PAGE SIX TII! DAILY NEW3 ttince Rupert. Saturday. April 21, 1945 Hand-Some tor ... Very often 11 takes a pair of gloves to show off that new Spring Outfit. Our Clove department, as usual is ready to do the job and new models arc still coming. New Accessories Add CHARM Slakes jour old outfit feel aiul look like new . . . or completes thai new outfit. A little goes a long way. Purses Scarves Suit Fronts, etc. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The date for payment of your 1944 Income Tax has been extended to August 31, BUT your returns must be filed by April 30. Tax Service by Experts GEORGE RORIE & CO. Besncr Block Prince Hupt, u.C. NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed solo representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district The (business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. FISHERMEN! Call and see the St. Lawrence 100 1I.P. Mercury V-8 Marine Engine now displayed in our stockroom. S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE H.' Flask!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your KADIO is your link with the world! t: Keep It In perfect condition have It - . checked and repaired by an expert call "Speedy Radio and Electric Shop 43-HOUH SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue phone Green 217 from the thrifty shoppers and come to The Variety Store. Our store Is filled with everyday needs with gift suggestions with sparkling new Spring Items. And the prices will please your budget. Come In and browse around. t THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" B.C. CHIMNEY SWEEPINQ OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE TAKE A TIP Classified Ads Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at lime of submitting copy for insertion. BIRTH NOTICE PERRY Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Perry in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on April 17, a daughter. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McKay and family of Orccnvlllc wish to cxicna tncir thanks to all those who extended sympathy and assistance in their recent bereavement In the tragic death or a son and brother. We wish to exuress our sincere thanks to the Y.P.E.A.. Dr. Fid- des. the Nursinc Staff of Port Simpson and to the Y.M.B.A. of Metlakatla. and to all our friends for their mcssaees of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings, In our recent loss. THE RYAN FAMILY. Those sending flowers were: Prince nimerl Mr nnrl Mrs Bfrt Wmiden and Mrs, Leighton and IloracP! Mrs. H Slirnrmmv AuntV LUPV: Hoh 1-ottrht.niv Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and family; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lcask and familv: Francis nnrl Plnr- rencc; Myrtle and Mary; Marr garct and Gus; Mrs. h. Steele and family; Emily and Donnie. Port Sinmsnn Mr nnrl Mrs Helm; Buddie; Mrs. Hayward; iur. ana Mrs. t valpy and Pansy. Mctlakall.i Sr. Pniil'c rlmnh Choir; Y.M.B.A.; L.B.A.; The ramuy; Mrs. Mary Haldane; Air. and Mrs. Wm Rudland and familv: Mr. nnrt Mrs n r Leighton and family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs. ir Mum nnri - '- WW. .tMIUULil. UU family; Lizzie. George and Ed- vv ai u ijtiijntnn' Mr anrf ir.. Georcc and familv Mrc Alice Lelehton and fnmtiv r I .- . ""'i au mij,. ou u. uyan and iam- ;o, iur. ana Mrs. Airred Auckland and familv Mvrrn- tn and Mrs. Cecil Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs. M. Leighton and family; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nelson and family; Mr. and Mrs. C. P, Rvan. Jnhnnv nnrl Toninn. PhyllLv, Margaret and John; Mr. aim Mrs. wiwin Ryan and fam-mily. FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone tsi lor particulars. (tf) TO RENT At Ferry Landing. cunuoruiDie nousc, imiy furnished, near xlwr. . nnH Onrf --. V vow Office. Good Fishinz. Ideal for" holidays. $7 weekly. Neave, riuncois L.aice, near Burns wse, (96) MACHINERY FOR RENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment power snovcj, Duldozer, com-prcsser. Chuck Vlers, Atlas uoner worKs. (ioi) FOR SALE FOR SALE Complete double bed and mattress, kitchen table and chairs. May be seen Saturday afternoon, after 2 P-in. 1748 Atlin Ave. (It) 'OR SALE Boat, complete for halibut fishing, with 14 skates gear, also outfitted for trolling. Powered with 35 h.p. Acadia. Length 34', beam 9V2', draft 5'. Phone Blue 191. (97) FOR QUICK SALE IS Heavy uuiy vivian, double Ignition, In perfect condition. Owner leaving town. Call arter 5 o'clock, 1412 Overlook St. (95) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons, a ids. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. ai) WANTED WANTED Electric razor, Sun- oeam maKe, does not have to be In perfect working condition. Write stating condition of razor to Box 988 Daily News. (04). WANTED Apartment or house uj j-n. uy avai coupie. urgent. Good local references. Phone Green 834. (94) WANTED By reliable couple, iiu -uuuren, iurnisned house or self-contained apartment. Phcne 437, Mrs. D. A. Fletcher. (99) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Nobl-ston. INVENTIONS wanted by Indus- mto. i-uieuifa or paientaDic. What have you? We locate buyers. Invention Promotion Bureau, Cornwall, Ontario. HELP WANTED WANTED J anltor for part time wurn.. nppiy uainollc Rectory. (tf) WANTED Storekeeper for city uiiu uiu siuruge piant. Must be competent purchasing agent, accountant and storekeeper. Permanent position, good salary, good residence available. Apply National selective Service AM. ill (97) LOST LOST Man's Midol sliver watch with expandable bracelet, between Variety store and U.S.O. Reward. Phone Blue 915. (94) aaaaaaaaHaaaaaK ' $PEiBfl''VfXfc ' HRIH LtLgBI .MBBBBBBBBLI fc.-Jy """3 Billy Andenon, of the Prince Rupert Sea Cadets and Arthur Miller, or Soo Suds trade compliments in their featherweight novice battle at the Northwest Service command boxing tournament here recently. Miller won the decision In the closely contested three -round, encounter ' Totlay in Sports RED SOX' CRONIN BREAKS LEG AT SEASON'S START Fate deal th Bustun Red S x a pair of cruel bWs Thursday to cap their disastrous ODcninc scries with New York at Yankee Stadium. Joe Cronin, Boston's ancient playing-manager broke his leg running from fitst to second base In the seventh lnnlng.' and to complete the picture, the bcantown . relief hurler. Mike Ryba, hit Llndell with a- Ditched ball in the ninth with bases load ed to give the Yanks a 4-3 win. It was the New Yorkers' third straight victory over the Rl Sox. Big AI Benton, recently dis charged from the army, lield the Browns to four hits as the Detroit Tigers gained a i-ff triumph at St. Louis. Single by Mayo. York and Cramer in the ninth Tramc off Nelson Poltcr gave the Tkcrs the decision. A home run by George Case in the twelfth inning gave Wash ington Senators a 4-3 win over the Athletics aL Philadcluhia. "Chick" Picrcttl. Pacific Coast League rookie, went the distance for the Senators o.i the hillock. Blasting four moundsincn for 17 hit. Chicago White Sox swamped the Indians 14-0 at Cleveland. In the National Lcaiuc. Max Butcher limited the Reds to Tour safeties as Pittsburgh Pirates scored a 5-1 win at Cincinnati An error in the eighth deprived Butcher of a shut-out. The Braves and Giantis shar ed the first double-4ieader of PERSONAL CORNS Instantly relived with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve the effective corn remedy. 50c at Ormcs Ltd. (It) BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger. Use effective Angcliquc Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormcs Ltd. (94) MEN OF 30, 40, 50! Vim. Pep, Vigor, .s-ubnormal? Try Ostrcx Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, aids to normal pep. Introductory size only 35c. At all druggists. (100) VIGORINE FOR MEN with lowered vitality, nervous debility, mental and physical exhaustion. Regain new energy and pep. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system 15 day's treatment. $l box. Sold at all Drug Stores. GIVEN AWAY by Kinsmen Club, In aid .of Milk - For - Britain, year-round stucco home at Sylvan Lake, popular Alberta summer resort. Screened front and back verandas'. Complete furnishings Include chesterfield suite and electric washer. 1 block from lake front and business section. Tickets, 3' for dollar, or get 3 free for selilng book. Draw July 25th. Write, Kinsmen Club, Box 53, Rocky Mountain House. Alta. Rcgls-tcrcd under War Charities Act. SCHOOLS ANIl COLLEGES STENOS, TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government 'war work. You can train at home. Free Information, M.C.C. civil Service Schools Ltd., Wlnnl- the season at Boston. New York won the first game 4-3. and Boston took the second 13-5. Rucker homered for .the Giants in the opener while Lombard!, of the same team, hit for the circuit in the second fixture. Mack homered for the Braves in the nightcap. I f Hal Gregg held Philadelphia rhlllles to two hiU as the Dodgers triumphed 3-1 at Brooklyn. Aided by five unearned runs. St. Louis Cardinals trounced the Cubs 8-2 at Chicago. Harry Brcchccn held the Cifbs to 7 hits while his mates collected 12 off four of Manager Charlie Orimm's rookies. The standings: American league New York 3 0 1000 Chicago 2 6 1000 Detroit 2 1 .000 Washington 2 1 .060 St. Louis 1 2 .333 Philadelphia .... 1 2 .333 Cleveland 0 2 .000 Boston 0 3 .000 National League New York 3 I .750 Brooklyn 2 1 .000 Pittsburgh 2 1 .000 Chicago 1 1 .500 St. Louis 1 1 .500 Cincinnati 1 2 .333 Philadelphia .... 1 2 .333 Boston 1 3 . .250 INSECT SCOURGE Insects have killed more men than all the wars In history put together. Business and Work to please everyone No work too large or too wnall II. J. LUND Painting Papcrhanglng Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 "Largest Organization of Its Kind In the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red 693 PAINTING AND PAPEKHANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCH Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besncr Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath ' Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE nail i(Our qUtsat to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lis 522-SiriiiwasimccuYER.ajEi FLOOR HOCKEY RECRUIT MAKES GRAND START ' The aim of all rookies, to makf an "auspicious debut" in athletic company, was completely realized by "Burgle" Burgoync, new Soo Suds player, who scored two Boals in the initial 30 seconds of play and later netted a third. In his first Area Floor Hockey League game last night. Catapulted along the road to victory by Burgoyne's quick pair of counters, the Suds never gave up the margin given them. In fact the club Increased ' their edge to C-2 bjr the end of the second period and raised this to E-2 before their sniping stopped. Midway through the final period Fortress notched (he last three goals scored In the. tilt. Cox, of the winners, secured two goals while one each went to Buttcrworth, Louis and Caswell of Suds and Corn well, Urqu-hart, Leask, Harrison and Basar-aba ol Fortress. The line-ups follow: Soo Suds- Mcrza, McNulty. Cobblcdlck, Louis. Burgoync. Cas-wcll. Allen, Cox. Faer. Buttcrworth, Smith, Crooks. Shine. Fortress- Puznlckl. De Dicro, Duggan. Cornwcll, Lcaik, Basar-nba, Harrison, Arnott. Urquhart, eiurmcy. HUE STOPS MAIL LONDON, W-Posial service to Georgetown, British Guiana, has been restricted following des truction by fire of the Georgetown general post of I ice. Professional EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEAN BUS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'1 Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box B9 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 Oth Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND lfAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Healing Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FIND IT with a Want Adl Bell It with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl Dally News classified section gets results. Writer, Librarian Dies in Vancouver VANCOUVER, April 21 Oj John Rlddlngton, 77. former librarian of the University of B. c and a noted newspaperman, died last night. He was appointed university librarian in 1914, and retired five years ago. In 1028 he was president of the Canadian Library Association. He was one-time editor of the Car-berry. Manitoba, News, and special editorial writer for the Wln-n'peg Free Press and until recently was a special writer for the Vancouver News Herald. Baseball Scores America n Lea cue Philadelphia 5, Boston 3. Cleveland 4, Detroit I. St Louis 2, Chicago 3. i New York 0, Washington 3. National league Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 4. Boston 0, Philadelphia 5. New York 10, Brooklyn C. International league Montreal 7, Baltimore 5. Rochester 5, Jersey City 7. Toronto 0, Newark 1. Buffalo at Syracuse, postponed. American Anmu iullon Columbus 4, Indianapolis 1. Toledo 11. Louisville 5. Kansas City at St. Paul, postponed. Milwaukee at Minneapolis, postponed. Pacific Coast League Hollywood 0-6, Portland 1-7. Oakland 2-0, Seattle 3-2. San Diego 3, Los Angeles 7. Sacramento 2, San Francisco 8. T1 1 r 7 "Til UN oday Only: im HOIEUyJ AI PRDttl COMEDY Hll : mmy "m i m c new Waivr,, cfy which bmft ifk Carson t iM "ing thi Iad with t! M I'" outdoor w nothing tfke toft, i but a honrym- , ' tot in k: mM jUely not the h:i--M j Thereby harijutaB STARTS MONDAY 27s Capitol T.'.Ml5T.Wi,Hi;iMi,W COOIIYCAIt tiki: & uunm;it co. ltd. Hose IJcltlnc and Accessories. A representative stock of popular sizes carried, ready for Immediate delivery f. o. b. Prince Rupert, from Prince Rupert Supply House C. (J. Ham Man'fcfrs Agt. 330 2nd Ave. Phone 032 i ixfisr We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Irrtm K n. . csby Joseph A. Keii prepared for t!, m ir.y Kern and Sam HH-Kent. I'D,, wi.. be r comedy a nr.c d til ; ViUU DOTS fcjl J ., - Ill cur top funny ma r.l f !,-.. ........... . . I direct ins DLKHLID, sox or n 3:00 5:00 7.00-Show; at ::H 4:5 - '.. ACAD1MV Al itinirl'rosbjfi" Helly Orablt, M I rank SimW1 James '"! 0tt1 AU,STARBOM LUCKY' Light Delive and TranM 2MI0UR SERA inn Sixth AW! Phone Black f M0 AN" ( McCAFfE