a Quality Repairs at fconomj Prices LIVELY AS A CRICKET! . . . .1 i.t. W il.vi low you Th?'ni.nd i how 40 niii io mil fnr coffee ,. vnv HAZELTON ..v fniintpr for Meals construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors IIMf 'l? Ml lnnr.r. i i r III IV I J I rs k in iVlwI St. (Npq. It ni.. . . . a l PAY CHECK IS WOMEN'S LURE LONDON, Sept. 28 O) Seven' and a quarter million British women who have been mobilized for compulsory war work many In their first Jobs will decide In the next few months whether they want to go on' collecting pay cheques every' week or go back to mopping floors and doing dishes. And Just what they will decide Is anybody's guess, according to a rather cautious spokesman for the ministry of labor. "It would be a brave man who would try to predict what women are going to do," he said. "I could guess that two out of three women will go on working, but it wouldn't mean anything anc anybody else's guess would be as good as mine." Every woman in Britain from 18 to 50 had to register for war work. The highest mobilization NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N. T- a. T "V 1 y , Prince unpen r isuenneii s l-o - operative Usociation to be held in the Oddfellows' ... irtrt 1.1 A T"l J t Ha ar mm ilii ivciiuu jjjtibL. inn minovr ii.u, on ucioDer oru, ijho, at iu a.m. F. MURPHY LUMBER Ll'STERITE I 1,UkAMi Km O . niain ana Diocicea. . 1 1 A. I A 1 1 . Birch teneers Rubcroid Roofing Raofine . n. r-vl l ind Building Papers of all kinds (or house and general (223) KWONQ SANQ HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 RUPERT BUTCHERS Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. pav,rtir30N UU'AltTMLWl UJXn liuu ll.ov r.m. Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Roast Chickens, Fish anil Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! u Th rd Ave. West Next Roval Hotel COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Trincc Rupcrl. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX NO. 997 PHONE 676 GAMES Half Price - Action $1.13 Disco 1.13 MapiV pn d.l- j- . v-ii a tiiciius ww Russian R,.l .83 - wuiviic " Whirlway Racing Game : .80 Sfones Construction -75 Wt-for-Tonight '75 - H'PPety Hop .75 Muffle Board -70 A B.C Pictorial 70 ' Rolloway Freight .70 Rollowav oiloway P. Passenger t.: Train .63 SSALLEMi'S VARIETY STORE "Where Vour Dimes Are Little Dollars" figures are 6,729,000 In In dustry; 470,000 Ats, Waafs, Wrens or nursing services and 80,000 In civil defence as air raid wardens' flrewatchers. Civil defence workers already have been demobilized, uniformed services are now down to little over 400,000 and after V-E Day married or single women with household responsibilities, wo men wishing to join husbands coming out of the service or wo men over 60 were permitted to leave Industry. Before the war, he said, the number of women workers was about 4,750,000 as compared with 7,250,000 during the war. He says: "They've had a taste of It now and know what It's like to get their money at the end of a week. Lots of them like It." . Gradual Transition He said there .had been no prediction when compulsory war woik would be discontinued and the uniformed services demobilized but that it would be done gradually and would depend on what happened to employment in the next few months. Among projects proposed to the ministry of labor to help the problem of employing women, he said, was one to make domestic service more attractive by having a union for domestics of better wages and better hours. During the war, women have held all sorts of jobs and had little choice in the matter. Those born from 1918 to 1923 were conscripted for either services or munitions work. Others were permitted to volunteer for services but were conscripted for industry with the women's land army as alternative. What. ever Jobs they held, from bus conductresses to aircraft work ers (and they were all compelled to held some kind of a job unless they had children under 14 or were phvsically unfit) they were placed there by the ministry of labor. The spokesman explained: "But If a woman refused to take any of the jobs offered we I would direct her to one serve ; her with lezal notice advising her of the job and tellin? her to report at a certain place at given time, or otherwise there j would be a $450 fine and three months in prison." Women physically unfit for ?u"h jobs as factory work, he said, were Dlaced In other Jobs, sucTi as telephone operators or .even bar maids, but this .was all done through the ministry of labor. The coat that is as formal or as casual as the clothes underneath it. Belted all-wool in three quarter length. ANNETTE'S Ladies' Wear III . Iwlfc. - t Ir - For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Oatala, 1:30 p.m. Thurday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. "Saturday ss Princess Louise, 5 p.m.; From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Princess Norah, 9 a.m.; ss Cardena, p.m. ror North Queen Charlottes Aueust 31. Sept. 14 and 28 ss Casslar, midnight. September 2, 16 and 30 ss Casslar, a.m. For South Queen Charlottes Sept. 2, 16 and 30 ss Casslar, 9 p.m. From South Queen Charlottes Aug. 31, Sept. 14 and 28 ss Cassiar, pjn. For Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Friday ss Princess Norahj a.m.; From Alaska Thursday ss, Prince Rupert, 7 y.m. Saturday Princess Louise, 4 1 p.m.; HONOR AGA KHAN'S SON BOMBAY m Col. Prince Aly Khan, son of the Aga Khan, has been awarded the Bronze Star by Gen. Jacob L. Devers, Commanding General of the 6th Army Group In Germany. The award was made for meritorious service In his .work as liaison of ficer, 6th Army Group, In France. YODELLING DOGS LONDON (P) Exporters say that the United States hVs become a gopd market for "bark- less" dogs called Bassnjl, natives of the African Congo. They make a noise described as "a mixture between a chortle and a yodel." Mm. i w ink . - in ii I ii i i MMinnw m n i I MB St im--wa' . , : . ft l PRISONERS OF JAPS CHEER THEIR LIBERATORS This photo, via radio direct from the U.S.S. Iowa In Tokyo Bay, shows a group of the .first Allied prisoners to be liberated by U.S. forces on the Japanese mainland, cheering wildly as they waved the flags of Britain, the U.S. and the Netherlands. These men had been Interned at the Jap prison camp at Omarl. Steamship Sailings TRADITION OF TIMES Rich, Beautiful Prose" of Feature Has Been Subject of Satires But Carries On By JOHN DAUPHINEE Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Sept. 28 TO Burled on an Inside -page of The Times. about once a -week, Is a short Item always entitled "line Course of Nature" and always attributed to "a correspondent who is never named. Here. If the reader can wade throuah "fine writing," Is the place to find out whether the season-for butterflies is good or bad. whether the size of bird families is normal. "The Course of Nature" has been satirized In many humorous books abcut reporters on Fleet Street Including Evelyn Waugh's "Scoop" and overseas newspapermen clip tne more flowery efforts as examples of how not to write a news story. But the nature notes continue, as muc a part of The Times tradition as the dally paragraph in which It "announces with re gret" the death of prominent persons or its dally list of important "Invalids " "The turtle-dove still turrs, and In tall trees the chiff-chaff keeps up what Andrew Collett has described as its chiming cry, though the chiff-chaff's twin, the willow-wren, Is silent save for plaintive notes which suggest a keen anxiety." So started one recent column, typical of them all. It ended with a north country saying supplied by "Mr. Herbert Sharpies" about the cuckoo: "In April she's coming; "In May she's in her prime. "In June she Is goln.?; "And In July she's gone." "Which," added The Times, "seems to accord better with the cuckoo's very early departure than the more widely accepted rendering, with its unnecessary Get Behind the Clothing Drive! T7 Hi ft l!'4" THE DAILY IMIOULEM OF THIS younster It to get his head, arms and legs through the right holes In his only garment. It's a common problem for millions of men, women and children In the liberated countries of Europe. You can help them by contributing serviceable used clothing, to the National Clothing Collection drive sponsored by the Canadian United Allied Relief Fund and scheduled for October 1-20. Under the national chairmanship of W. M. Birks of Montreal, a committe is being set up in every Canadian centre and distribution in Kiiropp will be under the direction of UNUUA experts. final warning, he must." "In August go The garden Is full of the sound of young birds," was the opening sentence of a late-July column. It told how a pair oi goldcrests were feeding their young, "ranged neatly In a row along a fir bough and of an al- m o s t unbelievable smallness, tinier even than their parents, but with much louder or more penetrating voices." "The goldcrests son? is the merest whisper, Its call-note a hiah-pltched 'see-see-see in audible to many, but he must be deaf Indeed who cannot hear the young goldcrests," said the monymous writer. Not Foolproof, However The "Course of Nature" Is not foolproof, however. One column reported that "it Is a 'patchy' year for butterflies," with some species not seen again when "after each bright spell there followed an even longer period of wind and cloud. and rain." "Nature herself quickly corrected an errouneous Impression," apologized The Times. William Ba??alev had written .that in iRuisllp Woods, Middlesex, he "saw, perhaps, 40 In an hour, Including one specimen (of White Admiral) much darker than the others, almost coal-black." Now and again there Ls a modern touch quite out of keeping with the usual presentation. There was the story from Rough-ton Rectory of a red-legged partridge which returned to an apparently - deserted nest to hatch successfully a. clutch of eggs more than two months old. There must have- been raised eyebrows when The Times Introduced the story as a case of "delayed-action hatching." NINE VARIETIES Nine soecles of pine are found In Canada. IMPORTANT Effective Immediately One Sailing Weekly S.S. Prince Rupert North to Ketchikan Wednesday at midnight South to Vancouver and way points Thursday, 11:45 p.m. For further particulars apply to any Agent. Canadian national Ptfncc Uupctt DnHj? J3eUi0 Friday, September 28, 1945 Blackpool Has Eye For Lost Kiddies BLACKPOOL, Sept. 28 W A lost property office equipped with babies feeding bottles, tiny chairs, toys and games instead of shelves for parcels has been opened by the Blackpool police fnr tost children. So many children were "lost" on the beaches and In the shop3 that a special house had to be opened beside the police station. Many of the children are claimed within an hour and grateful par ents gladly sign on the dotted line that they have received their property back In good order. with spring and mattress, 53 ; nne chest of drawers, $6.50; one standard lamp, $3.50. Suite 15, Klllas and Christopher Apts., 3rd Ave. West. . (226) FOR QUICK SALE Six-room modern nouse: lurnace, ce ment basement. Owner leav in(t town. $2700. terms. See Mrs. McClvmont. 307 3rd Ave (2261 FOR SALE Victor cabinet radio, like new: 8 tubes. 3 wave length. $100. Phone 750. (227) FOR SALE We buy and sell new and used furniture at tne lowest Dosslble prices. Electric gramaphone In the best condition, new one sells at $250, price now $49.50. New floor covering, assorted sizes, rugs from $6.60. Used bed ana springs, $3 for the two. New pillows, regular $1.50, now 75c. Used baby carriages from $6. New fancy mirrors, all sizes, from $1.50. New hardwood chairs and dressers. Slightly used chesterfield bed with two tiew chairs, $95. B. C. Furni-ture Co., Phone 324. (tf) FOR SALE Partly furnished modern house, concrete basement with two rooms and shower, bath and toilet; hot air furnace. Immediate oc- cunatlon. $3,000. terms. Col- lart & McCaffery Ltd., 3rd Avenue, opposite,' 3rd" Street. FOR SALE Motorcycle. Harley Davidson twin- Apply Cook and Dlxons Cycle Shop; 214 6th Street. (225) FOR 'SALE Davenport and chair, kitchen table and chairs; double bed, complete; one end -table. Phone Red 377, 419 7th Ave. East. (225) FOR SALE Six-room house, partly furnished for $1000 cash. Possession Oct. 1. 1039 Hays Cove Ave. (225) FOR SALE Buescher cornet, gold lacquered, factory rebuilt, like new; excellent buy.. Phone American Signals 334. (226) FOR SALE Motor boat, 16-It., motor In good condition. $150. Write Box 6 Dally News. (227) FOR SALE Good modern house. , 416 4th Ave. East. Phone Red 218. (226) FOR SALE OR TRADE Two coal and wood ranges, two electric stoves, to trade for 1 to l'2 h.p motor, electric gramaphone, washing machine, oil heater, used lumber, or what? Phon Black 823. (228) FOR SALE Ford light delivery, 1937 model, at Fair Way Food Market. Phone 434. (228) FOR SALE Canary birds. Phone Blue 715. (226) FOR SALE Kindling. A big load for $1.00. Fair Way Food Market, Phone 434. (228) FOR SALE House, cement foundation, basement suite; fine condition. 220 7th Ave. East. (22y) FOR SALE -radio. Call 454. Five-tube mantel American Signals (226) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, October 11th, 1945, for the pur chase of the two-storey frame building situate on Lot 30,1 Block 35, Section , City of Prince Rupert. This does not Include lot or contents. Terms cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Charles O. Svedmark. (235) NEW GOV'T IN AUSTRIA VIENNA, Sept. 28 R Austria . has a new government. The Vienna radio has announced that a so-called all-Austrian government has . been formed under Dr. Karl Renner, whose previous administration operated only in the Soviet Zone of Occupation. A general election for Austria has been set for November 25. The Vatican City state was, named February 11, 1929. Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit FOR SALE FOR SALE After Nov. 1, one 8'2 H.P. Vertical Boiler, now In use Valentin Dairy. (227) FOR SALE 14-foot boat, in board motor. $125. box a uany News. (227) FOR SALE One bed, complete WANTED WANTED Two furnished rooms. Phone Red 441 between 9 and 6 and ask for Mrs. Yurick. (226) WANTED A good used shotgun. 12-guage, single or double bar rel. Box 141, Terrace, B.C. (tf) WANTED Fir and cedar poles and piling, all lengths. Nleder-meyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Zone 4, Oregon. (134) WANTED To rent car for busi ness trip to Interior. Will put up bond. Phone Ken Yelland, Red 347 after 6 o'clock. (225) WANTED .22 rifle In good con dition. C. Browne, 751 9th Ave West. (228) WANTED Room and board for gentleman, office worker, close In if possible, by October 7. Apply Box 7 Dally News. (226) HELP WANTED WANTED First class butcher to take full charge and do his own buvlne. ADDly National. Selective Service A.M. 186. (tf) HELP WANTED Reliable woman for housework by the hour. Phone 470. (226) SALESGIRL WANTED Permari-en help who want a future. Will also help In window trimming. Previous experience not necessary. Apply oince, Kupen Peoples Store. (227) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Phone Blue 825. (227) FOR RENT-431eeping " room' or housekeeping room. 801 Borden street. (tf) TO RENT semi-private Black 298. Two-room bath and suite, stove. (230) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone Black 198 for particulars, (tf) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 751 between 5 and 7. (226) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room. 344 Sherbrooke Ave. (227) FOR RENT Five-room house. Furniture to be bought cheap, Including an electric washer. 424 8th Ave. East. Phone Black 614. ' (228) FOR RENT Two-room suite, unfurnished.' Kitchen prlvl-lages Phone Red 877. (226) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Prefer middle - aged, quiet couple. 24 5th Ave. W. (226) LOST LOST 1-750-16 Goodyear truck tire and wheel on Port Edward road. Wells Ltd., Blue 980. Reward. (226) PERSONAL BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger use effective Angellque Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (226) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) C.N.R. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. From the Kast ' Dally except Monday .. 10:45 p.m. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See tt. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST Registration for the above list Is now open at the City Hall. List closes October 31st. Current License Holders and those who have paid Poll Tax for the year 1945 are eligible to register, if they are British subjects 21 years of age or over. UE COMMUNITY-CONSCIOUS . . . REGISTER NOW Inserted by: " CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION