Ave. E. beyond nays crceK had been signed by 400 residents and had been presented to city council. In discussion of the brief pre scritcd by the P.T.A. to the cdu Central Lunch, ..lun rin-inrk mmmitipp whlcl- across from Capitol Theatre. v ,,,. nnnrrt list week sat ln "cc Rup" Apply Central Lunch. (tf) pf I.a1 Mr. Scott su3g?sted that the year," he dfc'.ar:J, ' Mr. ThorstCi.. r gresslve trend: l.: t :n school bultdlr.r; be the turn. Following the ir.: mcnts were :nrv:i ' c classrooms undc shlp ofMri E-ii Bc:k( Gunnar Andc a f w f l'r llir jil Daily excrpt u::::f l'rm Hie lt Dally except mi IIDCDA M Kill MM A genera! mrSr Rupert, win oc u r r. ttu eft it? for the purpuKC oi ; tin I hrii Q rl fur the rlf'',. l! and a Committee 1. suing year All v:' ing L.IULIUI Invited, KWONO SAX0 B HOP KEE . a CHOP SU HOUSE w - 012 7th AVE- V (Next to King ft All your patronaje ; Open 5 p.m.tol Outside Orders fr to 2 am. PHONE RED 21 Delmort Frozen W Vegetables - J Strawberries, Sliced Enterprise Frtf PHONE 3(5 ULftl IHHIL WITH TMESf (IW""m . . i RrntmeUiK1 Prnni tllC Dulkley Valley, per lb- Sunkist Grapefruit Nice size, each , - Fancy, small 3 lbs. Fair Way Food Mm