fheirvety T TJVV Hi Spontond by CANADIAN UNITED ALLIED RELIEF FUND on behalf of UNRRA CUM out youk CLOTHES CLOSETS NOW! CUT KATE CUT KATE O CUT KATE O Comfortable New . MEN'S MOCCASIN VAMP SHOES Just the thing for Men coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE s Cl'T KATE CUT KATE CUT KATE BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks - sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor, 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated MEALS. LUMRTTT5S cH0W MEIN. CHOP kitrv 11 a.m, to l ajn. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA KADIOLINK... AN EXTENSION SPEAKER c Equivalent of a Second Radio in the Home Radlolink is quickly and easily connected to any radio receiver will bring perfect reception t( the other room in kitchen, bedroom or any the house, Jlofe than 30,000 enthusiastic users are boosting the wmana for the NEW, IMPROVED KADIOLINK and the I)n Is only $8.95 The very lives of millions in war-torn countries depend on you supplying their desperate need for clothing. All of us can spare some serviceable used clothing. In the clothes closets and attics of Canada's homes there is enough usable discarded clothing, blankets, footwear, to help count less thousand: of needy men, women and children. Let's get it ready to send off-NOW! NATIONAL CLOTHING CILLE I CTION Announcements All adverturmenv n nils column will t? chrii for .a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Bazaar, October 3 and 4. K. of C. Hut. Thanksgiving- Supper, United Church Hall, October 18, 6:30 p.m. Eastern Star Birthday Dance, October 19. The invention of felt Is sometimes ascribed to Oriental BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Local News Items . . . A Travelling bags zipper type-large size For sale at Rupert Men's and Boys Store. (227) Erik Samuelson left on last evening's boat for Ocean Falls, to work on mining property In Dean Channel. Sgt. O. L. Hall of the city police detachment returned Wednesday on the Prince Rupert from a holiday trip to Nanalmo and Vancouver. Hear Harold Winch, MIJV.-, Leader of the Opposition, and Wm. H. Brett, C.C.F. Provincial candidate, Sunday, Sept. 30, 8:30 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Chirman, A. Wallin, President, Trades and Labor Council. (226) REV. MYRWANG SENDS GREETINGS Rev. J. H. Myrwang of Poulsbo, Washington, formerly pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church In Prince Rupert, has written to the Daily News sending regards to his many friends In Prince Ru pert and giving news of his fam lly, two of whom are in the Am erican armed services. "Visiting the city last April made me realize how strongly attached I have become to the community and how many friends we have there. We want to keep aljve those contacts so we keep the Daily News as a good medium for those pur poses, Rev. Mr. Myrwang writes. "It appears that from time to time sorrow strikes at the homes of the friends we knew in the years we served at St. Paul's Church. Reports of these are made In the Daily News. We shall continue to remember them all "Our son, Haakon, who has been in the war for about three years, came home recently. He has been In the air corps as radio and radar technician, sta tioned for the last year at Sai- pan, with a B-29 group. He has flown over Jap territory. "He expects to be discharged by Christmas. He was given the Air Medal with five clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross and several battle stars. It Is so good to get the boys home again". There are so many who will not come back to their loved ones. "Our daughter, a trained nurse, is still in the service being stationed in California. She was commissioned in the Army Nurses' Corps." GIVES FAREWELL TO ROTARY CLUB A brief farewell talk by D. McN. Lowe In which he advised club members to sing at their meetings and "occasionally forget the troubles of the world" lormed part of the program at the regular weekly meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club , Thursday. Mr. Lowe, a former memoer of the club, has been in the city for the last week as representative of the War Assets Corporation. He left last night for Vancouver. He described Uie activities of the Rotary Club at St. John's, Newfoundland, where -he spent six months as resident engineer with the Navy. Martin Stuart told of the progress of the children's hospital ward committee 01 which he is chairman and outlined proposed plans for financing it. Guests at Ihe meeting were T. E. Taylor, Vancouver; Pilot Of ficer Swart Hetherlngton, T. D Pattnllo, and S?t. S. Waring of the Canadian Army. HIYI SAR6E WHERE'S YOUR MINARD': SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES LAKELSE LAKE HAS ANOTHER OUTSTANDING ATTRACTION! DUCK AND GEESE HUNTING Clean up your shot-gun ... dig out the shells and Come to Terrace FOR SOME REAL SPORT! Dress warmly, bring food and blankets, and let Gordon Brookes of SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT do the rest. Write for cabin reservations. Season opens Sept. 15 SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT O. L. BROOKES, Mgr. Our Skeena Coffee Bar is open day and night Richard Long was a passenger on the Prince Rupert last night for a trip to Vancouver, Chaplain Hossle, padre of, H.M.CJ5. Chatham, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Esquimalt. O. Q. Balrd, C.N.R. lands com missioner, Winnipeg, was a passenger south on the Prince Rupert last night after spending several days in the city. Don Forward, YMCA area su pervisor, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Van couver. Mrs. Forward and children are already In the south. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boreham of Vancouver left last night on the Prince Rupert to return south after spending a few days in the city. Mr. Boreham Is con nected with the Monarch Life Assurance Company in Vancou ver. Pte. Kenneth Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, ar rived home unexpectedly Wed nesday night from Wainwright, Alberta, where he Is attached to a company guarding war prisoners. He will spend four teen days leave with his parents. Hotel. . . arrivals C. Langille, Queen Charlotte City. Fred Dahl, Queen Charlotte City; Carl Washburn, Klt-wanga; David Smith, Kltwanga; Tom Lufivigsen, Queen .Char lotte City; Leslie Wylie, Van couver; BL and Mrs. Foster, Aliford Bay; R. Hlgglnbottom, J. R. Smith, G. E. Johnson, Queen Charlotte Islands; L. D, Fitsimmons, Vancouver; W. K, Walsh, Vancouver; G. E. Woot- erf, Vancouver; John Arm strong, Victoria; Gladys Ed wards, Carlisle; Mrs. D. S. Smith, and son, Port Essington; Mr. and Mrs. A. Caulder, Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. Pazluk and daughter' Prince Rupert. SUBSCRIPTIONS I FOR PRO-REC -.1 Prince Rupert Recreational Council acknowledges subscriptions as follows In its campaign for funds: John Olson $ 5 Mrs. Davis 10 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson .... 12 D. Forward 10 F. Ryan - 10 L. Oyer 5 Mrs. J. J. Payne 10 T. Wilford 5 E. Skogmo 5 C. C. Mills 10 Kwong Sang Hing 10 Dr. John Gibson 10 Dr. Jens Munthe 10 O. Olafsen 15 J. C. Gilker 5 Mrs. R. M. Winslow 5 John Currie 25 S. E. Parker Ltd 25 Wee Tot Shoppe 10 Prince Rupert Dally News .. 12 Bulkley Murket - 24 A. McKenzle Furniture 5 Shenton Sheet Metal 6 Enterprise Fruit Co 12 Fair Way Food Market 10 O. Havroy 5 D. Ello ,.- 5 Thompson Hardware 10 J. Wrathall : 5 Gordon & Anderson 25 G. L. Rorle 12 Nelson Barber Shop 5 McRae Bros 12 Smith & Elklns 10 J. C. Walker 5 Cliff Ham 5 Grand Cafe ,. 5 S. D. Johnston 8 Barr & Anderson 10 Dave Henderson 5 Northern Distributors 5 R. E. Mortimer 10 V. Evans 5 W. E. Fisher 10 Mrs. H. M. Hanson 5 Quality Grocery Store 10 Dr. C. H. Hankinson 25 Central Canteen Committer H.M.C.S. Chatham 100 Prince Rupert Community Council 45 E. V. Whiting 5 Total donations under $5 167 Other donations reported by canvassers 206 Total contributions to Sept. 27 - $996 SPRINGBOK AI RSERVICE CAPE TOWN J) At the suggestion of British authorities it has been decided to call the Johannesburg-London air service the "Springbok" service. The date of the opening of the ifcintc ia nut luiuwu aa van- ous questions remain to be settled." South Africa's plans are at an advanced stage. C.B.C. SONGBIRD Golden-haired Vancouver soprano Isa-belle McEwan Is starred on two popular shews over the Trans-Canada network from the west coast studios of the CBC, Tuesday afternoons she has her own program at four o'clock, with an ensemble directed by Cardo Smalley. Saturdays at 7f30 she sings on "Leicester-Square to Old Broadway," the program featuring Harry Pryce's orchestra In hit songs of. the gay nineties. Known affectionately as "Belle" to thousands of her loyal CBC listeners, the Vancouver songstress has appeared in musical comedy In "New York, on films and -adio in Britain, and was once auditioned and accepted by the Paris Opera. She has also made personal appearances In Prince Rupert. PFDD Radio Dial til K mn Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Fred Waring 4:30 Science Magazine. 5:00 Alouette Quartet 5:30 Remember 5:45 G.I. Jive 6:00 Magic Carpet 6:15 Listening Post 6:30 Jimmy Carroll Sings 7:00 C.B.C. News 7:15 To be announced 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Soliloquy 8:30 Vancouver Playhouse 9: CO Abbott and Costello 9:30 Russell Bennett Conducts lo:ou CBC News 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Thomas Peluso's Orch. 10:30 Eight to the Bar tl:ou Snent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Operatic Gems W.00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed 9:45 Hawaiian Echoes 10:00 Here's to Romance' 10:3C Melody Roundup 10:45 Old Songs 11:00 Jill's All-Time Juke Box 11: :33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 At Ease P.M. 12:00 Glen Miller's Orchestra 12:15 Across the Board u:'6i CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Fred Gluskin's Orchestra 1:15 Words With Music 1:30 One Nite Stand 2:00 Silen: WOMAN TO TRAIN AS AIR ENGINEER LONDON, Sept. 28 tB Dorothy Gwynne, 18, of Coventry, has been awarded the first Army Johnson Scholarship by the Society of British Aircraft Constructors. She will be the first woman lri Britain to become an apprentice aero engineer and to receive an engineering scholarship granted by an industry. Now working as a draughts man, miss Gwynne soon win start a four to five year aero nautical engineering course. Army Johnson, heroine of many lone world flights, died in January 1941, when the plane she was piloting as an Air Transport Auxiliary officer crashed In the Thames estuary. IMPORTANT FOR TIRES More than 200,000,000 pounds Howe & McNulty":.:...: 10 j rubber grade carbon black an Important Ingredient In tires, were produced In the first half of 1945. LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: certificate of Title no. 22752-1, to Lot 161, Queen Charlotte District, said to contain 23 acres, more or less, except a strip of land one chain in width measured from high water mark and also except Part lying South of a line being the production West of the North 'boundary of Block "A" of District Lot 160 to high water mark of said Lot 161. wjrEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate nf Title issued in the name of James Barratt uuiau nas Deen filed In this office, notice is hereby elven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date oi me nrst puDiicauon hereof, Issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 3lst day of August, A.D.. 1945. ANDREW THOMPSON. ' Deputy Registrar of Titles Prince Utipcrt Daflg rectos Friday, September 23, 1945 LOCAL GIRL WEDS U.S. MAJOR Miss Philomena Murray and Joseph Carew United The wedding of Miss, Phllomena Murray, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray of this city, and Major Joseph A. Carew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Carew or Dubuque, Iowa, was solemnized Wednesday ihcrnlng at the Pro-Cai.hedral of the Annunciation, Prince Rupert. Father Carroll read the nuptial mass before the altar adorned with baskets of seasonal flowers, on either side of the altar were lighted candles. The wedding music was played by Miss Frances Moore who also accompanied Sgt. Warren J. Sweeney In singing "Ave Maria" and "Panls An jellcus." The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Arthur Murray, was attired In a gold blege gabardine dressmaker sul with violet accessories and car ried a white prayer book adorned with orchids and trailing be-rlb- boned tea roses. Mrs. Stanley McClay of Vancouver, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and was frocked in -chartreuse honeymoon crepe afternoon dress and accessories .to match. She carried a colonial nosegay of yarl-colored carnations. The bride's mother was gowned in a green silk crepe ensemble accentuated by gold accessories and wore a shoulder corsage of sweetheart roses. Mr. Carew was attended by Capt. Frederick Rivara and the ushers were Shane Murray, bro ther of the bride, Capt. Charles Holmes and Capt. Terry Myser. T5 Edward J. Kaemmerlin and Sgt. Robert F. Cochran served as attendants at the altar. In the evening a reception was held lh the Officer's Club -where many beautiful gifts were dis played. The toast to the bride was proposed by Capt. Rivara and responded to by the groom. The bride, who was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, has been a resident of this city for many years. The bridegroom was born and educated in Dubuqque. Iowa, and has been serving. with the US. Army for the pasit four years having been stationed in Prince Rupert since 1942. Major and Mrs. Carew depart erLfln their -hineymconvf or KeU chlkan and will reside tempor arily at 744 Sixth Ave. W. on their return to the city. LARGE VARIETY tyMrlv M Mnrt nf food fish are found in Canada. SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . Modern Etiquette Oy HOBEKiii LEE Q. When semnjthe table In what position should the spoons be placed? A. They should be placed to the right of the plate, and tp the right of the knives, with the hollow side of the spoons upward. Q. Is it good form for ajman to smoke In a public vehicles A. Yes, unless there is a!Tule forbidding it, 'or the smoxe Is blowing Into some other passenger's face. Q. Is it necessary to acknowledge gifts and cardj received during an Illness? A. Yes. If one is too ill to write the notes 'personally, some member cf the family can do it. Advertise in The Dally News. NoTlUNGbut vhole mii . i . ' out,andli"V. a fy fin. ;nCarnaw milk for babies- j big re'soni three There are First it i Mn,f ::wnbe-andPJ5! a, ....... u w .. ... yitamin eX!ri I6U?f b"ld tones " and teeth. helP it U Second, it's . because Wau . keep. sealed and stenlued... indefinitely . - . can.Th.r ible because - makes it a W""- ' Catnation Co. Limited. Vancouver, B.C. i NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS mi i, A sale of lots within the City of Prince Rupert, on which delinquent taxes are owing, will be held in .thcVZcjtuncil Chambers, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., at fo'a.m., October 1st, 1945. ' Property on which 1943 taxes are owing will; be sold ' unless paid on or before September 29th, 1913. II. M. FOOTE, City Collector. THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork; ' Poultry Produfcta Under Most Sanitary Conditions ! 311 Third Ave. , Phone 178 Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6 a.m. to 3 a.m.' We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. 4t t t