iWAVyFEBnUARY 12. :cnt inw I""' " 1945 -1 'SEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIME Of General Interest Where the Milk Goes J , 'bit Panada's milk inng ic ,Minn is distributed as. fol- 48 percent into .butter; 35 . .. flnM mlllf fi n into evaporaiea mux; iu eat for cheese and about 1 if at for ice cream, milk' pow- nd condensed milk. 30-Day Guarantee iling pric" for used cars charged only ror reconai- d machines sold by dealers given an Implied JU-aay ntee Snouio. me car ue-defectlve within the 30 days ..... UHf Um dCliEl must pay nan mc r c.s'.s A private individual 2 a used car must deduct cr.matci cost of repairs the celling price and in no can charge more than 90 ni of ihe celling. Chocolate Travels l.t) Fv curves, in the form .o j v.ar parcel. Chocolate p;: r.2sed by NAAFI are CVC) t.ne CUUIUC4 an.auK.cno lever Auiea suiuicis ui c iinz Millions of bars go to idlan service men In Drltain the western front through canteens operated by the Y. Salvation Army, the fr.ts oi Cjlumbus and the ilan L-gion War Services. Lowest Index fir- 'ne hi:' iiiuiiitis ui I at ICO. Canada's cost of index stands at 117 in the tabuiat.on. Which means (with the exception of New Ind t. U4, Canada's rise in , tlie smallest in the world )FF TO ICE HARVEST EENA CROSSING, Feb.. 12 Mil:..:) aud Cecil Wright f r the ice harvest. -v. be at Pacific, Endako, Cc ".d McBrlde. Iflcd Ads In The Dally I jet re?alt3. umber now have a stock of good grade R, SPRUCE iND CEDAR lumber on hand me 651 or 652 particulars ILPOTT, EV1TT CO; LTD. MACARONI AND ITS FAMILY IS A GOOD STARTER FOR THE' SUPPER Macaroni and cheese Is a "bread-and-butter" type of dish. Nothing to get excited about but satisfying and generally pretty well liked. A good supper stand-by when the menu-planning imagination runs out. But macaroni, Its smaller relative spaghetti, and its cousins who belong to the smart set the various forms of noodles have other potentialities. In fact they can be made the starting point for any number of dishes. Clip these recipes from the Consumer Section of the Dominion Department of Agriculture and next time you find yourself filling In the blank space on your menu with macaroni and cheese substitute one of these Instead. You'll be glad you did. Sausage and Macaroni Loaf 1 cup uncooked macaroni broken In 1-lnch lengths 2 tablespoons mild-flavored fat 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk lVa cups grated Canadian cheese 2 eggs Salt to taste 1 pound sausages Cook macaroni In boiling salt ed -water until tender. Drain and rinse under cold water. Make a cream sauce by combining fat and flour, gradually adding milk and cooking until thickened. Re move from heat, add cheese and stir until well blended. Add slightly beaten eggs and macaroni. Salt to taste. Brown sausages In a frying pan and arrange them along the sides and ends of a loaf pan. Fill centre with macaroni mixture and bake in a moderate oven, 250 degrees F., until loaf Is set and sausages are done, about 40 minutes. Un mould on serving dish, Six serv ings. Weiner-Spaghetti Casserole with Horseradish Saurc 1V2 cups uncooked spaghetti broken in 2-inch lengths GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI 12 welners 1 Vz cups medium cream sauce 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons chopped parsley V2 teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon pepper Cook spaghetti in boiling salt ed water until tender, 15 to 20 minutes; drain and rinse in cold water. Parboil weiners for 5 min utes in a small amount of water In a covered frying pan. Com bine cream sauce, horseradish, vinegar, parsley, mustard and pepper and blend well. Add spaghetti and turn into a greased baking dish. Place welners on top of spaghetti pressing them down- Into mixture. Bake In a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for 20 to 25 minutes. Six servings. Noodle Kins 2 eggs 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped parsley W'z cups medium cream sauce 3 cups cooked fine noodles Salt and pepper to taste Beat eggs. Add onions, parsley and cream sauce. Combine with noodles, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well. Pour Into greased individual ring moulds or one large ring mould. Set in a pan of hot water and oven Vanderhoof Red Cross Was Busy VANDERHOOF. Feb. 12 3 t4 txr' Aucup Day, ENJOY DELICIOUS AUNT JEMIMA'S SHROVE TUESDAY and all through LENT! Ma'am! For a delicious, satisfying ina jifTy.ajcasyaj 1-2-3, Auntjtmima's ire "i urumcvmi ran'r hi,f mnino. rt raw tn Hipeir everv one in me lamiiv itackofAuntJemimas-fiufiy-liht can enjoy them! And they're chock-full 6uiuca-Drowa..dcc-liihous.Made ol nounsnment, too man-wnat-a-meai: fk Oinltf Oat Csmptnr el Caiwdt UaHtd CENTRAL HOTEL A total of 77 boxes of civilian cloth ing, comforts for the armed ser vices and hospital supplies was shipped during the past year b the local Red Cross Society which raised the substantial amount of $4332 during the year. Delmort Frozen Fruits, and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches.' Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 DINING ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP CHIMNEY SWEEPINO OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE. HANDYMAN ANNOUNCINO . . . EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW ME1N, CHOP SUEY 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. THE DAILY NEWS I HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASIILKY Q. How can I remodel a straw hat? A. If it is desired- to change the shape of a straw hat, pour boiling water over It, and while It is, hot and pliable, reshape it with the hands. Take a bowl or vessel that will fit the crown and place the hat on this while working, also leaving it on the bow to dry in the sun. Q. How can I tighten the handle of an umbrella? A. If the umbrella handle be comes loose, fill the -hole in the handle with powdered resin, heat the rod, and then press firmly into the hole. Q. How can I prevent the peeling of onions from affecting the tear ducts of the eyes7 A. By dipping the onions for a moment In boiling water and then beginning at the root and peeling upwards. Modern Etiquette By, ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it considered good form to shake hands with gloves on? A. It Is not correct to remove the glove before offering the hand, as this necessitates an awkward pause. Just shake hands and forget the glove. m Q. How should a man refer to his wife when among non-lnl-matcs? A. As 'Mrs." poach in a moderately slow oven, 1 , TL 1 r Funeral 1 hursday ot 325 deerees f. until set. about 45 minutes. Unmouid on serving Robert Cunningham plate and fill centre with green peas, corn, creamed meat, etc. Six servings. The funeral of the late Robert Cunningham, whose death oc curred early last week, took place Thursday afternoon from the Grenvllle Court chapel 01 B.C. Undertakers to Falrview Cemetery. Rev. A. F. MacSween officiated. The hymns were "Abide With Me" and "Lead Kindly Light." David Youn N. McGlashan, Ross Hauser and Gunner Williamson were pall bearers. Deceased is survived by a widow, three daughters and two sons. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54- FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J. H. M AIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES C32 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. Local News Items... PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Canadian Legion (BHS1..) No. 27 Executive Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Allan Gullekson, former ly Miss Mary Bill of this city, left Saturday night to spend a furlough with her husband, Sgt. Allan Gullekson, in Minnesota. Donald Wanamaker left Sat urday night for Vancouver where he will join the Army. Member of a well known local family, he has been a member of the local reserve unit. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and family and H. Wilson of Ccdarvale have arrived at Sun-nyside Cannery to spend the rest of the winter. After the heavy, snow and cold weather at Cedarvale, they found the clear ground and mildness at Sunnyside very agreeable. John W. Beaton, senior sec retary of Y.M.C.A." war services for Canada and overseas, will arrive In the city on tomorrow night's train from Toronto to attend the official' opening of the new Y.M.C.A.' war services building" here. ' He will proceed Thursday night to Vancouver. Mr. Beaton has had extensive travels all over the world In connection with his duties. The Experts Say . . . By the Canadian Press GOOD LOOKIN "Food that looks better, tastes better," says Laura Pepper, chief of the Ag ricultural Department's Consumer Section, and she suggests these effective garnishes for every-day dishes. For meat pie use a biscuit dough topping cut with a doughnut cutter. A sprig of parsley In each hole after baking makes an attrac tive garnish . . . and of course you'll eat the garnish. Carrot daisies arc easy to make and look gay on a relish plate or salad. Using a sharp pointed knife makes cuts ',4-lnch deep and about ',4-lnch apart down the length of the carrot. Then cut crosswise in paper-thin slices and chill in ice water until they curl. Apple wedges make a colorful garnish. Wash and core a rosy apple, cut In in pickle vinegar. Use on a IrrlUli Imv or ax a salad nr pold meat garnish. Hamburger de Luxe . . . wrap each burger in a slice of bacon and top with a pickled onion. HOSE CARE: Daily dipping is a must if you want to make your precious fayon stockings last longer . . . and 48 hours Is the minimum drying time for them to keep their elasticity. Rings on fingers and hangnails are snag points and the source of runs. When it comes to drying, the stocking should be rolled in a towel to remove excess moisture and then hung by toe and top to take the strain off the rayon. And paper is to stockings what moth balls are to wool and .It doesn't hurt to keep them wrapped in tissue paper when they aren't being worn. PUMPKIN CUSTARD: Nearly everyone who is fond of pumpkin pie . . . and that means nearly everyone . . . will like this recipe ' for pumpkin custard which comes from the Agriculture Department's testing kitchen. Combine one cup canned pumpkin, Va cup brown sugar, teaspoon salt, Vz teaspoon cinnamon, V teaspoon nutmeg and ,2 teaspoon ginger. Beat one cup of milk and combine the two mixtures. Pour into s greased custard cups, set in a pan of hot water and over- nnnh In n mnrlnrntplv hnt nvpn ,j . 375 degrees fahrenhelt, for abou one hour. Serve cold. This recipe makes six servings. MEAL PLANNING: "For health, happiness and Canada's future, buy wisely . . . cook carefully ... cat well" Is the slogan of the Nutrition Division's new chart "Meal Planning for health." As an aid in buying foods with the highest nutritional value, this little wall chart is a treasure house of food information. Division into five major groups simplifies the task of choosing the foods which are needed every day for health. In each group is listed a large variety of foods, which are Interchangeable, so that the in dividual preferences and family budgets can be considered. The chart, obtainable free from the Provincial Department of Health, Is a guide for buying good nu trltlon. Mrs. A. Dowther left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Frizzell left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Mojor W. R. Ross left Satur day night on an official trip to Victoria. Mrs. James Forman and small son were among those who left Saturday night on a trip to Mrs. Jessie Cunningham and young son, Robert, are leaving by tonight's train on their re turn to Prince George after having been here on account of the death and luneral of the late Robert Cunningham. Card of Thanks Mrs. Jessie .Cunningham and family wish to express their ap preciation to Prince Rupert friends, for kindness and sym pathy extended them in their recent beveavemcnt through the death of husband and father. Special thanks are extended to MTs. K. Montelth and daughter. Colleen, Mrs. James Kane, Corp. Percy Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ronson, Mrs. Mulroney and Leona Herman as well as to the pallbearers. aewtttncftj.ct'wps HELP PREVENT MANY COLDS from developing Put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril at the very first sniflfe or sneeze. Its quick action aids Nature's defenses nmumnfm against colds. Follow wlvlw mSrYA-TRO-KOL Announcements All advertisements tn this column will be charged for a full montn at 25c a word. Junior War Workers Tea, Legion Rooms, February 10. (34) C.W.L. Valentine Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. Hut, Feb. 13. 8:00 pjn. Tea, Presbyterian Hall, February 14. Basket Social. Wed.. Feb. 14. wedges-' and let stand one hour Valhalla Hall, 8th East. Ladies bringing baskets. (37) United Church tea. Mrs. Andrew Thompson, 440 6th Ave. W., Feb. 15th. St. Valentine Dance, WjV. of Machine Gun Rcgt., Armouries, February 16. Sons of Norway, Valentine Dance, Oddfellows Hall, February 16. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. : Anglican Tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, February 22. (44) Orange Ladies' Sale. March 28. St. Peter's Sale, April 26. Dance every Saturday nlcht. Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. "Build B.C. Payrolls" What About Wartime Recipes? jfif jMroftTr If some of you good cooks have recipes which meet wartime shortages we believe other women would be interested In trying them. ' We shall be glad to pass them on here as a Pacific Milk contribution to other friends. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON VICTOR RECORDS "I'M MAKING BELIEVE" by Hal Mclntyre UUl ?ftp Bluebird 30-0831 -SWEET DREAMS, SWEETHEART" by Shep ?ftf Fields Bluebird 30-0833"' "TOGETHER" by Dinah Shore Victor 20-1594 PAGE THREE ft "JELLY-ROLL BLUES'1 by Bunny Berrigan Victor 20-1502 Commission for Inquiry EDUCATIONAL FINANCE NOTICE Public hearing of this commission will be held as follows: Prince Rupert Council Chamber, City Hall WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 2 P.M. Organizations wishing to make representations to this commission are invited to attend the above meeting. M. A. CAMERON, Commissioner. COURT HOUSE, VANCOUVER, B.C. ' IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ECONOMY ... here's the place to find it. For our prices are always right. Come in for your needs and browse around, for personal or household articles. You'll enjoy shopping at the THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars' POULSEN'S LUNCH 6 th AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION "B" As Good as the Best Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY Our stock fresh and complete, prices right Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 75c; Y w 75c "-m BONDED HOOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks" Eavcstrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 S:m a.TM