PAGE FOUR THE. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B Wednesday, June 20, 1945 TEEN AGE weans TWEEN AGE Rupert Mens and Boys Store No matter if he Is four years old or four times four, which makes sixteen, the Men's and Boys' Store Can Clothe Him! Suits Pants Sweaters Hats Shirts Underwear Socks RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE JUST AROUND THE CORNER Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Bright Itcd Hexagen Asphalt Shingles. Roofing- Taper. Building Taper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 834 Poiilscn's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk cf Ctic Town WHY? Because . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. ... Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." From Now On THE . Royal Lunch - CAFE - Will be open for 24-hour service ALL NEWLY DECORATED FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate C. pi i ... Vfu ' KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and .Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's TROPHY IS PRESENTED Soo Suds Received Daily News Tug-of-War Challenge Cup Presentation of the Daily News Challenge Trophy, for tug-of-war honors at the annual Kinsmen's Club Victoria Day celebration, took place last night at a pleasant little dinner gathering at the Soo Suds camp. The presentation was made toy O. A. Hunter, managing editor of the Dally News, and was received on behalf of the tug-of-war team by Lieut. Col. A. B. Ncble, officer cummanding the Soo Suds. Mr. Hunter expressed gratification at the opportunity to make the presentation and congratulated the Soo Suds on ther athletic prowess as shown not only In winning the tug-of-war against stiff competition tout in other lines of sport. He expressed the hope that the Soo Suds would be1 on hand to compete for the trophy again on another Victoria Day. Col. Ncble expressed his aDnre- ciation of the efforts of his men In winning the cud. He declared that his stay lri Prince Rupert had been a pleasant one due to the hospitality of the people. He especially acknowledged the assistance and consideration he had received from the United States Army. Capt, Fred Burgess, who was the captain of the Soo Suds tug-of-war team, also spoke briefly as did John Montgomery, Y.M. C.A. war services supervisor at the Soo Suds camp. Others present at the dinner were Bruce Stevens, representing the Kinsmen s Club. CaDt. C. G. New, and members of the tug- cf-war team which consisted of Capt. Donnelly, Lieut. Doyle, Sgt. Bonneville, Sgt. Faubert, Corp. Plowman, Pte. Faer, Pte. Burgoyne, Pte. Heine, Pte. Mc-Cassin and Pte. Bradshaw. C.N.R. Trains t'nr I lie Cast-Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. From the East Dally except Monday 10:45 p.m. SHAVINGS A CINCH With Minora Blades! For comfort and speed, you can't equal Minora in its class. It's the quality blade In the low-pricefield! UTS YOU DOimf-fDCf RAZOR THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Massett Steamship Service Under Fire Dissatisfaction was again expressed at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce with the steamship service that was being given Massett on the Queen Charlotte Islahds. Under the present schedule. It was said that the steamer did not remain long enough In Prince Rupert to permit of answering of mail and filling of orders for goods. Sometimes it took as long as a month to get an answer to a letter to Massett. This meant that business was being lost to this port. Frank Skinner spoke of the difficulty in getting a second steamer for the Queen Charlotte Island run tout said that his company was doing everything possible to remedy the situation. He pointed out that the company was not obligated to give any more than a two weeks' service. Railwayman Is Retiring WINNIPEG, June 20 One of western Canada's ibest known railroading men, Sidney C. May, chief tooller inspector for the Canadian National Railways, western region, was presented with a wrist watch, a Docket book, and a sum of money by fel low employees on Monday, prior to his retirement. Mr. May start ed his railway career In 1899 with tne London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, of London. Ens- land, and joined the Grand Trunk Railway in 1907. He served overseas from 1916 to 1919 which was the only Interruption In 40 years of railroading. Baseball Scores TUESDAY National League Boston 9, New York 2. St. Louis 0, Cincinnati 1. (thirteen Innings). Brooklyn at Philadelphia, postponed. American League New York 0, Boston 1. Philadelphia 0-3, Washington 6-5. Cleveland 3, Detroit 4. Chicago 5, SC. Louis 4. International League Baltimore 0-12, Rochester 5-5. Jersey City 3-4, Buff alio 4-8. Newark 5-0, Toronto 9-4. Syracuse 8, Montreal 9. American Association Columbus 8, Milwaukee 9. Louisville 1-4, Minneapolis 3-5. Toledo 7, Kansas City 4. Indianapolis at St. Paul, postponed. Pacific Coast League San Diego 0, Seattle 5. Hollywood 8, San Francisco' O.Sacramento 2, Portland 0. MONDAY National League New York 1, Brooklyn 2 (13 innings). American League ' Detroit 0, Chicago 1. International League Newark 2-2, Toronto 1-1 '(second game 12 Innings). Syracuse 0, Montreal 5. Baltimore at Rochester double-header and Jersey City at Buffalo postponed. American Association Columbus 0, Milwaukee 3. Indianapolis 1, St. Paul 4. Toledo 1, Kansas City 1. Louisville 11, Minneapolis 1. No Pacific Coast League games IN THE SUHtfcME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP HERMAN CARLSON, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1945. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Herman Carlson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to ,me on or before the 28th day of July, A.D. 1945, and all parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 13th day of June. A.D. 1945. OEOROE H. HALLETT. Official Administrator, Atlln. B.C. RUPERT B RAN D :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED 'PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Aldermen Grant $30 a Month to Recreation Group A grant of $30 a month to the Prince Rupert Recreation Council was authorized by the City Council Monday night after aldermen heard a letter requesting that amount by the pro-tem committee of the Recreation Council. The grant was passed unanimously. Mayor Daggett and Alderman Nora E. Arnold were appointed as delegates to the Recreation Council and given power to request substitutes should they be unable to attend meetings. TERRACE ASKS GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE POWER Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. ENGAGEMENT GILLETT Reverend and Mrs. James Gillett announce the engagement of their younger daughter. Joyce Rosalie to Leading Writer Donald Crin-gan Carlisle, R.C.N.V.R.. son of Mrs. Carlisle and the late Dr. Vernon. Carlisle of Toronto. The wedding will take place Monday. June 25. FOR SALE SUPERIOR Cottage now vacant ifor sale. 3 toedrooms, oak floor, fully modern, full concrete toasement and basement heated. Close to Conrad St. School. Apply Dybhavn & Hanson, Ltd. (It) FOR SALE Baby buggy. Apply ' 977 10th East. (145) FOR SALE New, household furniture Including electric washing machine, radio, hotplate. Also new Singer sewing machine. 513 Herman Place. (148) FCR SALE Kitchen table and 3 chairs. Phone Green 767. (144) FOR SALE Radio. Phone 309, Miss Folden. after 8:30. (145) FCR SAT E fouare oak d'ning table. Call 733 5th Ave. West. (148) FCR SALE Repair and bicycle shop, going concern. Applv H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (144) FOR SALE Remington Portable typewriter; boy's bicycle; kitchen .range. Phone Blue 162 after 6 p.m. . (144) FOR SALE Double bed, chest of drawers, occasional chair, blue rug, 9x4, writing desk. Ph'one Red 255 after 6. (143) FOR SALE Wood. Scrap lumber suitable for kindling. $6.50 a load. Heavier wood, $10.00 a load. Phone 130. (146) FOR SALE Good piano. Apply 721 5th Ave. west, pnone uiue 409. (143) FOR SALE Model A Ford radiator, fan and water pump; set of gurdies, poles and masts. Ray Green, to the rear of Armstrong's Store, Cow Bay. (146) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Wednesday, June 27, 1945, for the purchase of the Kitty Moen six-room, one-storey frame cottage, situate on Lot 12, Block 43, Section 5, City of Prince Rupert, 817 Comox Avenue, including six-hole black and white enamel Heetmor range. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Premises may be inspected by arrangement with Official Administrator, Court House, City. (143) FOR SALE Two barber chairs, two mirrors, large size, In good condition. Apply B.C. Furniture Co. (144) FOR SALE Two ice cream freezers, electric automatic, 2-hole, good condition. Apply B.C. Furniture Co. Blue 324. (144) FOR SALE One-ton G.M.C. truck. $300. Phone Black 461. (tf) FOR SALE Man's .C.C.M bicycle, almost new. Apply 920 Alfred Street. (145) TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) I VICTORIA, June 20 Representations have been received here from the Terrace Board of Trade seeking extension of elec tric power facilities to that nor them interior village. The board says that the Terrace district Is severely handicapped toy lack of power which would toe generally used were It available. Buy War Savings Stamps WANTED WANTED To Tent housekeen ing room, urgently needed by July 1. Phone Green 773. (145) WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Couple with 4 year old child. Phone American Signals 388. (148) WANTED Unfurnished suite or two rooms. Centrally located. Box 31 Daily News. (148) WANTED Second hand baby stroller or sulky. Mrs. Holt, phone Blue 277. (143) WANTED Two room furnished apartment, centrally located, for serviceman and wife. Box 30, Dally News. (Hi) WANTED To buy or rent, trea dle sewing machine. Phone 359. ri47) WANTED 21 -Jewel watch, or over. Apply Box 29 Dally News. (143) WANTED Room and breakfast ior one. Service personnel. Box 24, Daily News. (143) HELP WANTED WANTED Man part-time driver for grocery store afternoons. Ranee & Hardy. (143) WANTED Harriers fnr TVip riallv trnvlnno nqnar frt iha juuowing routes: n ana oui Ave. W.; 7th, 8th and 9th Ave. E.: 5th and 6th Ave. E.: 1st. 2nd and 3rd Ave. W.; Pigpot "and 2nd Overlook: 5th Ave. E.; 6th. 7th and 8th Ave. W. Phone Mrs. Welter, Green 186. (144) WANTED Reliable boy to deliver route for summer months. Apply Daily News. WANTED Reliable woman dr cirl for care of two children. Sleep in. Phone Blue 169. (145) PERSONAL YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and appearance of hair yours again, with Angclique Grev Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (146) FOR KENT FOH RENT Rocm for 3 months. nontleman only. 857 11th A". East. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished room. 315 8th Ave. W. (143) "TOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phnne 83 for particulars. (tf) FOUND FOUND Black male niD. waterfront. Saturday mornlnc. Phone Blue 496. (144) FOUND Pair of Glasses in Pecpl?s Stor Owner may have Fame tov calling at. th Dailv News and naying for this advertisement. FOUND Gold colored screw double looo earrins. Owner maye have same tov calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert JUST RECIEVEI) Another shipment of those popular CRYSTAL SETS Priced at $7.75 complete with headphones. An Ideal radio for young and old: No Batteries No Electric Power No Tubes No Operating Costs SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY Wilson's Wireless Ruzzers complete with battery and Instructional booklet $2.50 tit. ti-ft . im1. A GREAT AND HAUNTING US HEART OUT ON Opens at 12 Noon fJLmi I HI. Pftftr.. . . i .Bur imj m t. v-aHBHBB aim a a . v -MEEEEEEEEEEEEmM m e he 'El I m tt Li. j.wr. mm - m ft m t m h iiHr VVFSmXL; ' if 111 IM A f f t" tiW lWW -HHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKilttV. ' i I t H fli'RI W .If WmtSmmmKKtBSmi IIAUril I V - l 'J -hhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. M I m l DOROTHY McGUIRE JAMES nrnnu inir ftiniirn Tm " "k''-u rriihi Ann hAitnrK mi na (mm . 1 1 nun . ...... ,, k ltu uunniuou n inn ii nun nireMerf hu CI I A tf A7AM nj... . --mui, """"" jwn nntnn . rjooucea Dy LOUIS D. UGH1 1111 ON Ml .AMI MOCUM W M H IB) B Bj A 9 Ml CAPITOL J I & UL MMOUS PlAYtll THU1I1 THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars THE REX CAFE Opening Hours 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 -oo- "SCAnrn VHMMJI fN A j. BUUK pniib "S-P-E-E-D-Y" RADIO SERVICE c FLAGS for the JULY CELEBRATIONS We have plenty at 5c to 75c Quality Repairs at Economy Ift I, Prices KViHi PRINCE RUPEK nii-ip r r n A I R 3rd St. (Near the Post Under New Management We guarantee the best possible scrvict Hours 9:30 to 5:30 PHONE GREEN 217 65 TAXI Murray OU' Jack Caron