INTERNATIONAL D. D.T. Specially Odour Refined THE FAMOUS QUICK-ACTING, SLOW EVAPORATING KILLER FOU EXTERMINATING MOISE FLIES, WASPS, MOSQUITOS, AND fllXGEI) INSECTS FOR BARN AND GENERAL USE Now Available Stocks On Hand Manufactured and Distributed by INTERNATIONAL VARNISH COMPANY LIMITED (Pilkington Brothers (Canada) Ltd.) ; powell Street : Vancouver, B.C. fycfi SPovcficl in 45 J(inu(cb! , I lWlVACBEAM ftOI I MASK JM,5yV VELVA CREAM MASK ?' Quick, thorough pick-up for end-of-the-day fatigue ... a pleasantrelaxing skin treatment that you can apply yourself : : ; a refreshing treatment that only takes 15 minutes m that's Ardena Velvet Cream Mask. You cleanse the skin thoroughly, oppty it and rest while it works. Fifteen minutes later, you remove Ardena Velva Cream Mask with wet cotton pads ; 1 1 ond feel (and look!) like a gay, new womanl Ardtna Velva Cilom Mailt (approximately four montht' supply In tha lorga ar), S.7S Smaller jar, 2. SO ORMES LIMITED :MPIRE CAFE Formerly L.D.) pletely Renovated and Redecorated MEALS, LUNCHES pW MEIN, CHOP SUEY " am. to l a.m. PRINCE RUPERT llT RATE CUT RATE CUT RATE Comfortable New . . . M EN'S MOCCASIN VAMP SHOES Just the thins for Men coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE IT HATE CUT RATE CUT RATE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA AUCTION SALES By , J. H. MAIR' EVERY SATURDAY, 2 P.M. at Building opposite Parker's Garage THIRD AVENUE COW BAY Auction rooms will be open each day for receiving goods. ranafer must be supplied by owner. Phone llacK D&i. Ohtnin ronmnr frnm driver. No lCsei,ves. No Advertised Goods Accepted. ECIAL AUCTIONS BY APPOINTMENT J. H. MAIR pAY A FAIR CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE I I A .. .. Local News It Mrs. H. Giske returned to the city today from a trip to Vancouver. W. H. W. Murray returned on the Princess Adalalde from a trip to Vancouver and the Okan-agan. Fire Chief and Mrs. H. T. Lock returned to the city yesterday from a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Meeting of the Women's Auxiliary Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) at the Armories, Tuesday, October 2, at 8:15 p.m. All ladies please attend. (228) Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and family are sailing Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a three weeks' trip, to Vancouver. Olier Besner, who has been spending the past week In the city, will sail by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on his return to Vancouver. Frank Watson, Y.M.OA. supervisor attached to H.M.C.S. Chatham for the last several months, left today' on the Catala for the south where he will continue his "Y" work at the R.CA. : F. Boundary Bay air station. I I A C.N.R-A. Lawn Bowling Club taat I Banquet will be held October 12 In Commodore Cafe at 6:45 p.m. prompt. Admission $1.50. Members may bring a friend, and are asked to notify secretary, Phone Blue 103, on or before October 10 if they Intend to be present. Sgt. and Mrs. Charles J. Wallers are leaving Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria. Sgt. Walters has been a member of the Canadian Dental Corps (Navy) attached to H, M. CS. Chatham for nearly two years and Is now being transfer red to H.M.CJ5. Naden at Victoria. Chief Petty Officer Harry Robb, one of the first Prince Rupert men to enter the naval service at the start of the war, arrived' back in the city Monday on the Princess Adelaide from Esquimau ,on leave. Veteran of service on the east coast and overseas, C.PX. Robb was ac companied from Victoria by his mother, Mrs. William Robb, 400 Eighth Ave. E. Announcements Catholic Bazaar, October and 4. K. of C. Hut. Thanksgiving Supper, United Church Hall. October 18, 6:30 p.m. Eastern Star Birthday Dance, October 19. Annual Rebekah bazaar, I.O O.F. Hall, Oct. 25, 2:30: Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, Mrs. G. E. Moore's, Oct. 31. ems Mrs. Joe Slaggard returned to the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adalalde from a holiday trip to Vancouver. City fire department answered a call to 171 Third Ave. E. wherp an overflowing oil stove had created a fire threat In the apartment of Edward Keehn at 9:40 on Saturday. Regular monthly meeting of the Registered Nurses Association will be held In the Nurses' Home, Thursday October at 8:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Lieut. NS Koeftner. (230) Ernest B. Barteau, general agent for the White Pass and Yukon Railway, Vancouver, passed through the city Monday af ternoon on the Princess Louise bound for Skaway and White-horse. He was accompanied by Mrs. Barteau. Mrs. D. Dalgleish and Mrs. J. Waugh, from Montreal, are vls itlng with their sister, Mrs. Rob' ert Cameron, Overlook St. They arrived In the city last Thurs day to be present on the 87th birthday of their mother, Mrs. Buchanan, on September 30. 102ND 'ORIGINAL' MARRIED HERE Miss Efnily Moliy Wagner and Robert Montgomery Unitad The marriage look place re cently of Robert Montgomery, who Is home after five years' ser vice In Africa, SicUy, Italy, Bel- glum, Holland, Germany, and Miss Molly Wagner of No. 2 Dry Dock staff house. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Wilson of First United Church and witnesses were Ed. Peterson and Mrs. C. Doane. Following the ceremony a re ception was held' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Doane af 928 Ninth Ave. W. with a few close friends of the bride and groom as quests. Hostesses at the recep tion were Mrs. E. Peterson and Mrs. H. Paulson. The wedding cake was cut by the bride with a British dagger which the groom had brought from Germany. Many beautiful gifts testified to the esteem In which the bride and groom are held. The couple will make their home at Seventh Ave. E. The grooms was one of the "originals" of the old 102nd. Battery with which he went active at the first of the war, soon proceeding overseas. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MYERS STUDIO Special Offer 8x10 colored photo, $1.99. Phone Bfack 103 for appoint ment. (233) rd 1 Enthusiasm High At Girls' Class Enthusiastic response of young women to the Rec Council's girls' leaders classes at the "Y" gymnasium Saturday put a strain on Director George Mc Gregor but he managed to bear up and call It "encouraging." Real talent was revealed among those who attended. Bargaining for an attendance of about 15, he was confronted by 22 energetic girls, all prepared to take Pro Rec leadership training. With the assistance of Mrs. T. Doll, Mrs. Gogal and Miss Marjofie Jackson, all experienced In Pro Rev activities, the class was carried off well. "I cetalnly appreciated the as sistance of those ladles in directing the class," Mr. McGregor said. "Mrs. Doll is an expert at acrobatics, while Mrs." Gogal was formerly a leader In the Alberta youth "training movement and Miss Jackson was a Pro. Rec lead er in Vancouver." Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.CC. "CAPTAIN COOK' Parade Schedule October 2 6:45 Duty Watch muster on parade deck. 7:05 Band and members muster. 7:10-rHands fall In. tcr 7:20 Officers' call. 7:30 Prayers, colors and divisions. 7:35 Inspection. 7:40 March Past. 8:00 Stand easy; requestmen and defaulters. 8:10 Hands fall In; hands to classes.' 8:40 Stand easy. ' 8:45 Hands to classes. 9:15 Secure. 9:25 Sunset. Training Schedule (Seniority Training) Clas3A, first period, boatwork; second, period, boatwork (2). Class B, first period, compass and helm; second period, com pass and helm (2). ClassjC, first period, rules of road; second period, rules of road (2). Class D, first period, anchors and cables; second period, anch ors and cables (2), Class E, first period, sounding; second, period, sounding (2), Bandy first period, band practice; second period, band practice. Tender, first period, gunnery (1). 4 O.O.D. Midshipman Duty Petty Officer L. S. T. Calne. ; D.uty;Divlsion Howe Division.. Quartermasters O.D. R. Over-gaard, O.D. B. Mills. Muzzle - loading of firearms was used from the 14th to the 19th century. jV ' "afe"- - V VaiMM. CADENCE ,- J,1 OK ' JXo JTteiL- I Gold-lill.d B.i.l, State. nOT&w SV .CTTt -VCYI l Back $29.75 MMH S3 I V; if J.filll n k r. UQja Bock, Eisamlon ViPVJi i.-H $42.50 Smart people everywhere are buying GRUEN watches now. You will want to own " a GRUEN eventually . . . because only GRUEN gives you precision time, utmost quality and craftsmanship, combined with beauty that is the choke of international ' stylists. Your GRUEN is waitSng for you . . . ready to give )?ou lasting satisfaction. Precision Move. W, s4 aWiUF J 1 10K Gold-IHIed cae aT " .' M f" 1 IM MM FWM I RED SHIELD HOME FRONT DONATIONS Previously announced $793.56 Morgan's Men's Wear 5.00 P. J. Drain 2.00 Prince Rupert Supply House 5.00 Hyde Transfer 5.00 R. E. Mortimer 10.00 Mott Electric (P.R.) Ltd .. 10.00 North Star Bottling . Works 10.00 7th N.B.C. Coast Regt. R.C.A 15.80 Mrs. Rothwell 2.00 Jas. Bradley 2.00 Anonymous , 2.00 Mrs. R. Nesbitt . 3.00 ' Mrs. J. J. Payne 10.00 Valentin Dairy 10.0,0 Anonymous - 10.00 E. Unwin 5.00 R. O. Overton 2.00 A friend 2.00 F. Murphy . 5.00 C. Ytreberg 2.00 Miss E. Moxley 2.00 Miss L. Moisley 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carter 5.00 Belmont Hotel 10.00 Ward Electric & Marine Supply 2.00 F. E. Hunt Ltd. '5.00 W. R. Love Electric Co. .. 3.00 Pacific Fisheries Co. Ltd 5.00 Smiles Cafe 10.00 123 Taxi (A. Ostershower) 2.00 Atlln Fisheries Ltd 25.00 Booth Fisheries Canadian Ltd 25.00 Tag Day Proceeds 240.90 W, H. Malkln Co. Ltd 25.00 Sheardown's Grocery 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson 10.00 10 donations, $1 each 10.00 Total to date $1,303.26 BLACKHEADS go quickly by a simple method that dla-aolve. them. Get two ounce, of peroxlna powder from your dniKslit. apply with a hot. wet cloth sentii over the blackhead and 7a will wonder what they hire goaa. Announcement Pacific Cafe closing from October 1. Pay debts or collect claims on or before , October 10. (232) The coat that is as formal or as casual , as the clothes underneath it. Belted all-wool in three quarter length. ANNETTE'S Ladies' Wear Prince Ktiucrt Dt.Hi? r3eU)0 Tuesday, October 2, 1945 10 01 'a 1 W ,-afc4 'V, . - i -tmrnB s We have one - quart Pyrex measuring cups, perfect for mixing .baby's formula. Baby's Own Soap Baby's Oil Baby's Bottles and Nipples Baby's Rubber Pants P3 Baby's Rubber Sheets Baby's Night Gowns Baby's Booties Baby's Cups Baby's Sweaters Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE PRINCE RUPERT FISHER- MEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N. Please attend special General Meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association to be held in the Oddfellows' Hall at 400 4th Avenue East, Prince Rupert, B.C., on October 3rd, 1945, at 10 a.m. (22S) STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage tot a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient and inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, .crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE (10 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue SAILINGS FOB VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala Friday S3 Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 iNiin i BADI0LINK... AN EXTENSION SPEAKER The Equivalent of a Second Radio in the Home Radiolink is qufckly and easily connected to any radio receiver will bring perfect reception lo the kitchen, bedroom or any other room in the house. More than 30,000 enthusiastic users are boosting the demand for the NEW, IMPROVED RADIOLINK and the price is only $8.95 ii COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupeai. First Ave. and Eighth St, BOX No. 097 PHONE 676 Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 644 ELECTRICAL GOODS Lamps Sllex Batteries BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 984