Cerclai; industrial and f Marine Electricians Ltrical CONTRACTORS j Electrical Supplies .. Wiring ana Kepairs PoTT ELECTRIC LIMITED loffices In Vancouver and New vvesuuuuw Lne Black 367326 2nd Ave. LuinEier 'e now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING e have a limited quantity H 1x3 Maple Flooring on Lnd. Call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. KUor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Poreen 186 Box 1430 St. "B" 65 Jack Caron Local News Items . . . A Prince Rupert Housing Association meeting Council Chamber, Wednesday, g p.m. Mrs. P. M. Kempton returned to the city on Monday from a onei inp to Vancouver. L. C. Griffiths returned on the Princess Adelaide on Monday from a brief business trip to Ovean Falls. Jce Slaggard returned, to the he has spent the last few weeks receiving medical treatmtnt. IMPORTANT! First general meeting of the Kaien Consu Motion pictures will be shown. Announcements Canadian Legion W.A. Tea and Sale, June 27. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. Navy League Auxiliary Tea, Mrs. Wlnslow's, July 5. Dominion Day celebrations, Saturday, July 7, Port Essing-ton. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. NEURALGBA Are NEURALGIA nnd the Hammering It 1 I.linrtinff Vi.l1 UL'lt h cruel pain? Get fast, safe reliefas others have, witn icmpieiona i-i-a. im nnniW vl.iv. Ktnrt now ta relieve that ialn with T-R-CV the remedy enthusiastically praisej by thouscuds. At all drugKlt 50c, 11. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580- JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, welL tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's TAXI Murray Oliver Free Delivery Throughout the City WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY MONDAY - To East Section THURSDAY - SATURDAY TUESDAY - To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. 12 o'clock noon during Kindly give us your order before your delivery day. Red Brand Beef. All choicest We serve Special and fresh and cooked meat-fresh vegetables fruits-complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIKU AVIS. w. RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage' COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Rev. and Mrs. James Murraj of Musett left today on tht Catala on a trip to Vancouver. v F. M. Davies of Atlln Fisheries left today on the Catala on a trip to Vancouver. C. E. P. Falkner. federal pub lic works engineer, left today on his return to Vancouver. Constable W.' E. M:Latchle, R.C.M.P.. left today on the Catala on a holiday trip to Van couver. Robert Gordon of this city is now in residence at his summer home on Lakelse Lake near Ter race for the season. mers. VO-oi). Vyrean uniun iu; . be held at the Valhalla Hall onf Tom caron, lor many years j - nA . a moll-Unmi'n lival rpt;tfllirnn- iuesaay, June zo, at a p.m. - ver wljere he Is operating a res taurant Known as Toms uaie on West Hastings St. V. E. Drake, eeneral mana ger of Edward' Lipsett Ltd., arrived in the city yesterday on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver on one of his periodical visits to the company's local business. CATHERINE WARD TERRY FORTUNE, WED IN VICTORIA A wedding of much local in terest took place on Tuesday of last week in Victoria when M.ss Catherine Ward, only daughter of Constable and Mrs. Joseph Ward of Prince Rupert, vds married to Petty Officer Terry Fortune, R.C.N.V.R., elder fjttn.ll w 1 HUT IMUB Lt urn CAN X-RAY 100 AM HOUR tv.ot-0 urill Via Tin reason why tr, PHn Riinert should wonder about the condition of his or her lungs when the pro- ninMnl nnarrl of Healtn mooue X-rav unit swings into action here next Tuesaay. fttnfforl hv three women teen nlnloriQ thp unit ha. a paDaclty to cast' its penetrating eye Into thn riiannrQirm.q nr mure uiau imn nponle an hour. The actual X-ray operation takes about half a minute and the prints are developed almost as fast as they are presented. John Stevens, who drove the mobile unit from vernon, amv-ing yesterday, says that it is the only one in Canada ount especially for the purpose. Among its equipment is a $1,500 camera and a leadrlined dark-room. The whole unit cost $20,000. Constructed on a special it is 34 feet long with an height of more than six feet. Patients enter in groups, ing at the front a few minutes later. Patients strip to the waist and stand in front of a frame while being: X-rayed. Record number of patients put tnrougn tne unit was 4zu in a iuui-"uui fi,uui Mr. Stevens said, although they did X-ray 460 in a sugntiy longer period. The latter group were Doukhobors and Mr. Stevens declined to say whether or not they were already undressed thpv entered the caravan. The staff, consisting of Miss Mary Harrison, Miss campoen and Miss Coe, arrives nere tn- day morning from Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY son 3uu 01 ui ivu Mr. ana u ivus. wu mi- , . 00 l rpnrj cat.v Studio couch, drop tune 01 rni'.ce iiucjk. m jj.- - - . . .. . - 1 1 I nr tnhie and two chairs, ,- 4n 1 winuint, rm hest of drawers. 1140 ctn lilt HCttl,YWC;i. t w.. . Vanc-iv r L-:li ' ' before coming Ave. East. Phone Red 897. (15U' tn Prin's liunert. Presbyterian Church Tea Is Success The Junior Ladies' Aid Of First Presbyterian Church held a very successful tea ana saie of delicatessen on Saturday, at the home of Mrs. C. O. Ham, Fifth Avenue West. The guests were received by the hostess and Mrs. Neil McDonald, president of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. J. B. MacKay and Mrs. T. M. Spencer poured. Servi-teurs were Mrs. Syd Elkins and Mrs. T. W. Brown. Mrs. vtaA Smith had charge of the kitchen, assisted by Mrs. W. Noble. The delicatessen booth, was In charge of Mrs. E. Saunders and Mrs. John G. MlLeod. Mrs. Murdo MacArthur was cashier. PASSING OF MRS. LINNEY Wife of Local Penticostal Pastor Dies Suddenly In Vancouver Her many friends have been shocked to learn of the death which took place at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon In Vancouver, where she had gone for a vacation trip, of Mrs. Elsie Linaey, wife of Rev. John Lin-nov nastnr nf the Prince Ru pert (Penticostal) Gospel Taber nacle. She haa seemed quite well before leaving here three weeks ago but took ill while In the south. Born in England and about fifty fifty years years of of age, age, Mrs. Mrs. Llnney unney ermrp with her husband. In the interior town they were in strumental in organizing a flourishing Penticostal congre g'ation. Later they went to Rev- . . ... .-- - daughter, Laverna, and a step- CF'PR Radio Dial 140 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY PAL 4:00 Worcs With -Music 4:15 G. I. Jive , 4:30 Great Moments In Music 5:00 G.I. Journal 5:30 Remember 5:45 Supper Club 6:00 Amos "n Andy 6:30 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7-15 Books and Shows 7:30 Kla-How-Yan nlllcum 8:00 Discussion Club o.on rliccfiYa fnr TndflV 9:00 Fibber McGee and Molly 9:30 Mall can 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore phifpott 10:15 cbc mews kouhuup 10:30 Suspense 11: CO snenr WEDNESDAY A.Jvl. 7:30 Musical ClocK k-iiii chc News 8:15 Mcrnlns Song 8:30 Morning tonceri s:uu tobU News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 .Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand iu:uu Homemakers 10:15 Raymond Scott 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Morning Visit 1 1 : uu Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrap Book 1U33 Message Period ii Weathpr Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Swing Time P.M. 1 12:00 Guy Lombardo 12:30 CBC News IN liiZ SUmlAlE COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND - M"A"N cariSonV decease. had resided in Prince .Rupert, intestate for the last year but ttob ; was j -not her first time in the north'"" i3th day of June, ad. 1045. 1 as she had been previously in , was appointed Administrator ol the .... . . , -1 i vctatA ..f Hprmftn CfiHann. deceased. and all-parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to 'me on or before the 28th day of I July, A D. 1945, and all parties ln- quired to pay the amount of their B.C.. this eistose wnence ndebUan debtedness t0 to me me forthwith forthwith. In addition to the Widower, nTB:n DATED nt. at Prlnri Prince Rimprt. Rupert. B. Mis. Iianey is survived oy a mil day ot June. a.u. ms. Official Administrator. sun. E ic Linney. Atim. b.c. PIONEERS OF FRIENDSHIP... 300 years ago. Calvert wreteVCamj t hit tier the light of truth I ALVLRT, famous 1 7th cen tury English statesman and founder of colonies in Newfoundland and Mary land, wrote to his settlers shortly before his death in 1632. "Carry thither the light ot trutn . Secretary of State to King Janus I and one of the earliest pioneers in fostering mutual understanding between the Old World and the New, Calvert established his colonies in Newfoundland and Maryland as out.-posts of friendshipover 300 yearsago. Throughout the centuries that friendship. ..foreseen by Calvert, man of vision. ..his grown and flourished, developing into today's great partnership between 'I'6 British Commonwealth and the United States. '1 PRESERVE UNITY AND PEACE It is our birthright as Canadians to foster the close comradeship of England and the United States. The mutual friendship between the British Commonwealth and the United States began centuries ago when courageous men of vision sailed from Old England to establish colo-'nics in the New World. They were indeed the pioneers of an enduring understanding. World security depends largely upon the continued co-operation of Britain and America. We, of Canada have an important role in the preser-ation of this great friendship ... for the benefit of mankind. C&bert DISTIUERS (CANADA! IIMITED Amhnfbug Ontario Prince Rupert B.C I ALL CALVERT DISTILLERIES ARE PRODUCING WAR ALCOHOL FOR GOVERNMENT NEEDS THE' 0Altr NEWS Tuesday, June 26, 1945 1 PAGE FIVE Business and Professional Work to please everyone No wortc too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting . Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and" Exterior Work P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 823 GEORGE. L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. income Ta Returns Compileo- Besner Bloc Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR M5nii nnd Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings oniy Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers (Jhrine 174 P.O. Box 274 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green a nr yj s EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY, House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized 'FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving ... Beauty Culture In all Its branches 208 .4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and I MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay. Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist ; JOHN BULGER 'LTD. Third Avenue A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited A GOOD PLACE TO . B UY Chesterfield Suites covered In tapestry and velours all spring construction, large roomy chairs, walnut show wood. Sale price, from $185.00 to tflSO.OO Bedroom Suites in matched walnut veneers, oval and round. mirrors; upholstered stool. Sale price, from $J)!).r0 Single Beds with spring and all-felt mattress $2J).7r A complete stock ot spring-filled mattresses ; and felt mattresses in stock. Single Cots with all-felt mattress $ 1.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert GIFTS Wnatever you r plan to spend ... YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . I fc, Come in and sec them JOHN. BULGER LTD. THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS (Opposite Post Office) WE HEAR New CaM arc i,lst aroun1 lhe Tner WE HEAR YOU want a s,,,ny nev car WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for economical driving . . . S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers I Ji CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS mm