hmemutr y- ' 1 ALL WHITE WASHING MUST BE RINSED IN BLUE TO PREVENT IT TURNING YELLOW The only way to keep whHe things wi'e Is to use Blue. It's very simple. Just a swish or two In the last rinse water will prevent them turning yellow, keep them fresh and snowy white all the time. Remember Stven cofouri combfn fo mafct wfiift. On of lht colour It Liu: Jhtro It no frv whllt without Bluo. RB-17 Beautiful F U R S Advance Fall Styles Why not buy your fall fur coat now while you can take the pick of the new season crop We've many, many wonderful fur styles to choose from. Small deposit will hold any garment. n m b m. . n HM1LMLd LHUILO NLHI "We Lead . . . Others Follow" mi) vnim rirnmT.M a ATIC!."' APTIrtV WIV IUUH ll'il 1 liH OiWliJiiiu""" quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 Box 575 NOTICE Our store will re-open Monday, July 16lh euo's fuSture store PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COMMENCING AUGUST 1 . . . The Skeena Grocers (Across from the Hospital) Will go on a three-day wechly delivery service TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY - We trust this change will not unduly inconvenience our customers. Indeed, we hope to give you better service. Local News Items . . . A.S.O.N. Dance, Friday, July 20, Oddfellows' Hall. 9:30 to 2. (168) Flight Lieutenant Elmer Clausen . . left last night for a trip to Vancouver. All persons interested In gardening are requested to attend a public meeting In the City Hall, Tuesday, July 24, 8 p.m. Mrs. J: TV Trnirhrr whn has been visiting for the. past few weeks In- the city with old friends, left last night on her return to Vancouver. Mrs. Thur- ber formerly resided here. Vote for Evelvn Russpv. Tint. ary Club Carnival Queen candi date, your Y.M.C.A. hostess. Relief from NEURITIC Pain Don't suffer another day from the cruel tnrmpnt ff NpnriHr. Uh1matlc Of thou8andjtiavewUhTtmpleton'T-R-C'. specially made to relieve juieumauc ram and Stiffness, Neuralgia, Lumba0, Sciatica. T-K-C' are sold by druggiitt everywhere. 50c, $1. HER SISTER AT HALIFAX 25 Mrs. Mallory of Port Clements Anxious for Information About Her Sister Who Lost Home in Previous Disaster Envisioning a renetltlnn nf the disaster of 1917 when her sister's nome was completely destroyed, Mrs. A. L. Mallory of Port Clem ents was at tne Dally News office yesterday anxiously seeking information of the ammunition explosions at Halifax. Her sister is Mrs. O. R. Hubley whose home is on Hennessy St. In the northern area of Halifax. The nresent home Is on the same site as that which was destroyed 27 years ago. it is not a great distance from the ammunition denot lo cation in Bedford Basin so Mrs Mallory presumes mat ner sis ter was among those who had to evacuate temporarily while the danger of further explosions Mrs. Mallorv has been in the city for the past 10 days and will be returning to the Queen Char lotte Islands tonight. Her son, Gunner Robert Mallory, has been overseas with the artillery for three years, having been in the Italian campaign and later go- lne to Holland where he is now. He was in Amsterdam on "V-E" Day. He went through the war unharmed except for a minor chest 'burn which required brief hospitalization. Announcements xrnrlp Rnlatrnn Lundaulst piano recital, First Presbyterian Church, Tuesaay, jury z. o:ju nm. Tickets on sale at Orme's Drug Store, McLaren's and Walker's Music store. Aauits i; students 35c. Presbyterian Tea, July 25. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave, -r Phone 88 Vote for Evelyn Bussey, Club Carnival Queen candi date, your K. of C. hostess. An adjournment was granted by Magistrate T. W. Brown in city police court yesterday to a juvenile charged with break and entry in connection wiui recent housebreakings In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Gosse nnri rimiB-hter. Mrs. H. Gatiens. left last nieht on their return to Seattle after a visit of a few days here with Mr. Gosse s brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Fourth Avenue West. Col. Alex Robertson, who has been here and at Terrace on power "matters In his capacity as engineer for tne uriusn uoi timbla Public Utilities Com mission, left last night on his return to Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. K. Brewer and daughter, Heather, returned to the city on the Princess Louise today from a trip to Vancouver and eisewnere in tne soum. Mr Brewer attended the recent Re serve Army camp at Nanalmo. SAILOR STILL UNCONSCIOUS Condition of Seaman Horace Haddock, in military hospital here as a result of a fall of 20 feet or so from the sidewalk railing on Third Avenue just past of the Brooksbank build ing Tuesday night, is reported t.r he serious. Said to be suf fering from concussion, Haddock was still unconscious yesterday afternoon. Queen Candidate Guest at Dance Miss Beatrice Didrlckson, Junior Chamber of Commerce carnival jueen candidate, was guest of honor at a dance at the American Corporals' ciub on Acropolis Hill last night where she was introduced by club president, Corp. Douglas Sweeney, official host. Music was by the Acropolis Hill Sophisticates orchestra. The duck-billed dinosaur used his curious bill to gather aquatic vegetation. THE REXALL STORE BEAUTY CONTEST .'(Continued from Page 1) cltjy council' had approved a contribution of $500 to the Public Relations Council at Its last meeting. RudolDh Olsen. Sons of Nor way delegate, urged that pub licity literature should snow not only tourist attractions but also inducements that would interest outside capital in the district. "Trip nnmnhlpte should con tain maps showing mineral, in dustrial ana agricultural areas, as wen as railways, nignways ana otner attractions, ' ne saia. Mr. Olsen said that he believed Prince Rupert might share In the reconstruction of tne Norwegian fleet. Reconstructing Norway's Fleet 'Worway had the fourth largest merchant fleet In the world before the war," he asserted. "Why shouldn't Prince Rupert share In the rebuilding of that I eet?" About half nf Nnrwav's fleet had never seen Norway," he said, being occupied In the Pacmc, so Prince Runprt mlehfc toe in a position to assist In Its reconstruction. Revival of the Prince Rupert museum was urged and Mayor Dae-pptt- snlrt that hp -will revit alize the museum board, having been assured that the former board members have either left the city or have no Interest In continuine with the museum. The meeting adopted a motion by G. A. Hunter that the proposed new museum board meet with the public relations council. Colin McCarthy reDorted that he had Interviewed Peter Lakle, C.N.R. district freight and passenger agent, about placing Prince Rupert scenes in hotel and station lobbies and that, while the C.N.R. is at present doing no publicity, the matter will be considered. ITCH CHECKED in a J iff if or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eciemai conditions, u pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. GreateleM and atainleu. Soothes, comforts and quickly ralmt minute uciung. won i .nu-n your arugglst today tor u. u. u. rHtstKirilUN J, L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. OrmesLld. "Jim Pioneer Drjuqgiats Phones 81 and 82 "CHECK YOUR CHEST",.. TIMETABLE ALL RESIDENTS OVER 12 YEARS OF ACE IN THE VICINITY OF Hays Cove Ave. (Midway) RE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST X-RAY EXAMINATION THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY . . . JULY 19, 20, 21 HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. COME EARLY LADIES ARE ASKED TO WEAR TWO-riECE GARMENTS TO HELP SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE LADIES' CHANGE ROOMS THE X-RAY SURVEY IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF The PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY CHRISTMAS SEAL COMMITTEE KINSMEN CLUR Prince Rupert WORKING FOR THEIR QUEEN The regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose Wednes-dav nieht decided to donate $10 to the Cancer Drive and also to hold a dance in the near ru- ture to Introduce Carnival Queen candidate Ruth Glske to the public. The Tnitiation took nlace. ad mitting the three new members Mareuerite Davles. Marv Sam- martlno, and Ellen McKlnnon Into the Heart. The luckv name for the "Moose cash" drawlne was co worker Tattersall and, as she was absent, the drawing for tne next meetlne will be $9.00. After the meetlnz came to a pIosp a social, to introduce the candidate for Carnival Queen, Ruth Oiske, to the members took nlace. Delicious refreshments were served and the social came to a close. n Always the Same TN cooking with Carnation A Milk, you cari always count on the quality being the same. The can you open tomorrow will be just like the one you open today. The can you buy at one store will be the same as that bought at another. The bottom milk is the same as the top milk. And every drop has extra "sun shine" Vitamin D.Cook with the good milk with the red-and-white Carnation label. For milk recipes, use half Carnation and half water. For cream recipes, use Carnation undiluted, as it pours from the can. Write for free Carnation Cook Book. Carnation Co. Limited, 470 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. iGt: A 3 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 rMOST ft. M POPULAR M VFINE WATCH! I Prince Rupert, B.C. ; THE? DAILY. NEWS JOHN BULGER LIMITED Prince Rupert, B. C. Friday, July 20, 195 PAGE THREE Beliciovis and Refreshing v m dfilifUIA WANTED WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, tour-room nouse or apartment, not necessarily close In. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Dally News. WANTED One set of golf clubs. Apply BOX s- uauy. news. Uirawron TYV RFTMT One or two furnisnea rooms ior Army officer and wife. Phpne. 646, business nours. uoaj WANTED Kiddy car In good condition, rnone ureen am. FOIl RENT lurniture ana xoois. a.. rur-nlture Co., Black 324, (177) SPANISH and Hawaiian guitar instruction. Blue eaz. - utyi MAN 38, would like to meet lonely woman' with 'an eye to the future. Box 63 Dally News. (169) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced hairdresser. Phone Blue 84. (169) WANTED Female cook for family of six. Phone 466. (170) WANTED Woman for light housework for approximately two months; would consider party available for afternoons only If necessary. 515 5th Ave. West. (168) WANTED Graduate nurses for staff of Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Lady Superintendent. Phone 121, call or write. (169) WANTED First .class butcher to take fun cnarge ana au m own buying. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 186. (tf ) WANTED Teacher for the Omineca School, Rose Lake, B.C. Grades 1 to 7. Salary, tusn. Two small nartlv-fur- nished rooms available at school. AddIv at once to E. F. Mould, Secretary Omineca School Board. (168) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD and Bowling Supply, 218 W. Broadway, ir.n.niniar T C CO IP Til SITl till - VtUlkUUIVli ww, tors in B.C. for Burroughes and watts tuanaaai r.ia. D) TEA; Classified Advertising m n n a n n A C V TERMS CASH uooj WANTED Adjustable dress makers form, rnone itecusot. (170) (168) ROOM FOR RENT 812 Second Ave. West! lit) FOR RENT Room for. business man. Phone Green 155 after 6 p.m. (172) FOR RENT I.OD.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. uw LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Whltner wrist watch, Tuesday night. Fnone Green 769. (169) irc-mtjn Weddine rlne: Owner may have same by caning at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. PERSONAL 1SPOT CASH paid for household (171) DEATH NOTICE HELIN On July 18, 1945, Justin Herman Heiin. fort isssmgion, B.C., In his 79th year. Survived by his wife, one son, Henry, Port Simpson. Funeral service Saturday, July 21, at 2 In the B.C. Undertakers Chapel on. Fraser St. Interment at Falrvlew FOR SALE FOR SALE Dry wood. 130. Phone (173) FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Old established grocery business on third Ave., doing nice volume. Phone 19 or write Box 575. 173) FOR SALE New and used fur niture at the lowest, prices. Used enamelware, plates, cups, pudding dishes, etc., for 10c. Used beds, $3;. springs $4; new pillows, 75c, new tancy mirrors from $1.50; new stoves, best make,; new chairs; new three-piece chesterfields, $100. Used two-piece chesterfield, $37.50. Used axes, 95c. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (177) FOR SALE One-quarter section land, twenty-live acres m clover, thirty In hay meadow, forty-five head of cattle, five young horses, full line of machinery. Ten miles west of Vanderhoof. Apply J. Aries, Engen, B.C. 072) FOR SALE One electric mantle radio and cabinet, one electric washing machine. Can be seen after 5 p-m at 1133 7th Ave. East. (169) FOR SALE Model A Ford, good condition, good rubber, new battery; license 29332, serial CA13501. 1326 8th Ave. East. C8) k f--v ? FOR" rsALEFUy'f Jrnlshed: 2-room house; vacant' possession. Close in. See Mrs. Mc-Clymont, 307, 3rd Ave. (168) FOR SALE Solid walnut vanity ' dresser and' chiffonier; also Simmons bed. Apply 332 7th East, evenings. (169) FOR SALE Radio, good as new. Apply 649 Hays Cove Avenue, evenings. (169) FOR SALE Complete set of drums. City Rest Room, (171) FOR SALE Kitchen range. pnone after e, ureen ua. (171) FOR SALE Household furni ture, three-piece cnesterrieid suite, complete bedroom suite, Clare Jewel range, etc. Phone Red 914. (170) FOR SALE 26-ft. boat, 6 h.p. Easthope engine. See Mr. Young, Standard Oil dock, or call after hours at 518,7th Ave. East. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WORK WANTED WANTED Carpenter wants part time work. Apply Box 61 Dally News, or phone 98. rVTVTTTTTTTTTTTTV TTTTT T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT An airy, ankle-flattering addition to your summer wardrobe. in veiveiy uiuta sucuc, u woo tut iu. ovj.n. j and comfort $0.15 3 CUT RATE SHOE STORE KATY'S KLE EN: KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET : PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing In nome Cooking Anything from Steaks and Home made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Parties. Open 4i p.m. to 2 ajn. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE